forests contain of timber Of this accessible to operation J 1 A apple pic a hundred pounds was baked for the Washing ton State Apple Blossom Fest ival specially built alumi num pic pan the largest made measured feet across Made us wonder how a pie youd get if the apple baked in one day on regular- size aluminum pans were put together And that brings to mind all different aluminum cooking utensils used today in homes arid hospitals and res taurants No wonder Canada is stepping up her production of this light bright metal to one and a quarter billion pounds year Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd At the ball here Wed nesday night Albert girls defeated bur lassies with a score of IB to Rev and Eric Warren will missed here A well attended farewell party was given them last Friday night in the church basement Some of the gifts were a lamp and purse from the church members an electric clock from the A and a matching jewellery set and jlet for Marion Warren the Jr choir At an earlier meeting Mrs Warren received an Even ing bag the evening auxiliary and a steam iron the We wish them every success in their new field at Huntley family and Mrs attended the wedding of Mrs grand daughter Ann in Toronto on Friday United church pic nic will be held at Park on July Plan to attend for an enjoyable day Friends and relatives will meet at the ceme tery to decorate the graves on Sunday June Mrs Eric Warren took her group on an enjoyable bus trap to Niagara Falls on Sat urday Miss Laura Toron to is visiting for a week at the home of her brother Mr Sydney Thompson Mr and Mrs Gordon Elliott spent the weekend at Rice Lake at his mothers cottage- Congratulations to Donald Milne and bride who were marr ied on Saturday They will make their home in Keswick Mrs A J Milne is visiting her daughter Barbara Lindsay Miss Bates is spending a week with her niece at Brant- ford ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH COMPLETED AT SUTTON Another indication of the growth of the Lake Simcoe south shore area will be the opening at Sutton next Sunday June of a new Roman Catholic church- Situated on Road ink new building is designed to serve both permanent and sum mer residents Formal opening ceremonies have been arranged for some date in July the name chosen is The Immaculate Con ception church The church will he in actual use next Sunday when the pas tor Rev Father A will say two masses at 93Q and Of substantial frame construc tion the church is in New Eng land colonial design painted white and will seat The many modern features include a crying room for mothers with small children where they may not only see but hear the ser vice by means of a large glass wall and a loudspeaker system Further features are a carillon washrooms automatic oil heat and a fine electric organ The interior of the church is attractive with walls in pastel shades The floorcovering is a combination of beige and green tiles Pews and all wood trim are in a soft blonde finish A large will be u tar Flore now in as amp wallhanging the main iting fixtures are in wrought iron grounds is plan as well ffle w lh FARMER IKE INSPECTS HIS CROP ZEPHYR The weather was favorable during the afternoon for the Zephyr sports day In the even ing there was a heavy downpour but when it stopped raining the evening performance was held followed by bingo and dancing Zephyr ball team was victori ous over the other clubs playing and won first prize Most of the draw prizes went to Out-of- town guests The Zephyr scouts and cubs The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday June Page vat Gilhooley and Hugh attended a drumhead service The sympathy of the goes to the bereaved family in their recent death of George Mrs Snowdan Newmarket visited friends in Zephyr on Sunday Misses Laura and Horner and friends visited Mr and Mrs Klwood Walker over the under the leadership of Mr Or end MINT WAILS CHUNGS Pies Canadian President Elsenhower and his caretaker Ivan walk through the wheat field oh the presidents farm at Gettysburg Pa During the tour of the farm the president learned for the first time that his wheat is eligible for the rigid high price supports he to abolish Town Mail Delivery Service Requested Again By Council Am effort to obtain postal members of council marvelled is being made because of its length and struct Another delivery service by the town council of Newmar ket Some members of council last week were pessimistic about the results Mayor Gladman said that the last time an application had been made to the Post Office department Newmarket had fewer than points of call listed and they the Post Office department upped the to 2500 Councillor who pre sented a new resolution to re quest the department to permit doortodoor delivery said that the long waiting lines at the post office wicket caused incon veniences for many people You cant even buy a postage stamp in rush hours and some businesses just afford to have someone waiting all that time at the wicket said Coun cillor The wicket doesnt open until am and it closes at pm I was also go ing to ask that the Post Office be moved for safetys sake he added The resolution passed by coun cil was moved by Mr and seconded by Charles The resolution at which is as follows Whereas the population of Newmarket is rapidly increasing and whereas a large number of working residents of this town find it convenient to collect their mail at the Post Office at lunch hour and at thus creat ing traffic congestion art the corner of Main St and Park Ave a congestion which geographic position of the Office building does not allow to be corrected and Whereas this congestion has HOPE METRO WILL SHARE COUNTY PARK COSTS IN FUTURE The cost of operating the York County park on Lake near Sutton has been 441824 up to June this year Accord ing to a report at county council session at Newmarket on Thursday revenue amounted to in that period It was suggested by the coun ty parks committee that the county maintain the park this year hut members of council ex pressed hope that assistance will he ly Metropolitan To ronto in the future considering the fact that many Metropoli tan citizens use the park A meeting has been held with the metropolitan parks commit tee The metropolitan commit tee had requested that a be taken of ears park to determine the number of Metropolitan Toronto resi dents who use may form a basis of a future agreement on sharing caused in the past and is at the present more and more friction between the police department endeavoring to keep the traffic moving on one side and the irate citizens who resent wasting their lunch hour by parking too far from the Office Bo it therefore resolved that this council request the Post master General to reconsider his departments refusal to give Newmarket the home mail de livery thus eliminating the sent situation which is both a nuisance and a menace to public safety Do you know what cost will mean to the town street renumbering will be a terrify said Councillor Wench Councillor Wenchs statement was Just hire someone give the people their house numbers and they will put them up themselves he said Ho that the residents would cooperate to have mail delivery in Newmarket The numbering is an awful mess now said Mayor who doubted that the councils request would bring any results Dreams Come True For Couple has Hall the booth and the conces sions at the parley The Hall committee as named the Kinsmen consists of Via TlftS chairman William Kerr Donald Cameron Cliff Thomp son Mack and Trees are being planted along the established roads at the park- In negotiations had been carried out between the federal member of parliament Mr J Smith and the committee for the erection of a government dock Because of the delay with the government dock the com mittee has decided to construct a temporary dock feet in length a HOPE School Section No Ik having Us on Monday June on the school grounds Come and bring your baskets Hope is having its picnic on July at the home of Mrs Jack The sports commit tee Is Mrs Herb Wright and Mrs Rales Hobby club holds its meeting and picnic supper at the cottage of Mrs Rolling Lake Simcoe on July The program committee Is Mrs and Mrs Retire on A Month for Life A popular Halifax grocer his wife recently month for life Their dreams of security and comfort have come true thanks lo a decision the grocer It was then he took a federation life insurance Pension Han which included 20Hu insurance lie had eteiietl his store and with ili and the payments on his home he had only much left for retire ment plana It was a pleasant sur prise when his Confederation Man him how easily his dreams could come true without risks or investment worries be pleasantly how easily you can dreams come true and protect Jour loved ones at the dame time with a Confederation lifrt Pension with Insurance THE ONIS YOU IOVI Confederation life Off JOHN v WT- -a- a -3-