Vigo En mad Jim It Home and School Provides Variety Of Programs The four Home and School as sociations in Newmarket have arranged a variety of programs for their members on Tuesday Jan Each group will meet in its school at pm with excep tion of the Alexander school where the Family Fun Fair will be staged from to pm The public is invited to attend the meetings Refresh ments will be served Alexander Muir The Family Fun Fair will pro vide entertainment for all mem bers of the family Proceeds will be usedn the school by the Home and School association and the fair will provide the children and parents of the school with an opportunity of becoming better acquainted bands of the Home and School will take the program- A member of the Newmarket LOCAL NURSES HAVE PANEL DISCUSSION ON PROFESSION A panel discussion on prob lems concerning the nursing pro fession highlighted the monthly meeting of Chapter District Registered Nurses association of Ontario It was held at St public school board will be the school NeVmarket on guest speaker His topic will be Jan Your Educational Dollar Womans World By Caroline Ion Where It Goes Students of the Grade five class will provide the musical entertainment Stuart Scott Miss Bertha presided Mrs George of Albert was moderator of the panel and Introduced the members Mrs Harold Garrett Mrs and Mrs J Professor John Edwards Chairman of Stuart Scott Home King William proba tion officer of the York County Juvenile and Family Au rora will address the King George Home and School Mr will speak on Juv enile Delinquency Charles It will be Fathers night at the Prince Charles school when bus- I JACK FRASER Inventory Sale suns REG 6950 and Overcoats 5950 and School religious education committee will be in charge of the January association meet ing Professor has ax- ranged an interesting program to illustrate to parents the religious education given to pupils in pub lic schools A film The Fourth will be shown following which a discus sion period will be held The three ministers in charge of re ligious education for the Stuart Scott school Rev R Stuart John ston Rev J Rhodes and Rev A Yielding will be present and answer questions raised dur ing the discussion period Pupils of Miss Millers grade four and Miss grade se ven classes will present a selec tion of choral reading and hymns Linda Koshel will give a piano recital Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting Mrs Garrett a high school teacher told of what was being done to interest girls In nursing as a profession She the guidance classes conducted at Newmarket High school Mrs gave the pat ients viewpoint on nursing care and hospital routine and Mrs Edwards president of York County Hospital Womens Aux iliary talked about hospital ad- ministration and the share play ed by the auxiliary in public re lation work for the hospital A lively discussion period follow ed the presentation by the panel At the conclusion of the pro gram a social halfhour was en joyed Refreshment a were serv ed The response to the reorgan ization meeting on Monday night of the ScoutGuide Mothers aux iliary was gratifying to those women who had continued in of despite the fact that their sons and daughters had grown past the scoutguide age group A new executive was installed Prior to the meeting question naires were distributed among the mothers of the scouts guides brownies and cubs of the Newmarket packs and comp anies The mothers were asked if they would be willing lo take office serve on a committee at tend a monthly meeting and assist with the annual banquets The purpose of the Mothers aux iliary as a helping unit to the leaders scouting and guiding was explained briefly Although the attendance at the reorganization meeting was small less than percent of the mothers were present there was enthusiasm and interest shown by the women new to the aux iliary They accepted their share of responsibility for making the game of scouting and guiding in Newmarket a successful and hap- Newmarket Social News LADIES MEET i The regular meeting of the Womens Mission Circle of the Christian Baptist church will be Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach the Era and Express office by am each Wednesday Send them by mail or telephone or Mr and Mrs Russell Collins Friday Feb 17 held in the Sunday school hall Toronto were calling oh Jan 28 at pm Also on Saturday They were in mind the World Day of Pray- accompanied by Mis Collins JOHNS SATURDAY JANUARY 21 FREE DINNERWARE r i JACKPOT 200 w sister Mrs Ralph English Washington Mrs English recently returned from where her son Mr Charles English been In the United States Consulate service Mr and Mrs W Leach of Chatham Mr and Mrs Clayton each of were recent quests of Mr and Mrs Fred Mrs Margaret and Miss Jean Zephyr spent the weekend with Mrs A Millard Mr and Mrs James and family of Toronto wore Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Daniels and family and Mrs Donald Wright Mr and Mis Arthur Sheridan sons Mr and Mrs Harry ILontlry and family Mrs Wright and Mr Donald Sedg wick were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs It Mr and Mrs Alan Wood and Cheryl of Aurora spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Roy Mar tin Mr and Mrs William of Mount Albert were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Hoy Meads Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Edward Miller were Mr and Mrs Earl Miller and Marilyn of Beaver ton Mr and Mrs Em ory Miller and Ross of Barrio and Mrs Campbell of Toronto Mrs Robert of Windsor accompanied by her sons Scott and Brent is spend ing the week with her parents Mr and Mrs Waiter Creed Mr and Mrs Jack and family of Holland Landing and Mrs James Donne visited in Toronto on Sunday the guests of Mrs Meyers Mrs Mary Bell of Toronto ami Mrs S Mad ill were guests of Mr and Mrs Bert on Saturday Miss spent Sunday with My and Mrs Den nis Martin family of Kes wick A family gathering was held at the home of Mrs Wilfred Travis brother and sister-in- law Mr- and Mrs Albert Willis of Toronto Present were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Charles Willis Mr If J ami Mr Edgar Willis of To ronto and Mrs Watson Mrs It Van and children flew to Amsterdam Holland in They return to town on Monday after visiting Mrs Van parents Mr and Mrs Jager of Mr and Mrs Wesley Brooks spent the weekend in St Thom as the guests of their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Robert Brooks White there they attended the christening of their grandchildren Jan Marie and Mark William at First United church The twins were born on Dominion day py one and they in turn will welcome more assistance from the mothers who were un able to attend Mondays meet ing They realize the important role that scouting and guiding can play in assisting their child ren to develop into responsible welladjusted honest adults They are aware that the lead ers cant do the work alone More assistance is needed at the regular meetings of the scout guide brownie and cub organiz ations These mothers know that be cause human beings are social creatures they are drawn to gether to form gangs and clubs This instinct to belong and to bo accepted is particularly strong during early adolescence And those mothers that if their sons are attending cubs and scouts there is less likelihood of them joining the gang at the pool room or on the street corner While their boys are learning woodcrafts and other outdoor skills they will have little time or interest for undesirable asso ciations Likewise the mothers of girls are happy to know that through attendance at brownies and guides their daughters will learn first aid home nursing cooking and sewing as well as a variety of other crafts and skills They will be taught to accept other girls regardless of their religious beliefs or race They will learn as do the boys in scouting what are their duties to God and the Queen and to their daily com panions It is not unusual for mothers of youngsters who have attended cubs and brownies to tell of their little ones showing great forti tude in times of severe pain After all girl who was seriously ill with rheumatic fever fold her mother Im sup posed to grin and bear it Im a brownie i This training for the smaller ones to lend a hand and for the older boys and girls to be pre pared will stand them in good stead alt their lives But the success of the local companies and packs does not rest entirely on the shoulders of the volun teer lenders They can do only So much alone Brownies where there arc sel dom loss than in attendance and as many as urgently ap peal for more leaders There is only one adult leader for the guide company Likewise with the boys groups more assist is Former nurse and dieticians can help by taking the classes in home nursing first aid and cooking The as well as the girls must learn to sew on tat tons and darn to pass certain Perhaps dramatics or music is your specialty Both form a part of the program The need is there for assistance with the more than hoy and girls in the Newmarket cubs brown ies guides and scouts For further particulars con tact the chairman of the Scout Mens committee Robert Mar tin or the secretary of the Guide Local association Mrs Held At kinson Mrs Ray Ho brook newly elected president of the Mothers auxiliary will wel come assistance from all the mo liters and their attendance at the regular meetings in the scout hall on the second Monday each month JgjS News of the WI A News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately fester mm 8 Si 196 two for 896 overalls arts DISCOUNT are more rvrv JCL A jO 95 value up to 15 prop mm PHONE s The branch will meet on Wednesday Jan at the home of Mrs Bert Dike The motto Happy homes make happier people therefore hotter citizens The reply will he by Mrs Roll call Why women should vote Guest speaker will be Mrs El ton Armstrong on Citizenship The lunch committee will be Mrs Max Bate Mrs and Mrs J Smith of fowl The program in the charge of Mrs Norman Brown will feature slides on the world plowing matching which was held in Sweden last sum mer Mr Ivan McLaughlin who competed in that match and Mrs McLaughlin will be guests at this agriculture meeting to show the slides This also be bands Everyone wel come Grove branch met at the home of Mrs Drown on Wednesday Jan The roll call was answered by Some thing used in the home and its source A euchre will be held at hall on Tuesday evening Jan The proceeds will be P hospi tal The Mount Pleasant ladies will be in charge The members decided lo have a birthday box l Proceeds for Christinas cheer Mrs was in charge of the Canadian Indus tries and gave an interesting paper on Salt Currents events were Mrs and Mrs A poem was read by Hamilton Music was provided by Mrs A lunch served hos tesses Mrs Hamilton Mrs A and Mrs Bailey Tile fiormley branch of the Womens Institute will meet at if Mrs on Wednesday Jan for a good harvest but forget to hoe Mrs A Smith Roll call a MRS MADE LIFE MEMBER A life membership In the Ang lican Womens auxiliary was conferred upon Mrs J one of the charter members- of St Pauls branch at the em meeting The certificate signed by the diocesan president Mrs Snively was presented to Mrs by Mrs Robert Large president Mrs honorary president fastened on the gold pin the Winches ter Cross J T Rhodes conducted the service of renewal of mem followed by the install of officers for The annual reports were presented showing a successful year for Mr Rhodes a talk on the study book which deals with Newfoundland Mr Rhodes stationed there during World War Two Vi Norwegian Aids Stomach Salirr MADE Priced from 9149 yard or more Minimum length finished lined or Price will be reduced 59 cents per yard if yon make your own drapes v- sv-M- Mrs Glass related the history and growth of the only fish industry in the British Commonwealth when she told branch of the achieve ment of George Aston a 80year old man who raised million of these fish in Mrs Frank took the motto There is a destiny which makes US brothers rs Glass conducted two contests Answering the roll call A way to improve our members said being a neighbor taking part in com munity activities and the Gills club are proving bene ficial Mrs JIately pud Miss Boys hostesses Mrs Frank her home for the meeting on Jan POROAS MEETING A Dorcas will be held for the Evening branch of Pauls Anglican church New market on Monday the home of Mrs Harold Evans Victoria St The years projects will tart that night V wt SEWING CONTEST over prizes in Vancouver BC Special Ex pansion of distribution and sales to the United States for has htm announced by the Reclu Company Ltd of this city Increasing demand by American men and women who had heard of through Canadian sources has resulted in the open ing of the Company at Au rora Ave Seattle Washington with warehouse and shipping fa cilities- Almost overnight hundreds of drug cutlets including several large chains in Washington Ore gon and California have stocked the product and indications are that marketing in the United States will rival in rapidity the growth shown by the Company in Canada It only five years since was introduced In Vancouver by Mr president of the Drag Ltd in which time sales have expanded from coast to coast In Canada has brought relief from excessive gastric acidity gaseous distention and stomach distress due to hyperacidity thousands of Canadians since Mr brought the formula to this country from Norway after having it prescribed by an Oslo physician for his own stomach discomfort on a visit to his homeland All enquiries in Canada are handled from the head office In Vancouver QUEEN OFFICE I D DISTKICT lire Shop phone 1490 he X J 1 it PAUL TOBEY r V r AND BILL VANZAHT if tewing do 10000 in a 3rd Grand Prize in ash in 5th Grand tosh Grand In mm rem 2nd for two In Bermuda or in tosh 3rd In Pore in 0lh fa rash ENTER NOW Get Complete Ruloi and Entry Blank SINGER SEWING CENTER Phone 1 CUTS lb average- r WITH MEAT t WITH MEAT Ho you own a home freezer If so contact we think have deal you can get This opinion is on we receive from people we are serving It all guaranteed j ft if I IT PAYS US TO SELL THE BEST QUALITY TO BUY THE BEST QUALITY NHKIHTOCASH I r h si Si iv t j t I n bins and iy error uimnnai me eowett way to take core of mtm be to them and pay payment Ypyrjrierully Finance loon MaAog can advise on this and other money problems him arrange a loan with a repayment that flu your budget Finance fiat if for fast service you all can be made by In sign and pick cash Give us BORROW to 1 J 2gfe n rf Main I- IM W Si SB cv Than LOANS MADE IN AURORA MADE IN AURORA AND ft4 mm MlSiflS I fc