Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1954, p. 1

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Number of Copies Printed this Week 4550 YEAR EXPRESS HERALD BOTH YEAR CIRCULATION Average for three months ending March 31 SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK Newmarket Trading TOT Air PAID Aurora Others NO I NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH r i Here and There Around Town By Local Observer Too the work of lo cal service clubs goes unnoticed The public is aware of their ex istence when they hold money- raising projects but doesnt realize the amount of good they do in the community A recent project of the Lions club was to provide milk in the schools for children who would otherwise do without As usual the club distributed Christmas baskets during the holiday sea son One reader reported after a Sunday visit to Lake that there were eight little fish huts in the bay at Keswick There were many more huts along the shoreline Out farther could he seen the Open water As yet it appeared that no car had been on the ice Considering the open winter to date it is surprising that any huts r could be put out yet Weve had reports about results of fish ing but theyd be welcome Newmarket firemen got off to a busy start with the fire alarm sounding early on first Hon day of the new year A small at the rear of Victors store caught fire after a stove to the building became overheat ed Prompt attention by the fire fighters prevented any serious damage to the business section of the town Progress marches on Time was children used slates at school Later blackboards were a most modern and welcome in novation Now they are obsolete The color of the boards is green as it has been found to be much easier en the eyes The correct termin ology is chalk boards Flowers were presented by Stella Curtis and Mrs Mina Best to the chairman of Newmarket labile School board Bell at the closing meet ing of the board last night In making the presentation Mrs Curtis said that the flowers were and his new board w Mr and Mrs Phillip superintendent arid matron of the York County Home for Aged will be leaving In a month Mr will bo taking over as superintendent of a new home in London The residents and staff mem- hem of York County Homo re cently presented Mr and Mrs with set of sterling mined silver with the Joan of Arc design pres entation was made before the evening meal by Heroic one of the residents Polio wing tho presentation the residents sang prayers for Mr and Mrs The inaugural meeting of Newmarkets 1954 council was held on Monday evening when the nine members took the oath of office before the clerk- treasurer Wesley Brooks Rev James Rhodes spoke to the new members and the dozen guests attending Members of the council seated left to right ore A councillor Joseph Dales reeve If Mi mayor Mrs Violet Robinson MacNaughton deputyreeve and Edward councillor Back row left to right are Councillors Charles Alex Hands John Hamilton and Robert Wench Kra and Express photo HUMANE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING TO BE AT AURORA The annual meeting and the election of officers for the North York Humane Society will take place at Aurora in the council chambers at pm oil Tuesday Jan ID 7- irt The following people have offered stand for office Dale King Mrs Fielding Mr Mrs A J ail of Aurora and Mrs Violet and Mrs all of kef Further- nominations may he made hi writing by any- two members qualified lo vote lb the secretary before January CONVENTION A- Hurst Newmarket will attend the annua winter congress arid annual mcotj of the lion of Ontario In Windsor Jan- tni3z 7 7 Lecturers to discuss the confer ence theme visual training hi routine clinical practical etude Dr Keparfc University Dr Manns Chi cago College of Optometry and Dr Daniel Woolf of Columbia University Panel discussions will refer to visual problems in children Difficult Year Costs High BOYS PLAYING WITH 22 RIFLES HIT RIDGES BOY IN LE A 14year old boy was acci dentally shot In the leg at Oak Ridges on the weekend while a group of boys were nearby with two rifles Donald son of Mr and Mrs Robert Ash Oak Ridges vas tobogganing be hind the home of Howard Boyd will a group of other boys Har vey Craig Fred Craig Russell and Richard Reamer A few feet away Dale Boyle Roy Geary Norman Roberta all around 13 or years of age two rifles which belonged to Roy Gearys older brother The rifle that Ash was discharg ed by Dale Boyle He told police that it struck a tree causing it to discharge Dr D Aurora treat ed the wound and Dr Crawford Hose took xrays Provincial po lice from the Vandorf detach ment confiscated the rifles No charge was aid COLORED DRAW draw for the Colored Lights Fund sponsored by the Newmarket Chamber of Com merce took place in Newmarket on Monday night Jan Win ders first prize J Albert second prize Sanderson Pino St Newmarket third prize Main St Newmar ket Name East At1954lna Members of the council of township were a worn In at Sharon on Monday noon 7 Reeve John re Viewed the pi which are before council year Includ ing the cost of a new bridge on the seventh concession a new truck for mow plowing or a new road iJialniaUiifi and probably two res idential subdivisions in town- it J Rogers was appointed conservation officer the Upper Holland River wntcjhcu authority The lender of the Warren Paving company was for water at the iiut of Allan Hopkins was to the high school district board and tin lowing appointed to Holland Landing park board Kenneth Harmon Roddy Frank Tomes David and J Osborne and Venn to the park hoard Peregrine Mrs Mrs Archie and council memlXfrs J and Walter point to the Mount Albert park hoard were Mrs Gladys Rolling Mrs Mftrguerito Walsh Harper Davis Harrison ami council rep- John Rye and Wal er The clerk was liiKtrtjcteil in in- form district engineer that a bridge he const on the ami that approval was given to ask Ma re Raxocktu design a plan appointed were Wilton Kenneth Howard William Roy liar- old I Sheldon Har old Stick wood Harry Morton l Carman Munay Carl Waited Warren Benton and Irving Hose Fence viewers are Jack Wright Eves Pollock and Livestock valuator in William vCrbutcli the board of are Plmetr Fry Grose and Joseph was ap- attendance ami weed inspector The appoint room of a was heir I because absence of Councillor Waiter Rose who Allan coiincll suggest A be held with Mr I representative to dftcuss J disease Che ell chambers on Friday Hiking of office treasurer Lindsay Parr were Reeve John Rye Mi J Osborne arid Waller Councillor Walter Rose absent CROSS Mrs Edward Coleman of the Womens Work Committee To rente will give a demonstration of articles made by Red Cross on models at the annual meeting of Red Cross Trinity United church pm Jon By Council Properly on Charles St New market owned by the municipal ity is to he sold to Tip Top Plastics for 3500 instead of the figure offered by the company in recent negotiations with town council This fact was revealed at the inaugural meeting of town coun cil on Monday night when a let ter from Tip Top Plastics was read The firm had been inform ed of councils difficulties in making final arrangements through the sale price of the land The legality of the munici pality selling land for industrial purposes for a sum less than the purchase price had been in council A letter from the company in dicated that Tip Top Plastics would pay 3500 for the land In stead of The land was purchased by the town lost fall for In the letter the company Indicated that it had gone to considerable expense in planning and it would accept the offer and pay an additional for the property it Imd consid ered communities across Canada before choosing Mayor said that council hud originally offered the land for lost fall and that the return from the was Apparently VISITS Mr and Mrs Charles and son Ronnie spent weekend their parents Mr Mrs prior to leaving on Monday by piano for California Word was received Mrs Tra vis at am that me day that the bad arrived safely They will visit Mr parents at San Pedro California for weeks SferoiNiD 7 return as president of York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary annual mooting on Tuesday- The following arc new offi cers for president Mrs riian Rose president Mrs Rogers president list vice Mrs J ft Edwards second vice- Mrs -7- Recording secretary Mrs treasurer Miss Clelond public relations Mrs Elton Arm strong arid Mrs Howard Cane press secretary Mrs John A Ritchie bulletin Mrs ways and menus Mrs J Cock Mrs Robert Stephens convener Mrs It purchasing Mrs J It Mrs entertainment Mrs Frank Hope refreshments Frank Courtney advisory Mrs J Rogers and there was some misunderstanding about the whole thing he said Reeve Joseph Dales said that it was clearly pointed out in the Ontario industrial sites act that council could not sell the land to an industry for less than it paid for it 77 kind of labor will they be employing- asked Council lor Robert It will be female labor said the reeve There nothing else In sight at that time We had to grab we could get Wo didnt know about the other in dustry said Mayor A second offer had been made by ah engineering after coun cil started negotiations with Tip Top Plastics other site available for second industry Said Councillor Alex am sure Tip Top Plastics will a credit to community but it la not Hypo of industry which Newmarket needs It will employ about women and em ployment will bo seasonal I un derstand W a arc industries that provide the typo of employment suitable for heads of families inn sorry thtit this did not come up currier Reeve said that the seer end company to offer to locate in Newmarket had several rea sons why it considered the town better than other cornmunlties Mayor said he heart that the company was to locate In Toronto ho reeve siiid that council should not give up Ing to find place for the engineering firm presented a that plahiiing and industrial develop ment committee continue negoti ations to see if anything ATTENDS Mrs A Thompson spent Ihc Christmas week with her son and daughterinlaw and Mrs John Hunter and baby grandson at London She spent the week end with Mrs Hunters parents 7 On Saturday John Bradley was christened In a robe over 100 years old which had been sent from England for the christen Ing his father It was the fourth generation to be christen In the robe Mrs D Mount Al bert was elected president of the Chapter District Registered Nurses association of Ontario at the annual on Tuesday Jan The guest speaker was Dr Gilbert Presiding the meeting which was held In St Johns Newmarket was Miss Bertha Wesley Brooks conducted Ore election officers report of the nom inating rnmitttce was present oil by- Huntley Or introduced by Mrs Jean He spoke on Concepts of Obstet rics Miss moved the vole of thanks to the speaker and gave a talk on Defence Miss Is the representative for North York to the Advisory on Civil Defence has been asked to help organize two teams of civil defence in the area The of these would require CO trained nursing graduates of hi home nursing and first aid to office for Ihe ensuing year Include past pivs Miss pros Sirs vice presMrs RogeiT Sharon Mis Barbara Brady conveners refreshment Mrs Anne Otton Miss Lillian program Miss Cody and SfoyOieirpiibllciiy Miss At the close of the meeting wore served Asoelal was enjoyed JVe will have as busy and difficult a year in as we had years ago after the first world said Mayor Herbert Mr at the Inaugural meet ing of the town Monday night mayor on council at that v new paying and hpw- sewers were hoi rig We back to quite a mud- hole after the first war and tiie town went to ex pense on paving and scwcrSVhe said And we have a lot of to do this year- 7 vnicre will be- tin additional six and a half mills In up the extra cost the new county levy means to us this year- lie said- J The figure represents over 40000 the mayor said heavy burdens on new county he said that percent population of the former of York be re sponsible for maintenance of percent of the former assistance by the province is he said Since ihe feroviricieis spending so its other godchild overlook the orphan in the north he said grants school will lower this year he 77 IAs new library the wis er choice it is In any case wepiit up a new or did one It- wilt mean lie said that has been paying cents capita for library much less other com munities tay If Ave are ready to take up the burden and pay per person a year that 6000 paid would bring us grant from the province lie said The mayor said he heard that Aurora would be paying for an extension to its sewage disposal plant Newmarket without a plant can expect a much larger expenditure the future he said iiATUHIiAY JAN St Johns bingo Newmarket Town halt Jack pot suits Ira pants Women extra free Try and getfirst place 7V cfiVi JAN Motors will be at Arena at ft pm unco before going to the pie games In Sweden if KSDAV J AN fiuclue hi lialhsponKored by Queens- villi prizes and lunch JAN The will ami sew at United church from oclock oclock Lunch Hie annual meeting will ha held at 1 pm the same place when there will he a made by Red All are JAN Bingo In New market town hall by the Veterans Assn at pm At prize Jackpot BORROWING BYLAW A bylaw which authorizes the borrowing was passed by council at the inaugural jf6r The byJaw a routine permits row ihls money to cover cturteftt of lod until the taxes are collected REAPPOINTS BELL w familys mm new DAY A few hours after had greeted New Sear in Toronto the family learned their row souMt of to 777 air Arid Mrs Frank rand three children and a son John left home at New Years Eye for Toronto Fire destroyed their sixroom frame house south Aurora tit anu lost everything but the pit pur backs Mr Adam CfC said wed just finished fiuilding the house with our own hands too house and furni ture were insured for 0000 Mr said the coal furnace was nearly out when they left was the only fire on in the house Mr a master mechan ic for the Foundation Company of Canada said their loss IncluiK a now TV set and In cash as well as a number of bonds The family Is with friends in Toronto until they find a place to CHAIRMAN FOR 1954 BOARD returned fax chairman 7 the a second at the the 7 schoolboard last night fethugttoydWas nam- iit when the 7 crltccs were struck and Carter was as officer at 7 iConUnUlitg of fifty dpilar increase was voted Bruce Hi of the he will be doing this year This brings his annual stipend to Reappointed lo Newmai 7 high school board was Mrs fc- A George Case was named to the 7 Library board This was w7 appointment for Mrs Case together with 7 Mrs William JanesVrepreseritS the Public Schpol board pb- Donald on was named to the Commission to take the place of retiring trustee George and vice Lloyd was reappointed to board 7 Standing committees for 7 are finance Perks and all 7 members of the board Arthur Lloyd Bruce Clytnont and John Alan Perks John Donald Cameron and Bruce The first named In each Instance Is chairman The chairman of the hoard Mr Bell Is an ex officio member of alt committees Oh Tbwn Committees cards JAN 15 Dance In Ho land- Landing Community hull Orchestra biers lime AND WEDNESDAY JAN Ill AN talent show In sponsored W of Tiekoia fltorlin week Y Wednesday at Lcfiloh lluli pm Good prizes 20 Ramos Jack pot Poor prize special games bM flBer TUKSDAY JAN and of officers Newmarket Horticultural so ciety Trinity United church Pot hick supper pm Interest- program Public welcome every night to Alan and his orchestra in licet on Arena hall Saturday at Mount Albert hall to Norm orchestra Mod ern and old Admiflsion Standing committees were ad opted at the inaugural meeting of the Newmarket town council on Monday night rhe mayor pre sented a slate which was con sidered by council members and after some changes were made it was adopted Three council members asked to be appointed to to which they were 7 not already named Councillor Edward asked to be put on the finance committee I I want to know how this is set he said- It took me five years to get oh thai committee Reeve Dales Why should we discourage a member who wants to servo Councillor Robert it was to add Council lor as an extra mem ber of the committee Deputy- Reeve Violet- then asked for a position on the police committee explaining that she had always interested in police committee work when she served 7 oh council previously Councillor I hen asked to be to the property and committee Is- roost gratify to see all enthusiasm for work said Mayor fr Mayor you dont realize What a good group you are get ling on this council commented Councillor smoN of Mr and Mrs Court who has boon with the Health arid ot Federal Ottawa has taken a position on tho staff of AlbtuVy of Pharmacy Albany will have charge of third year bio chemistry class 7 7 Dorothy daughter Mr and Mrs Edwards Newmarket will on Sun day for Miss Edwards has Joined Womens Division of RCN and will bo stationed at for present Miss Edwards has been with tho Magistrates Of fice In Newmarket for past three years APPOINTEES Reeve Joseph Dales and Coun cillor Charles VanZani were re appointed to the Arena commis sion for They will repre sent town council on this board 7 following ore the standing committees for Finance VanZant Dales and Water sewage bridges and garbage VanZant nuin and Hands Planniuc and Industrial Devel opment anil Hands Property and Recreation Dates and Police and Pire Hamilton and ami Special committee ami The first named is to be chair- man of committee and the mayor is the meinber of all committees both general ami special The chairman for the water commit Ice has hot yet ap pointed i Rye Elected i r fiJ frv- Yerk Warden John Rye reeve of East township was named warden of the County of York at the inaugural meeting of count council held at Adelaide St Toronto ester day There were two for the M Ralph Corner reeve of township Corner decUnd favor Of an to The county commissioners next and be in them County are being held in Ttaiftift preparations have beta the county ket formerly the Second St VW to The Cross will start on ftidiyilMfe at Newmarket 7 as Rhodes Points OutiiH Responsibility Tr e 2ir To bring about justice for ail and favoritism for none for the common good of ail in was wish expressed by Rev J Rhodes ho officially opened the inaugural meeting of the Newmarket council on Monday night- Mr Rhodes congratulated the new members of council and said great enthusiasm they would bring to their new tasks combined with experience of the members who la ser vice would mean carrying forward of many to ful fillment 7in your hands lies the future well- being of mm unity continued Mr Rhodes Much that you do will mako town either more wholesome com munity or that is worse Im certain that you all importance office you now hold 7 There two parts to your duties You must maintain the old in the running of affairs of the municipality and you must plan for the future fulfill duties there are certain requirements First you must have a vision of what perfect community could 10 In your own hearts you will set up this vision hut many will have different Ideas Often youll have to be satisfied with I what majority the second Is not only to tho vklon yourself sense of what soon public office you WllJW pressure Minority want favors Scone Other not benefit the Ity Fight for those ybfis right Remember to Is to court disaster but opinion is to third fearlessness task it not an easy one While to maintain servicer and to I ho effic iently you will le faced with the keep down expenses You will receive lots of knocks from the public Rut may you soon be able to accept the fickle jade of public opinion and take it for What its worth Mr Rhodes paid tribute to the retiring members the coun cil apd all those who have of their services for the rood of the community Before leading In the inaugural prayer he made special mention of the Arthur Evans whose lengthy Illness forced his retire ment from public life j i J Jda

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