lie TfT i if frvwiv Mr and Mrs HUlaby and Mrs Tom Allison Richmond Hill called on Mr and Mrs Archie Smith and Mr and Mrs Angus Smith on Sunday Mr and Mrs Art Grei Mr and Mrs and Mrs Walter Rose were in during the weekend Mr and Mrs Fred spent the weekend in Hamilton week The Young Peoples Union is providing motion pictures on Friday evening at the United church Queen of the Future will be the highlight showing Mr and Mrs Milton Best and James and Blanche visited Mr and Mrs Roy Watt on Sunday Mr and Mrs Shipman had tea Mr and Mrs Doug Beckett j Mor spent last at Buffalo of young people quite a large number from spent the weekend at the United a A city of absorbing interest offers to visitors oil inclinations of a host of sights to see On this delight ful trip you hove full days end nights in New York of A merien including a vstt to Greenwich Village Chinatown- You have your choice of several other features that will make your trip both in teresting and Ark yovr for at end many Planned Vacations FARC FROM TORONTO include nam in a room KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket Phone 300 enjoyed the Hope anniversary service Mrs Byron Ay ward has been visiting Mr and Mrs Elmer St at Mr V Kyle has returned to after visiting Mr and Mrs Huntley for a week Mr and Mrs Cam Johnson and Wendy Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Frank Kavanagh and Mrs Jack Kavanagh church camp SHARON Mr and Mr and The United church service will be held at standard time from now until further no tice Sunday school at Mr and Mrs Watson motored Miss Pat Watson to Montreal where she sailed on Friday night for England and Germany Congratulations to Mrs Elliott and Mr and Mrs Mrs Rose Thompson and Miss ive baby Gladys Toronto spent Mussel white who have baby daughters A large crowd attended the barn dance at Mr Bert Boyds on Friday night Mrs Newmarket spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs Doug Beckett The WI meeting will be held Saturday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Stevens and Miss May Stevens Mrs Laura Bell left on Sun day night for her home Edmonton after spending some time with Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens Sj church basement Mrs spent a on Wednesday Sept at p days with friends Mon ro Institute will he SSJVT Buchanan and Mrs B with initial of your surname Sfml The program be provided by the visiting Institute Hopkins and daugh- who is spent the weekend working at was at and Mr Ross her mothers home over the weekend Mr and Mrs Douglas Mount Mr Murray and Miss Elsie and Dale visited friends in are visiting friends in on Sunday j Mr and Mrs Arthur Rally Day Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank in the United church Children Caruso and Cathie also Mr and will he in the Sunday school Mrs Donald Kitelcy Aurora room at am The service were Sunday visitors at the will follow at the regular hour home of Mr and Mrs E in the church with music by the junior choir Mr and Mrs J Hall and Linda Mrs Jacob Smith was visiting visited friends in Keswick on her daughters in Toronto last Sunday Winnipeg Sunday Sept In hit Farm Costs Over the last three decades farm operating expenses in On tario more than doubled increas ing from 165000000 to over Many items enter ing into farm costs are much more important at the present time than they were in earlier periods an Indication of changes in farm methods techniques and practices The changes in Ontario farm costs are outlined by A Department of Agricul tural Economics in the summer issue of the Depart ments publication Ontario Farm Business A comparison over a 20year period produces some interesting figures for in stance in for every of farm expense went for feed and seed in out of every 100 of farm expense went for feed and seed In 192930 hired labor ac counted for percent of total production expenses but only for percent in The swing from farm labor to mech anization is revealed in the fact that whereas farm labor was one of the most important items in farm costs in 102830 it was in fourth position in 194950 The changes in Ontario farm costs over the past period are outlined in the summer issue of Ontario Farm Business ob tainable now at the office of the agricultural representative MOUNT The- Mount a the of Mrs Ross on Thursday Get note of day This will he a tnisiness Roll- call verso on Mrs Harry Smith will iiv devotional and Mis Stephenson wilt provide the program A farewell narly was hold at home for Mr Mrs on Friday night 18 Approximately friends worn them to present litem with two large table lamps a tray and two cups mid Mr and Mrs arc moving their new home The Cheerio Group of the United church meet in the church school room next Satur day evening at Mr and Mrs Roy and Beverly Couper took a motor trip to visit the caves at Colling- wood Blue Mountains on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the beau tiful scenery on a nice bright day Hayes was a visitor last week at the home of her brother Ernest at Port Perry There are two very old houses which are being renovated by their present owners and when finished will be a credit to the village They are the Norman Wilson houso Centre St and Don Roses cottage on North St Ago The the United church held a meeting in the church on Wednesday evening last when 25 ladies were present Mrs Brooks vieeprcs took the chair Fifty dollars was voted for the organ fund and arrangements were made for the coming illustrated lee lure Mr and Mrs Theakcr Beth and Toole the last week on a motor trip to Prince Edward Island Mrs J P Burr attendee the m of Richmond Hill AuxiI near Weston in the near future Miss Flo Falconer Toronto was a weekend guest of and Mrs Michael Wells and Jim Mr and Mrs Bill Ash and fam ily and Mr man and John motored to Hunts villi and Ottawa over the weekend Mr and Mrs John Ash were presented with a woollen blank- el by their family on Sept in honor of their wedding an- The family member were all home for this occasion on Thursday of last week as one of its past presidents en by the present mem bers Miss Emma Thompson who has been making her home in the Arnold house on the hill has gone to Newmarket to live with her nephew Arnold as the house has been sold Mount Albert people who have followed the Bros in their illustrated lectures of their travels throughout the world will be pleased to know that they may hear and see the last one to be held in the United church on Wednesday evening Sept 30 Rev church will be guest speaker at the United church next Sunday Mrs and Mr Shields spent several days this week with friends at Lake Sim Brighter Future Seen For Boy Mi v I PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Johnson held a family reunion on Sun day in honor of Mr and Mrs Harold Johnston on their wedding anniversary Sorry to hoar Mrs Albert Lloyd is in York County hospi tal Hope she will soon be feel- better Union church and Church of Christ services on Sunday Sept will he held at standard time Sunday school will be at 10 am Anniversary services win he held at Union church on Sunday Get at am and pm liov Wesley will be speaker at the morning service and the pastor of Vlc- Square United will speak at our service The Willing Workers of Union church held a successful and afternoon tea on Friday Sept IB The next meeting of the Workers will he IMhl on Gel at the home of Johnston The Pine Orchard WI Is sponsoring a fashion slunv of mil and winter styles by mer chants from Newmarket at Van- Hall cm Wednesday even- Infi Oct at oclock Father anti Friend Protect Children winter young father a Confederation Man Fred you know how much is left of my income after on my house food and clothing hills and all the 1 low much pro tection can I afford for my family A lot more than you think Jim the Man have a plan that on your salary will for your family in cash at deaili every month until your daughter is Then In the event of death after your daughter is plan provides in cash Thats enough to provide a brighter fuluro Thats how a Life Man pro lii family He can help jw too THE YOU Confederation For hit JOHN Trucks save you money on every tonmile of hauling on any job you can nam because have more timesaving moneysaving features than your trucking dollar ever bought before Fords great VH engines pack of ihtmulahle hauling while Power Pilot economy makes every gallon of gas go farther Fords Design with shorter turning circles great er manoeuvrability easier steering im proved brakes and unmatched cab comfort operating costs to bono ford Trucks cost less to maintain I Ford Trucks stay on job faithfully day after day mile after mite They work harder last longer keep repair and service costs minimum Ford chassis with new sturdier deenchiumel frames provides more strength and rigidity without excess weight Fords big choice of SynchroSilent trausmhsinus plus Automatic Transmission or Overdrive available on all Hon give smooth quiet operation and longer service The extra strength that Ford builds right into every truck nays off in durability and ongllfot mi m i A INFORMATION I x Soon your family he enjoy ing the youve bo carefully up ilrt too tell you thrift know to your viiiaar 1 1 KINK V1NKOAU in the It you on every with Yen eiowmiy ami You anil uniform so for jnsp and taste of your pickles order Viitiwir gultou jug If ftri HftrArf wit o fur Mil Credent Montreal to rid of painful A i a ill Jgjjggyj i i 11 J I mi 7f ii s- fl 4 BQ ami in vita I At aha the them say I and in a ways out and filled with rt fl louder com off cob I with loftovcr vcKotahle fllaw And mow of way you iuo by fill with Willi and top with a of only Kraft know it formula Ami thai mofAr light of Whip corns cal luses Wall dont Imvo Tim la now won- In Com It your corn nod it out from lint for coma and in over In aotunl It went to work fnatcr worked than ln youll mm new with today mo back to Your counter baa tf At I ah nlera given the mdfk Jwc to I Yellow httwM of ill oven Mloun rainbow miming to dingy yellow Onllnary arte but oven mike them ly while J- That tha property of Blue Thata tl that with to KG nil fiPiSST IS DRIVE AT PROSPECT S iT l j FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED TRUCK- SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER and What a more llhio kind to It harm la It a few a month to kwp your with Yea for ilia fa V4 of mid with tha of mid in two XKKN8 DRY MUSTARD WINDSOR SALT 8IM to the lintthwlAUOWAX for year round protection cjuari iiniiji chopped onion toWttli Wrttltur a roWjauiiaK it iabtaipdofiior Kfftfi W lunoerltf Cook a w ill I lUrowaXt