Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Sep 1954, p. 9

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King City And District Mr Latin Railing Correspondent Phone 8 Mr Donald who Ms attended University College for three terras is taking an inter val to teach in the resi dential school which is located about miles north of Edmon ton Alberta He leaves on Sep tember by rail to Edmonton- High school graduates have re ceived new Jobs Jim Scott will enter a Toronto office prior to pursuing a chartered account ant course Janet will attend Queens University for a pass arts course and Norma Wells will enter Toronto Normal school Will Attend Columbia Miss Marie Ball daugh ter of Mr and Mrs James Ball leaves for New York City where she has enrolled in a tworyear degree course in Bachelor of Science in nursing at Columbia University She has resigned from the teaching staff of St Josephs hospital Toronto to pursue her arts course Her sister Nancy Ball who is on the staff of St Josephs hospital has returned from a three weeks visit at New Glasgow Nova Scotia where she was the guest of the Hon A and his wife At Hobby Club Farm Sharon young people met to present Miss Judith Heath Toronto and Mr Fred Ball with a gift of money as a gift The couple will be mar ried on Saturday Sept at Hobby Club Farm the home of the brideelects uncle Prom Europe Miss Dorothy Armstrong re turned home last week after a two months tour of countries In the eastern Mediterranean and Europe She and her two companions travelled by air and oh bus and taxi seeing sightseer tours in different countries Visits King library Miss Ruth of St An drews Scotland an exchange librarian to the East York lib rary paid a recent visit to Mrs James Rock the chief librarian of King Memorial library They met at the conference of the On tario library Association held at Kitchener in June use Produced by Imperial Tobocco Company of limited as a public service tfihk tie WELDDRESSED ana newest techniques in aluminum welding on Canadian in clinics conducted by Aluminium Laboratories Limit ed in Kingston Want engineers managers foremen and welders attend lectures and demonstra tions by research mention it here to show how closely the companies that aluminum and the company that supplies it work together More than a thousand manu facturers turn Canadian alu minum everything from airframes to hairpins And they know that in exploring new uses or improving old ones they can always call on to help them find the answers Alu minum Company of Canada Ltd Mrs Harold en- at a trousseau tea at her home on Saturday afternoon and evening Aug in honor of her daughter Ruth whose marriage to Bruce Maple will take place in St church Nobleton on Sept Wearing teal blue crepe and lace Mrs received with her daughter chose pink linen frock Mrs Isaac mother of the groom- elect assisted In royal blue Miss attended the guest book Mrs Ralph Burns and Mrs Williams assisted in welcoming guests At the tea table were Mrs Alexander Sandison Toronto sister of Mrs Mrs George Thomas of Maple Mrs Roy and Mrs Leon ard Auckland Assistants were Mrs Don Mrs Gor don Mrs Jim Kers- and Mrs Bill The attendants of the trous seau and gift rooms were June Hollinshead and Mrs who will be brides maids Mrs Jim Gillham and Miss Jean To Preach Farewell Message The Presbyterian congrega tions of Strange and St Pauls of the King charge will hear the farewell sermon of their minister Rev David on Sunday Sept He has accepted a call to Glebe Presbyterian church Toronto where he will be inducted on Wednesday Sept He will oc cupy his new pulpit on Sunday Sept The minister his wife and four children will move to Toronto in the near future Mr came to charge four years ago For the first two years he was stationed as a student minister while he continued his studies at college In he graduated from Knox College and was ordained into the ministry and inducted into the King charge at an official ceremony at St Andrews church Strange His college course brought scholastic hon ors On Sunday Sept Strange Presbyterian congregation will revert to the afternoon service at 230 preceded by Sunday school will continue with the evening service at until the end of September and St Pauls ninth concession will meet at On Sept 5 the congregation of King United church goes back to regular ser vices at pm with Sunday school at am Laskay United church service will revert to pm Stewart 20 who was critically injured in a highway accident south of early last Saturday morning is a nephew of John King City His parents are Rev and Mrs Alex Presbyterian minister at Wing- ham John C of who was the son of Hon John for HuronBruce riding was killed in the accident Recent visitors at the home of Mrs A Eversley Farm have been her cousin Miss Irene Kent Toronto Petier a niece and her friend Alexis Vignes both of New York City Last Friday Aug they were joined by Oak Ridges and Harry Strain and his father when Charles and wish to announce my purchase of KING CITY MOTORS in its entirety Reorganization of services and extended general improvements will be conducted cordially solicit your Freddie Shields the song of Mrs held a surprise birth day party for Mr On the following Saturday even ing a dinner party was held for Mr Mrs Arnold Peter Brian Grant and were at Hanover recently for a vacation Brian having remained for two weeks Recent guests of Mr and and Mrs Peter were her brother Mr and Mrs Ray Van Kleek Hill and Frank Bobby and Chris Camp Borden were recent guests of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs A Gordon for a week The Gordons then took the young boys home and went on to Owen Sound to visit Mr Jack Edwards a brother of Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs Carson Bice their children and Karen have proved from Bad gers Corners Parry Sound dis trict to occupy the house owned by his brother Reginald Bice Maple Carson Bice is to be the senior grades teacher at King City school which opens Sept His parents are Mr Mrs Elias Bice of King City Miss Carol Brown spent a few days recently at Buffalo with her sister and husband Mr and Mrs Harold Ferguson Toronto Her mother Mrs Arthur Brown visited her niece Mrs Dick nee Lois at their home in Burlington Miss Doris returns this Officers Appointed For King Citys New Volunteer Fire Harold has been appoint ed deputy chief of King City fire department under fire Chief Dave Glass Jack Walker is the cap tain Glen Urquhart the lieuten ant and Bob is tempor ary secretary treasurer Thirty- seven men have submitted their names as voluntary firemen The selection of the required number for workmens compensation in surance will be made Chief Glass said The volunteers are meeting every Wednesday evening for practice Aurora fire depart ment is willing to provide instruc tion The first essential is firemens equipment To raise funds a pub lic dance is being arranged in King City Dance Pavilion in the park after the closing of the Can adian National Exhibition Reeve Elton Armstrong will provide an orchestra Deputy Reeve Bill Hodgson will donate door prizes and Ronald Wilson has promised a half dozen helmets Reeve Elton Armstrong points out that when the department is fully organized and is able to carry out fire fighting duties an area can be described for fire protection week from vacation at Fox Point Lake of Bays She is the teacher for the junior grades at King City She spent the early part of her summer vaca tion with her aunt at Dundas John Thomas has sold his house and lot on King St and has moved with his wife and family to their native province of Newfoundland Ed King Ridge has purchased the SHARON Service at the United church each Sunday is at will be in charge Sun day school starts again on Sun day Sept at after the church service The meeting of the Womens Association of the United church will be held at the home of Miss Nora Shaw on Thursday Sept at 230 pm All the la- house and is moving to the vil are invited to this meeting lage The Thomas family came to King City about eight years ago Miss Ruth was the recipient of many gifts when a shower held for her on August at the home of Mrs Bob Ball fourth conces sion of School Opens Sept Classes in King City school The lunch committee consists of the following Mrs H Miller Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Gill Mr and Mrs Jarvis Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw on Saturday Miss Elsie Hockley Newmar ket spent Saturday with her sis ter Mrs Crone Mrs Rush Sault Ste Marie is visiting her sister Mrs Win I slart Storey and brother Mr for a few weeks A pretty wedding was solem nized in the Christian church at Keswick when Bernard Kay took as his bride Miss Mary Ciimpson Baldwin on Saturday afternoon Misses Shirley and Mari lyn are spending this week in Toronto visiting their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Freeman Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd had tea Sunday even ing with Mr and Mrs Sept Children six years of age by Dec will be ad- i Im At a meeting of the board it was found that the new class room will not be ready for use before September Staggered classes for grades and under Miss and Mrs Hemphill will be conduct ed for the being in the jun ior classroom One teacher will take the morning and the other the afternoon Carson Bice will take grades and in the intermediate room formerly that of Mr and Miss Dennis the principal will occupy her own classroom The shift should not be too in convenient trustees say as it will only last a short time Feted On Birthday Miss Eliza Fisher senior citi zen of King City was the guest of honor at a party held on her birthday August 27 at the home of Mrs Bert Over 20 neighbors and friends congratu lated her and presented her with a pale blue cashmere sweater Miss Jenkins and Miss Jessie Toronto brought their gifts Mrs Prank of and her friend Mrs Forest Gould of Toronto were guests Mrs H Stone of King City a girlhood friend Miss Fisher was also present Re freshments and a birthday cake were served WX In Contest Miss E L Dennis Mrs Howard Neil and Mrs Aubrey Campbell have been appointed to represent King City WI in a competition at the Canadian National Exhi bition Sept It called Five Ways to Improve the CN For years in succession and the branch won second place MOUNT ALBERT Continued from Page one and one of the best as the quality of the flowers was ex ceptionally good this year There were exhibitors and 203 entries in the adult classes and in the childrens there were The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept Page Mr and Mrs crack and girls Milton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon Miss Violet McDonald and Mr J McDonald Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Chas Wright Dike beets Nora Bain Jean Bain Sandra Davis Jim Harrison House Plants begonia any variety Miss Hayes Mrs Brooks foliage plant Mrs Steeper cactus Geo Walsh Mrs J Cooper African violet Mrs J McDonald Mrs J Coo per any other plant Mrs J Coo per Mrs J McDonald Vegetables beans green Mrs Harrison Mrs Harmon beans yellow Mrs Percy Walk er Mrs O Martin pale beans Mrs Mrs J Cooper beets Mrs H corn any variety Mrs Miss cabbage Mrs Mrs J Cooper carrots Mrs Martin Mrs H Harman cauliflower Mrs cucumbers table Mrs H Mrs Brooks A large crowd attended the shower in hall Tues day evening in honor of the re cent bride and groom Mr and Mrs Jack Davis A hearty welcome is extended to Rev and Mrs Simpkins En terprise who are replacing Rev and Mrs King on the Belhaven circuit Mr Root Winch and friend spent the weekend with his mo ther Mrs Erwin Winch who is KING CITY LIONS LIGHTS IMMEMORIAL PARK The presentation and dedication of the 24unit system of flood lights by King City Lions to King Memorial park was held on Tues day of last week The formal ceremony witness ed by was led by the Lions president Jack Ho expressed thanks to all had helped to promote the project He read the presentation certifi cate written in old English let tering by Lion George Harvey was received from John the Lions past president by George Brown on behalf of the- Marie and King Athletic Associ ation which controls the park The floodlight project has cost 21500 a large share of which has been supported by public sub- in the district The Lions will underwrite the re mainder The athletic club now assumes the responsibility- of maintenance and upkeep of the system The Lions floodlight committee consists of Gordon George Harvey Jock Thomp son Joe Cross and Jack Walking- ton Several outside the Lions club gave voluntary service Among these was Norman Taylor Oak election and his staff Bob King City and Bob An informal game was staged between Maple and King City Lions club Maple won to An exhibition game was played between two Toronto girls teams The Kalyx Cups Canadian champions won to over Girts the Canadian champions exhibitors and cumbers A Mar- Prize list class A cut flow- Krll double aster Mrs Jos talker onions double aster Mrs Jos Q Martin Mrs Harmon onions Spanish Mrs Gard onions silver skins Mrs Mrs H peppers sweet Mrs Mr potatoes late Mrs J McDonald Mrs Martin table squash Mrs Harmon special collection of marigolds Miss Hayes Mrs rison Mrs Buss Harrison Heart of France aster Mrs Har rison corn flower Mrs Mrs Harrison cosmos Miss Hayes Mrs Jas McDonald Miss Harmon dahlia pom pom Mrs J McDonald Mrs Gard dahlia Mr Geo Walsh Mrs Harrison Mrs J McDonald Gladioli white or cream Mrs Steeper Geo Walsh gladioli yellow or orange Mrs J Mc Donald Mrs gladioli red Mrs Mel Oldham Mrs J McDonald gladioli pink Mrs Oldham Mrs Ed gladi oli purple Mrs Mrs Steeper gladioli miniature Miss Mrs Mel Old ham hydrangea Mrs Mrs Frank Brooks lily Miss Hayes marigold African Miss Hayes marigold French Mrs Gard Mrs Steeper Mrs Gard Mis Mrs J McDonald Mrs Walker Mrs Gard petunias fringed Harold Mrs J Cooper phlox Mrs Har rison Mrs P Walker Rose Mrs Ira Morton Rose red Mrs Ira Mor ton rose pink Geo Walsh sal- Mrs Steeper snapdrag on Mrs J Cooper Mr stocks Miss B Harmon sweet peas Mrs Harold zinnias large Mrs Miss Hayes zinnias pom pom Miss Harmon Mrs Gard zinnias fantasy Mrs Steeper Childrens Display Bouquet of wild flowers Carol Harrison Betty Harrison Bobby Wilson Keith Harmon Lois Martin grades bouquet of garden flowers arranged in the hall Bobby Wilson Sandra Mc Donald Tommy Crozier Ricky Snyder grades Neil Mc Donald Gary Wilson pom pom Sandra Davis Sandra McDonald Tommy Bob by Wilson Dike Carrots Dike Keith Nora Bain Jean Bain tton of tuberous begonias Miss Harmon Collection of gladioli Mrs Mel Oldham Mrs bouquet of asters Sirs Steeper Mr bouquet of zinnias Miss B Mrs J McDonald bouquet of poppies Geo Walsh Mrs B Harmon bouquet of dahlias Miss Harman Mrs J McDonald table Miss B Mrs Steeper basket of garden flowers Miss B Mrs Martin bouquet of new flowers named Miss E Hayes bouquet of double petunias Geo Walsh Mrs P Walker collection of pe tunias Mrs Steepr Mrs P Walker collection of vegetables Mrs Harmon Mr a novel arrangement of flowers in bouquet Mrs J McDonald Mrs O Martin Geraniums three bunches Miss Harmon Mrs ladys corsage Mrs O Martin Geo Walsh snapshot of your garden Mrs Steeper George Walsh Homemakers section light cake Mrs Harmon dark cake Mrs Martin Mrs H Harmon pumpkin pie Mrs J Cooper apple pie Mrs Percy Walker Mrs Geo Walsh on all FISHING TACKLE BASEBALL EQUIPMENT and CAMPING GOODS Come in and look over the assortment We have some bargains For a toddler or girl A etc playtime wardrobe in nc pattern Cobbler Apron wonderful In plastics Short Overalls Blouse Shirt Jumper Make matching sots sister or practical in cottons or cord- Pattern Toddlers sizes I See pattern for all yardage requirements easytouse pattern gives perfect tit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step lid T 1 1 VK CENTO In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Era and Express Pattern Newmar ket A Make these lovebirds your lucky symbol In crisp while a pretty pastel this chairset will add a new touch of charm to your livingroom Perfect for a bridal gift Pattern crochet direct- Ions for chairback arm rest inches In No cotton Send TWENTVFIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern cannot he accepted to The New market Era and Express House hold Arts Dent Newmarket Print plainly NAME NUMBER Brimful of thrifty gift Ideas our Alice Brooks Catalog of the most popu lar embroidery crochet sewing color- transfer designs to send for Plus four patterns printed In book Send cents for your copy Ideas for gifts bazaars fashions IN A Selling a brand new item going type of food and bever age store factories laboratories hospitals etc New and pheno menal Write for free sample details today UTILITY CO Jackson Blvd Chicago Illinois USA Steaks chops spare ribs seasoned to perfection and icecold Coca-Cola- Ah theres a meal The frosty goodness of Coke points up the taste of food WARNING Better have plenty of everything good Coke Handy cartons make it so easy Architects Plans Started On New King City Library lUrfo At a meeting of King Memor ial Library board Aug A was authorized to ask J A Hewitt a Richmond Hill ar chitect to draw up detailed plans for a new library building in King City Mr exhibited a detailed plan by Mr Hewitt which met with appro val The board has a building lot on Keele St by feet which is held in trust by one of its members The property trustees are Mrs and Mrs A A Kin City property owner made it ft ram PHONE For your winter supply of coal ROBINSON FUELS handle kinds f TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Tuesday Sept tj3 J possible for the board to pur chase a lot at a low cost The proposed building is by feet Plans call for a main auditorium facing Keele St The basement room could be enter ed by a side or rear entrance The present building is too small there are hundreds of valuable books In storage else where To boost the membership each of the nine persons at the board meeting Including some who did not belong to the board pledged to bring la four new members New Time Tables will be available at your Local Agency Tickets and Information at KINO GEORGE HOTEL Phone GRAY COACH LINES A Ti OS mm Authorized of CocaColo 9taUi fa J UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED PHONE in i 5 J a ro4mk AW

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