j li DCARS I FORD Banff Sheridan blue top Handles like a baby baggy Mechanically wonderful Fingertip steering owner FORD honey in traffic Sweet if City driven ml leaf One owner WOMENS EDITOR OPTtMRS CLUB GUEST SPEAKER Mrs Nelson Ion womens edi tor of the Newmarket Era and Express was the guest speaker at the regular dinner meeting of the club at Country Acres on Monday Jen Mrs Andrew Sinclair presided in the absence of the president Mrs Nick Reports were presented during the business session by the com mittee chairmen Mrs Edward social convener an nounced a party for the and their husbands for January A draw on an apron conducted by Mrs Nel son Garrett was won by Mrs Cecil Andrews Mrs Ion was introduced by Mrs Robert Mrs Don ald Warner moved the vote of thanks to the guest speaker BANQUETS An important meeting of the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary will be held in the Scout hall on Monday Feb A full attendance of mothers of CHEVROLET Deluxe Check the of this Its inner are sheer beauty Only TUDEBAKEB Champion maroon Swell looker It like mafic in Wink- Cost less to run Deluxe y sainfs in this 51 Overdrive radio You trust car far quick action MONARCH green ffntimullc radio brake dJrec- This will warm heart ew car used ear alalia Compare ft fas Used as demon- Very low I A mechanics car Winter- convertible Lower fop lift your spirits A iVertibie Luxurious solid no complete with builtin ear you pre- HURRY K MONARCH sports sedan automatic glass white side walls Clonal lights air and defroster iter low mileage off dor FORD tan with medium slipcovers directional lights tires clean cubs is requested as plans for the annual father and son and mother and daughter banquets will be completed TEACHER ATTENDS INDUSTRIAL ARTS GROUP MEETING A M Hay industrial arts teacher at Newmarket high school and on the staff of the Newmarket night school attend ed a regular group meeting the indust rial art teachers last Saturday The group toured the Johnson outboard motor and power mower plant and learned from the company that it was interest In hiring young men who know a few basic shop practices Following a banquet at the Grand Hotel in Peterborough the teachers inspected the new Lake field District high school and its hop A business session was held and plans were made for the industrial arts convention In Toronto during the Easter holi days The fire truck of the brigade is shown after it arrived with men to fight the Auro ra fire oh Monday The truck caught fire before it left and flames scorched the hood A tire also blew out but the members of the brigade were able to continue to Aurora and give assistance to the other 10 brigades V GUIDES SCOUTS SWITCH NIGHTS The guides scouts and cubs will switch their meeting nights beginning next week when the Thursday night cubs will meet on Tuesday the guides will meet on Thursday and scouts will take Wednesday night for their meetings Brownies will continue on Monday and the B pack of cubs will be on Friday as usual All meetings are the scout hall at pm Girls who have left guiding are requested to turn in such pieces of equipment as whistles lanyards patrol emblems and shoulder knots The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Jan Page TO BUILD STATION A plan for a service station on the southwest corner of Davis Drive and Main St was approved by council Monday night Gasoline pump islands will be set back feet from the street Town Engineer Bosworth said that visibility at the corner will be improved when the station Is completed A housing on the property at pres ent will be demolished BELHAVEN Mr and Mrs Perry entertained Mrs James Wight In honor of her birthday on Satur day evening Mr and Mrs Harold Wilkin son spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman King- Mrs Geo attended the funeral of her brother in Detroit over the weekend Mr and Mrs Harvey and children of Sutton spent day with Mr and Mrs Lloyd The community are pleased to welcome Mr and Mrs David Elliot to the house vacated by Mrs Wilkinson Mr and Mrs Raymond Fair- ham and David Toronto visited Mr Fairbanks parents Mr and Mrs Selby on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stevenson Royal Beach Virginia had din ner on Sunday with Mrs Steven sons mother Mrs Henry Kay Classified ads bring results Another Pair Of Winners mm On COOP Feed C DONNA and R DAFFODIL Owned by Ernest Guernsey Farms It It Newmarket Farms Donna and Farms Daffodil are both sired by Foremost Royal Design and are classified for type On the Ontario show circuit they carried off top honors at the Central Canada Exhibition Ottawa the Guernsey Championship Show at the Regional Guernsey Show at and the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto where they captured first prize progeny of dam first prize for best uddered females anil Iftwior fietof Donna has a record of pounds of milk and pounds of fat as a twoyearold on milking and as a three year old has produced over of milk In seven months while Daffodil has a two WWW record of pounds of milk testing HeaJSfcV the making of these outstanding show and production In fact the entire Guernsey hem wail Mia i Have you heard about MORTON BROS LTD PLAYING CARD PREMIUM PLAN One Card will be given to you with each or mote in trade When you have them for one pack of Remembrance Quality Finish Playing Cards MORTON BROS LTD St Newmarket 84 Stop In Ask Us About It THE Calvert SPORTS COLUMN Back in the roaring when the National Hockey Leagues tentacles were reaching put Into American cities the late Frank asked this agent to get out a weekly publicitysheet containing ho ckey news propaganda playerfacts and such materia that might provide fod der for the sports pages at new ho ckey points and so bring the gospel of the game closer home to a public hot so well informed on the game At the time in a burst of enthusiasm we termed hockey The Worlds Fastest Game and that was a bannerline used in the publicity sheets for years No one disputed the claim it was taken for granted that was the speedi est of all games because of a belief that skaters travel faster than men afoot After all these years we were told we erred Torontos Sport College headed by Rep leaves few stones un turned in the matter of athletic research and in a letter to this column declares against the theory that hockey is faster than say lacrosse He writes I have read com ments and seen estimates that state a hockey player travels from miles per hours up to miles per hour This is not true We have rested and timed many ho ckey players including the fastest in the and find that approximately miles an hour is a maximum rate of speed reached The speed reached by the average player con siderably lower than this This rate of speed compares equally with the speed that can be reached In ordinary run ning A further interesting note is that the worlds speed skat ing record is for yards and the sprint record for run ning is Some people believe that hockey players start more quickly than do runners but this has also been proved a fallacy A runner afoot such as a lacrosse player can also stop and start again much more quickly and can make much sharper turns and changes of direction I If you take measurement standards of speed and distance covered during a game as the criterion it is impossible to claim that hockey is a faster game than lacrosse All of which we find very interesting and if the Sports College findings are correct then lacrosse is entirely welcome to take over our original line The Worlds Fastest Game fc- by Cafvttt Htm DISTIL LESS LIMITED I Your Chamber of Commerce Many volunteer workers helped the firefighters Town coun cil has publicly thanked those who assisted stating Without the help of the many willing volunteers who assisted in so many ways the work of the fire brigades would have been considerably more difficult The Salvation Army served coffee and buns to the fire fighters Merchants Decide Friday Night will be Shop ping Night in Newmarket Is the slogan with which leading merchants in town announce their change of store hours Commencing Friday Febru ary these stores will remain open until pm on Fridays and close at pm on Saturdays II will be very nice for the staff to get away early on a Saturday evening especially in the summer commented Bill Dyer of Dyers Furniture In the summer cottage owners will find it more convenient to do their shopping on Friday nights he said Robert Pollock proprietor of Pollocks Shoes said We have branches and only two of these stores keep open late on Saturday nights Olio Is in New market I think it will be bene ficial for the town K A head office representative of Stores said they were nil in favor keeping open ft A of Studios favored early closing on Satur days so that merchants could en joy the various entertainments that were offered oh a- Saturday night such bingo danc ing and movies The public are not shopping that their volume of business on Saturday nights had decreased Why dont you keep open on Friday nights as other centres are doing an outoftown cus tomer said to a merchant re cently WOMEN TEACHERS FEDERATION MEETS The January meeting of the Newmarket Women Teachers federation was held in the King George school on Wednesday Jan Miss Nelly the presi dent opened the meeting Miss Miller presented a re view of the chapter on Personal Hygiene of children from ages one to Contagious diseases are in general more dangerous before five years of age Parents and educators should realign that the number of accidents is determin ed by three factors the childs physique his behavior traits and exposure to risk she said There is a higher accident rato for boys because they are dar ing and reckless than girls The child is subject to tensions which express themselves out All sample suites now left in stock b e eared I NO REASONABLE Come in today and make your j- If it is reasonable we will accept it DYERS Furniture 161 Main St Nowmarket Call sGsrSiS- in in such ways as thumb sucking movements of head on a Saturday night like they stuttering chewing of pencils used to said Mrs Blair of Doris Ladles advo cated Friday night opening for a long time and we think It will please everyone The public will he able to shop as a family on Friday nights Some of the merchants said and nails biting of Up and jig gling of legs There is a quiet ing down of manifest ations at the age of nine or she said The child can laugh at situations and himself and hereby registers his increased maturity j r- SURAIMCE I k ill In spite of repitgpfliSJiln the Toronto that the regrettable fNSJa on Monday January was caused when an cooking gas community we whliJl8lEftSiist emphatically for assurance tttfand customers in this district who use propane used by any of the firms whosiiHered as stated is not correct in any statements have been made by Aurora A- my personal ami inquiry I the firms AURORA with homegrown grains i i t iai vf v J f-t-