Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Feb 1956, p. 16

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IS a ha awi tor of la an opportunity In work unlimited the salary And bonus should neat in appearance have good education a ear And be of an age group between twentythree and forty Knowledge foreign languages an Reply in own hand to Mr A MAIN ST NEWMARKET ON Sun Life of Again Dividends New insurance of 761 million largest amount ever sold by a Canadian company in any year billion now in force up 24 Life insurance totalling more than millions was purchased from the Sun Life of Canada in the largest amount ever sold by a Canadi an company in one year Sun Lifes Annual Report to principal outlet for new invest ment funds during the year the Company placed some 108 mil lions in home and other mort gages bringing the total Sun Life mortgage investment to The record con- also discloses that of new homes in re- life insurance in force now has cent years has been financed passed billions highest in to a great extent out of the the history of Canadian life in- J premiums paid by policyholders durance companies The Sun to life insurance companies Life has announced a further Mr said We provide increase in policyholders divi- financial security for the family dend scales for when 28 millions will be paid thereby reducing the cost of insurance to policyholders for the suc cessive year During the Company paid millions benefits to policyholders and beneficiaries a new record Living policyholders atone re ceived over 94 millions Total benefits paid since the Corn- partys first policy was issued in 1871 now exceed three bil lion dollars In writing its record total of new life insurance during Sun Life exceeded lis total by In a year when sales of consumer goods were at an unusually high level and through the purchase of life in surance and we help as many people as possible to fulfill their natural ambition to become homeowners The modem type of home mortgage whereby monthly payments are made against interest and principal is a most attractive form of sav ings for young married people he added The Company also made substantial purchases during the year of public util ity and industrial bonds In making these investments we are seeking for our policyhold ers the highest possible interest return consistent with security of principal said Mr Bourke The Report revealed that the computing with sales rate of interest earned by the of life insurance the fact that Sun Life on its assets had an record for life in- shown a further increase during could be established rising to With the showed that more and more people realize life insurance protection is essential to family security according to George Sun Life President who reviewed Company results for the 12month period The Companys Canadian sales of Ordinary insurance were up and increases were also re ported from the United States Great Britain and other coun tries where Sun Life transacts business CROUP UP Included in total new busi ness was millions of new Group insurance Canadian Group sales alone were up over the previous year Sun Lifes worldwide total of Insur ance in force now has reached an increase of Total Group life insur ance in force stands at the Sun Life has on its onethird of all Group Life coverage now in force in Canada Sun Life annuities in force provide for payments of 140000000 per annum of the total being Group pensions The worldwide figure of life insurance and annuities in force may he considered the equiva lent of of life in surance By territory of ori gin this is divided in Canada in the United States in Great Britain and other Commonwealth coun tries and 2 elsewhere In the world INVESTMENT IN J HOME MORTGAGES During 1955 Sun Life assets increased by millions and now stand at millions Once again mortgages were a credit policies of monetary au thorities in world financial mar kets halting downward trend of interest rates Mr was of the opinion that the Company could continue to look forward to interest Earn ings at a satisfactory rate in the months to come HEART CIRCULATORY DISEASES LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH The report contains special reference to the mortality ex perience of the Sun Life during In North America due partly to the continuing de crease in mortality from infec tious diseases death claims were substantially more for di seases associated with the heart and circulatory system than for all other causes combined Can cer which accounted for nearly of death claim payments during the year placed second FUTURE OUTLOOK Mr Bourke concluded by say- he had every reason to be lieve that the high levels iciined in the life insurance in dustry will be exceeded during and that life insurance ownership will rise to a new peak In Canada the nations prosperity natural resources and future potentialities arc at tracting new citizens This in turn increase the demand for goods new housing and servic er The need for life insurance will continue to increase A copy of the Sun Life Report including the Presi dents review of the year is being sent to each policyholder or may be obtained from A J Median District Supervisor Newmarket v Mrs era Millar Correspondent Phone Kin 8 Mrs Allan and- her daughter Carol president of the local CGIT were hostesses to of the group at their farm of King on Saturday after noon Feb when tobogganing and skiing were engaged in Mrs Glenn Sawyer and Mrs Emerson Wallace lead ers accompanied the girls A hot meal was served after activi ties concluded The will sponsor a World Day of Prayer service for teenagers of the community when the Girl Guides and Girls Auxiliary of the local Anglican church will participate in the service at in King United church on Feb The service follows that of the adult groups earlier in the afternoon at the Baptist church Mrs Glenn Sawyer a leader of the will speak On Friday evening Feb 17 at pan at Nursery school King City draws for three prizes will be made under the of the board president Mrs J Baird Pro ceeds from draw will be used for school purposes Amateur Night Proceeds from an amateur tal ent competition Thursday Feb 23 in King City Masonic hall will benefit First King Scouts and cubs when the entertain ment is held at pm Jim Mc Donald will be the and Freda Dent will be piano accom panist The diversity of the talent of entrants will produce an inter esting show Mr Emerson Wal lace a member of the scout group committee sponsoring the contest is the director Three prizes will be awarded in order of merit and 5 In addi tion a lucky draw of an oil paint ing by Maureen will be held Gail Thompson Colleen Trull Turner Diane and Denise Wallace and Wendy Ben nett were party guests of Heath er Davidson King City when she celebrated her birthday Feb at the home of her par ents Mr and Mrs Adam David son On Tuesday March at p at King City United church the King Girl Guide association hold a bake sole and St Patricks tea in the interests of guides and brownies Plans were laid at a meeting of the associa tion at the home of Mrs Harrison Feb when moth ers attended Mrs Ewart district and GA president presided The tenta tive date of the Mother and Daughter banquet is April Total proceeds from the King City Lions oyster supper Feb were around Mr and Mrs John Holland Marsh had their child recently a baby girl Mr and Mrs Bert Hurding Dew St King City opened their home on Saturday evening Feb for a party of couples in the neighborhood Mr Jack Walker King City celebrated his birthday on St Valentines Day Tuesday Feb when his mother Mrs Cecil Walker and his sister Helen Mrs Douglas McClelland were dinner guests Mr Tom Patterson King rail way station agent resumed work after an illness of two weeks During his absence Ron ald Austin served Young trainees who are learning telegraphy and duties of a sta tion agent are Marcell Robert Sudbury and Roger Matte Their course will last from four to six months They are staying at the home of the local section foreman Bill Mr and Mrs Herb Ross King City left by motor last week for a few weeks vacation in Florida Also in that state are Mr Stanley Watson his niece Dorothy Baytiss and her hus band Alfred Mrs Colin Stewart King City exschool teacher supplied at the Temperanceville school for a week during the illness of the principal Mrs Lome Scott It is 20 years since Mrs Stewart was engaged in the profession She also taught grades three and four for Mrs Mary Hemphill King City school one day last week 1956 Public Library Board Mr Edmund Wallas was chairman of the King library board at a recent meeting He succeeds J Grew who held the post for five years Mrs- Ratcliff was re elected secretary and the new treasurer is Mrs George Berry Since the annual meeting on Feb in the new location the T Eaton Co has taken measure ments for the floor and counter covering which the firm will donate The Robert Simpson Co Ltd is installing a new celling and fluorescent lighting Donald McCnUum local builder is contributing a vesti bule bench and clothes rack He is also donating labor to build a fence around the property King township council sent a grant of On tot Contract Basis A discussion on procuring hy dro electric power on a cost con tract basis to provide better rules for King City was held by village trustees Feb As explained Hal- ton a hydro employee the vill age would purchase power from Ontario Hydro Commission Iiist ami sell to village users A local hydro commission would issue and collect bills It was expected a survey by hydro would take from to estimate the amount consumption on a ratio that time King City would have over homes chairman 1- It Smith said There are dwellings now in the village with lota to be built in he Sec- Malcolm wits in write to Hoy dis trict manager of Rich Hill to request informal lion about the cost contuet J To Choose Snow Queen At L Wilcox Carnival In Festival Two choirs from the King City rural grade school will take part in the Kiwanis music festival again this year Each with GO voices the junior choir grades one to five will sing Lavender Lees Feb 24 and some in grade five through to grade eight will sing The Jolly Miller with des cant Feb 24 Mr Illtyd Harris Aurora is the local school direc tor of music On Saturday Feb ice per mitting the second annual win ter carnival will be sponsored by Oak Ridges Community Centre Committee on Lake Wilcox at Blue Spruce Park south road If postponed it will take place on Saturday Feb A highlight feature is the selec tion of the Winter Queen by four judges from three contestants Ella May Hannom 14 Jackie and Margaret Don- who competed for the crown The young ladies were chosen for the contest in a competition under the Tops in Teens Club Oak Ridges judging will be at 145 Riding in state in a horse drawn cutter will be the reign ing monarch Pat Fuller last years winner Following her in procession will be the three con testants The Queen crowned by Pat Fuller will receive the Rich mond Hilt Liberal trophy A suitable girt to each princess will be given by the Aurora Banner The Queen and her attendants will each receive a gift provided by Oak Ridges merchants Flow ers will be given to the Royal parly Starting off the show at pm will be the Aurora Clown band ted by White Special speakers will be Reeve P Legge of Whitchurch and King Township Reeve Bill Era and Express Result 1 DO TANK OUR OIL AND SO BE DONE WITH COLDISH ROOMS WHICH ARENT FUN Church Supper At the home of Mrs J Shepherd Presbyterian Manse V A made plans for a congregational luck supper which ho held in the church rooms King City on Fri day Feb starting at pm Sunday school families are cord ially invited Mr is being invited to show his col ored films of Scotland Mrs of will lie Mrs became a new manlier when were pres ent An apron shower for autumn bazaar was held Plans wore made for maintenance re pair work In church build ing Sliver Wedding Invited to attend a silver y dinner to lie Mr and Mrs Wil liam Oak Ridges on Saturday IVh 18 will be relatives friends Mr and Mis Nichols will neighbors friends an open house- with will ho Mis- Vielor Draper Oak ami Joan Nichols liHlH4 A chilly house is unhealthy Bui MitMo Murray nine a talent ed young was tin youngest pupil of Miss Dorothy Armstrong of King my who tiled February under Royal well as uncomfortable Do the of Music Toronto first sensible thing and order bur fluidity Fuel Oil NOW Prompt service vie honors in grade six piano and theory Mrtr ray who Is just learning to would some difficul ty written henry examin ation lie understood pi All Ilvo pupils of Miss Armstrong taking I theory pafised with first honors Men- Murray ami Other results were grade four harmony tilciulri htm grade two theory Dan Hun ter 1st class honors and Joan Hare honors Proposes Annexation To Village For New Housing Development A land development proposal on the 200acre farm of Stewart Bros at the southern outskirts of King City was presented to vill age trustees Feb G by M S Pal mer developer for and Morris Toronto The site is dor negotiation for purchase by a client of the firm Views of village trustees were sought on the possibility of an nexing the westerly front 50 acres on St to the Village Here 15D houses on lots with a minimum of foot frontage arc contemplated with building tots progressively larger toward St Mr Palmer spoke for his client who would provide services conforming to the township land use policy We cannot give the proper answer now said K Smith board chairman The property Is not in the village To consider annexation of SI acres ISO per cent of village ratepayers would have to consent There rare now houses In the village with more lots to contain homes in We could not say whether community could stand any more housing without Industry Mr Palmer said his company hopes to have a deal for in dustry in the area before that there is a possibility of Komi industrial acreage chunk ing hands Trustees agreed to interview the representative at their March meeting after had assessed the situation The Stewart farm is adjacent to the pro perty which has the central acres under housing develop ment and the next 13 acres to he developed later Roth farina extend from Keeto to St son introduced by J Smith president of the Community Centre Committee Fern will be The Newmarket Figure Skat ing Club in six colorful acts will perform Chuck Kiel is the in structor and Mrs Herb Cain is president In costumes the club will present three solo numbers five waltz groups and a pair To teach the children the value of a community centre a color ing contest is in progress and prizes will be awarded at the carnival Earlier in the afternoon will be the childrens skating fin als and foot when prizes donated by A be presented by him Gale or door prizes will be drawn by Mrs Herb Cain New market Winner of No prize must be present An interesting prize will be in the childrens snow figure contest They vdll be judged Saturday morning Feb At an exhibition hockey match between Lake Wilcox Bantans and Bantams will take a half hour At the Old Timers club will play the local Bush League At the Old Timers combined with Bush team will compete against Oak Ridges Comet Juveniles Interspersing various events will be the bobsleigh and cutter rides on ice for children Horses will draw the vehicles under the supervision of president Smith Starting at pm will be a skating party for children teenagers and adults with prize awards Skating wiU be done to music under flood- lights OAK COMMUNITY CKNTREVv- 2ND ANNUAL WINTER CARNIVAL PM BLUR LAKE WILCOX south SNOW CONTEST SKATING Races for Children Hockey Lucky draw an Silver Tea Service Childrens coloring contest finals Snow ADMISSION Children free If weather unfavorable Carnival on Sat Feb m Clearing a Presents Draft Plan For Extension On Tuesday night Alfred Me- Bride King City subdivider pre sented a draft agreement to the King township planning board on development of Vh which is an extension of the 10 acres already subdivided in Clear view Gardens The extension has lots The asked that the school board five percent of the land to accumulate with the five percent already held in the firs development for a future garden she The planning board refer red the draft agreement to the King township the plan ning consultant and the school board week King City village passed a motion that Mr Mo- furnish an agreement himself village trustees township council and the plan board before the township engineer V CI will give an agreement on the drawing of the subdivision The problem hinged on the giiicoi approval of water and PAPERS fit Rally Dave Anderson of King and a Toronto friend Lothian drove Daves Triumph car in the British Motor annual Winter Rally hold over miles during the week end They encountered some bad weather ami had mads but noth ing of nature happened them in the endurance trial Those who were pallbearer for the lata Mrs Mr- King City at her funeral service on Feb were represen tatives of local families wham she had known since she married S3 years They were George Rumble Stewart Roy Jesse Richards Aubrey Wade and Allan I Favor ite of Mrs Mcllriie fin contralto voice was always at family leathering were sung at service after requiem mass was read in Fins It in a Catholic church Toronto Survivors are a son William Wright or Ha vana Cuba and two daughters Mrs Wright died eight years ago William Walker King City a nephew of lute Mrs Wright was one of the pallbearer Albert McCutchcou Albert MrCutcheon Aurora a lifelong of the tenth concession of King until retiring from the farm In Aurora a tew years ago was interred in King City cemetery Monday afternoon Feb lie was years of ago and had been In poor health Surviving is his wife the former Scott of King township PHONE For CLASSIFIEDS Alt patterns of our 1155 have Jeeu In order to clear the we 3ie Thee an papers foe in iie in selection that cr iingte to per single roll are now reduced to single roll We invite to the IP58 lint you WO imtttrns and ami WALLPAPER PAINT 192 Mala St burial at William Wright Toronto husband of the Into Gray formerly of King took place In King City ce metery on Monday morning Feb Melrose Arbuckle of Meri- Nova Scotia died sud denly at She home of his brother buckle early Saturday Feb 11 lie had suffered a heart attack the previous day Mr A buckle had arrived at on Thursday from Tor onto whore he was spending the winter his sister Mrs Wal lers A family service under J Shepherd of St Andrew Presbyterian church Strange was held on Sunday afternoon On Monday morning the remains were sent by rail to Nova Scotia far burial cam L t STORE WIDE NO RESTRICTIONS W IT YOU CAN HAVE IT AT DISCOUNT THURSDAY FHDAY AND SATURDAY FFR 24 AND previously and held for customers not Included cash NO LAY AWAY PLAN NO PHONE STATIONERY CHINA and I A ONTARIO

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