I Newmarket f THE STAR which signaled the First Christmas may be interpreted in many ways In such interpretations we must put ourselves as nearly as possible into the social and psychological frame of mind of those whom we try to understand The astronomer knows that the ages the word star has been used to indicate almost any celestial phenomenon We speak of falling stars shooting stars which we know quite well are not stars at all In more ancient times the comet was called a hairy star and was derived from the Latin word coma meaning hair The planets were the wandering stars as opposed to the fixed stars and from the Greek word for wan derer we derive our word planets The Star of Bethlehem could have been any of these It could even have been a new star nova which suddenly burst forth a manythousandfold in- is Sporting Goods To all our friends May this Holiday Season be the est one youve ever enjoyed The TOBEYTWINS of the EMBASSY Beauty Salon crease in brilliance due to great stellar catastrophe These are all explanations of what star could have been Had it any of the above it would have been seen by many peoples and in literature voiI have been found references the appearance of the ocjee which attracted attention nowhere- he literature f it the folklore of any of the peoples noted as astute observers celestial phenomena do these references exist From this we are forced to con clude the appearance of the star was a sight given only to Wise Men to see I BC AND I AD NOT A YEAR APART According to our calendar one would naturally assume that be tween the year BC and the year there should be a year called zero As a matter fact no such year exists a as historians are concerned and the year 1 AD follows directly after the year BC A person born in BC would not be five years old at 2 out would be four old wher en is calculating data hi that period When adding BC and years it is necessary to al ways subtract one to for the year zero omitted I BC and WHY CHRISTMAS CANDLES ON CHRISTMAS Eve the Christ Child wanders all over the earth seeking deserving people who are kind and thoughtful of others and people who have lov ing hearts Lighted candles are placet in the windows by such people so that He may not stumble and fall In the course of His search He visits every castle and hut no matter how rocky and rough His path may be First Christmas Card Was Created In 1842 Over 250 years ago English school children wrote Christmas expressions of good will called Christmas pieces From this school chore came the gracious custom of sending Christmas cards m The first known Christmas card was created in in Lon don by a young etcher named William Original of this first card is now on display in the British museum In the United States Louis Prang published the first Christ mas cards During the and 80s Pang produced thous ands of beautiful cards and has become known as the grandfa ther of the business NAN RAYMOND m white starched hall desk of tenbed community hospital stared dis consolately at the tiny table tree which site had MERRY AS to one and all Thompson from the staff at SALON Would it be just too much to ask you to take Christmas Eve for me Nan Grace the other night nurse had asked Sm some days ago I know arent going to be able to for the holidays anyway my family here town Why yes Nan had answerer slowly suppose I might as well be on the as anyvuere The urgent ringing of a hell broke in on her lonely dreams the hand bell of the patient in room two Old Smithers I wonder longwinded complaint shei have now Nan groaned She opened the door Slits Smith every grey hair was sitting bolt upright in bea expecting a visitor tonight Where is he the old lady snapp- If anyone asks for you course Ill bring him up Nan forced herself to answer politely Its almost nine oclock Algernon wrote definitely thai hed make it for Christmas Eve Mrs Smith glared at Nan Its bad enough being here let alone trying to celebrate alone Im not celebrating either Mrs Smith Nan tried to sound sympathetic Oh you youre young and strong and well this is your job The woman sighed How well I remember when I was your age Sit down minute and 111 tell you the time we Im sorry Mrs Smith but I have some things I really must do The old lady ignored her ex- The time we invited the church choir to supper and to help decorate our tree before choir practice she went on Well somebody began a carol as he tied a popcorn ball to branch and do you know before the last apple was hung on the tree we had gone through our whole blessed program Did you always put a star on the top of Jour tree Oh my yes Mrs Smith smiled Ill tell you just exactly what we did use for decorations Eels see now There were the popcorn balls and cranberry chains When the doorbell downstairs rang suddenly Mrs Smith May the true spirit of Christinas dwell in your home an J your heart throughout the yean CAMPBELL NORMA PATTERSON DORIS CASE JEAN WEST CECIL TAYLOR AND STAFF IMPERIAL STATION ft thehapptf the deepened And by the spiritual Christmas you our and yours as soft silence of a the wonder cm more dawns ul J heartwarming extend Co everyone one Ji ChrUtmM New Year K brought herself up in the middle of a sentence and chuckled Thank you for listening to an old bore my dear Now just go see if that isnt Algernon young man bare headed with coat collar turned up to meet a of sandy hair smiled at her through the gloom Are you the unfortunate gal whos taking care of my Granny Smith he asked An imperious voice called from upstairs Is that you Alger non young man grinned at Nan Awful isnt it but it does help to shorten it to Al Kan led the way upstairs A- they entered room two Mrs Smith held out her arms affec tionately to visitov at the same time You look startled Miss Raymond Til wager you never dreamed an old fuddyduddy like me could have a personable relative Well I guess I expect I can imagine what you did expect Mrs Smith laughed Then turning to her grandson You wont be able to stay with me as we had planned but luck ily theres a decent little hotel downtown A Couldnt I stay at your house anyway Granny A hotels such place at Christmas time pleaded The house is all closed up Mrs Smith answered But never fear just this evening I have found a local cure for lone liness She smiled at Nan This young lady sat here this evening and put up so cheerfully with my longwinded reminiscen ces that I talked myself right but of a horrible mood into a pleas- ant glow If you go at it the right way Im sure she can do the same for you said quickly Chrlatmafl dinner with me at the be a good beginning v