A for vto The minister of Ian in Sutton and Mount Pleasant George his wife- and their lvo children moved to Toronto week Mr took up lils duties as pastor Presbyterians in the area In To on Easter Sunday At present there Is no church built but Mis job will be to commence the for one Ills congregation is moot log in another church and Sun day school hall- Mr was Inducted Into his new parish at a service in York Memorial Presbyterian church Toronto on Tuesday March YOUR I r M r- m BELHAVEN and Mr Norman at tended the supper given by Mr and Mrs Harvey Kim at the mil on evening guests at the hoifie Mr and Mrs weiv Mr ami Mrs George and family lxhridge Mr and Nils- Lome Hoover and family Sut ton Mr William Toronto Mr and Mis Ronald Elliott and Mr Hunt Miss Donna Kay entertained a number of friends her home Friday evening- Hie community will regret to hear that Mr John Horner is ill The neighbors of Mr and Mrs John Thompson gathered at their home Thursday evening and presented them with an end table Mr and Mrs Thompson are visiting Mr and Mrs feci Harrison at Zephyr for a few days Miss Anita Banks is recover ing nicely and is expected home this week Mr and Mrs Hoffman Toron to visited her parents Mr and Mrs Ivan Mann over the week end 300 Farmers Attend Seed Arid Hay Exhibits At Fair The York County Meed Fair held in Newmarket Town Halt on Match ill attracted more than farmers from all parts of the county to view the seed and liny exhibit and to hear two excel speakers of liwt summers weather seed grain en- were fewer in number but the exhibit of hay Increased the liny was of exceptional qual ity Harry Walker president of the York County Sell and Crop Improvement chairman of Seed sistinVny Itarttbum of the association The afternoon speakers were VMtttkririi director KcotiotntCA Depart ment of and Prof Soils Department Dr Patterson spoke with optimism of the long range fu ture of production In the past 10 years said Dr Patterson the population of Can ada has increased an amount equivalent to the total population of the province of British Col umbia while at the present time domestic consumption leaves only small surpluses of basic On tario farm products such as milk beef and pork With the trend of population increase in Canada Dr Patterson believed that dom estic consumption might soon ex ceed present production Professor spoke on seven fundamental points of proper soil management The first point he was the necessity of good drainage Poorly drained soil regardless of basic fertility cannot be managed or improved satisfactorily until such time as the necessary drainage is instal led He also cautioned against the false economy of reducing fertilizer applications to reduce cost and advised that rigid rota tions including an abundance of legume crops bo maintained on all farms The final activity of the after- itoon was the auction of two lots of registered Beaver and Rodney oats at prices of and per bushel sold to A Boucher Tor onto and King HOPE There was a large attendance Easter Sunday morning for the United service in the An inspiring Easter mes sage was given by Rev Walter and special anthems were sung by the choir Mr and Mrs Elton Hutchin son of visited Mr Mrs Kenneth and family Easter weekend Mr and Mrs Reginald Baker and family spent the holiday with her parents at Parry Sound Mr and Mrs Lome Smith and family of visited Mr and Mrs Kenneth and family on Sunday The Friendship Circle meeting was held on Wednesday March 28 at the home of Mrs Walter Fosbury Betty Mae sang a solo and Easter film was shown Mr and Mrs Lome Payntor and of Newmarket vis ited Mr and Mrs George Barker on Sunday The club held their first meeting of the unit Meat on the Menu on Saturday March 31 at the home of Hilda Andrews- Eleven mem bers were present The officers for this unit are pros Loralne Alexander vtccpres Kathleen Richardson sec Jane Whitfield press correspondent Hilda An drews Discussion was under the head ing of the following Choosing Food for Health and Work ing Procedure The next meet ing wilt be held at the home of Alexander on Saturday April at 2 pm Mrs Susan Aylwanl Toronto is spending the holidays with Mr- and Mrs Aylwanl Dr and daugh ters Mary and Jean are spending a few days in Buffalo Mr Gordon Shields Is home from hospital and is much Im proved Mrs Floyd Cunningham and Mrs Archie Smith are in York County hospital We wish them a speedy recovery MPrand Mrs M Andrews Hilda and Helen visited Mr and Mrs Rose at Angus on the weekend Mrs Huntley and Murray motored to the United Slates last week Miss Laura Thompson Toron to spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Sheridan spent a few days with Mr F Cunningham Mr and Mrs Allan Cowleson and Mr and Mrs Cunning ham all of Toronto visited friends in the village on Sunday The Trail Rangers under the leadership of Mr Reg Strasler wish to thank all those who bought the hot cross buns arid thus helped the boys in their work Until and Miss Louise lover visited their grandparents Mr and Mrs the weekend United churrii choir Eh giving repeal presenta tion of Ranter Our Mighty Lord in the jjliuMi at filfi on Sunday night April Everyone In TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr and Elian Hoop St King City will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at their home on Sunday April re ceiving friends and relatives open house from two In the af ternoon until pm They have lived at King for years coming from Their children are Ma Shaw Hay of Mrs Waller Downing Mary Mr John Mrs Karl Joan Oak I Mm John Betty of King City of Canon a My Imbtt EASTER SINGS An dlffeMffit as flay from night the ate of flfeorinte with the Halter Through in triumph we way hymn before He die and Friday has much lovely to bring us the of that fateful day On Joed Friday we went to Trinity to hear the junior and mi Sunday dawned in a glory of sunshine ami the of in Joyous flight was Die re-awaken- in the very air and us We met people all wending their way P the various churches one felt oiji should be the old on Christ en ife Vtvo aaaw i ivSO -I- ov r 1 v r Aljtw i TK 1 -J- St r i- it V I Step into a Dodge and you step into a new world of driving pleasure For new Dodge pushbutton Power- makes driving as easy as ONE press a button ii step on the gas go effortless this most automatic way to magic in its simplicity You can select your taking your eyes from the road SIZE is still another reason why Dodge is the big buy in living ease Drdge is the biggest car in the field more than inches longer than one competitor more inches longer than another w the BIQ buy In safety di r stttuant en I you Illljf Yes Dodge for 56 to big in everything except price ouil be surprised how little it to put your family the Forward Iwk Why drive and price a new Dodge at your dealera today CANADA Of CANADA A- Dodie the in power I Choose ttUk of the now torque V8 with up to or the new livelier of the Wileuge too AVrVAU rf mm I J is cA From to aonrii nil Huh Flight- Swcip of iMW hi it rvt gUmp3 of h to the Christian- Tbtre 0 waa wngct f tJi w fccs SHARON- Mr and Mm nod family from of Mr arid Mr Mr and Mrs arid holiday of Mr and Mrs Fred Hall Mrs tmutAr spent a few days with Mrs I Phillips Mr and Mrs Howard St John Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Shaw Mrs May Hopkins and fam ily Oshawa spent Sunday with her brother Mr Ross Mitchell Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon Dawn and Wendy Milton spent the weekend Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon Mr and Mrs Donald Kiteley and Janet Aurora were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Kiteley Mr and Mrs Glen Hulse and Glenna of Schomberg were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Mr and Mrs Harvey Miller Ray and Marilyn and Mrs Wil kinson visited Mr and Mrs Howard on the week end aWfew I wish knew if Tft J the young tegfA serve to be the senior choir program to give Last soloists old Robert Wallace Morton Mr a achieved with his soloisi ane chorus exactly the effect at and that wers the note of Good Fridays The soloists reacted to the dramatic content J work We would like a here that both soloists and chorus enunciated well It was a that was thoroughly in keeping wh St ve tit ZisxsS Public Speaking Contest Held At Sutton HS Open HousS Open House was held in conjunction with the finals of the public speaking contest at Sut ton District high school on Thursday evening March Principal C A con ducted the contest for junior and senior public speaking finalists and Messrs Kenneth and D Main Sutton and Reeve Roy Pollock of North township were the judges Winer ill the junior division was Hon Griffin of Jacksons lie and two others Arlene and Douglas Garland were chos en to represent the lower forms in competition for a cup donated by the Keswick club This was presented to Ron Grif fin by Mr Pollock on behalf of the Optimists Miss Sandusky was senior division chain- and cup was presented to her by Kin PastPresident Ken Misses Joan son and Gloria Nelson fi nalists with Miss Sandus ky Mr presented the winners with a cup each denot ing their recent achievement This he felt was fitting as ihej larger cups would be retained in the showcase at the school and the ones he donated be kept permanently by Ron snij The evening art class heid its winter work exhibit after the program of public fashion show wss Just pheue or on by the students of Miss Aurora PA for prompt the Home livery of our quality Gasoline teacher The science lab in charge of Mr Roy Wits was open for inspection with experi ments being conducted by stu dents Miss Flahertys so cial studies classroom on ex hibition with drawing on boards and compiled information gathered by the students ready for public examination r Si NEWMARKET OPTIMRS i mPft APRIL 6 V