Newmarket Era and Express, 29 Oct 1953, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook We received a letter from Florida from Steven son who lived in Aurora many years ago Writes Mr Stevenson Did Jackson found the Era He was my mothers brother my uncle and I see by the last paper that they axe talking of making Lymans home the pub lic library I presume is the old home opposite The Bowery where lived In reply to Mr Stevenson we note that toe paper was founded in by S Por ter who according to popular legend came to Newmarket that year on the first train to come as far as Newmarket The name of the paper was then The New Era later changed to The Newmarket Era in when Newmarket was incor porated as a village Jackson became edi tor of The New Era in or and in the ISSOs his son Lyman Jackson succeeded him Lyman retained the editorship until the when Arthur became editor Fol lowing were Andrew John Meyer 1944 and ourselves a year ago this month Mr Stevenson continues My father learned his trade on the Era with He married his sister founded the Aurora Previous to that it was the Aurora Conserv ative Mr Stevenson attend ed high school in Newmarket as From the Files there was no high school in Au rora then There are not many of my generation left I expect but have wondered if Erastus was the founder Will try and have someone notify you when I make the big jump as I pre sume you do not send copies to Never did get away from the printers ink Took a num ber of patents on the typeset ting machine Made my way that way Retired about years ago and am awaiting the Grim Reaper in a very comfortable climate he writes We sincerely hope that Mr Stevenson will have a long comfortable wait Serving Aurora and the newspapers iic Newmarket Era Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket fa the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription for 50 for one year in advance Single copies ore each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa Managing Editor CAROLINE ION Womens Editor GEORGE Snort RACINE Job Printing and Production PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE TWENTYNINTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE Chief Constable Byron Bur- has suggested that the citizens of the town appoint a safety council Other commun ities have safety councils their function is to make recommen dations to chic authorities town council or public school board to improve existing traf fic conditions particularly in the interests of school children We think that the formation of such a council would be worth while even if it met only once or twice a year With a member from the police de partment one from the school board a parent a teacher and a member from town council there would be a num ber of points of view on safety and no doubt valuable recom mendations could be made to the authorities and 50 Years Ago OCTOBER 1928 The Young Britons held a successful euchre in the Orange hall Wednesday evening The ladys prize for lone hands was won by Mrs Smart The prizes for games were by Mrs and C Foster At the close refreshments were serv ed Mrs Hunter has re turned from Winnipeg where has been visiting her bro ther Dr Miss Helen Burke of New market is among the pupil nurses were admitted to the Buffalo City Hospital nurse training school last week to be gin a three year course of study leading to the degree of regis tered nurse These pupils be on a four months probation after which if acceptable to the hospital authorities they will be enrolled for continu ance of training This is by far the largest single class to enter a nurse training school in Upper New York state having been enrolled to provide addi tional nurses for the nearly patients now in the Buf falo institution The class was made possible by the purchase of substantial newspaper ad vertising space calling atten tion of girls to the career of nursing Mr and Mrs S C had their daughter Nora home last Wednesday and she spent the evening with her little daughter June Hill on Queen Street Miss Ruth Ames having completed the nursing course and received her diploma has accepted a position in the Gen eral hospital Toronto Mr and Mrs Bruce MacMil- also Mrs Ross MacMillan attended the ManningArnold wedding in Toronto last Satur day Mrs Neil Morton was At Home to a number of her friends on Tuesday afternoon it being the occasion of her birthday Mr and Mrs Walter Jackson motored up from the city on Sunday afternoon making a visit at Mapleton OCTOBER Mrs who has been visiting her sister Mrs Morn ing for three months after an absence of years in Mani toba left for her home yester day Mr J president of the Canada Co Toron to was shown around town last Monday by the local agent Mr C Webb Mr Bert Phillips has been working in most of the summer is back to town again Last Saturday Mr oldest boy was play ing with an air gun and in some way the gun off un expectedly and the shot took effect just above Franks left eye The shot came within a quarter of an inch of causing the loss of his eyesight Messrs Geo Mills J Steeper and Rank left yesterday for a deer hunt in Muskoka Mrs Albert Thompson has returned home after spending Thanksgiving holidays in Bar On Monday morning Mr Blake Hewitt met with an acci dent at the United Factories His thumb came in with a circular saw and it was badly lacerated about the knuckle The carpenters expect to complete their work on Mr W Eves six new houses this week The masons are following them closely and have the first coat of plaster on two of them It will be another month yet be fore they will be ready for oc cupancy The United Factories have put down a fine new walk in front of their main building eight feet wide at both ends and six feet in the centre Mr J has gone to to spend the winter with his daughter Mrs Parker Mr and Mrs John Manning have been spending the past two weeks with their son in Toronto Mr George who has a government position as bush ranger in New Ontario has re turned home ft- EVEN SHE DOESNT OWN ONE J A la MUs Concha daughter of his don German Concha Peruvian ambassador to Canada dresses in the daily of tha Indiana of ancient of to display a rare vicuna pelt The vicuna a threefoot camel la on of Perus animal found only on the nig Andean plateau and a wool so tin that the used to restrict the tut It tor elves animal diss whan bis woo la sheared and all exempts to it hare beta unsuccessful The pel by Id Previa SATISFIED OR APATHETIC Ask a citizen what he thinks of the town council He might list things the council has done through the year and emphatically declare that they were all wrong- Over a cup of coffee he might say that if he had the time he would run for council and show those fellows a thing or two Or with heavily furrowed brow he might murmur in that confidential way that There is a lot that goes on in that council that the public doesnt know about hinting that dark and sinister motives prompt questionable actions on the part of local rep resentatives People will talk about the need for new blood and the time for a change But the chances are very good that a month from now this citizen will not be present in the town hall on nomination night Is this citizen a crackpot or is he sincere It has been said often that the average citizen is not interested in the affairs of his own community Charges of apathy are made Is it a fair judgment While there are many critics who sound off about local government and do nothing to change it the aver age citizen may be satisfied completely with the present administration The state of affairs in Newmarket the past few years would indicate that the average citizen is well satisfied with the conduct of municipal govern ment Had council run the town into bankruptcy in or had the tax rate jumped mills the town hall would have been jammed to capacity by an angry crowd on nomination night last December and there would have been candidates prepared to run for office As it is there are few citizens anxious to run for office Without experience a modest citizen does not want to step into a councillors place especially if it cannot be shown that the councillor had not been doing a good job Some consider it a sad condition in the community a state of apathy when only a few volun teers offer to stand for election It is recalled that last year a sufficient number of volunteers had to be rounded up to fill the six council positions They were elected by acclamation without a vote of the people New market vas fortunate enough to have honest men step into office No one has been running off with municipal funds that we have heard of and the municipality is still solvent The tax rate has not jumped up to any threatening degree The average citizen is not overly- worried about the municipality Last year the citizens of the community were so satisfied with the conduct of government that six volun teers had to be rounded up to fill councillors seats But if we should run out of volunteers We will then be approaching the abolition of the democratic system Will a paid official be required to look after the affairs of the community it would be the end of representative government if the citizens were satis fied with that state of affairs then we will know that it is not merely satisfaction that it is apathy So far we have been fortunate enough that at least a of honest citizens are willing to serve on town council They are men who like the work Certainly they are not serving for the pay But that day come when these volunteers are not to be found ready to serve On reaching that state there will be a wide opening for the opportunists to take charge Of course it may never happen but the citizens lack of attention to local government leaves the field unchallenged for those who seek an opportunity for selfgain Four weeks from tomorrow night will be nomina tion night in the Newmarket town hall auditorium If the nomination meeting is to follow the same pattern of the last few years there will be a handful of people to hear what the candidates have to say There will not be many candidates Citizens may arrange to have themselves nominated for the opportunity to on the platform and criticize the administration and then decline the nomination If their criticisms are not suf ficient to warrant them running for office then it is not likely that what they say will be important This year the present mayor has said that he will not run for office again The present reeve has said that he will again stand and one councillor has said he will stand again As ftxv as is positively known by the public they are the only candidates who will stand for office For all that is known it may bo that some the present councillors will retire from local govern ment Who then will take their places If the good citizens of Newmarket know what they want in local government they will make it their business to attend nomination meeting and make certain that there will be good candidates for office ffW OTsssrv M fa to CONFUSED ABOUT US Our nextdoor neighbors are confused about Can ada according to the results of a quiz given American university students all across that country On a com parable quiz Canadian university students from coast to cast scored percent answering questions about the United States The averaged per- cent answering their questions about Canada In the Chamber of Commerce publication Canadian Business Philip Ward writes We thirtysix million inhabitants of this British colony of Canada cash our pay cheques in pounds sterling anxiously watching events at the capital in Montreal Mackenzie Kings precarious leadership in parliament is being challenged by a powerful a i opposition iti coalition with Whigs Tories and Socialists The statement was a composite impression of the misinformation expressed by a large proportion of the American students in universities and colleges who were queried Only one quarter of the Americans were aware of our Liberals and Progressive Conserva tives Their apparent association of our political affin ity with Britain was indicated by 84 who thought that Canada had a Labor party Historical reminiscences caused to name Whigs and Tories 25 others thought we had a socialist party Named less frequently as Canadian political parties were the Royalists Radi cals FrenchCatholics Democrats Republicans and EnglishSpeaking party One hundred and thirtytwo did not name a political group Canadians on the other hand were more informed even taking into consideration that the presidential nom inations and elections hit the newspapers with headlines More than one half of the Americans thought the St Lawrence Seaway is to be built by the Canadian and American governments instead of by Canada alone A large number thought Mackenzie King to be the prime minister It is always interesting to know what your next- door neighbor thinks of you but supposing he doesnt really know you it is asked We are relatively well- informed about the US but Americans know little about Canada Are Americans to blame for their ignor ance or are we to blame The questionnaires were simple Momentary history geography and an average amount of newspaper reading and radio listening pro vide all the information necessary to be able to answer the questions TEST CASE We dont think the real reason for the ferocity of union battles at a modest Hamilton plant is generally appreciated says the Financial Post The plant em ploys only around The name will be familiar to only a few Canadians Wallace Barnes Co Ltd But a Communistbacked strike has been going on there for weeks now and it has been accompanied by violence to a degree unparalleled in recent Canadian times Why is this modest if violent affair so important to all Canadians ami to the Communists at the head of the parent union fighting this battle asks the Post reason is that this plant is one of Canadas key sources of precision springs Those springs go into motor car valves Of more critical importance in this instance is the fact such springs in great quantity and variety are to Canadas defense effort They go into and are vital components of most items in our defense production So winning at the Wallace Barnes plant is a natural and vital point of penetration for the Communist plan to get control at the very key points of our economy where they can decide whether and when Canadian industry shall be paralyzed Tins Communists have been successful in getting the unions they lead into control at most of the vital segments of industry particularly those seg ments vital to defense Harvey Murphy has his Mine Mill and Smelter Workers hi control at such key places as Consolidated Smellers and International Nickel lie has the uranium mines in his pocket Red Jackson in his arms Die whole giant complex of our electrical and electronics industry and by Ids definition the elec trical industry Includes any key industry ho can got Into Communists failed to get or to keep significant influence in automotive chemicals or pulp and paper and they never got into mil roads or aviation firm opposition to Communist domination not just by the management but by important of employees is significant That so many Canadian work- era who are not themselves Communists should lot themselves bo used in a Kremlin conspiracy Is beyond our powers of understanding It is In their to cast off this dangerous noose now before It is pulled tight tho Post mi rim i 9i ji salfssi By Ginger When I came into the office Monday morning Slim was sit ting in my chair with his feet on my desk reading Fuller He lit an El took out his watch and said If this is what time you gets into the office in the in the boss should get a new office cat Ive been a full hour Ive been out getting some hot news down at the coffee shop Thats where you get all your hot news Got an item about a sick dog human inter est story I said If youd been up youd have heard the real hot news- said Slim What news About the accidental bomb- in of Corners on the weekend Slim said calmly I didnt hear a word about it at the coffee shop I said the kind of reporters they have around this office I figured George could handle this better anyway But I might as well tell youu One of them weekend reserve pilots in the air force flew over the pickle works Sunday accident ally dropping a bomb on it He was on his way with student to a practice range and he dropped a big one plumb atop the pickle works Blew it all to you know where and on Sunday too But that aint the big part of the story Slim continued Hermit who lives in that shack next of the pickle works had all of his herd of nine goats killed his only means of livelihood goats milk that is Wall and P the pickle man ager went to Mayor a double delegation and said they was to sue the air force and the of national defence jointly Maynott went off of the deep end and said and was unCanadlan and that in these here days of uneasy tension and dangers to the democratic world the air force could practice where they liked and it was the bounding duty of citizens not to complain and that if anyone opened their mouths they wits a communist Any day we may be attacked from the North Pole or from the rear and you stand there and criticize our boys who are in the first line of defence be cause they make a little error like that the mayor said The mayor went on and said hope the citizens of Cut- tin Corners will support me In my view that an- unpopular minority in this town is show ing an unpatriotic attitude just because some done to the pickle factory and some goats were lost Of course finger werent on the community pulse on account of because citizens planned to march on Ottawa at any minute but Ot tawa is saved because they have Ottawa and plan to march on the mayor now Turned out that this here re serve pilotinstructor name of Prune who was in the last war and too old to fly jets had looked down at the main street and thought he was over the practice area out in some bar ren hills two counties over He saw the pickle works and thought it was a mockup tar get so he told his student bom bardier to let go said Anything left of the works at all I asked ruins said Slim Doesnt know that he is swimming against the cur rent I asked Completely unawares said Slim As a matter of fact hes of up a community activi ties committee with him and William Rudolph Cursed Jr as key witnesses and conduct hearings on all the tens to test their patriotism plans to keep files on all citizens who object to the of the pickle Just like Senator McCar thy I said Yas Maybe the mayor will want to get on television said Slim Maybe I said by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Every once in a while we get the breed secretaries are given what is called a kick out monstrosity the psychol ogy of the masses For ex ample we are told that now that the price of wheat has gone up the mills are looking for less wheat being offered Why The explanation goes somewhat like this If the price of wheat goes down a few cents farmers decide that it will keep falling and thus market the wheat to avoid losses If the price of wheat goes up a few cents the gen eral belief is that it will keep going up and so most farmers hang on to it In the days of radio and mar ket reports and the Dominion Bureau of Statistics this is a very peculiar way of marketing a product But let us not blame the farmer completely After all he is being very little help in his decision We have yet to hear a study of the fall wheat situation And we still main tain that much of the Ontario fall wheat is being used in pre pared feeds and called other than Ontario wheat thus the Ontario grower a vic tim of his is also the time of the year when the first press re leases of the Royal Agricul tural Winter Fair are begin to appear As usual they contain a of wonderful things to come One factor mentioned of course is that there are too many entries and Hie very unenviable job of cut ting thes entries down At the same time there are the Sale of the StaM organ ized sales held in conjunction with the Winter Fair and one of conditions of entering an animal is that it must be shown at the Royal Well on the one hand there is not enough stabling room and on the other there is an attempt to increase the entries by making it attractive to sell in the Sale of the Stan Isnt life wonderful Also there is a rule of no substitution In the fair Now in all the major American shows there Is sub After ail when peo ple ship cattle from coast to coast and have to enter thera a month and a half in advance it is impossible to guess right at all times Furthermore it is in the interest of the fair lo have the very best there but not In Toronto So what is the result Sup posing a man wants to be sure that he has a good senior get of sire Well is he going to just the four head nec essary for it No he will not he will enter six or seven head hoping that he will have a good get This pushes up en tries On the basis of past ex perience fair officials should know what percentage of en tries is just insurance and realize that a sensible substitu tion rule would make more room Fill it it J STRIKERS CLASH IN HAMILTON picket t limn Wo

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