cussffK CHRISTMAS Mem CHOCOLATES BY the box It Do Christmas baying in the friendly atmosphere of FOREMENS CLUB HOLDS LADIES NIGHT Ladies night was held by the Foremens club Office Special ty Manufacturing Co at the King George hotel on Friday Dec Master of ceremonies was Thomas Leach- X After the turkey dinner the j members and their wives went to the recreation room at the plant wherein evening of ST that I would not write at length Sleigh Ride and Swedish Rogers moved the vote of thanks Rhapsody- there c am a member Then I began Prizewinners included Aubrey and Mrs Sidney of I am an Simmons for the ladies How- cant one fortieth part why car write about The important fortieths The Common Round By Isabel Ingtis CcivUls CORONATION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT king and two novelty numbers Hugo and Thomas Leach took the prizes for the men Federation Hears Talk By Rep From Better Business Bureau g- I E S PHOTOS COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PUBLICITY WEDDINGS PHONE L I V I fc- t u NEWMARKET The King Township Federation of Agriculture held its first meet- ing of the season on December I In the Hall A number turned out to hear Mr of the Better Business Bureau who gave instructive and amusing talk on the more pop ular ways of defrauding the public Mr himself a resi dent of was helpful in pointing out the old truth known to all but very seldom understood that nobody has to do business against his or her own will but once a document is signed the buyer usually has no recourse but to carry out his side of the bargain The local- Federation felt that benefit would result from closer contact between the Ontario Fed eration and the Better Business Bureau When the morning of Decem ber looked so stormy we felt a hit bloomy but by evening a now moon was shining crescent- like in a brilliant starlit sky and our spirits soared accordingly When we took our places in the spacious brilliantly lit Aurora high school auditorium made by a gaily lit Christmas tree and saw many familiar faces in the aud ience I think we all felt the in spiration that comes from a audience Mr our secretary and cofounder made a neat little speech telling about the orchestra and then our conductor Rod Smith took his place on the podium It was a program that had appeal for the many tastes rep resented in the audience There was the classical as represented by the beautiful Andante from Mozarts Surprise Symphony there was Victor Herberts March of the Toys for the lov ers of light opera the Emperor Waltz by Strauss for the vast number of lovers of that waltz Queensville News East of Ag riculture float won second prize at Newmarket parade and third prize at Mount Albert parade The float represented King Cole and his Fiddlers Three Mr Geo Richardsons team pulled the Goat King Cole was Herb Wright at Newmarket and Doug Campbell at Mount Albert The three fiddlers were Bill kinstall Harry Toombs and Bruce Buckie Kathleen Richardson girl with bow Bar bara Taylor Mr and Mrs Harry Toombs visited her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Ross Mackenzie To- last week ladies softball dance and draw was held at Sharon hall last Wednesday night Lucky winner for the radio was Chas Pen and pencil set was won by Regan Pefferlaw The Sunday school children of the United church will pre sent a religious pageant in the church on Sunday Dec at prn On Monday night Dec at there will be the Christ- mas tree for the children- Pic tures will be shown in the United church basement The Baptist concert will be held on Friday night Dec at oclock Mr and Miss Pearl Gwynne spent Monday at the home of Mrs J Morton Bradford Guests at the home of Mr Harry during the week end were Mrs Swift Mr Bud Fleming Mr and Mrs Chris Hart Toronto Mr and Mrs Cyril Lansing and Mr and Mrs Ed Cole Au rora Mr Jack and Miss Masters of Toronto call ed on Mr and Mrs Angus Smith on Saturday Village of election for trustees resulted as follows Mrs Geo Pearson Mr Andrews Mr Bob Wilson Mrs Mitchell was moved to Newmarket hospital on Friday We hope for a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Cole at tended recently the wedding of her niece the former Betty Armstrong of Leamington Mrs and daugh ter Mrs spent Sunday with her son Mr Dan Keswick Mr Gordon Elliott and fam ily visited in Toronto during the weekend Mr and Mrs To ronto visited Mr and Mrs Ar chie Smith on Saturday Mr and Mrs Art Alexander have been on a holiday trip this week ware other number and some beautiful Christmas carols One number Beneath the Holly combined many well loved ones among them Holy Night beautiful ly played by Mr Langford with accompaniment by strings and brass Then two carols It Came Upon the Midnight Clear and Joy to the World were sung by the audience with orchestral ac companiment Separating the two orchestral groups was a group of piano solos by the small guest artist Ellen Tun- Newmarket who looked like a Christmas fairy with her blonde curls and rose taffeta dress Her rendition of three difficult numbers and encore took her by storm Denise has a command of technique a power and a clar ity of tone and beauty of tone color which can only he found among the highly talented We were glad to see her teacher Kenneth Mills Toronto in the audience and to congratulate him on his work Mr Mills was accompanied by his wife At the close of her perform Denise was presented with two bouquets one from her school St Johns Newmarket and one from the orchestra The bouquets were presented by Car ol Fish and Carol Two members of the orchestra were prevented by illness from being present Miss Sandra Hard ing leader of the second violin section ami Mr Kudelka who plays either violin or viola equally well It was an evening that the orchestra will long re member with enjoyment and from many comments the aud ience will too We wirh to take this opportunity to thank Mr- Smith and Mr J for making it possible Christmas Lights We wish to say how much we have enjoyed seeing the Christ mas street lighting both in New market and Aurora The Jewell strings in Newmarket and the jewelled stars in Aurora give an air of festivity in keeping with the holiday spirit Regret It was with regret that wo were forced to miss the second concert of the community series A programme with three young artists is something of a rarity ind their talent must have been of a high order We missed see ing our friend Mrs Bird too whoso accompaniments are al ways delightful and also meeting the artists who were entertained at the home of Mrs Jay after wards But one cannot be in two places at once CORN CLUB RESULTS The results of the Bushel Corn Club sponsored by the York County Soil and Crop Im provement association just re leased by the secretary Newmarket show the yields to be down from previ ous years because of adverse weather conditions at the time the ears should have been fill ing A newcomer to the contest Allan Hoover headed the list this year with bushels of dry shelled corn followed by Clifford Winger also of Gorm with bus per acre The next two were separated by three one hundredths of a bushel to give third to Hugh Boyd and Son and Lowndes Keswick with and bus respectively Other prize winners in order were Maurice Farms Harrison Gormley Darlington Maple J and Leitchcroft Farm Thornhill In all en tered the contest of which completed The Newmarket and CHRISTMAS PARTY The ScoutGuide Mothers aux iliary held the annual Christmas party in the Scout Hall on Mon day Dee Presiding over the meeting was Mrs Victor An evening of games carol singing and good fellow- Ship was spent Members of the Scout mens committee joined the auxiliary for the social halfhour Delicious refreshments were served NO fi v ST Town ON COMMITTEE Miss Vema A Smyth super visor of public health for the York County Health Unit and who has recently returned from convalescent leave has been ap pointed a member of the advis ory committee on nursing ser vices for civil defense for To ronto and York County jL Draperies Venetian blinds SUp covert Bedsprttdt Custom Free SPECIALS Nylon stockings gauge denier You Buy 1 Boys Station Coats Fawn shade only Fur wool quilted lining Sizes 16 Reg price 1395 collar SALE PRICE TWO COATS FOR BOYS HELMETS Satin quilted lined fur trim Reg 295 SMEfitt -V- No Refunds No Exchanges Come and get em Boys Hose Reg 2 PAIR 100 YES ITS CLIFF INSLEYS FOR BETTER VALUE I J i i a PRIZE WINNING EDITORIAL PAGE WOMENS PAGES AND FEATURES SPORT NEWS AND COLUMNS FEATURE STORIES AND COMMENTS DISTRICT AND LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Albert spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs- Lang at Elm Grove Bethel Sunday school Christ mas concert will he held in the church on Tuesday evening Dec 22 at oclock The school concert under the leadership of Miss Stiles and Mrs Cowieson was well attended and much enjoyed Mr and Mrs Murray King Hamilton Visited Rev and Mrs J King Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay and girls spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lome Sutton West Mr and Mrs Albert will be at home to friends neigh bors and relatives on Thursday Friday and Saturday Dec and In honor of their wedding anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tom Severn who are the proud parents of a baby boy The Hendersons had in MAKE EACH WEEK A REMINDER OF YOUR BEST WISHES THROUGHOUT THE TEAR I mm ft te Gift Subscription Name of sender Name of ittej Rev conducted the services at the Christian Reform church here on Sunday Mr Sneep returned home by plane from a six week trip to the Netherlands where Mr visited his mother who is past years old Mrs Matthews spent a few days in London Ont visiting Mr and Mrs J Mr Mike had his ton sils removed at London General hospital The Ladies Aid held a coffee party and cake sale last Friday evening at the church school Mr and Mrs and family visited Mr F J in Weston on Sunday The S school 26 will hold their annual Christmas concert on Dec at Mr and Mrs VanDyke spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs M Havinga London Mr and Mrs Bow- visited Mr and Mrs J on Sunday of real progress for me and my family 1953 Early in the year I decided to go ahead with plans for expanding my garage business But the job required a substantial outlay more than I had available So I talked it over with Pete Bingham manager of our Dominion Bank Branch He showed me ways to stretch my capital and be tween us we decided how much financial assistance I needed The move paid off in increased business and profits even better than I had hoped Besides repaying a good portion of the loan and meeting other commitments been able to put aside extra money in our Dominion Bank savings account Yes was a good year It helped me increase my assets business savings and so on to And it brought security for my wife and children a big step closer like you Mr Henderson The Dominion Bank a good year in Just as business expanded so did maintaining ha impressive record of growth Like your personal balance sheet our annual statement shows imposing figures in assets deposits and loans During more people than ever took advantage of the services of The Dominion Bank where every account is an important one DOMINION BANK Condensed Statement as at October 1953 Cash on hand and In banks Government and other Securities Total quick Current Loans Bank Premises Acceptances and Letters of Credit Sundry Assets LIABILITIES Sundry Liabilities S10S830677 i PROFIT LOSS ACCOUNT War Ended October 1 Profit after making appropriations to Contingency Rcscnes Less 5iiT L Income Taxes iv Net Profit im Less Dividends Profit Loss carried Balance of Profit r S less Transfer to reserve Balance of Profit Loss October Total liabilities to the Acceptances and Letters of Credit outstanding Capital Resent Fund Profits tvi A S507896525 Robert A fe a An illustrated booklet con taining the Banks Annual Report ami highlights of the Banks various activi ties is available on request Ask at your nearest Branch or write to the Head Office of The Dominion Bank Toronto I rJ I I- TO THElCi ix- 5i