el Era and HOUSE FOR SALE HOLLAND Landing mod ern stucco bungalow in village decorated double garage good garden- Price Pos session down J phone Newmarket IN Aurora bedroom fully modernized home on nicely treed street in better residential sec tion Features include garage cut stone fireplace air heating with oil storms and screens A real buy for sub stantial down payment Phone Aurora Pa STUCCO house small barn acres of land Apples and rasp berries- Close to church school and shopping centre Write Box phone i r ROOMS room in quiet home Meals if desired Abstain ers Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE thermostat for coal furnace Phone New market evenings 1 FURNISHED beditting room light housekeeping facilities suit business girl Phone or COMFORTABLE room oil heat hot water board central suit business per son- Phone Newmarket c2w3d NICELY furnished bedsitting room Suitable for business man Apply Joseph St phone Newmarket after AND BOARD GIRL Guide uniform size 12 Phone MODERN furniture priced to suit the most discriminating These items have been used less than months youll be delighted with the spotless quality Ran sett burner oven chrome top Table chairs grey chrome legs Continental double bed and mat tress Studio couch grey and wine extra pullout springs Privately owned Phone HOUSE with one acre and six R00M or men tent or more Cash under J Reasonable for help around Write Box Aurora home Phone Schomberg clw39 LARGE size space heat er and oil Good condition Phone Newmarket Classified Advertising Rates Two a word of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement is paid within week of publication Corning costs two cents a word minimum cents Sale Registers for the first week cents for each success ive week Card of Thanks Wedding Engagement Birth and Death an nouncements 75 cents for each announcement less cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion cents a tine for less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at The Misses Wood Store St Aurora or Aurora office phone PA Aurora at Mrs Boiling phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address a dearly indicated into nearly MM homes in North IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE SEED FOR SALE NEW bungalow Apply Newmarket Avenue R W APARTMENT FOR HOUSE FOR WINTERIZED bungalow LARGE rooms in private home Possession Oct Apply 115 Srigley St Newmarket rooms and utility room Lot plan 29 Keswick Available 5 Apply Angus J King Newmarket BUILDINGS FOR SALE TT FRAME building suitable for chicken house Phone Brad ford or ivrit Box 508 Brad ford shed made of and lumber Phone 1153r Newmarket TENDERS TENDERS will be received for rale of frame building approxim ately with rooms hav ing good maple floors Closing date Saturday Oct For further particulars apply Prospect Ave Newmarket BUSINESS FOR SALE HEATED apartment adults only Apply 10 Queen St or 515j Newmarket unfurnished heated apartment with bath Adults only Possession Nov Write Box or phone 399 Newmar ket ARTICLES FOR SALE KITCHEN tabic top inch top Windsor hardwood walnut fin ish table top about inches living room table in walnut finish stands two light storm sash windows measuring Inches windows measuring inch es windows measuring inches Newmarket BABY carriage and bunting bag Applv 52 Centre St Aurora MANS bicycle excellent Phone Newmar ket 2 CHROME kitchen chairs bed room chair bridge studio couch dinner plates radiator 21 ft radiation never used Phone J Shar on phone 21007 clw39 CHEST of drawers white small kitchen cupboard 4 Phone Newmarket space heater j with brown and cream circulator smart looking coal or wood like new Small Quebec heater pood Cunningham phone 2fi2t Mount Albert lw39 BOOKCASE dark oak finish glass doors shelves drawer suitable for bookcase or china cabinet in good condition Phone Newmarket MANS warm winter overcoat prey size in excellent condi tion Phone Newmarket 23 WORK WANTED RELIABLE experienced woman would like a position as house keeper Preferably 1 or 2 gentle men Write Bay St Mid land Ont HELP WANTED AERIALS ERECTED AND REPAIRED EVERETT RADIO REPAIR 214 Main St Phone 1106 Newmarket ESTABLISHED gas and oil sta tion fast growing district Franchise dealer will sell both or separate Applicant must be able to meet the requirements of a major oil company Write box Era and Express Newmar ket general store post and mail route Store nd living quarters combined Hardwood floors cement base ment 25x50 modem store equip ment oil heated and insulated Apply Bellamy Egbert GENERAL store and post office large turnover Write Box Athl PO CLEAN you own heater with soot remover also prevent car bon condition with Kleenslo We stock both Snow and Best Heat ing phono Aurora Pa MIDDLEAGED woman to assist with housework Live in Good home for right person Write P Newmarket stating age experience and salary expected GOOD DEALERS wanted to es tablish a business of their own with our guaranteed and wellknown products such as Toiletries medicines tea coffee etc Excellent oppor tunity to earn from to per week Exclusive territory Specials each month with free products SIS needed No risk Details JITO St Hubert Montreal c4w3S Part time to sell outstanding American Hybrid Feed com Act now excellent opportunity to earn extra dollars in your spare time Must be able to canvass local area For full particulars write Pritfe MAJOR TRACTOR WITH hydraulic starter lights and pulley Cultivator disc and seeder box Bought in for Will sacrifice selling at 51300 or nearest offer TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Ford Sales and Service Davis Dr Newmarket Phone Open every evening to pm Saturday evenings to pm clw39 FARM MACHINERY GALE ensilage cutter good condition MJHL ensilage cut- ten Clifford Preston REGISTERED No 1 Cornell seal wheat Power cleaned treated and bagged per hits Mrs Levi phone PETS QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE REAL ESTATE FOR SA YOUR BUSINESS PROPERTY ANY type Sold quickly For prompt action call Lome John ston realtor Blake St phone Barrio OWNER ROOM ultra modern brick bungalow three years old No 1 oak floors nicely decorat ed fully insulated heavy wiring oil living room having picture window and brick fireplace with heatilalor four niece hath plus two pieces in basement all town facilities elevated view also extra building lot Landscaped grounds abund ance of shrubs garage Many Include Venetian blinds and storms throughout posses sion substantial cash required JOSEPH BROKER Phone Newmarket Queen St s i LOTS FOR SALE CHOICE lots on Bolton and Ave Newmarket phono or apply Millard Ave Newmarket thinkinoabout a new home now or in future Protect your Investment lo cating on West Millard Avenue new subdivision sound restric tions Terms arranged lots Ideally situated Consult your local real estate broker or phone FARMS NO NEWMARKET DRAPES HEADY made draperies inches wide up to inches long 995 a pair Plain flora and modernistic design Seneca Main St Newmarket HOUSEWIFE A sewing suited to your budget Simply name your price We have new or used sewing for you Mrs Ross Bur gess phone Newmarket VENETIAN BUNDS or steel Made for all styles of windows Klrsch drape tracks drape arms and Jn hooks etc Free estimates and Installations Phone or apply Harold Newmarket PLATE electric up- right stove In good condition battleship grey and white en amel Phone or call at Millard Ave Newmarket 2w38 FOR sale AH sizes of stove pipes and furnace pipes elbows etc Snow and Best Heating phone Au Pa JOHNSON outboard motor hp new this year neutral clutch Used about hours SI Quebec heater small in good condition Apply Queen St phono Newmarket after pm WALNUT dresser walnut dining room suite chest drawers single and double beds buffet kitchen table and chairs washing machine mantle radio chrome studio suite office typist desk students desks electric fire bas ket and heater and irons antique oblong table marble fop bridge lamps and others Wall clocks coffee maker electric milk shaker lb computing scales hat trees ease China brass etc Fred Hirst phone JIG USED heater In con dition Several used radiators Snow Best I feat- SPACE heater good condition Johnson CLASS gallon jars Phon Newmarket BABY stroller like new Apply St Newmarket MANY bargains in used out- hoard motors All makes and horsepowers Come in and our mistakes Morrisons Sporting Goods Newmar ket LARGE septic tanks and cisterns installed anywhere Workman- hip guaranteed Murray Baker Co of Canada Chatham Eagle St phone Newmar- keL INBOARD boat with Chrysler motor cheap Needs some re pairs Morrisons Sporting Goods Newmarket Oval coal and wood stove warming closet reservoir new condition Main St phono Newmar ket WALNUT dining room suite trimmed with Maple In first class condition Phone BICYCLE Raleigh English road racer speed lighting used months Reasonable Phone 22012 UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs recovered in any fabric- Ken Sargent St r phone ij2 market CUSTOM forage harvesting of combined straw and corn silage Self unloading wagons no man na labor required Apply Lloyd Sharon phone Queens- vllle 8w33 CONCRETE floor finishing ser vice servicing your locality Machine troweled Floors colored or plain Also waterproofing Phone King tf36 HOUSEKEEPER No objection school child or husband otherwise employed Phone PA afte pm NEEDED AT SERIOUS man to take over Dealership and service Watkins customers In Newmarket You need no experience or investment to establish yourself in your own independent business in to Granger St Koch Street Montreal Que FARM ITEMS RENFREW Sales and Service Complete stock of parts for sep arators stoves etc 24 hours ser vice Expert repair work any where in York County Free in spection Also parts for Viking Vega American and Laval Electric attachments up Henry Hillsdale phone Moons long CREAM separators hand and bench Laval Renfrew Vik ing and Bench SIS up Hand up Electric up Terms Sold satisfaction or refund Try a new Viking it beats them all years as deal er in Aurora now at Hillsdale If you net in trouble contact us Harry Hillsdale DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket or Toronto En 3636 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED REGISTERED Dachshund pupp ies no papers and up Apply Rainbow Gardens Kes wick PUREBRED Scotch collie pups farm raised Pickering Zephyr 12 BUYS budgie six weeks old in talking strain New cage with stand one months worth of food Book Talking Budger igars Apply Murray Phillips St three houses from Don Mills Road phone Newmarket KERRY Bine registered pupp ies These nonshedding make ideal house pets Obtain able at reasonable prices Both males and females Five weeks old Phone Sutton 285 We liver In this area clv39 PERMITS Rower Shop Member Delivery Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWED A SPECIALTY lit Main SI V- -T- LOST gold watch name Rose Davis on back Reward Phone Newmarket evenings WOULD the person who took the mans bicycle from the comer of con west of Mount Al bert kindly return it as it is urgently needed Finder phone Mount Albert lw39 mam mm STREET FOR EVERY OCCASION Telegraphed Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Era and bring results classifieds Attend Oneiyf Tftese SUNDAY SEPT PERSONAL TWO large Quebec heaters In A- condition Phone New market combination electric with annex for or coal In good condition Ralph size 2plate Quebec boater in pood condition Phone TOlw or apply Ontario St Newmarket ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make daily visits Excellent ref erences Phone Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call 1282 Newmarket or free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile R J Rttndle and Son 100 Andrew St New market tf26 MOTHERS your growing child ren require a dally Iodine ration to help promote good health Give them NovaKelp Tab lets which help supply Iodine and vital minerals to the system All three sizes LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED shearling Suffolk ram A Glass lot con King phone King 36rl3 cow years old fresh weeks Phone Roches Point MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST CHURCH Lawrence Evans Faster Invites you to attend evening worship at Fireside service Special music at all services USED CARS Oval cookstove pipes included also waterfront Babys white enamel bath Phone Newmarket KITCHEN with oil humors or without Pipes includ ed Good condition Apply 28 Park Ave Newmarket i 1 i -j- STATION wagon coat brown collar in condition Phone New market clw39 CONTINENTAL matlress as nrw Phono 7JJm or apply Main St New market phono Aurora Pa TRAILER FOR SALE oil stove oven New market V HOUSE trailer ft electric brake fully equipped in condition Mrs J Sproul Sharon phone 21007 Qns- ytlle trailer Insulated sink and stove four Apply Queen St phone Newmarket WANTED EMPIRE cooks tow coal and wood rates In pood condition Phone Now- market SMALL heater In condition Phone 2lr Newmarket COLEMAN nil heater med ium size In Rood condition on reservoir Phone 2wM SMALL com plete with oil burners and nines Winters Main St phono between and or or SUIT blouses dresses sweaters evening raincoat fur coat sizes AH in trend condition Very reasonable- Jackson phone New market PRODUCE RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIRS REASONABLE RATES RADIO REPAIR 214 Main St Phone 1911 NASH Fair condition Beach Kes wick 1W39 SITTING SERVICE RELIABLE and competent baby sitters available day or evening Phone Newmarket cl2w39 HELP WANTED CHRYSLER sedan good running condition Phone Mount Albert MORRIS Oxford Radio heater mileage 25250 One own- or since new Good condition Phone Newmarket be tween and 7 pm lw39 CHEVROLET sedan in amazing condition Sold to est offer Phone 132 Newmar ket MORRIS Oxford passeng er model excellent condition only miles Phone Brad ford or write Box Brad- ford MONARCH door sedan overdrive radio and heater Phone Newmarket SAVE MONEY ON USED CARS and box otover fnftaig NOW on new heaters from Snow and Best Heating phone Aurora Pa CHOICE roasting chick ens reasonable prices Order for Thanksgiving Phone Ncwmarknt 3w39 POTATOES Wliolesale Phono Newmarket after WANTED TO BUY SINGLE double barrel and pump shot guns wanted pay the highest prices in the county for used shot guns Morrisons Sporting Goods Dept Newmar ket SMALL dresser with mirror Phone Newmarket BEDROOM In good con- lb capacity Other useful household article Oak china Apply Prospect tflw99 Phone r BED Phone fable FALL hunting clothing guns ammunition and accessories are on display for your convenience Largest showing of guns in North Morrisons Sporting Dent Newmarket FEMALE clerk for local office Five day week with regular salary increase program Pre vious experience not necessary state ago and salary ex pected Write 404 Era and Express LADIES desired by Toronto firm opening a new field In Newmar ket and surrounding territories Car essential High earnings Mornings afternoons or even ings Write M Brown Yonge Room Toronto BOOKKEEPER Capable of handling complete set of hooks Must bo experienced 5 day week Good salary to right per son Write Era and Express clw39 WEEKLY am to 5 pm No Saturday work Wo require experienced girl for general office work Shorthand bookkeeping typing experience is a must AH holidays with pay and bonus Call Mr Shaw A W REAL ESTATE LTD Danforth Avenue at Toronto YOUNG man 2535 years to train as salesman Salary and commission Lends and trans portation supplied Write promptly giving full particulars to Era and Express box CARPENTERS Apply Aurora Building Co St Aurora THIS ad when presented at Joyce Colors Aurora Is worth on purchase of any vehicle Note these bargains CARS METEOR CHEVROLET DODGE TRUCKS MERCURY 3 ton dump body miles new truck guarantee FORD MERCURY pickup 195 MORE cars and trucks to choose from VISIT JOYCE MOTORS AURORA or for demonstration Call Newmarket J REGISTERED cows and heifers fresh and close springers All Jackson Teston phone King CALVES for vcaling John Fair- barn Sharon REGISTERED Suffolk ram 3 years old Phono New market YORKSHIRE boars registered good length and type months old Reg Suffolk ram lambs J A Campbell RR Newmarket phone PA 74381 Aurora GREY riding mare hands years Phone PA 75223 Aurora CHUNKS Phono Mount Albert or apply Joe Silver Pine Orchard CHOICE bred Oxford downs A rupged flock with size produc ing a lot of fine wool Rams all ewe lambs A few owes Everything In Scotch Shorthorns 10 young bulls See hem Visitors welcome J Clark and Son Rnvenshoe MARE 7 years old and need purebred hull ready for service R Tavlor Sharon LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone collect Horses for Will call for with truck Good cash prices Frank Coleman phone lot or write PO box POULTRY WANTED ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices tight at your door Phono Newmarket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on to- Highest prices paid Apnleton Oak Ridges GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY Millard Ave Pastor tt Holly 11 am Morning worship Special speaker Rev James Hardy Special mu sic and singing Wed 8 pm Bible study Questions and answers THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH A r Main Street Minister Rev Fred Breckon Organist Mrs Eugene Cant It worship Subject Responding to the Divine pm Sunday School Rally Day pm Evening gospel service Wed pm Prayer meeting AH welcome clw39 TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Casement Pastor Sunday am Sunday Murray Varney pm Divine worship Wednesday Sept pm- Prayer Meeting Bring your Bible ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Meredith Minister am Divine Worship Guest speaker Rev Neil Smith of Knox College onto am Sunday School CONN AUGHT GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH invites Sunday School am Divine Worship i Location Corner of Muriel sue Arthur Sts PastorK Erlckson TRINITY UNITED CHURCH He v Aiken Bernard ftf Day the con- to Copper Mines The Sacrament of Baptism RALLY DAY IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Senior School Beginners and Prim- The Nursery pmEvening worship THE VISION SPLENDID will tie welcome at Trinity SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Sunday Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Special Harvest Festival Service FRIENDS MEETING Bo tsford Street am Meeting tor worship Newmarket Meeting House pm Meeting for worship at Yonge Street Meeting Come and meet with us All welcome Thursday mi Monthly Meeting Blessed ore they that hear the word of God and keep It A- METHOD Church of the Light and hour Sunday am Sunday school Miss Clara 11 Divine Worship pmEVANGEUSTIC service Prayer Meeting Sept meeting phone King tf20 POULTRY FOR SALE 52 ST NEWMARKET Gospel Churches Pastor REV A YIELDING Sunday School Day The PASTOR I V Special YOUTH In TOWN HAM at see play ad this for ALWAYS A WELCOME AT GRACE CHURCH f1 J WORK WANTH dual worn rug CUSTOM foraging ply Evans phone Mount Albert WANT your a and Phone EXPERIENCED body man Ap ply McNeil Sales and phone CAPABLE young woman for light housework and help with two small children lovely room good meals liberal ttme off per month Appl Mr Ttmmto Hudson TO Toronto Newmar ket am Returning pm Newmarket TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO Downtown Toronto Leav ing Newmarket am Return ing pm Phone New market FROM Aurora to Queen and University Ave Leaving Returning Phono Newmarket elw39 FOR SALE RED Rock 5 months old starting to Phono Murray Pegg Mount PUIXETS Light Sussex months old each Alao some laying each Phone Mount Albert LAYING Stock for Bale to 25 A Cedar Valley phono Mount Albert i LUMBER FOR SALE JOHN Deere tractor model fully equipped ft drive belt Heavy steel gas drum capacity Peering ensila cutt with draw cutting attachments Phone Newmartot DRESSED lumber MS per M per M Kent WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD cut In length Phone Mount FREE wood for the 90 St Newmarket SUNDAY SERVICE IE CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP 1 EVENING SERVICE COMMEKCIKO REV R T SELUCK it V A SPECIAL MUSIC AND Oxford Nov MR PAUL MULLEN Tenor