rt iVJ a cm ft and Richmond endeavored to declare a were three game on Thursday at In a claajttc struggle lions shaded Newmarket Optimist Friday at home Hub Optimists exploded for period goals to top Hill Little Ram At the Hill with Au- win to stay alive speedsters for five gosds in the final to whip Tied tor the top position in the set Newmarket and Aaron moat play a to a winner winner tales on in round of the play-downs- climax in the game at had the fans hanging on rope Aurora protected a lead going into the final period Quick as a with time out Newmarket popped in two goals to make it From there Newmarket did everything but get the equalizer Ken Taylors three goals Ron Walter two and Brian Kriowles single carried Aurora and Denny scored Newmarkets third period goals that caused all the John Hopper col lected two goals Larry Bone one in the early rounds for the mists Friday here Johnny Hopper up with a sparkling effort net six goals four coming In the final period to pace the winning charge- Larry Bone scored two goals Smith one to complete the locals scoring Ron Bally Win Butler Dave Gibson and Brace Wilson shared the Hill goals Down the Aurora lions staged a terrific evengoal rush in the final minutes to knock off the Saturday- Ron hat trick effort Norm Dennis twogoal sniping and singletons fired by Ken Tay lor and Ted exploded the lions last period dash Keith Scott scored a first period goal for the lions Brian Atkinson netted two goals Doug Rose and Dave Gibson one each for the downcast MASS WIN FINAL Pouring in four unanswered goals in the final period Aurora rallied to speed to a win over Cubs at the Aurora arena on Feb- It was the Bears final game of the regular schedule Ross Patricks two third per iod goals ignited the Bears re covery Other Aurora goals were produced by Jon Bunn Bill Waters Cliff and Earl Lothian Mike Wright and Bob Montgomery were marksmen A protest on several Richmond Hill players comes up before the Saturday If the pro test goes through it may man the Bears will see action in the playoffs Sat Of the Canadian tax dollar about eight cents is spent on education between 25 and cents on social security and wel fare PRINTING THAT PAYS TO YOU Better lilting Gets a Warmer Reception m m m First impressions count in your favor when you let us produce your printed representatives anything from a letterhead to a broadside The quality of our work steps up your results costs no more Let us quote you Newmarket Era and Express printing as you like II FIRST PRIZE ICE OF A NEW AUTOMOBILE OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR to to win for Tmognificent pttm fiw of your during long and you con win of a fun T a All you fcav to do NOV ft Ml focupon CASH and MERCHANDISE AWARDS 1200000 CASH PRIZES V Including for GRAND PRIZE s 000O MERCHANDISE AWARDS TOTAL 400000 Vinnor hoi choice of or floor Control Of A OR CHtVBOUf JVW i- iiWfrS n I r rrr rf On Bad morning and Ar Bear both received bad news from the subexecutive committee of the Peter Gorman who had gathered to gether package junior C dub in good faith to lead their group in a brilliant first year effort found himself on the eve of the playoffs with Midland minus players and Graves sent to the Smokies by their affiliates Barrie Flyers three players according to the ruling of the subexecutive committee of which I am not a member by way had failed to establish residential qualifica tions outside of where they either work or go to school in time to play with Newmarket aa their Nearest club The fact i these three were allowed to play all year in the group and not a protest was heard from any of the other three clubs That would not have meant however that if they won the group other oppo sition might not have protested the validity of the players The sad part is that had they been certain this trio would not be eligible Messrs Gorman and Cain would have scoured the woods for replacements Actu ally the big loss is centre who centres the main line and Graves who both played with champion ship juvenile club last year while important cogs are not quite as indispensable The Smokies despite the deci sion were hoping that a further appeal to president Frank Buckland might find relief com ing to them in some way prior to the playoffs which start to night with Midland as the oppo sition The Smokies will now have to depend on more local hoys in the lineup and if they can leap this hurdle they will likely be back to par for the group finals Now is the time for fan support Your presence at the home games and away the team too will lend the Rings needed morale and make up for loss of playing strength On Saturday they journeyed to and won with only players The Midland series has been called by the critics as the tough one On the season the Smokies won five and lost one to the northerners One of these wins was cue goal the other by two so you can see how closely the clubs are match Newmarket will go to Mid land on Monday next and play the third in their own arena a week from tonight If a fifth game is needed it will be in Newmarket on Monday Feb- Two referees will function in the series which will give clean er hockey so far as Midland is concerned wo hope Aurora Hears represented by Jack Robinson and Hal Rogers presented what looked like a clear case to the against three Richmond Hill players Af ter all sides and the players had been heard the Aurora protest was disallowed on the grounds of not sufficient evidence The result left the Hams in the roll ing with Orange Hie and this series opened in on Tuesday and shifts back Rich mond on Friday Fob be a dandy as both clubs are evenly matched break ing even on the regular schedule with the boys in front on the score sheet This looks like a tossup At the time just managed to take Jets ill home last Thursday and on Tuesday the Jets evened the count The four teams are even ly handled on the with favorites to win and being the dark horse Aurora before the largest and most enthusiastic crowd of the season took the big third game from Kim vale on Friday and they were in Elm- vale on Monday Friday Fob will see the orange and black cither in the second round of the season against cither or Bolton or in the fifth game against the Harvesters The resurgence of coach Ron Simmons and the fact that theyve had a better attendance of players Tor the last two game certainly helped the Alcorn clan Bolton won in straight sets from the who gave unex pected opposition took it three straight from Thornton but two of the games scared the Beehives as they only won by a one goal margin The final round will be a clinker with still favored to take it all Tommy and his mid gets are playing host tonight to conquerors of Pic- ton and representatives of Eastern Ontario The two teams started a series last night in and unless the easterners have a sur prisingly strong team Automo- should come through Lions Bantams if they won at Port Perry or held the round on Monday may also see opposition in any event they may play an exhibition game Aurora folks can be mighty proud of these smooth skating sixes who are well trained and game to the end Elsewhere on the playoff front StoaffviUe Clippers are engaged in a bitter series with the winners to meet Georgetown The Clippers are in great shape and should come through this one The first game was In on Tuesday the next two go to and the fourth game is carded for for Feb if the series goes beyond three- straight The group final will be four out of seven The Stouffville team has drawn better than any dis trict club largely through of season tickets and good promotional efforts by freshman manager Harry Lee who has done a great job Like father son is an old adage and George Carey who is one of the out standing junior forwards of the district has something to shoot at as he performs for Jets for his father is none other than George Carey who per formed in the with Que bec Bulldogs Chicago Black Hawks with an eye to the future have purch ased rights on Ed the good of Whitby Highlanders who does every thing just about right along with Grant Morton of Newmarket would rate as the top junior defence duo in our books term STRIKES and SPARES Held over from last week Myrtle Dunn Margaret Davis Hands Caroline Ion and Norma were Wednesday af ternoon ladies league paceset ters- Hank VandenBergh Geo Tom Scott set up the top scoring marks in the Of fice Specialty league dies league bracket scorera were Ana Osborne Norma Ruth Edna Claire Pol lock Maud SIoss Mark League standing Drips HiLos Our Gang Mugs Spits Dreamers The ladies were the leaders in the Monday Mixed League Vera Cook came up with a sensational 80S triple including a single Other top shotmakers were Frances Marion Gould Flo Don Clarkson Ernie Peter Oliver Gould Heres the topper for the George Watt fired an triple including and single games to feature the town league bowling ton threw an triple Other leaders were John Ted Greenwood Jack Caradorma Ken Frank VandenBergh BUDGETS thAX TONIGHT for their first home stand in the midget B against tonight at the Aurora arena Aurora Automotives de feated Barrie midget Flyers in the Aurora arena last week Barrie carry an Aminor classifi cation Dan and Wayne Spence fired two goals each to pace Aurora while Keith Browning and Don Glass con tributed single goals the rung cause Top hitters in the Bankers- league were Bales Bob Miller Paul Dolan 555 Gary Burton Cann Friday Night league paceset ters were Bert Reg- Wilson Alvie McKnighc Chas Cobb Elaine Blaina Jack Chapman 60 Bressington Del Ralph Thel- Cobb Ron Bressingtonj Reg Bernlng Ted a 210 single Greta Lee a Les Muriel triple to lead the ladies section Heather Marg Margaret collected Bears Beat Loop Leaders Aurora Bears now definitely out of the playoffs suddenly pulled up their socks Feb 3 a the Aurora arena to knock off the loopleading Dod gers Fridays winning effort was un doubtedly the best Bears home performance this They had the highly touted Dodgers on t h e run 2 in h e first period Bill Waters and Murray Chapman were the Bears initial round goalgetters while Doug Jon Bunn and Bill shared the assist spotlight Cliff made it in the second period before the Dodgers came alive to score two goals Bob Carnegie was the Dodger marksman The Bears ran wild in the fi nal period and were full value the Bell Telephone leagues Tommy Wilson fired a 563 triple and a 244 single to top the mens section Team standing is Crown- Anchors Madcaps Rockets BlueTops Alleycats Myrtle Dunn featured the Thursday Ladies league high scoring week with a triple and a single Other top hit ters were Betty Hall Agnes Richardson Hazel Fran Marie McCabe Alice Gibson Helen Olive 525 Joyce 517 Ann Os borne Aileen oil Four over in the St Johns league Leaders were Helen Taylor Joyce John Atkinson Bonnie Spencer Top three game leaders in Of fice Specialty Office ladies league were June Alder Hat- tie Dennis 531 Glenn Lois Gibson Elsie Mitchell League standing Screw balls Dubs 22 Turks Gogetters 10 each Of births in Canada in the most recent year of record were twins and 39 were triplets Me Series Lead King City Lions are riding the crest of a two- game winning streak in the North York midget finals Rattling in four first period goals in both games King City Lions defeated Wasps 73 Wednesday and on Friday at nipped Ken Douglas two goal per formance sparked the King win over Bill Brown Stew Davidson Sampson Dick Chaplin and Larry Hill shared the other King tallies and Jenkins wore lamp lighters Bill Brown scored two goals to pace the Lions win at Wood- bridge Ken Douglas Larry Hill and Gord Sampson connected for the other King goals By Aorora It was a tossup and a thriller as Aurora Lions shaded New market Optimists here last week The game a sudden- death affair went to Aurora as Brian Knowles scored late in the third period to crack a stalemate The win qualified Aurora to represent the North York league in the OMHA bantam play- downs It was close the way Neither team at any time enjoy ed more than a goal advantage in the thrilling give take struggle Along Brian the Aurora hero Norm Dennis notched two goats and Ken Tay lor one for the winners Goalie John Scott frustrated the Opti- shooters time after time to earn a star rating- John Hopper was the leading twinkler in the Optimists host of stars Hop per came up with a sterling three goal effort while his tinemate Larry Bone got a and Wayne got into the act with two handy assists was a tower of si on the Newmarket rearguard i v I 1 goals ray Chapman was the other goal- sniper for the speeding J3ears in the final minutes Paul Tran slipped a shot past Allan Child in the Bears cage midway through the period to interrupt the explosive scoring show Alan Child braced by a fine defensive effort from Bud Sut ton Doug and Murray Chapman turned in a starstud ded effort for the Robinson pack Harry Thorns and Leo were loaders in the Davis Leather loop League standing is Thorns Tunney Burling 54 On a per capita basis only the people of the United States con sume more petroleum and steel than Canadians Jean Miller Kay Fletcher Mary Sargent Ruby Blair VandenBergh were three game toppers in the league Flo Bain- bridge won the spoon for the hidden score League standing is Vikings Spitfires 23 Comets Hurricanes 15 Me teors Jets Shyrlea Preston and Hes ter Clark were the other Moderation GOETHE Che jRouse of Seagram Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation today tee- aaasBBBg I v- tm mi MW- fe svi v- fci t j A WE J A -C- k fax fc W fc S6i a 7 ffc IN I M 1 HERES WHY DODGE IS YOUR BEST TRUCK BUY More modern Moans extra business ftN 10 ways better S Higher reserve of current forward vislonl Biggest wraparound windshield More powerful engines Six 175hp on models of 19000 More Express bodies up to long feet Greater handling Shortest turning diameters in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada Limited prestige Low loading heights Body floors less than 2 foot from ground on models automatic trans 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