It i -j5- ir n pi i if I fle A IMS Il v -c- v J Ms Lillian Thomas with Grace Sutton i mm- OF THE NEW WING rri j3i 7 SHORE l V J f CS d 7- i Hospital Board HE OP WING OF THE NEW WING J V to have had the opportunity to supply the blinds bed screens sheets pillow eases and towels York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary was first or ganized in the year and worked for the betterment of the hospital until The organiz ation was dormant until when it was reorganized In it was extended to include members from all parts of York County which the hospital serves reaching a membership of in The auxiliary has over the years raised money by many projects teas baking and oppor tunity sales bond sales etc With the proceeds they have provided patient comforts such as overbed tables blankets drapes reading lamps and many others Larger pieces of equipment include wheel chairs obstetrical table portable and major operating table Since its reorganization the Auxiliary has served tea at the annual meetings of the hospital board and held open house yearly at the hospital At present the auxiliary hopes to organize a tuck shop and shop ping service for the patients President of the auxiliary is Mrs J C Edwards is likely the feet that we do not like to dwell in our thoughts upon such an unpleasant subject as sickness that keeps us from giving more consideration t to that more or less mysterious community institution the pita Life holds so many pleasant things for us that the average person is inclined to give hospi tals only a passing thought until the day when they or their loved ones fall ill Then the hospital becomes tdthem the most im portant building in the commun ity It would seem like a good idea to pause for a moment to consider just what the commun ity hospital is who owns it and how it came into being Suppose you were to move to a remote location where you are miles from your nearest neigh bor and many more miles from a town or city Now among the necessities for living in such a place would be a few medical supplies for use as first aid in the case of unexpected illness or accident This little firstaid kit would represent a measure of security to you You would feel protected against minor physical ailments It is quite possible that as time went on new neighbors would move in bringing theif firstaid kits with them too and if the prospects in the area are bright enough more and more neighbors will appear and pretty soon some young physician will hang up his shingle and the basis for a community health program will have been laid It wont be long before the community doctor will be taking acutely ill patients into his home where he can give them constant care and as the number of pa tients thus cared for by the doc tor increases the services of a nurse will be required and pret ty soon his home will be too Email It is at this point that the doc tor or some communityminded citizen will suggest that it is about time for the people of the community to provide them selves with a hospital for the care of the sick The first hospi tal may be and usually is a converted home big enough to accommodate those in the com munity who are too ill to be cared for at home But it is their hospital made possible by their combined efforts as mem bers of the community and they are mighty proud of it It is sometimes difficult for us to look at an uptodate modern hospital and visualize its history back through the first converted home the doctors office and the firstaid kit on the home steaders shelf but in most cases that is in essence exactly The Hospitals Pay T 7 I r a i i fa J A 1 THE CHARGE NURSES IN NEW ROOM Hi J 9U V 4 IT T fei Ml mm 1i v what lies behind even our larg est hospitals County Hos pital had its beginning in the residence of Dr Lowell Dales on Main St Newmarket hospitals are giant oaks that have sprung from the acorns of the past Some of them are very large it is true and by circumstances have been forced into the realm of big business They employ many people their expenses are high as they must pay adequate wages and purch ase their supplies on the open market but they still are your hospitals As a community en terprise they make no profit have no selfish ambition their one and only purpose is to pro vide facilities for the health care of the people they serve The next time you visit or even pass your community hos pital think of it as the first- aid kit on your community shelf Realize that the voluntary Board of Directors who guide its affairs are people like yourself who have an interest in the health welfare of the community and are willing to give their time and in many cases money to make sure that their com- you enter munity firstaid kit is equipped tor the f to provide the best possible ser vice Realize too that there are problems in running a hospital beyond the comprehension of any except those constantly en gaged in hospital work Your sympathetic understand ing and support of your hospital can do a great deal to encourage those who are concerned about the health and lives of you and your family your neighbor and his family Your community hospital that house of mercy which never closes its doors or ceases its con- mission of caring for the sick is faced with many con tingencies and problems un known very often to the world outside The people who run these in stitutions usually do not have the time or desire to do much about publicizing what goes on If the patient has had surgical treatment the operating room has been used and as many as five or six professional people- doctors anaesthetists medical r interns nurses stood around an operating table which have cost- 2000 and worked under the even light of a specially designed operatingroom light which could have cost up to Prior to using the operating within the hospitals walls They room it was made sterile by a feel their business is to take care staff of professional and of the sick in the best possible professional people so that your manner without saying too much friends safety from infection about it j was guaranteed The electrical The hospital administrator equipment is all explosion proof however has more on his mind against the hazard caused by than a few doctors a few nurses combustible anaesthetics the a few supplies and a handful of specially designed to re- patients The extent of a the hazard of static problems and expense is which might cause an ex- governed of course by the size All these and many of the hospital and the complex- of its operations But large or small every hos pital is providing a health ser vice which can become very complicated other precautions are costly The preparations of the oper ating room may employ many hours of work and much material Before during and alter the Take for example the number operation the patient has likely of different kinds of personnel administered drugs and required in the hospital When medications from the hospital pharmacy These often include narcotics which could be harm ful if not properly prepared and the hospital as a visi- first contact you usually make is with the receptionist or information clerk She gives thus the hospital must have a Wt a il- v fc 1 I I kS r r ii 4 MAIN ST mi jJ i rooms b A W AW WV- a je The charge nurses at York County hospital are photographed in one of the fourbed wing to be opened officially on Saturday Left to right are Mrs Edwards Miss Hunter Miss Johnston Mrs Barber Miss and Mrs Fuller Photo by is Aurora Mayor Sends Message To Hospital Board For Wing Opening Dr J Henderson Mayor of Aurora sent an expression of appreciation to the hospital board this week as follows On behalf of the citizens of the Town of Aurora may I ex tend to you the members of your Hoard to the staff of the hospi tal ami all those connected with it most hearty congraulations on the completion of a great task which wilt reach its culmin ation when the extension to the hospital is officially opened on March I should like to add our thanks and congratulations also to the efficient and hardworking campaign committee through whose efforts the necessary funds were raised It fa our hope that the aid you your friends room number and directs you to the correct corridor or elevator As you leave the elevator you will walk down polished corridors which speak of the presence of main tenance workers and housekeep ers on the hospital staff Your friend the patient who is by this time able to receive visitors will be found in a clean adequately furnished room in a bed with fresh clean linen and will likely tell you of the spe cial services and meals which have been given according to the orders of the attending doc tor Here you have the results of number of qualified persons on its staff Before the operation xrays were likely taken by they hospitals xray technicians and interpreted by qualified radiolo gists After the operation tissue removed from the patient sent to the laboratory where once again highly qualified pathologist examine it and re port their findings to the sur geon Hospitals cannot carry without keeping their detailed record of every patient treated and for this they maintain medical records library The formation on these records not only serves as a guide for the on the work of many people future treatment of the Housekeepers laundry workers Pray great part in dietitians chefs nurses ward aid and medical interns each one of them playing a part in the pa tients recovery The food the patient has eaten has been pur chased by the hospital on the open market at todays high prices and the furniture and other equipment in the room even if not recently purchased at current market prices must be valued at todays replacement costs in a and comfort which will be given the sick and suffering of York County In the years to come will in itself be a fitting reward for the efforts which alt of those connected with great service I the hospital records progress of medical science its battle against illness and disM ease If it should happen that you come to assist the patient leave the hospital on discharge you will go to the office for settlement of the account Now you come in con tact with office workers cashiers stenographers book keeperall of whom are in the operation of the hosW pita Another section of- the hospital which the patient visit ed on the way in is the admit ting department where again find clerical personnel who sure that all the required data on the patient is correctly listed to humanity have put forth I Page Col ff v W Vw I f vjj j v JV 1 -v- f V J- tl fi 5 Pi- s f i vV k i 1 Nv w- vj -j- f VS j 2- -r- i- t Aj I- W iA iV a- t s The Mayor and Council of the Town of take pride in part in th e M iVT V 1 fc T VV l to tj -Vr- fi v i iv if fm3Vl 0 ft- ifi J S7 J i f 5 development of the York County Hospital by the me women and new addition to this institution is a forward step the progress of Y o k County and it wfls about only through the Combined efforts of I t if e couritvr- 5 i0 pn V-t1- w tlx- 5TMV REEVE I RIMER iiUlS I Violet l fllEX HANDS ROBERT 5 r R D P fc