niT rfctr H3S SKIP -r- in fc551 ill fcXi A V r lA vat THIS WEEK i I r vvo A 3 TV- -TV- iMi ONK frv I v T tVLV nr aBaff- 4 demonstration at our store at once or NEWMARKET 1232 FOB DAY HOME TRIAL ELECTRIC LTD Vj 1232 forget our special coming up on A tables anil end tables All sections and departments of the Newmarket Public library give service but today we men tion the Reference Division The only way to comprehend the re sources of this division as of all others is to test them A large number of questions are answered from the quick re ference books dictionaries atlas es handbooks and encyclopaedia Other answers axe found In peri odicals magazines newspapers and you aware of the wealth of information contained in the many Canadian pub lications which are on file in your library Your librarian re ceives The Daily Checklist which entitles the library to re ceive government publications free of charge if returned imme diately with the material re quested checked off For the past month we have been doing that and building a reference file of publications suitable to the district Newmarket Some patrons know of this service and are availing themselves of it Perhaps you will do the same in the future The Weekly Farm News press clip sheet gives up to date infor mation on farm labor eggs and poultry dairy products livestock honey and maple products grains and feeds as well as special items Foreign Trade published fortnightly by the De of Trade and Com merce discusses the following in the January issue Fairs and Exhibitions Canadian Exports to the United States What the Su gar Industry Buys Canada in Foreign- Markets Trade and Tar iff Regulations Foreign Ex change Rates and many others Current Affairs issue of Janu ary outlines The New Re forms in Canadian Parliamentary Practice and is accompanied by a supplement which is an outline for discussion leaders From the information division of the Department of External Affairs comes The visit to the Soviet Union which is the text of the talk from the Secretary of State for External Affairs Mr Pearson Other publications include The Roundel Royal Canadian Air Force The Crowsnest The Roy- Canadian Navy The Canada Gazette Poultry Products Mar ket Report Canadas Health and Welfare Department of Agricul ture market report Canadiana and numerous others The next time you need this type of information for a speech a debate or panel discussion re member the Reference Division of the Newmarket Public Libra ry Irene Librarian are writer be The Editor Box King City Jan I thought that your readers would like to know of the sud den end of the King City Wrestl ing Club and if they want to contest this sad event it will be up to them Out of a blue sky I received notice of eviction for the King City Wrestling Club to leave gym in the park in King City This notice came fron a new sec retary of the Lake Marie and King Athletic Association who is also a new trustee of King The resolution concerning this move apparently was passed at their annual meeting which did not attend because I was deliber ately not notified although I have been a member since After having been interested in work in Toronto I was asked to organize a boys club in King City in Then arrangements were made to build a gym in the unused up stairs part of an old barn in King City Park This was done on condition that I was to be in charge and that no expense was to be incurred for the owners of the property This condition has been strictly adhered to at all times The wrestling duo has bought its own equipment and maintain ed its own funds being a separ ate club When the gym was built there were no facilities for teaching physical drill and sportsmanship for which there is always a great demand At no time during nay three years as trustee of King City did a matter concerning the wrestling club come before the trustees This year I retired without a contest from the trustees board so that I would have more time to devote to the wrestling club The above action of terminat ing our activities by political spite is the thanks I get for help ing in the welfare of our com munity I am yours truly Bob Coach King City Wrestling Club i ABOUT THE FARMER AS A FORGOTTEN MAN The Editor Dear Sir That front page as sertion that the farmer is the forgotten man is something to ponder especially against the background fact that the same forgotten man by his ing supplies of food and fiber may in a very real sense be described as keeping the rest of us alive The fact that according to my reading percent of Canadas workers are in agriculture yet only win eight percent of the nations income not only sup ports the above bleak picture but also raises some doubts as to just how we expect todays pros perity to endure The gathering of the nation organ ized farmers in an annual con vention at Hamilton also made it crystal clear that the thrc mil lion Canadians on Canadas farms have not shared in the general prosperity levels of the past three years On the other hand if the record is to be kept straight it deserves to be recorded that this picture of ruralurban imbal ance is by no means copyrighted by our rural brethren for it has been the experience of their op posite numbers in the United States where according to the official figures in this country farm prices have dropped by onefourth since the Korean War peaks while the prices paid by farmers have come down scarcely at all Now sir there must be a basic cause behind this pattern Considering the absolutely es sential services which have been are at the present minute and will continue to be rendered by the farmers I am convinced that todays inability to get their ap propriate slice of the national income can be primarily traced to a the ageold silence of the primary producers the fact that they are perennially a min ority in the political and econ omic council where national policy is built on Parliament Hill and their yen for an outmoded individual approach to the wellorganized people they meet in the marketplace Student We stock up 3 iPrtVT feawpr a I- j i fe I so iw be value of of good tarktii How Urge population be Haw will interest Cm MORE ON THE SUBJECT OF MILLARD AVENUE The Editor Well at last the Millard Ave question has been settled Coun cillor has suggested that apart from the services the ex tension would bring to the Lyons subdivision a bus service could also be inaugurated This seems like a sound idea and I would suggest also that a service sta tion or two be considered for the hollow at the footbridge or any thing else that comes to mind Most of the residents on Mill ard were against the extension They seemed to feel that because they paid premium prices to get into the area and had some as surance given them that the street would remain choice the motion would not pass How naive can one get They must surely realize that in these mod ern times ones word is not to be taken too seriously Mr Choppin one of our councillors said so himself Presumably he wishes his words taken in like These people must one clay learn that if our town council sees fit to put a railroad down their street then so be it They were not to come into Newmarket in the first place and if they dont care for our version of wellplanned expan sion then they are free to elsewhere This letter may be a better idea than at first appears be- cause presumably most of them do their shopping elsewhere any way They dont seem to like our modem wellstocked stores not to mention the lack of a brewers warehouse and store Let this and other things be a lesson to home owners in New market It is not the first time our representatives have approv ed a questionable motion Why only five years ago when the fire hall burned down a new one was built smack in the same spot on the busiest street in town They are lucky to get to a fire under the circumstances especially on Friday night and Saturday shopping hours For tunately we do not have fires at these times It is easy to see that the lack of sound planning in such mat ters as it has existed in the past prevails as well today and any one who cannot it must be quite blind- Well we dont want blind smug people here anyway They think because they live here they ought to have some protection for their rights their properties their equities and their families So I say a bus line for Millard a couple of service stations near Mr new home and Ill think of something for Mr Chop- pin C Roy Keys Millard Ave Editors Note The old hall was torn down have prayed for the- Luke 2232 How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemers never ceasing intercession for us When we pray He pleads for us and when we are not praying He is advocating our cause and by His supplications we are shield ed from unseen dangers Notice the word of comfort to Simon Peter Simon Simon Satan hath desired to have thee that he might sift thee as wheat hut I have prayed for thee He did not say Go and pray for yourself but rather did He as sure Peter that he had prayed for him We little know we owe to our Saviours prayers When we reach the hilltops of Heaven and look back on ail way the Lord has led us how we shall praise Him who before the Throne undid the mischief which Satan was doing on earth We shall surely thank Him that He never held His peace but day and night pointed to the wounds upon His hands and pointed to the place where our names were engraved upon His breastplate Even before Satan had begun to tempt Jesus had forestalled him and entered a counterplea in heaven Mercy outruns malice Mark He does not say to Peter Satan has sifted you and therefore I will pray for you that you might have some help He checjes Satan in his very desire and nips it in the bud He does not say I have a desire to pray for you but He makes it very plain I have prayed for you I have done it already I have en tered a plea your behalf even before an accusation is made What a comfort this is that He has pleaded our cause against our unseen enemies counter mined their mines and unmask ed their ambushes Here is a matter for joy and sincere gra titude hope and confidence William Elected President Of King Twp Federation K Jm A of Bui to answer them for you by Canada development in the fir ten postwar years and by outlining the features of further It vL I la- and I J lie Relations Box JI y f Forty attended the fifth annual meeting of King Township Fed eration of Agriculture held at Keltlcby Jan 24 Ed township assessment commis sioner and Fred Wicks of Mark- ham township York county Fed eration of Agriculture and were the speakers Williams the president was chairman Mr Wicks stressed the import ance to farmers of activity in federation work and attaining new ideas in developing strong organizations In discussing an increase in the King township Federation mill rate Mr Wicks said a federation is like a union The more financial backing It has the greater respect and in fluence it creates There was discussion on whe ther or not to increase the King township branch mill rate from one fifth to half us is being done in most municipalities J M IE 51 J V 1 Mr Roddick explained the principles on which the ment of King township is based He and his newly appointed as sistant Vincent Carroll are start ing reassessment in the south end of the township but the en tire program take at least two years Dwellings are meas ured by the square foot and fac tories on a cubic foot basis A new brick house would be as sessed at approximately per foot a bathroom around a fireplace 100 Elected president of the branch for was William Groom- bridge Schombcrg farmer vice presidents in order of responsi bility are Frank Allan and Charles Frank of Kettleby is the new secretary treasurer The executive will meet at Mr on Jan 31 to go over the list of representatives of each school section Representatives to the York County Federation are Charles Williams William Groombridge and Charles The county executive meets on Jan Mr Wicks who took office after the death of Buchanan re assured the King unit that reso lutions to the county branch would bo given full consideration and passed on to a higher level New Canadians Put Abandoned Farms Into Production Again New Canadians have put abandoned farms into produc tion again and land considered worthless is now under cultiva tion These two effects of agri cultural immigration were cited by over one third of the Farm Forums reporting their discussions on the January 2 to pic New Canadians We feel that many New Canadians are doing an excell ent job on rundown farms getting them back into condi tion They ore ready to work hard and have the knowledge to be successful commented the River Valley Forum in Ontario The new agricultural ideas and skills introduced by newcomers were mentioned by over Forums Immigrants have helped to overcome a complete lack of hired help said the Boyd Set tlement in Quebec They point- out however that better wages and hours in industry at tracted immigrants as well as young farm people Several adverse effects of ag ricultural immigration were not ed also by the Forums Increased land values higher prices of hired labor crowded schools increased production piling up surpluses were mentioned The importance of being friendly and neighborly to newcomers was stressed by a majority of the groups Almost one third of the had in- vitcd newcomers to their meet ings Said the Lower Forum in Nova Scotia We have welcomed three Dutch people into our Fnrm Forum The Forum in Prince Edward Island told this story We invit ed a New Canadian family to attend our Farm Forum meet ings appointed the husband as school trustee and visited the family occasionally The Darlingford South Forum in Manitoba added We should make strangers in our land wel come by being friendly and making the first advances We should try to be friendly rather than critical Tho importance of helping newcomers with the language was mentioned by 50 groups GOING to the OLD COUNT BY SHIP OR Bookings and reservation for all steamship and Conducted tours and travel In Europe Ask for free information r4 v rii m -J- -i- As we are new dealers in Newmarket we thought it might be a good idea to introduce publicly through the medium of this news paper our policies for this garage in order that you our customers could fully understand our way of doing business and the manner in which we pledge ourselves to merchandise and service the Ford Products we sell No Underhanded Practises The car business especially the used car dealer has long been accused by the buy ing public of using sharp tactics This we will not tolerate either in our sales or service departments AH personnel have been instructed to use our customers in the same manner as we ourselves would want to be treated if the shoe were on the other foot If we can not do business and be respected as a reputable firm then we should not be in business New Cars We will absolutely stand behind our product with no excuses If your new car or new truck is not oper ating satisfactorily we pledge to remain with your problem until you are thorough- satisfied This is not an idle statement but a very deep rooted and sincere desire of your new Ford Monarch Scaler 3 Used CarS Every new car deal er realizes that the success of his fran chise depends to a great extent on his ability to merchandise used cars Due to volume trading in new cars we have in stock now and expect to have in the future excellent used cars for sale We will as in the case of new cars stand be hind these cars with our used car guaran tee We want you to get value for your dollars spent and we publicly guarantee that you will Cars that are rough and not fit for resale will not be offered for retail sale by this dealership now or even Personnel have hired and will continue to hire the best possible men in their field for every job in this garage We are not interested in hiring anyone who will not foster these ideas and whose integrity and ability is not of the highest calibre Once we have these men or women in our employment we will con tinue to train thorn by means of regular meetings and courses in order that they stay on top of all problems in their par ticular field We are very sincere in our desire to be regarded as a distinct asset to the town of Newmarket and surrounding territory If these policies are deviated from in the slight est degree please let us know Sincerely THE MANAGEMENT LTD YOUR FORD MONARCH and FORD TRUCK DAVIS DR NEWMARKET phone