Mki press April 7 C i Newmarket The director of Canadian Corps lion was held at in March and the president and Comrade brought back glowing reports of their visit The bingo on the well attended considering Mi close Comrade was operated at and is gel ling along as well as can be ex pected A visit will be appreci ated if any d yon are in Utitjcil l lfi by fijirvii sow Jit fcU the itirclt to our i Iran if Now old of lustful tji easily flwU ihis are doul Id -Mr- llMMt luluii villi a loan Vl Ml BIRTHDAY CLUB i fallout- decays rapidly and dan- has largely disappeared usually- within hours A com- could escape the danger if it were prepared First it must means of lisstmlnrg when tod where fallout may it must be to lake adequate shrfter quickly for at least hours A com- intuiitv would to know when it was waft to come out of dangers to even that civil planning has been to include the towns and and the farms as is the Civil says no SVlfprutiHrtion meastis be come even imparl ant sine numv people are likely to be affected Community more than ever to take care of larger of casualties and evacuees cope with a than heretofore been anticipated vwi TWs Season Miks Anne Stephenson a form- resident of tins district is coming J an one of Canadas host soprano She appeared on f in Oft she with the Pro Art Of an Moart held and MAC talis WAViifi fry J Timothy Street W rtJ atr Is fit on My I mm you mum by a tit the day the His iOMt this week extended The evolution weapons with greater and greater powers I devastation has mitdc civil as vaal to the small com munity as is to tho city John ltosk lnr oh ami injury- Hill- siivs federal Loan Clyde St Open Friday to pm Saturday till noon made in Aurora and ail nearby Towns Offices in Ontario years on Sunday April I Jean Newmarket years old on Monday April Uremia ilorerii Sew- market fi old on Monday April Harry Landing years old on Monday April Harrison Mount Al bert years on Tuesday April iiluuiti Mount Albert defence While the overail of i mass saturaHun raid such as took place in the summer of j on J was the atomic bomb Is capable of creating the same dincc stfuclion from one bomber and bomb in a matter of a few minutes In our danger is very much greater More bombs have since been tested apparent says the federal coordinator thai civil de fence planning had to be revised Emphasis was shifted from a policy of thick and cover to one of fc variation where time permits where the small er communities come in They to offer assist live stricken cities the small community into the chatty- in civil defence was the of atomic bombs nu radiation When the Sutton Project Engineer Leonard McHelce Dies Consulting engineer for proposed sewerage and systems for the village of Sut ton Leonard of Or illia died in a Toronto Monday March after brief illness He was in fiflth year Mr was with his son of the VU iter j Must- a i iiali liar Ciiffliir-Tfi- I ed on her A ao Friday aftfrfif tfiS fSJMf pi 0riUi She a Shi f and fiyl On A fit ri i 5 engineering firm of Me- Sijsrfn j jjerrS- i5Trr9 r- Associates about years ago Since that he been working along with the Sutton council in an endeavor to civil iraiay is in its path ball of an atomic blasl touches have water and he ground it brick steel stone earth fereni in many ways from that which was during the See If did Tuesday April World lias hail to Lorraine ehangt as the threats of hew changed The single bomb that fell i tffeshlma in August gy 5 or years Aid on Tuesday April Ian jfjmb old on Tuesday April Sharon and gliding year old on Thursday April repair- As a ijii it Monica ii the Aurora I years old M- April fiend in iajzfesci feywythir age and of the fca tevra birthday These highly radioactive part are sucked into the air as high a feet Air currents catch them up and carry them until slowly drift to the ground as fallout This fallout I miles long and 10 mites wide on air currents The us a va r on the length of time his drifted in the sky Ani mal touched by fall out may die or become threat is far from at terns installed in the village It will be impossible for Sut ton village council to call tor tenders for a water system until the plans that Mr Was working on are completed Due to Mr pro gress on the water system been delayed part i seriiiinMS- QUEENSVILLE- r -irj- On Ask us OPfPCa Rep Advises Farmers Inoculate Legume Seed For improved Crop of alfalfa clover and all legumes Agricul tural Representative ii V i- Jai vl ir mm urges farmers to be sure to legume seeds with the vul ture- The Ontario Col- lege tin many has preparing these cultures which ale made in dry and which are easy lo use the convenience of fanners they can in obtained at of the agricultural pie pared are available at all and other duiitld atri bo vised pea soybean and foil of nodules the of so iHui the plant can take up move iutiven front and a belter- fowl development ll cheap to a ciop paiuie for next -yciif- a it V c ce for 1 all on laid lib ifes Queensviile for- CiUCAvOw CO i IiW v v te ftffi4 a5 rf iA ivi i2 Jvv reason Ford has gained And tbU is responsive V2 from 173 b havent driven a youll an tint thrill when you fiiit touch the or those who prefer a no offer fflsnd Jo a styling loads beauty parade easy torn why the 36 which its trim acknowledged of it as and as KK I it ill peiii i our lie arts Iff id iti rial beat SJA PS door finiiOfe for lop with tin folly equipped- ail I at ll I j fefe v a I MtVI i j fei- j i -kr-W- vJV i lor no lo live This believer did not viiitoi Of lie broiOilii to the dy5oj jtuviuui W Idci iill piVffntlhe the birth the to to ilnlkt the mo lor for would wo live and lis liospel we lt- h the pattern if is the model af ter SiUlplure our ihuu men thuu imply that cud and aim life lib itself In of an aniaeiri saint bo did live and cat and eternal in wad very breath the soul in- s i tin head of bis bean the of hi fan say as pobvioi that you live up In Can say for you to live is Your me you it for il done fur self aggrciudisement for family and advantage live for Mow then can lie have any other aim Mow can bo live for other things mid not There many who curry out this principle in measure but who is there that dated to say that he live wholly for Lord Yet this the life erf the Christian its Us lU end all gathered up in one word between insurance Automobile insurance rotes are set in direct relation to number and cost accidents of Canadian lost yoof lor insurance claims amounted to more one fiuodred miWioncfofarja motor car wo smoshod every two minutes and someone wot or killed every minutes IKll cosls of automobile accidents decrease so do insurance rotes But when the and of accidents increase insurance rotes increase too Drive carefully I IWfWfcyr MM RATION