am Home to their relaUViiAAMneinMrs cm Sunday October and to being their wedding anni versary NO TRADE i jr jta 5i PHONE J I FRIDAY OCT 2 Horse Show hunters and jumpers Championship Guernsey Show County Show Zone Sheep Show Harness and Pony Races Exhibits in Hall I SATURDAY OCT 3 Harness and Heavy Horses Ponies Beef Cattle Jerseys District Ayrshire Show Swine Poultry Harness and Pony Races Horse Pitching MHi Girls Trumpet Band BIG MIDWAY Crosby Markham TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS YOUR TICKET AGENT If youre going places whether for business or pleasure to any destination near or far ktp us ever in mind Travel it eur bus travel in Canada Uni Sta West In Europe etc Well be glad to your pi ins and will do our to make your trip a pleasant one r- SOUND RING Owner may have same by Identifying and paying for ad Phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY USED steel posts beams angle Irons plates bon ers in all sizes Many other items of various sizes Davis Drive Newmarket HEDGES 2 to 3 feet size each Chinese Elm inch 24 inch size and inch size per hundred Don- caster Nursery Out Stop 14 A St phone Av3- rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store Newmar ket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi Us A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You he the Dyers phono Newmarket tf26 Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle trouble Arch supports belts Best Dm phone 14 Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Thuna5 Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab- tots that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket LUMBER DON MILLS AVAILABLE MI line of bund- materials Let us quote on your requirements Phone 1078J Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert IMPORTANT j- j AUCTIOH Of HERD Farm Stock Implements Hay Grain Furniture etc The property of J A WATSON SON Lot Concession Vaughan Township THURSDAY OCT I CATTLE cow fresh not bred old cow fresh not bred old cow 5 old bred March 15 Holstein cow old bred August 13 cow old bred August heifer rising 3 bred May heifer rising yrs bred May 20 heifer 2 old bred July 21 space character and the use of buildings to be erected in the Township of North bury Winch Clerk Keswick NOTICE WILL the party or parties who have any articles or personal be longings at the late Sutherland residence 50 Prospect Ave New market please remove same by Saturday Oct 3 otherwise they will be sold Mr L NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF A PRO POSED BYLAW FOR THE CLOSING AND STOPPING UP OF AVENUE AS SHOWN ON PLAN 373 AND FOR SEL AND CONVEY ING THE FREEHOLD OF THE ROAD SO STOPPED UP TAKE NOTICE that at a meet fag of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket to be held on day the Fifth day of October at eight oclock in the after noon consideration will be given by the Council to the passing of a proposed Bylaw providing for the closing and stopping up of Avenue as shown on Plan and for the sale and A heifer 2 yrs old AND at the said meeting the Holstein cow old bred or WHY suffer the agony of Rheu matic pain Sciatica Lumbago when will help you to welcome relief Ask your drugg ist saw SEPTEMBER 2C Auction sale of stucco house and lot and full line of household furni ture piano Gibson electric refrigerator old 3- gas stove dishes cooking utensils large quantity of bedding and garden equip the estate of the late Rob ert Hopper lot 25 con at Victoria Square Terms on property made known day of sale Terms on chattels cash Sale at pm A Farm er auctioneer MONDAY SEPT 28 Auction sole of farm stock implements head cattlo horses tractor and tractor equipment and a full line of farm Implements hay and grain at lot Con East the property of Frank Graham Sale pm No reserve as farm sold Terms cash A Fanner auc tioneer phono THURSDAY OCT Grey- Bruce livestock cooperative sale of cat lie eroded In car and I ruck lots at Time am Stewart Cooper see SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of household effects the property of Mr St rector to be sold at residence Second St Newmarket There Is a general assortment of furn ishings as owner Is giving up his home Sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket WEDNESDAY OCT Auction sale of farm stock implements horses cattle and straw the property of Elmer ton Jot 25 con Whitchurch Sale at pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer WEDNESDAY OCT 7 Auction tale of household effects the property of Mrs James Ar- Mount Albert Time 2 p Terms cash A Farmer auctioneer FRIDAY OCT Auction Bale of farm stock implements tractors 60 head of hay grain and straw the property of Williams rear lot con on 3rd line of Kin mile north of berg highway No reserve Farm sold Sale pm Smith auctioneer phone Newman and Carroll SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of farm and property of Wellington Will son lot conceilan 2 Klmr townihlp north of Aurora on the second concession Registered and grade cattle horses and quantity of pigs straw and hay grain implement and some fur niture No reserve mm farm Is Bold Terms cash Sale time sharp Auctioneer Smith phone Newmarket cow 3 yrs old bred May Heifers bred In pas- Above mentioned cattle is of good lot all from registered stock and all are vaccinated HORSES Bay Gelding yrs HD Gelding yrs Gray Gelding Set of team harness and a num ber of horse collars and other harness HAY AND GRAIN 135 Bushels of feed wheat Bushels of Oats Tons baled hay Bushels of mixed grain lbs of Alfalfa seed cleaned 28 Tons of good loose hay alfal fa timothy Quantity of 2nd cut alfalfa POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT 100 Yearling Hens Rock and Light Sussex Spring pullets months old Rock and Light Sussex Number of Cockerels Brooder house Brooder stove complete with Pelf feeder Feed troughs Water fountains etc MISCELLANEOUS grass seeder Fanning mill Hay forks Electric fencer OH drums ft Losing chain Cutter Anprox rods poultry fence Viking Cream separator SCO In Milking machine units bunks for logging Pig troughs Iron kettle Number of ft Logging chain Set Renfrew scales lb cap Quantity of Quantity of piping ft of 2 in well casing of firewood Pile of scran iron IMPLEMENTS tractor on steel threshing machine complete with clover con caves grain thrower wind stacker completely ffmj with double ball hearings This machine Is in good order in drive belt 120 ft In drive belts ft of inch 7 ft binder Oliver 2furrow tractor plow Corn cultivator cultivator Drag harrows seed drill good re- grain grinder with bagger Riding Plow Wilkinson Walking plow Land roller Mower ft goou Horse rake Tedder cowl repair Manure spreader pood Rubber tired waggon ft rack FURNITURE Princess Pat kitchen with oil burner new ton cupboard dining table antique oak Oak side table leaf walnut table Studio couch organ bottom chair of bedroom Wash stands Dresser dumber of fruit Jars Number of sap buckets Toilet sots I coal oil heater fi Kitchen chairs closet cook stove Antique extension Mantel Small tables Number curtains Mttm Number of crocks odd pKurrs and frames oil lamps other Forks shovels hoes and num erous lot of other articles PIGS Sow bred In Sept Chunks Terms No reserve farm bow Don CI Prentice PO phone Markham PO NOTICE The Ontario Municipal Board appointed Wednesday the four teenth day of October at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon at the North Hull in Bel- haven for in of or opposing the said application covered In Bylaw the Municipal Council of the Corp oration of the Township of North by his Counsel any person who claims that his land will be pre judicially affected by the said proposed Bylaw Dated at Newmarket this Third dar September WESLEY BROOKS Clerk TENDERS TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL FOR HEATING MUNICIPALLY OWNED BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET SEALED tenders clearly mark ed as to contents will be received the undersigned up to oclock noon Friday Sept to supply fuel oil for heating municipally owned buildings in the Town of Newmarket for the period of one year Further Information may Ik ob tained from the office of the Town Clerk LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accented Wesley Brooks clerk TENDERS TENDERS are being called for a portable room for SS- No North This build- Jng is to be heated from boiler in main size CLOSING date Sept pm LOWEST tender not necessarily accept Mrs A Secretary BIRTHS Mr and Mrs Gerald Willowdale arc happy to announce the birth of their daughter Mary Lynn on Tues day Sept A sister for Eddie DEATHS CHURCH On Friday Sept at the residence of her daughter Aylmcr Ont Church wife of the late William A Church dear mother of Mrs I Glen Micks Vera Newmarket Mrs Tin riant Pearl Toronto Mrs Norman Aylmer and Roy of Newmarket Dear sister of Mrs John Maeklo and Mrs William Dew Funeral service was held at the chapel of and Rose on Monday afternoon Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery Brad ford Suddenly on Satur day Sept Rhea Hoover beloved wife of William Jordon and dear mother of Doris Ruth Gladys and Bruce Service was hold on Tuesday Sept at oclock Interment Mount Albert ceme tery York County hos pital Newmarket on wednes day Sept 23 Etta Mav An I rows beloved wife of Thomas George and dear mother of Fred Frank James Ira and Arnold at the chapel of and Rose Newmarket Service on Friday at 230 pm Newmarket cemetery LEHMAN At her home OConnor Drive East York Mon day Sept beloved wife of the late dear mother of Marguerite daughter of the late Elder and Eliza sis ter of Mrs V Cane Mabel Newmarket Service was held on Thursday afternoon Interment Newmarket cemetery ROGERS Suddenly at her home Davis Dr W Newmarket on Sunday Sept Amelia Rogers eldest daughter of the late Sarah Amelia dear of Mary Barbara and Newmarket Norman Sutton and Levi Riding Mountain Manitoba Private funeral service was held the residence on Wednesday at Interment Newmarket cemetery SMITH On Saturday Sept at her home Laura Fuller wife of the late John Smith beloved mother of Wlnnt- red and Funeral vice held at the chapel of and Rose Newmar ket on Monday afternoon Inter ment cemetery On Sunday Sept Mary Ann wife of the late VanHtorw mother of the late Dora and the late Harry Sharon The funeral service held from the Strai COOK In loving- memory of a dear husband and father George Clifton Cook who passed away suddenly Sept 24 He bade no one a last farewell He said goodbye to none His spirit fled before we That he from us had gone At night the silent stars look down On a grave not far from here Where sleeps the one we cant forget The one we loved so dear The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the one we love From memory pass away Sadly missed and lovingly re membered by wife Florence and daughter Velma In loving memory of a dear husband Jack who pass ed away Sept 28 It only takes a little space To say how much we miss you But it will take the rest of our lives To forget the day we lost you Sadly missed by his wife Mary In memory of a dear ly loved dad and grandpa who passed away Sept 28 Our thoughts of him are thoughts of love That will live to the longest day Daughter Nellie soninlaw and grandchildren Nell and Brent In loving memory of of a dear husband and father Alfred Leekea Those whom we love out of sight But never out of mind They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind Ever remembered by wife all the family SANDERSON In loving mem ory of a dear mother Annie Sanderson who passed away Sept We mourn for her in silence No eyes can see us weep But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep Lovingly remembered by daugh ter Martha soninlaw Jim grandchildren Dorothy and George SANDERSON In loving mem ory of a dear mother Annie Sanderson who passed away Sept Oh what would I give to clasp your band Your dear kind face to see Your loving smile your welcome voice That meant so much to me No one knows the silent heart ache Only those who have such can tell Of that is borne in silence For the one I loved so well Lovingly remembered by son Rick and daughterinlaw Elsie and grandchildren SANDERSON In loving mem ory of a dear grandmother An nie Sanderson who passed away Sept Just thought of sweet remem brance Just a memory fond and true Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you More and more each day we miss you Though our thoughts are not re vealed Utile do they know the sorrow That Is within our hearts con cealed Ever remembered by grand daughter Joyce and SANDERSON In In St Roman of my mother Catholic church Toronto with who passed away one I Rev Father years ago Sept Mr and Mrs Patrick Aur ora wish to announce the en gagement of their second daugh ter Gloria Patricia to Mr James Peacock Thornton the to take place quietly on Saturday Oct in Aurora church CARD OF THANKS The Loyal True Blue Lodge like to thank all the child ren who tagged them all who helped to the tag day successful Receipts were Classifieds continued on pan YOU are always welcome at More and more each day miss her Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed Sadly missed by daughter Flos sie soninlaw Bert and family Mr and Mrs Stanley DeGeer Toronto announce the engage ment of their daughter to Mr Leonard C Gross son of Mr J Gross and the late Mrs Ann Gross The marriage will take Morrisons Come In and Inspect place at 11 am Saturday Oct our Fall merchandise THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE York County Cream Producers WILL BE HELD IN THE Agricultural Board Room on Thursday October 1 at 8 pm for general business and the Election of Officers All cream producers in the county are eligible and are urged to attend A guest speaker will be present Fred Wicks Jr Chairman ATTENTION MOTORISTS NEWTONS White Rose GAS Sim Phone 1499 NEWMARKET a J meJWCm Sr 4AI SMALLPOX s J w A vri J v iii t lA a V VJ otv J fej i 7J A- K m t Jr i s V v Jfcjf jT I ffiS VK DO YOU KNOW that YOUR CHILD should have this protection at the age of s vH t CONSULT TOUR f4 I rj st tf1 -j- j nam- 1 ler on and a bylaw to prohibit I Sept Sprlnjr Carroll 8wl 1 of for pur I Creek CTarkion I the a r T