Newmarket Era and Express, 2 Sep 1954, p. 5

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The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept PLEASANTVILLE RCAF PUTS ON JET PRECISION SHOW ACROSS CANADA Precision flying in formation Is being demon strated a jet cavalcade now touring Western Canada Fifteen jets including Sabres and are In the demonstration which will be seen by an estimated 2500000 persons across Canada Pilots the planes most of them married men with famines say they have a safe job and the only time their wives worry about them is when they are driving a car on a crowded highway Five of the pilot group shown here are Payne SL Hill A Bow man J Seaman and Scott Miss Jean Cunningham has re turned from a sixweek vacation touring Scotland and England and is spending the remainder of her holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Cunningham Regular church services and Sunday school will be resumed in the and Snowball churches on Sunday Sept Era and Express classifieds bring results BOWLAWAY ACADEMY DAVIS DRIVE EAST NEWMARKET LEAGUES CLUBS Make your reservations NOW for coming season REOPENING SATURDAY SEPT PM PHONE 305 DAY 897R AFTER PX ANSNORVELDT Mr and Mrs Grand Rapids Mich are visit ing at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Miss Grand Rapids Mich has arrived to be a teach er at the Christian school here for the coming term Miss will be making her home with Mrs Mulder Mr and Mrs Bowman- were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs J Rev A Bowman- conducted the services at the Christian Reform church Mrs Mulder and Miss A Mulder returned home after spending some time at Michigan Mr and Mrs Windsor spent a few days visit ing Mr and Mrs The community extends its sincere sympathy to Mrs A and family in the death of Mr Vanderklcin on Aug The Bogaxttown WI bus trip to will be on September For further information get in touch with Mrs Albert Ridley- Miss Wanda Stcuff- and Miss Kettleby spent a week recently with Mrs Mrs Earl Toole left on August with her brother and his wife Mr and Mrs Stuart Taylor Cedar Brae for a months vaca tion in western Canada and the western states Mrs Chas Toole home on Tuesday from Burling ton her sister Miss re turned home with her Guests recently for dinner with Mrs G included Mrs McClure Miss Joyce Van Mrs A and Miss McQueen Mr and Mrs Roy Cody spent a week with friends in Graven- hurst Sorry to learn of Miss Prestons accident on the third line while bicycling with a girl friend Miss Glover was hospitalized for a few days and Mr accompanied by Mr and Mrs and children and Miss Fischer Toronto were recent guests at home Kettleby Mrs and Mr Madill remain for a few days Miss Sadie McQueen was a guest for a few days at the home of Mr Williams Miss VahLuvan return home on Saturday after spend ing a week at Canadian Keswick camp Cards Stacked Against Careless Holiday Drivers STAN An airline pilot used to delight in startling his passengers with an announcement at the end of their trip f are now about to begin the most dangerous part of your trip he would say the drive home in your car The Ontario Safety league agrees that the car can be either a source of pleasure or a dan gerous weapon depending on the man behind the wheel The chances of a fatal accident rise particularly high on holiday weekends such as Labor Day weekend which falls on Septem ber 3 to this year this holiday weekend fol lows the normal pattern roads to and from every holiday re sort area fit Ontario will be jammed with cars The general manager of the Ontario Safety league G Reynolds has urged all pedestrians and drivers to exercise twice the caution they would normally use to en joy troublefree motoring Every motorist has it in his power to avoid excessive speed he emphasized The maximum that appears on signs as the speed limit is not always a safe speed he warned since road and traffic conditions and not printed signs should govern your speed lions that the league makes for maximum comfort and safety during your Labor Day weekend trip Make sure your car is in good mechanical operating con dition before beginning a long trip Check tires oil brakes gas supply and water Take along a thermos bottle of hot tea or coffee It will come in handy if you dont see any good eating places and it makes a fine refresher at intervals when youre feeling tired Dont pass on hills or curves and dont cut in Govern your dist ance behind the car ahead by the speed at which you are tra velling Bumper chasers in vite accidents and incidentally get less mileage per gallon if they are constantly braking their cars Seventeen out of drivers involved in fatal acci dents year had been drink ing Dont drink then drive- Its common courtesy to dim your headlights when following or meeting another car Lack of sufficient oxygen is a reason for fatigue Keep car windows and ventilator open and breath I deeply Drink tea or coffee some other refreshing beverage not alcoholic every two hours Stop to stretch and walk around if you feel tired Rest if ALIGNMENTS Davis Dr Phone Newmarket REMEMBER Whatever your requirements YOU CAN GET YOUR from the manufacturer Bradford fertilizer Chemical Co Box Bradford Out Telephone Newmarket SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY The league recommends that you feel the slightest bit sleepy mm PINE ORCHARD Misses Jeanne and Mary Leh man entertained young friends on Saturday Rev John New market delivered a thoughtful message on Sunday August at Union church At 11 am on Sunday Sept Rev Shannon Newmarket be in charge of the service Sun day school will be at am On Sunday Oct 3 the anniver sary services will be held at Union church at am and pm Mr and Mrs James Hope left on Monday to visit Mr Hopes brother Mr Jack Hope British Columbia Mr and Mrs Douglas Hop and family enjoyed a motor trip to Georgian Bay last week Mr and Mrs Fred Smith New market were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ross ArmitaRe your usual speed be cut by miles per hour in heavy holiday traffic For drivers who want to make fast time the league recom mends a good nights sleep and an early start when traffic is comparatively light A well- planned trip with a comfortable margin of time to reach your destination and return without excessive speed is another rec ommendation Here are some other sugges- LIMITED le St BUICK Newmarket TRUCKS Phone 1919 DODGE SEDAN j AS IS PONT FORD SEDAN 1695 WILLYS WHEELS BALANCED ON OAR OVER AUSTIN TON FORD TON I GOODWILL WAURANTV f FORD PANEL 415 1950 TON READY FOR FONT READY FOR ROAD TON PICK USED GARS AMD TRUCKS THREE WAYS TO BUY FINANCE NO TRADE DISC Change drivers every two hours if possible Keep your mind on your driving Dont engage in conversation with others in the car if it takes your attention from your driving Signal for turns slowdowns and stops well before taking action and avoid abrupt stops These rules are your best guarantee of having a happy holiday weekend and returning home safely says the Ontario Safety League off to a start representative of the Gid eons society took the service on Sunday morning at the United church Rev P Shapter will return from holidays this week and will bo in his own pulpit next Sunday The anniversary services will be held on Sunday Sept Dr O will be guest speaker at oclock and Rev A Toronto at the evening service Invitations have gone out to all old friends and former members Lunch will be provided at the church In the afternoon there will be a program and a social gettogether There will be special music at nil services Mr and Mrs Bruce Ross sing were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs J Burr and Mrs Asa Jewell New r and Mrs Toronto were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr and Mrs Steeper Mr and Mrs Dawson Dike was and Mr and Mrs Milton have been on a holiday motor trip through the north country Mr Cunningham and Mr Allan Hopkins attended the funeral of P on Sat urday at Aurora Mr and Mrs Walter Toronto and Mr and Mrs- David Joint Oak Lake Man were calling on old friends in town on Friday Mr and Mrs Percy Thompson Toronto were weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J Oliver Mrs Clara Armstrong spent last week in Mrs Zephyr was a visitor at the home of Mrs Harmon last week All roads lead to the brightly lighted park these nights crowds have been attending the ball games Summer Show The Horticultural flower and vegetable show was held in the community hall on Tuesday It the twentyeighth annual Page Col Zephyr News Mr and Mrs Wilfred and family vis ited Mrs on Sun day Dr Marion J Hunt and son Ricky Newmarket spent a few days with her mother Mrs A Lnckiu last week A number from here took ad vantage of the bits trip to the CNK on Thursday Mrs and Mrs A visited Miss Jean- Murray at the Elderly Peo ples home in Sutton on Monday A Meets The A of the United church held the August meet ing in the Sunday school room on Wednesday evening of last week Mrs Bain presi dent presided at the meeting The secretary rend letters of appreciation from various re cipients of fruit and flowers The annual fowl supper to be held in the fall was discussed Arrangements were made for the serving of a luncheon at wed ding in September Mrs Harrison convener of the program conducted the meeting Mrs Case gave the Bible reading Readings were given by Mrs C Harrison Mrs Galbraith and Mrs Miss Marie sang a solo Lunch and a social half hour brought the meeting to a close A special service will be held in Zephyr Presbyterian church on Sunday Sept at pm The guest speaker will be Rev Frank St An drews church Spe cial music will be included Mr and Mrs A Cain and family and Mr and Mrs Garnet Shaw and family held picnic at park on Sun day last Mr and Mrs Roy Burton To ronto visited Mr and Mrs Chris and other friends Zephyr We are glad to report that Mrs Dewey Graham was able to return to her homo last week Mrs Graham is gradually im proving and is able to get around in a wheel chair Mrs Kydd Holt is looking alter Mrs Graham and her home for the present Mr Graham has been trans ferred to Lyndhurst Lodge To ronto He is improving Ar rangements are being made to have a sale of their stock im plements and farm Mrs James is visiting niece in Aurora Mr and Mrs Bruce Bain Newmarket Misses Florence and Martha Bain and Miriam Cain Mount Albert visited Mrs Vio let on Sunday Sorry to hear that Mr Cook is on the sick list Mrs Violet Cullingham and Miss Lucy Cullingham visited friends in Mount Albert one day last week HOLT We welcome our new minister Rev J Daw to the com munity A Campbell- ford was guest speaker at Holt Free Methodist church on Sun day evening Mr and Mrs Milton and Mr and Mrs Dawson Dike and James have returned after holidaying in northern Ontario Master Roy King Junction spent a few days last week with his grandmother Mrs Sam King We are sorry to hear that Mrs Walter Couch Is ill in Toronto Mr and Mrs Don Thompson and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hunt Taylor Roches Point Mr Mrs Mrs Fred and Larry spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rosa Nicholson near Port Rev and Mrs A and family had din ner Monday evening with Mr and Mrs Milton About attended a farewell party for Rev and Mrs Lome Casement and family at the homo of Mr and Mrs Milton They left last week for Clarendon Rest wishes of the community go with them to their new field of labor Mr and Mrs Charles Gallo way have returned after visiting Mr Galloways parents Keewa- Miss Judy Thompson is holi daying at the home of Mr and Mrs Hunt Taylor Roches Point Mr and Mrs Don Thompson returned last Sunday from a trip to Ottawa with ARCH CUSHION BOYS BASKETBALL RUNNING SHOES GIRLS 495 Sty Newmarket Phone Before you decide on a feeding plan for your pullets get all the facts about out new modern crumble feeding pro gram for layers on the Egg Production Plan with Egg Mash Crumbles Whole Oats and Scratch Grains New illustrated folders outline this plan in detail and give valuable management hints copies now available COME IN WHEN IN TOWN will be glad to discuss this new plan on reducing costs to produce a dozen eggs MB BARGAINS AT a DRY i FOR THE FAMILY JUST ARRIVED A Ladies full line of winter coats ami dresses ALL SUMMER TWO FOR THE ONK Summer sport shirts greatly reduced SPECIAL All weather for men for VISIT THE BASEMENT FOR THIS WEEK DIES HANDBAGS Bargains too numerous to mention HARRYS DRY GOODS urn rite biggest little department store in York County Mai a Street Opp Newmarket Phono

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