Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Apr 1956, p. 1

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J i a Newmarket Aurora TOTAL PAID For three months coding December TV ethers a ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 5 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH iv i feCwKtSa being shown by that ixmuificient fcU at the Fairy dam and Arena retaining wall result in these new being weakened Lack of fill of the Fairy dam will the new have ftp the newspaper did get a grant to pay tot it aid one coat us the other things uch as a sewage plant coming in the near future we would to ee another expensive job tteeded there week when the flow of reached a new peak in run the water was the path of its f predecessor of October over the park area east m the dam as well as over the I face of the dam proper have been passed along that fill is immediately needed there and at the arena retaining istricts Water Pr Wf- rs Reeves Meet Last Night In Aurora S tsr i- It a This appears to be complaint in Newmarket Perhaps it is because of the milder weather more people have been out or walks and so have had an op- of checking certain Situations around the town next complaint concerns Ave Some residents on at street have indicated that isnt necessary to go out into the country on the back roads to find a sea of mud on Millard not the new ex- tension but the older section of street between Main and Church St I Most of the mud is a result of project the com- plaining property owners in that said little or no attempt been made to clean the road lpf the clay and It is a disgrace tbey claim course the difficulties of the residents along the paved of Millard Ave are as nothing compared to those being by the families in the Knew subdivisions In most of the latter instances nothing but time improve their lot as far as toe towns official responsibilities Members of the Newmarket Art Club are choosing paintings by club members to be in the 24th annual exhibition of paintings in the Newmarket town hall this weekend The exhibition will be open Friday from pm to pm Saturday from pm to 1030 pm and Sunday from pm to pm Looking over paintings above left to right are Dorothy Parsons Robert and Ruby Photo by Kletchcoffsky 2000 Goes Four Ways In Lions Draw last Night Winners of last in the Lions club draw at the Iowa hall were Allan Murray Roberts Harold Eaton and Gordon The money was split fonr ways AH are Newmarket residents except Mr Roberts a former resident and bank manager here who is now manager of the Lindsay branch of the To rontoDominion bank FEDERATION PANEL Fifty people attended a panel discussion held by the East Gwil- Federation of Agricul ture at Sharon on Wednesday of last week The discussion was on urbanrural relations On the panel were radio com mentator John and Gordon an advertising executive from Toronto Ed Pear son associate representative of the Department of Agriculture 17 In Jail three On Bail After Gang Fight Await Sentences By Court At a meeting of the elected heads of seven central and southern municipalities of York County in Aurora last night a decision was reached to consider the problem of supplying water for their municipalities as a unified action A brief will be prepared at later meetings which will be forwarded to Premier Frost re questing provincial assistance in the establishment of a water area here The meeting was called by Dr E J Henderson mayor of Au rora who chaired the discussions Represented were Newmarket Richmond Hill Aurora King Whitchurch Vaughan and Mark- ham townships A fiveman committee Dr water for the anticipated growth in York county Yes added Reeve chy of township if this development is to continue our municipalities cannot de pend on wells to supply our wa ter I feel certain that water in Ontario can be handled in much the same way as hydro is now No community in southern On tario is more than or away from an inexhaustible sup ply of water If gas can be pip ed from Alberta and made to pay I dont see why water cant be piped economically as well lie said Mr McMurchy com mended Dr Henderson for call ing the meeting It is not too soon to begin thinking of the extra water that will be needed for this anticl ine committee All present agreed that if Lake were to be used as a water source all the northern municipalities would be interested in the scheme Newmarkets engineer Bosworth said that he consider ed Lake Simcoe was economical ly sound as a water source for an Mr outlined briefly Newmarkets search for water and its present supply system He said that as long as each municipality attempted to supply its own water it was compelled by economic factors to stick to a well system but collectively municipalities could some scheme which with the development but not as alinces assistance could project for one or two water for the entire area much the same manner as hydro is now ties Consider Lake There is a very substantial supply of water in Lake said Mr It is Prepare Brief The committee decided not to consider the engineering the logical source supply asJ in the plan immed- as I am concerned and it prepare a brief for Henderson of Aurora Herbert development continued of Newmarket Mar shall of Vaughan Al fred of township and J Taylor of Richmond was named to prepare the preliminary reports The committee will meet in Au rora on Thursday April Dr Henderson explained that should be possible to deliver 1Q million gallons per day from the lake Mr Bosworth said that it would cost more to lay mains presentation to the premier We want the province to know that this area is economic ally practical for the establish- of the water service here from Lake Ontario would mean builtup areas because it Henderson The Water coming through commission has indicated that if where paved streets would have to be torn up- j He said that a high quality of P for western Ontario Thats the ace of greatest need hut the water could be obtained commission has indicated that it proximately miles from New- consider some other area Mr I have enough faith in our country to feel tain that the development will take place market just north of Keswick as well vague as to proximately a foot to lay said of that inch main costs is the All Recognize Need I am heartily in accord with anything that can be done to help lie suggested that the math I could ho brought down the third concession so that all the muni- marker We need more infor mation about their ideas But us secure additional supplies of ho had called the meeting be- Deputyreeve of permanent residences in the cause he felt time was appro- demies the way could be l to Mr said that I there was a considerable growth ft- RED CROSS SEWING Members of the Red Cross will sew and quilt at the United Church Sunday school rooms next Tuesday from am to pm Lunch will be served as usual ire concerned Newmarket and Frank Until the roads in the new sub- pres of the York deration of Agriculture for a definite period of time in ibflt Instances two years by the developer the town has no re- iiponsibilitles Mothers living In the older of town who wonder how small youngsters can find ftiueh mud each time they Liter outside during the Easter holiday can imagine the plight families living in recently completed houses With no sidewalks a mire a road and nothing hut clay all sides of us commented one young mother I wouldnt surprised to find my hoys linking up to their eyebrows in mud Perhaps I should practice throwing a life line You can tell when I it days she added SPEAKS TO LIONS Mr Bay Dejardins Transpor tation Planning Director of Met ropolitan Toronto was the speaker at the last meeting of the Newmarket Lions club Mr gave an inter esting talk on the plans being made to solve the transportation difficulties in the metropolitan area and the surrounding mu nicipalities place at least where but compliments is the new addition to I York County hospital AH the SvWtor and there were of them were enthusiastic about everything they saw when toured tke hospital wing on One visitor described some of modern equipment she during the tour to a friend had been out of town at the of the official opening cere- She was lavish in her praise would have to see rooms to he able to BOILER BURNED Firemen were called to Alex service building on Main St last night shortly after six oclock A boiler burned out but there was no other damage caused in the building It will do no harm for these youths to spend a few days in jail said Magistrate S Hoi- linrake on Tuesday when he re manded young men in custo dy until April for sentencing They were among involved in a fight at Oak Ridges early Eas ter Sunday morning The remaining youths Thomas Rogers of Holland Landing Harold Morgan of Toronto and John Miller of Holland Landing were released on bail and remanded until April 10 The Provincial police were called to Oak Ridges on April at 3 am to break up a clash be tween two gangs Twenty youths were arrested on charges of cre ating a disturbance and later re leased on boil They appeared in Newmarket court on Tuesday Police said an argument devel oped between an Oak Ridges group and another from Holland Landing at a dance at Holland Landing After the dance two car loads of Holland Landing youths pursued a car carrying Iho Oak Ridges group along No highway The youths piled out of the car at the Lake Wilcox in Oak Ridges A namecalling ses sion into a freeforall awakening residents in the area who called police Police from the Vondorf and Bond Lake detachments broke up the scuffle and with the as sistance of Newmarket police brought the youths to the New market jail Although several members of the gangs sported black eyes bruises and ripped clothing none was seriously hurt No girls were involved in the fra cas police said Those held in custody for sent encing on charge of causing a disturbance are Howard Drake 21 Albert Foster 20 Charles Coming Events WED AND TOURS APRIL TUESDAY APRIL Euchre in Sharon hall sponsored by Quoensvillo WI Good prizes and lunch- Everyone welcome AND Minstrel show in Shar on hall sponsored by Sharon Junior Farmers pm Ad mission adults 50c children THURSDAY APRIL Nurses the excellent facilities Association annual euchre and FSB hospital can bride Logon our her friend Why they were than anything you would on Medic she added Good prizes and refreshments May Salvation Armys annual Shield being from May to In Newmarket the campaign will he on May local Red Shield includes Mayor chairman treasurer J and Mrs Arthur In charge of the rest canvass canvassers are for the In May ftKfcaw said they wh ry needed to for FRIDAY APRIL Don Douglas of made- tomeasure suits sport coats slacks will be at Auk Wests For particulars phone New market FRIDAY APRIL Rummage sale good used clothing under auspices of Newmarket Club town hall basement to pm SAT SUN APRIL and The Newmarket Art Club In vites you to its 21 1 annual ex- of paint n the New- Town hall Friday to pm Saturday and Sunday 2 to pm SUNDAY APRIL Queens- United Church choir by re quest is giving a repeat presenta tion of the Faster Cantata Our In the church torlum at pm welcome MONDAY APRIL Sharon Junior Farmers will present their Minstrel show in Mount Albert Hall sponsored by the Womens Association Admission cento WED APRIL Bingo in town hall Newmarket sponsored by the Newmarket Veterans Junior Jackpot free game One lino any card numbers called All cash prizes Jackpot Admis sion 2 cants Proceeds Vet erans Benevolent Fund APRIL Annual spring tea bake sale and gift table of York County Hospital auxiliary In Newmarket fireball to pm FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND TUURS AND SAT APRIL ID Lions Club minstrel show 815 pm town hall Newmarket 20 and Robert Miller all of Toronto John Maries and John Luff both of 2 Newmarket John Ellis 19 Ivan Moffat Archie Miller and Raymond Greenwood 16 all of Holland Landing Thomas Sargent of Ray mond Foster of Bradford William Johnson of Maple Ronald Lariviere httlton William Tucker and Kenneth Clarke 18 all of Lake Wilcox Constables Frank Moore and Clair St John of the Vandorf OPP detachment conducted the investigation Move To Ends 100 Year Family History With Victoria Square Mr Ross was honored at a pot luck supper at Vicloria Square prior to moving from that village to Newmarket Mr Klinck is making ids home in town with his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Lome Mr Omsks departure from Victoria Square brought to an end an association which his family had had with that com munity for more than years It was in 1843 that his grandfa ther George Klinck settled there Mr father Thomas had remained on the family farm and Ross had con tinued the tradition until March when everything was sold at auction In honoring Mr Ross Rev G of the Stouff- United Missionary church called on Mr Harvey to read an address to Mr The address colled attention to the contributions made to tho life of the community and church by Mr and his family Mr had treasurer of the church for years His wife Olive before her death had been president and treasurer of group for over years and a Sunday school teacher All members of the family wore regular church attendants A presentation of a lamp and chair was made to Mr at the supper It served in a smalt way to show indebtedness of the to his true citi zenship his friends said for presenting this areas case to Premier Frost By the establishment of the Ontario Wa ter Resources commission Dr Henderson said the provincial government had shown its awareness of situation with regard to the supply of water for many municipalities within the province He said that the water supply of the lying Immediately north of To ronto is a serious one This is due to the rapidly increasing population and industrial expan sion in this area Growth Anticipated Reeve Taylor of Richmond Hill agreed with Dr Henderson that new sources of water must Clark of township Miami Reach aim He surest- All of us recognize the need for that most of the people the proposed route of the water main would he interested in con tributing to the scheme so that they could be assured of a de pendable steady safe water sup ply Fire protection was another selling feature for the ho said more water and the need will be greater as development within our municipalities takes place This is no new idea of hand ling water in way In Eng land its the way many cities ob tain their water water is taken from the district and piped through the hills more than miles away he said Dr- Henderson suggested Ontario as the future source water in this area He said that it was because he was consider ing this as the source that he had not included the countys northern municipalities in the discussion Reeve Sidney Legge of Whit church suggested that East be found if there is to be Gwiilimbury should be added to s Reeve Criticizes Provincial School Grants know that we are interested he added KING Kingscross Estates have pur V- chased a acre farm near King City at an figure of 100000 Known as the Dr John farm it will be included in a massive subdivision develop luent Editorial Convicted For Ifieft Of Newmarket Auto Reginald Patterson I7 of R R Thornton was convicted of Reserved scat plan opens March j two charges of auto theft and ono at Atkinsons Drug Store Taylor of Keswick will address Newmarket Horti cultural Society Trinity church hall pm Question period on flowers Refreshments APRIL Annual trend tea for tho Canadian Can cor Assn at home of Mrs Beer Pickering from to pm WED THURS- SAT APRIL 2t Annual Spring gale at tho charge of theft over when ho appeared before Magistrate here yesterday He pleaded guilty- to all charges and was remanded one week In custody for sentence Newmarket police laid one auto theft charge and theft charge which involved articles stolen from the Bell building in town during March The second auto thefts was laid by polio Patterson was taken int tody in on The lime has tome according to Reeve Alfred Markham township for the Out alio government to the basic factors which make for citizenship This he insists calls for a drastic revision of its education al policy Serving his third term as reeve and fifth in council of this York county municipality with a of over Reeve thinks lion J minister of education is condemned by the blue books of his own department In examining the last report of department the reeve said I notice that the average cost per pupil In the elementary schools Is Back in Is was there is a difference here of 11858 the government today Is granting us only per pupil more for extra costs Last year wo received ox- served as lrft pupil now we do get 2 more But It would ho more like It If he would Increase the per pupil grant by 180 What we should bo getting Is not a per cent increase but something like per cent the reeve said To sum up reeve suggests that Dr talk In terms of costs which everyone can under stand rather than a few figures which tell only part of the story Education is the main concern In the reeve explains because cents of every tax dol lar is spent on the townships 22 schools he went on in- chiding Dr Dunlop knows that teachers salaries have increased But the departments allowance on what is known as the approv ed portion of the salaries has not kept pace The province is al ways claiming that it allows the municipalities more money for roads and schools Possibly so but the increase is never propor tionate to rise in the costs For years the provincial per pupil grant stood at Today It Is 22 The municipality now pays 10508 net per pupil as compared to 53 in said tho the new families arrive in this country from Europe The province calls the muni cipalities on the carpet and warns them that if they build any new schools they must be constructed the oldtime basis not a cent lor auditoriums libraries gym nasiums so on They must be cut to the bone Given its own way the pro vince eventually will compel the municipalities to tell the new comers Better clear out You may he industrious people intel ligent and thrifty but if you come here to raise your families we will have to build schools The government that invited you to to Ontario doesnt seem to be able to find the money The 20thcentury wont be long to Canada continued Mr if we spend tho last part of it haggling over educa tional costs cutting out auditori ums libraries and gymnasiums from our schools CREDIT GOES TO AURORA MAYOR Auroras Mayor Henderson is to be congratulated for his initiative in calling together heads of municipali ties to discuss the districts water problems Up to the present time municipal councils have been running hi tight circles trying to find answers to their local water problems giving little consideration to what might be done on a cooperative basis For some time this news paper has urged municipalities to join forces and find the solution to their common problems The meeting in Aurora last night is the first indication of action being taken in that direction and it goes to the Aurora mayor for making the first move Possibly this fresh approach to tine problem will lead to more operation in other municipal matters and a response to modern challenges that face the whole district The gap left by the limitations of county government can be filled by this Form of cooperation First Game Of OHA Finals Im i At Newmarket Arena Tonight The Junior fin als are on with Newmarket entered for the first time since the famous won the championship and went on to win the Memorial Cap Tonljrht the Smoke Rings Stamford at the Newmar ket Memorial Arena for the first game of the finals The nest game will be at Stamford on Monday night Peter Gorman sponsor of the Smoke Rings announces thai there Is no increase in prices for the playoffs as rumored last week full particulars and of events leading up to the playoffs see page J m

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