SS Mr States Children Throng New Quarters King Library Opening Day were pattern of Kin library to ih headquarter on King City they crowd ed almost with their enthusi asm when the doors were opened on March new address of the library if a welcome change to both adult children and librarian the borrowing i from 3 to and to in the evening books have been moved to centre and many hid to be are their place in the new library The furnish ings have been purchased The new quarters are comfort ably oil heated An acoustic ceiling and fluorescent lighting have been donated by the Co with electrician donating the wiring Donald is making a coat rack and bench for the and it is expected flooring given by the Eaton Co- will be laid soon At a meeting of the library board chaired by the president Ted Wallas on March ft committee appointed to arrange the formal opening Air R Jarvis head librarian Mrs secretary Mrs Gage Love Bill Jensen and Pre- Wallas The board agreed to the C offer of Mrs Scott for She purchase of the former build ing Mrs Jarvis will compile a historical sketch of the library since inception in under her late Miss one of Ontarios out standing librarian 1 il V ft HOLY WEEK SERVICES Holy Week Inter- denominational will be at the following dates with special preachers March Rev A Donald Maple Wednesday March All Saints church Dr court Thursday March Bethel Baptist church Dr Professor at Me- Master Hamilton The local ministers Rev Rev Michel A Hart will preside at their res pective churches Youth For Ovist Rally Bethel Baptist church King City will be the scene of a Youth for Christ service on Friday March at pm open to young people and adults of the district A group of Toronto young people will conduct the service David an eightyear old singer will be heard He was the boy soloist in the Billy Gra ham Campaign at the childrens rally in Toronto The will sing and a quartette of trumpeters will play Mr Art of Toronto and Barrle will be the special speaker Mrs The Womens Auxiliary of the King City Fire department asso ciation will sponsor a public eu chre in King City Masonic hall on Wednesday night April Four euchre prizes and a travel ling prize will be provided A lucky door prize will be given- Proceeds are for firemens equip ment On April the fire de partment will hold a dance in Crawford Wells hall King City The proceeds from the home baking booth and tea given by the Guide Association of moth ers at King City United church March 14 amounted to approxi mately Features of WI Sham rock tea March were con spicuous for variety The after noon combined a sale of home craft aprons under Mrs Les Glass and Mrs Pearson home baking was convened Mrs L Boys sale of candy by Mrs Chas and after noon tea by Mrs- The Club display ed their completed unit of acces sories of the club bedroom and Miss of Kin gave a lesson on the art of fancy sandwiching making Mrs Norman I president introduced Mrs Ed district WL president who opened the function The hall decoration were ar ranged by Miss Helen Hunter Proceeds for WI work were 64 Constable Earl Wellesley of the Bond Lake detachment has taken a house at Newmar ket and will move his wife and children from Fort Erie during the first week in April Con stable has been staying with his mother Mrs Arthur T Be UmT JOINS NAVY -f- ml mm TABLERITE PURE 1 WA- Take advantage these srv iflsw i vAV PASTRY iJ AV RED i ii t ffiiW v SHORTENING fc lb 27c ROBIN HOOD J MIS Pk8 UE BONNET YellowQuick Special Offer 1 k fe VAN KIRK CHOCOLATE T SNOW WHITE JUMBO HEADS IFORNIA fe YORK CHOICE W4V LARGE SIZE ICEBERG NAVEL Dot SOLID CRISP junto bead CHOCOLATE HEINZ PREPARED springtime is veal time Swifts ilk fed veal LB AVERAGE King City since he transferred from Fort Erie OP Pi detachment to District Attending a recent conference of North York Central district at the Ontario Ladies College held as a oneday train ing school for commissioners and guide local association were Mrs King district commissioner and Harrison association mem ber Mr Walter Aitchison berg paid a call on Mr Peter Clark on Sunday Walter and his wife were visiting Leonard and Nora Bishop sideroad Mr Aitchison was sec retary to J a few- years ago at King Mrs Hardy King City gave a book review on Anna and the Indians to Las United church at the March meeting Mr King City an apprentice mechanic of Frank Enterprises Ltd will at tend an apprentice training school at Institute To- from March to June 1 EXHIBIT UNIT At arena the Newmarket Figure Skating club will be fea tured in the third annual skat ing carnival under the King City Lions A half hour performance will be given by 20 members of the Newmarket club Aurora high school band will play and children of King district schools will present a costume parade when judges will award prizes by age groups From to- pm the Lions junior and senior hockey finals will be played off Lions crests will be presented to teams and cups to captains The presenta tions will be made by a Nation al League personality A challenge broom ball game I will be contested between Kinc City Lions and the volunteer fire department King City Maple Oak Ridges and Lions will hold relay races- The draw for the will be made Mr and Mrs Charles attended a farewell party for their grandson Barry Bates held at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Richard Bates Willow- dale on Saturday evening Mar He has enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy H Case Of Avon York North PCs LEARNERS Presbyterian A will hold a social at the school house on Friday Mar 23 at Agricultural Night Tuesday April 3 will be Ag ricultural Night at the King City Lions regular supper meeting when members are each expect ed to bring a farmer friend as a guest of the club The commit tee are arranging for a speaker The regular general open meeting of Kingcrafts will be held at Kingcrafts House on Wednesday March at Mrs Barrett Partridge the presi dent will officiate The leather- craft ground under Mrs A Peter will present a display of work and serve refreshments Easter Music By Anglican Choir On Easter Sunday at pm an hour of special music will be given at the Anglican church by a choir of 22 young voices un der the direction of the organist Mrs Dan Roger is arranging the program Shirley soprano and Freda Dent a con tralto will sing a duet Solos will be sung by Betty Cunning ham and Patricia The trio will be Roger Brian Parker and Timothy Grew Following the service a fireside hour under the nondenomina tional Young Peoples Society will be held in the parish room Communion Service On Sunday March Rev M Jenkinson will hold com munion services at the three churches of the United church charge Laskay and King City St Andrews The of St Andrews Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs J Shepherd when the scripture lesson was given by Mrs Kate Port and prayers by Mrs the president and Mrs Will- Mrs Don took a chapter from the study book Plans are in progress for the an nual conference of Section 3 West Toronto to be held at St Andrews church Strange in May The Easter meeting of the auxiliary will be held at the presidents home when the president Mrs J Agar of Nashville will speak and will be guests at the even ing meeting On display in Institute hall at the tea and bazaar of Laskay Womens Institute on March 17 was the completed unit Acces sories for the Club Girls Bed room the work of Laskay Learners the club members who have two units to their credit since last fall The newly organized club has Janet Finch as president Mar garet Cairns Grace Glass sec Linda Calms press sec Margaret Finch also Janet Buddin Frances Forester and Nora Jane The display under the direc tion of Mrs Norman Etheridge WI president Mrs Clyde Cairns and Mrs Finch show ed the training and experience the young girls are receiving The course required eight club meetings including business items instruction and discussion and several work meetings Displayed were linen dresser scarves decorated waste baskets and hand decorated bobby pin trays The handmade chair seats in gingham and chintz were also shown OBITUARY William Case of Aurora was reelected president of the York North Progressive Conser vative association at the annual meeting in the Newmarket town hall on Saturday March George was the guest speaker Major A A MPP of spoke briefly as did A Gathers federal candidate Mrs Dorothy Downey and Mr two party organizers A bylaw was passed to set the number of voting delegates from each polling subdivision at meet ings or conventions of the riding association at three one of is to be a woman An amend ment to the constitution that a delegate must have been a mem of the association for at least days prior to the convention was referred to the executive Mrs Charles Hooper of conducted the election of officers Mrs Hooper is presi dent of the York North Womens Progressive Conservative associ ation Those named to office honorary presidents Major A A of Mrs Frank Hope J Little Karl Toole A Gathers all of New market Arthur of Kleinberg and John of Jacksons Point pres Mr Cass John Perry of Maple area vicepres east Sinclair of Unionville west Frank of north Robert Weir of Pefferlaw central Mr3 of Oak Ridges Wo mens association Mrs Fred Moffat of Aurora chairmen or ganization Prof Ernest Smith of membership Donald of King City public re lations and publicity Norman Hathaway of Newmarket sec Richard Edmunds sec Stuart Parker treas C Little all of Richmond Hill representa tives of Womens association Mrs William Parks of Sutton Mrs Arleigh Armstrong of New market and Mrs Howl of Pine Grove SCHOMBERG Mrs who has been staying with her son at Weston for the winter months is spending this week with Mrs Gertie Mr and Mrs Allan Rumble and son Billy Richmond Hill visited Mr and Mrs Wilfred Aitchison on Sunday Mrs Ross Marchant and family Kettleby visited Mrs Marchant on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Dixon and Mr Billy Foran attended the Sportsmans show in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon Mr Jack head mech anic at Ken left on Saturday night on a tour of the John Deer plants Mr and Mr and Mrs Wilson attended the funeral of Miss Burton at Nashville on Saturday Miss Gwen and friend of Toronto spent the weekend at her parental home Mr and Mrs Jack family spent Saturday in with friends Wilfrtd Ha f FUEL OLD MOTHER THE I FOR ALL ITS Theres no muss or feu you heat your house quality Oil time worry a A effort viz oil RAYMOND BURT KING CITY CM Next Bask OBITUARY A Mrs Annie Gillham Funeral service for Mrs Annie of King district who reached her birthday on Sunday March 11 was held on Friday March 18 at the Thomp son funeral homo Aurora at pm The service was con ducted by Rev C Michel rector of All Saints Anglican church King City Interment was in King City cemetery After lengthy illness Mrs Gillham died early Wednesday morning at the home of her eld est daughter Mrs John Gould fifth concession King where she had made her home for 35 years She was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Har rison natives of England who came to township where Mrs was born When she was years of ago the family came to the fourth of King St to live on lot Later they moved to the sixth concession More than yearn ago she married Alfred who predeceased her In when she was years of age They find farmed on the fifth of King Mrs was the oldest of All Saints Anglican church and was charter mem ber of the Womans Auxiliary Surviving are two sons Henry of King City Alfred living on the sixth of King at Strange and three daughters Mrs Gould Mrs Ada and Mrs Toronto A son Arthur died In Then are five grandchildren and five great grandchildren sister Mm Hannah is ill Three brothers pro all over yarti of ago Thomas and John of King and of Aurora Robert MacTaggart Funeral services for Robert J a lifelong resi dent of King township was held on Monday March from his farm residence highway 27 at Interment was in Laurel Hill cemetery Bolton Rev French of Kleinburg mihf ister of United church was assisted by a nephew of the deceased Rev Hugh MacTaggart Mr died on Thurs day March after several weeks of illness He was secre tarytreasurer of school board for years prior to his re tirement two years ago He was an elder of the United church from 1925 until the time of his death Before that time his fa ther Hugh and fam ily attended St Andrews Pres byterian church Tenth line of King He had been an elder in that congregation for several years Mr MacTaggart died on the farm where he had spent his life He was a public spirited citizen and was actively engaged in whatever projects helped in the welfare of his community Mr had belonged to the Orange Order for years Surviving ace his widow the former Viola Ham his sons Ken neth and Templeton of daughters Mrs Kenneth Brown of and Marguer ite Mrs Clarence Mylks of Rev Dr W A MacTaggart Toronto and Archie of are his brothers Miss Margaret Toronto and Mrs James of arc surviving sisters Mrs Herbert Christina another sister died several years ago YOUR RED NOW SHOWING AT j rr yjSlirJWr- NEWMARKET EAGLE ST BR r MOUNT ALBERT MAIN DOOR PRIZES AND REFRESHMENTS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL FABRIC O Rl STYLE KEYNOTE OUR Next Sunday March Mr Gordon will be the guest speaker at the United church The service will bo at am Mr and Mrs Richard have returned home for a few days They have been staying in Toronto while little Cheryl was in hospital Mrs Fred West left hist Thurs day for her home in for a few days to look after her parents Mr and Mrs Tom Wood who are both confined to bed with the flu A bingo will be held in the community hall on Friday Mar Mrs Heed is spending a few weeks with friends in Kirk- land I like Spring Easter rf DEBUT A LITTLE GAY A LITTLE NOSTALGIC very shapely very feminint v i T YOUR FASHION FUTURE AWAITS YOU IN OUR NEW COLLECTION TIio season which saw at Churchill sot a record for the COIN BOX Approximately 20 was stolen from a telephone booth at the Davison store Lake Wilcox dur ing the weekend and an attempt ed theft of a coin box in booth was made at Kings Wilcox Police said the coin in the first booth was taken and the upper part of the was left alongside the stand The box had been ripped from the wall luviwtkifitod Happy fashions that make the most of your curves the lehsl of your waistline clean cut ingenues ull from our Spring- Easter group Youll find the latest lines Youll touch the finest fabrics tissueweight worsteds crisp silks printed cottons linens Youll see springs leading colors the colorful the ice creams allimportant pink and navy Hum in for the youngest most rfe- actable Easier i v A A Ivy aau ALL PLEASANTLY PRICED i Dominion i