Newmarket Era and Express, 22 Mar 1956, p. 12

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WES J v a jii i i Jifri K t i i IN MEMORIAM J77 BRANDON In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Fanny Brandon who passed K March 23 Without farewell she fell asleep With only memories for us to God took her home it was His But our hearts she still Lovingly remembered by tend and family loving memory a dear husband and father Duncan Darrach who passed or laiway March We often ait and think of him When we are all alone For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own like ivy on the withered oak all other things decay Our love for him will still keep And never fade away Ever remembered by his wife family In loving memory of who passed away March 23 YCars go by but memories stay near and clear as yesterday Deep our heart a memory Is Of one we loved and will never forget remembered by and Bill GLOVER- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Glover who passed away March 25 Just as you were you will ways be A loving thought in our Ever remembered by the family In loving memory of our dear mother Emma who passed away March Mother was tired and weary Weary with toil and with pain Put by her glasses and rocker will not need them again x Into Heavens mansions shes entered Never to sigh or to weep After long years with lifes struggles Mother has fallen asleep Near other loved ones we laid her Low In the church yard to He And though our hearts are near broken Yet we would not question why She does not rest the brasses oer her dear grave they creep She has gone into the Kingdom has fallen asleep Rest tired feet now forever Dear wrinkled hands are so Blast of the earth shall no long- or Throw oer our loved one chin Angels through heaven will guide her Jesus will still bless and keep Not for the world would we wake her Mother has fallen asleep Beautiful rest for the weary Wei deserved rest for the true When our lifes journey Is ended We shall again be with you This helps to quiet our weeping Hark- Angel music so sweet He to His beloved Beautiful beautiful sleep Sadly missed by her son Ross and daughter Mary MORNING In loving memory of a dear wife mother and grandmother May Bell Morn ing who passed away March In our hearts you will always stay Loved and remembered every day Ever remembered by and family m a PRICE In loving memory of our dear dad Benjamin Price who passed away March 20 Peaceful by they rest dear Dad It is sweet to breathe thy name As in life we loved you dearly So In death we do the same Ever remembered by his sons and daught CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks for the many flowers cards etc received during my recent stay in York County hos pital Special thanks is extend ed to Dr Dr Case and the nurses Jill CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs Al fred wish to thank their relatives friends and neigh bors for their many acts of kind ness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes re ceived during the illness and death of their beloved mother especially thanking the rector Rev C and the nurse Miss Boys CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends neighbors and relatives for their cards gifts flowers and fruit while at York County hospital and at homo Special thanks to Dr Arkinstall nurses and blood doners and those who kindly offered Mrs Barker Into 160 Sale Of Hockey Equipment f SK fcXrSHS jv T is- Cctf DAI i 1 ESb ana MS fc -f- M P3 tieSSfes 1 fcWSi cVVTi sr frr t An inquiry as to why the Sen ior hockey equipment had been sold to for 1C0 was raised by Councillor George at Monday nights meeting He claimed that It was not right that or boxes of the equip ment were sent north They should have been kept in ease an Intermediate hockey club oper ates hero Mr demand ed an explanation Reeve a member of the Arena commis sion said that the hockey equip ment belonged to tho town That the town had the right to sell it and that he though was a good price considering the con dition of It cost the town of Newmar ket approximately to sup port a team here last year re plied Mr They shouldnt be running off with the equipment Selling worth of equipment for 160 is wrong Mr reviewed the situation He explained The Senior Hockey folded The next year the Senior hockey club was sponsored by the town It went into the hole tot so that the town owned that hockey equipment not the I club Last years council and arena commission did not favor sponsoring any more Queen of the Ball Miss Burrows centre was chosen at the annual dance at Sutton high school Friday night She is shown with finalists Jean of Willow Beach left and Jane Chap man also of Willow Beach right Mona a grade 12 student was chosen as the girl who has con tributed most in the way of school life academic work and her good looks Photo by Mike Gillan rams For Television S Interference wi TV owners who object to interference with reception from Buffalo stations are being provided by town council with the opportunity of making their protests known protect forms have been obtained council These forms arc available the business premises of clubs with the taxpayers monevj jceve and The hockey equipment was 1 ed at the arena he said man sweaters that the equipment in poor condition and that was a fair price Mr that on channel six will not money had included in a interfere with food cheque for which the arena the Buffalo TV Councillor who ha the attack fife local TV owners against Barriers Ales and Alex Hands as well as at from channel nine to six until government an that had paid to town its not good Mr give that CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Dr Case and nurses of York County hospital for their services in the illness of the late Mr also Rev Rhodes funeral directors bearers and friends who sent lovely floral tributes and expres sions of sympathy Mrs Bessie Willis CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors who made inquiries sent cards flowers fruit etc during my recent illness at homo and in York County hospital Special thanks to all nurses and Dr Case and Dr Schofleld also students and employees of Pick ering College and Queensville Maude ENGAGEMENTS CARD OF THANKS Mrs John White would like to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends in the area who sent gifts and cards during her recent Illness and convalescence Special thanks to Wesley i j A Nl W BELLA K carbon rT t a 1 V 3 Al Wft is- V IK ii f 5n ii- t MAR Mr and Mrs- Charles Payne Nova Scotia announce the en gagement of their daughter Phyllis Evelyn to Ronald Al fred Calvert grandson of Mrs Calvert Newmarket Wedding to ta place March The engagement is announced of Frances daughter of Mrs McDonald and the late Wells McDonald King City to Mr Hubert Graham Mayes son of Mr and Mrs- May es Man The wed will take place Wednesday April In St Stephens- Broadway church Winnipeg Manitoba Mr and Mrs George West wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Kathleen Doris to Mr Morgan Samuel Fletcher son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Fletcher Toronto the wedding to take place April in United church Mr and Mrs Elijah Drake Hol land Landing announce the en gagement of their daughter Jean to Mr Robert Dale Mount Albert son of Mrs Moorehead and Mr Frank Dale marriage will take place on Saturday In Holland Landing United church The engagement is announced of Shirley Auckland daughter of Mr Stanley Auck land Mount Albert to Mr Clar ence Morton Mount Albert son of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton Mount Albert the mar riage to take on Thursday March LADIES AID ANNUAL TEA Plans were made for the an nual Blossom Tea of the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket when lhi3 group met at the homo of Mrs Charles on Tuesday Mar The date was set for Thurs day May Mr William Young and Miss Annabelle Smith were in charge of the The hostesses were Mrs Harper Mrs Penny Mrs Frank Hopper and Mrs William Andrews Each member brought an ap ron to the meeting in preparation for the Blossom Tea and sale work This week the committee will be named Wilde Anne Michael COAT s Cinemascope Technicolor Plus Canadian Theatre In Paris -rs- 7 T OR THE J THEATKK ffirV LOCAL PRELIMINARY AT THE STAGE TO Mews branch will meet on Wednesday March at the home of Mrs Maude at pm motto Every day is like pathway through snow Be careful how you step as the marks will show Reply Mrs Albert Milne Roil call My Pet Peeve The Grandmothers meeting will bo in charge of Mrs J Smith Mrs Stras- lor and Mrs Cole Lunch committee Mrs Mrs l Glass and Mrs Dew A A A Ai- v wy o Cookies Guides and brownies arc call ing on of New market this week to place orders for cookies This is the major moneyraising project of the girls each year Cookie day in Newmarket will bo Saturday April when the cookies wilt be delivered Pro ceeds from sales supports the work of guides and in the community J Company For Water Drilling But Ties Up Dogs For All Time Councillor George in quired if any other company had been considered for test drilling for water other than the Inter national Water company He quoted an article in the Sutton Reporter which told of a suc cessful operation by another company in obtaining water for Perhaps we should try some other company he said Wc might get water faster if we had some competition Chairman Alex Hands of the water committee said that they had checked many outfits and that International Water Comp any was the best for Newmarket where a larger and deeper hole was needed than at Reeve Edward said that he had visited viHe after reading the same news story He said that the sit was different there They have five or six springs that they have tapped and pumped into a reservoir they havent a well he said Councillor Gladstone Ridter said that he had been approach ed by a Newmarket resident who had claimed that he had the equipment to do the same work as International Water comp any The man said he would do it for less If council wants us to hire smaller companies replied Mr Hands and spread work around well do it But it will he wasting the tax payers money he said COUNCIL TURNS Continued from page was the bare minimum on which sealed tenders should be called and said that the records would be of great assistance to future councils Mayor Herbert Gladman said that he could foresee certain dif ficulties with the plan Foi some time we have been trying to standardize our water meters and some of our other equip ment if we throw these purch ases open to tenders well get all types of meters he said Reeve Edward supported the mayors argument saying that there was a wid range of equipment including sewer pipe water pipe catch basins road culverts hydrant fittings which the town wanted to standardize He said that it would be impossible to continue this plan under the proposed purchasing policy Last year engineers de partment phoned and got prices on articles wanted This has been a practice for a long time said Mr We have tried constantly to get the most value for the taxpayers money Mr Wrightman said that at the present time the engineer was keeping records of purchases and that nothing was bought without checking as to quality as well as the quantity offered at the quot ed price Tho engineering department now have the forms required in this motion Councillor George as he exhibited requisition quotation and order forms The program is already in effect with the exception of calling for sealed tenders on or over It would make it official re plied the mayor This resolu tion recognizes the policy Frequently purchases of equipment made bit by bit said Councillor Alex Hands Over the month the total might go over the mark Mr Ridler suggested an amendment be added that sealed tenders be called on items which arc constantly purchased and for which the monthly total would be over 2000 There have been no com plaints of the way the money has been spent in council to my knowledge said Deputy- reeve Violet This would mean a lot of extra work and expense advertising for sealed tenders There is no need to change the practice inviting prices Things are well Mrs she would support resolution if it read invite prices Instead of call for sealed tenders Mr Ridler requested a record vote Supporting the resolu tion were Councillors and and Mayor Reeve Deputy- reeve MacNaughton Councillors Hands and opposed it The motion was lost Sentences Given Men For Bradford BreakIns Gordon West of Holland Landing was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary and Ellis Walker 17 Holland Land ing received a two year term in the reformatory when they were convicted of having broken into a service station on the Bradford flats March and stolen gaso line The pair pleaded guilty to the charge of breaking entering and theft as did George West Robert Cowie and William Young all of Holland Land ing West Cowie and Young were remanded in custody one week for sentencing Frank operator of I the service station discovered the i breakin Constable Charles Case Vandorf detachment the investigation which led to the of the five men on March Gordon West and Walker pleaded guilty to two more char ges of theft of gasoline from the Marsh area They received a sentence of six months on each charge the sentences to run con currently Walker and pleaded guilty to an additional charge of theft of gasoline They were re manded for sentence A bylaw to prevent dogs from running at large in the town throughout the whole year was passed at council meeting on Monday night The action was taken because of the current ra bies epidemic in the province An owner of a dog found run ning at large will be summonsed before the magistrate and liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 This bylaw repeats the existing one which had prevented dogs from running at large from April to October Councillor Alex Belugin while supporting the action in view of the rabies epidemic wanted the existing bylaw amended and not repealed so that as soon as the danger of rabies was past the old ruling would be in force equipment for it interference with channel have been kept and in the it an in- town approach the problem- If CELT to remain it might be possible to have changed channel three to afar Additional copses of the are available If interest Is shown The TV Owners association recommends that member who endorse stand should write their of parliament as well signing the protest form John Bradshaw To Head UrbanRural Panel At Sharon March 28 Urbanrural public relations will be the subject of a panel discussion for the next meeting of the East GwilHmbury Fedora- Hon of Agriculture Panel chair- at the in Sharon hall will be John Brad and farm radio commentator in the East Gwillimbury Newmarkst and adjacent communities Site to attend There will be refreshments Other members of the panel nil be Frank Brume Victoria representing the agricui producers and two men Tojonto who will be com- Every dog should have his day said Mr Dogs should be free to run during the six months of the year when they can do no damage to gardens ex cept in times of an epidemic such as at present The dogs are a nuisance around the town replied Coun cillor Gladstone should be confined There are gangs of dogs running around upsetting garbage cans and an noying people Its not fair to sneak in a of the former bylaw in this motion This action is necessary because of the epidemic of rabies The bylaw should state that dogs are to be confined for the whole year only as long as the rabies danger exists said Mr I am placed in the ridiculous position by this action of council of having to vote against a mo- I favor But I must because of the principle involved he said r Mr Belugin voted against the bylaw It was supported by the remainder of council ANNIVERSARIES Fortieth wedding anniversary were celebrated on Sunday by Mr and Mrs of Zephyr and Mr and Mr Ezra of Sutton Dont miss hearing the organ and the rmiate of Friday Trinity United Li I Shop At JOHN St ydaM Telephone PA For Friendly Personal Service vife RKCORU AT YORK MANOR FARM The fifth record has been com pleted by one of the cows in the herd at York Manor Farm county home for the aged St Newmarket The whose name is Gaiety holds on exceptionally large record performance test recently completed As a seven year old in 3C5 days on twicea day milking she produced 24W3 pounds of milk quarts containing pounds of fat average test percent butter- fat The record is percent above average for milk and 118 percent higher than the av erage for production Appoint Stephens Acting Chief For Sutton Sgt Brian Stephens of the Sut ton police force has been pointed acting chief for the vhl- age following the resignation of Chief Leonard Sgt Ste phens appointment was made for the time being at a special meeting of the village council on Monday night Sgt Stephens and Constable William Harris are policing die village now Both received in salaries NOW SHOWING AT MORTON BROS IK NEWMARKET 68 EAGLE ST MOUNT ALBEH MAIN ST DOOR AND REFRESHMENTS FRIDAY AX SATURDAY TILL NEWMARKET ENTER NOW CORRECTION The CocaCoin TV program and Harriet Nelson will appear at pm Sundavs over CKVRTV channel not at pm as stated in the advertise ment T V can win at las -a- r CATNIPS Continued from page 2 hotel Weil probably bet ter fer him I think res ponsibilities of would weigh too heavy upon his shoulders Its Just one big happy fam ily at hero office Slim went on But I dont see how It is that so many odd charac ters can git assembled into one place its the printing and pub lishing trade Only crazy people become printers and the ones in the newspaper business are only slightly crazier dont know why human beings get mixed up with trade I said It certainly aint money at this here office Slim True enough And I guess that proves that all of us here are crazy I concluded FROM MISS NEWMARKET MISS CANADA Z MISS AMERICA TO MISS SCREEN STAR WIN FAME and FORTUNE O A D S E A D i r Vey r Stt ST A RT YOUR TRIP ft I i NEWMARKET TORONTO HAMILTON i

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