r- Ti 99KArA ii i r Birthday wishes are extended this eek to Sandra Foster New market year old on Monday June Judith Ann Sfrother Newmar ket years old on Thursday June 17 Oakley Morrison Sedoie Kes wick years old on Saturday June Robert Frederick Vernon K Newmarket years old on Saturday June William Bowman years old on Sun day Jane Donna May Broad years old on Sunday June David Pinfold New market years old on Sunday June Glen Walton Rye Keswick years old on Tuesday June Larry Sutton West years old on Tuesday June Brian Pollock Sulton West years old on Tuesday June Russell Morton Sutton West 12 years old on Wednesday June Elizabeth Newmarket years old on Wednesday June 23 Clarence Elgin Toole Pine Orchard years old on Thurs day June Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club in g WOODMARTIN Newmarket Free Methodist church was the setting for the marriage of Maze Mar tin daughter of Mr and Mrs- Roy Martin to Charles Alan Wood son of Mr and Mrs Wood on Saturday June officiated Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a gown of rose point lace and net with ac cordion pleated front over white slipper satin with matching bol ero Her three quarter length embroidered veil was caught with a seeded pearl headdress She carried a cascade of lilies carnations and corn flow ers The soloist was Miss Margaret Barragar who sang The Lords Prayer and Because Mrs Gerald was organist Mrs Aubrey Martin matron of honor wore a gown of mauve lace and net over slipper satin with matching bolero and flow ered halo Miss Beth Wood and Miss Martin were brides maids wearing gowns of green and yellow lace and net over satin with matching boleros and flowered They carried bouquets of and car nations The flower girl Sandra Phillips cousin of the groom She wore a floor length gown of blue net over satin with matching halo She carried a basket of rose and carnations Fred Whitehead was best man and ushers were Aub rey Martin and John Wood The reception was held at the Canadian Legion hall The brides mother received in navy blue sheer with a corsage of red roses The grooms mother assisted in dusky pink crepe with a corsage of yellow roses For travelling on her honey moon to Holland Michigan the bride chose a pink suit white hat and wore a corsage of pink roses and carnations Mr and Mrs Wood will reside in Aurora oh their return NOBLE Chalmers Presbyterian church Uxbridge was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday May 29 when Audrey May daughter of and Mrs J Kenneth Noble was united in marriage to Ronald Gladstone son of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Simp son at the as sisted by Zephyr Basketsjfflg- mauve lilacs and apporhs formed the setting ceremony Mrs play the or gan and Mrs De troit aunt of the groom sang The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and during the sign ing of the register Oh Promise Me Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a floor length gown of white nylon lace and net over full skirt with a nylon net flounce around the bottom extending up the back to the waist in an apron ef fect Her finger tip veil of em broidered net was caught to a halo headdress of seed pearls She carried a cascade of white and red roses Mrs Arnold Tay lor Blackstock as matron of honor attended her sister in a strapless ballerina length gown of orchid braided nylon and net and bolero with matching mit tens and headdress and carried a cascade of Johanna Hill roses Mrs Alan Noble and Mrs Mar vin Meyer as bridesmaids wore similar gowns of pink orchid and carried cascades of Pink Delight roses Marilyn Noble cousin of the bride as flower girl wore a short dress of pastel blue The June meeting of the was held at the home of Miss L Starr Devotional exer cises were given by Mrs Mrs Sydney Thompson of gave a fine paper on and citizenship Mrs Creed and Mrs Mor ton were also on the program WIN PRIZES The of the counties of York and Peel recently pre Eented prizes of books to number of Newmarket public school pupils For posters prize winners in order of merit were George Robertson Bobby Hunter and Jane for essay were Paul Blair and Alberta al second prize for a The Common Round By Isabel Cohnlte JUNE AND YOUTH June seems to be the month had announced they came at all young and beau- first so tiny with their eyes things come into own a time of song and on one of these heavenly mornings can one imagine anything more in keeping with its ethereal loveli ness than the song of the birds Our robins are absolutely fear less I suppose years of nesting in the same place has made them we ace part of their home life for they come finding their jung close to the porch where eating give us Mrs little glances as they hop class received a And we hear their song the library they grab a few minutes full of wonder and their hands full of know my filled so did those of many others they reached the eir bouquets there arid long lines the flow WK acted the introduced The lesson Hayes and and clear with When the met at the I a was held in memory wSflffi in the branch was until the time of May The program included a of the district annual meeting by Mrs J P and Mrs Geo Billings donation of 50 towards transportation to swimming classes under the aus pices of King City Lions a de cision to take part an a contest namely Five Ways to Improve the Exhibition a deci sion to help in the York County hospital garden party at Eaton Hall in aid of the building fund a report that cancer dress ings were made during the past six months and a bulletin re- Ion net and lace with a Canadian Consumers t Association by Mrs Archie Campbell The following standing com mittee conveners were appoint ed agriculture and Canadian i dustries Mrs Archie citizenship and education Miss Doris historical and current events Mrs home economics and health Mrs Wade pub lic relations and community ac tivities Mrs Geo Billings Mrs Rolling skirt and carried a basket of pink snapdragons sweet peas and babys breath Master John Noble cousin of the bride was ring bearer and carried the rings on a white heart shaped cushion The groom was attended by his brother Bruce and the ushers were Allan Noble Toronto and Donald Hewlett Zephyr Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the brides parents where Mrs Noble received her guests in a dress of blue lace with white ac cessories and wore a corsage of Sweetheart roses and white mums The grooms mother as sisted wearing a rose triple sheer dress with navy accessories and wore corsage of Johanna Hill roses For the wedding trip to the east coast the bride wore a blue suit with a British tan top coat and accessories and a corsage of Johanna Hill roses On their re turn the couple will reside near Zephyr heard an ac count of the growing of herbs in England from Pearson when the branch met hall on June Womans Curiosity was the title of a rending by Mrs Mrs Glass Conducted contests November was set for the date of the annual ba zaar in hall leisure from their huntings en some wild canaries have gidopted us this year and a gay note of song and color as they flit about the pine in yfront of the house We dont see the vivid flamelike flight of oriole but we hear his lovely notes The song spar rows still sit on the barn roof to give their concerts and the king birds balance on any deli cate stalks they can find all this gaiety and loveliness because its June The peonies and the iris nod Sow gravely to me in morning when I visit them anii the mock orange fills with its own fragrance because its June Then have written schools urban and for moment their studies and burst into song all music teachers feel the urge to their pupils play for one another for their parents and for the interested public would like to take you to all the nine recitals I attended this year but as I could not do that as I find I had friends in all and wouldnt slight any And now I come to another occasion where children gave something beautiful to the congregation of Trinity United church on Sun day June The church bloomed with flowers but what took our at entering was large targets at either side chancel we wondered the junior entered from what was this servi by was read the pray each young the words audible all over the church which was quite a for junior choir sang an anthem and it was love ly to hear their fresh young voices raised in of praise Mr Roland Meddle Aurora told the story of a boy and his search for the best things of life and when Mr Aiken pronounced the benediction I am sure we all how feet can carry the ace If OWE It Oliver was ftt a miscellaneous was held at Van- hall on Friday Jean and iPreston who will be on Saturday June Ann Crawford ecoratea nail the occa sion Following a one hour pro- am the couple were presented v in the rear of the church came irson children in pairs and each fi the tiniest to the teenagers a bouquet To the hymn For the of the ear KNIGHTS In a picturesque setting of red peonies and yellow and mauve iris a marriage was solemnized in Maple Baptist church on Sat- June when Joyce Don- daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Knights Keswick became the bride of Cyprian son of Mrs A saw Poland Sov Snyder Rev Given in white flowered Her cape vett and she cascade of red roses The maid of honor Miss Beatrice mehl St Jacobs wore a gown 0 green taffeta- The maid Miss Jean Knights of the bride wore a jot bronze taffeta The flower girls Helen and Knights sis ters of the bride wore gowns of yellow taffeta They all carried cascades of lovely spring flow- ex The pianist was Mr St Jacobs Miss Mary Carol Knights cousin of the bride sang two solos during ceremony A trio Misses Margaret Knights and Mary Carol Knights also sang during the ceremony and later during the reception Mr Taylor New market was groomsman and the ushers were Messrs Bruce and Harold Knights brothers of the bride At the reception haven brides mother W a dress of mauve ny corsage of yellowjros wedding trip nor chose a wool pink and white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations The June meeting of branch will be held at the home of Mrs Ellas on Wednesday June Motto We should use our ability to make a good starter as well as a good finisher Roll call An improvement I would like to see In our community Gazette Mrs Jack Gamble The con vener of community activities and public relations will be Mrs Bernard Kays Program Mrs Ellas Hostesses Mrs Bern ard Kays and Mrs Ellas One reason for discrepancies in Canadian and United States prices is that Canada has a percent general sales tax and the lilted States has not r Service June LEAVE NEWMARKET TO TORONTO am a am JO am am pm noon pm pm US pm a dally except Sundays St Hols daily except Sat Sun Hols DAYLIGHT TIME Dont be chain youjcwashd Dial 9 and let DM on Toronto tad dry ftp week prompt NEWMARKET a J Prospect St Phone SAY Ticket and Information at King George Hotel Phone GRAY COACH LINES AND DRY CLEANERS S-