and Stoker Coal Solicitor Office and Main St NEWMARKET Evenings By Appointment WM Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE 11 Wellington St MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone General Hauling FIBS In Newmarket and District for WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Phone 5 Timothy St Council Changes Policy On Licencing Taxi Cabs ACCOUNTANT Notaries Mathews K Stiver E Lyons Joseph Vale Main St Bay St Phone EM- Newmarket Toronto A MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Phone Ml VIOLET ROBINSON OTA AT WIUC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone Newmarket CONLIN Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET JAMES OTTON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET INSURANCE JOHN JARVIS Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Mount Albert 17 HYPOCRISY LIFE Ye call Me Master and obey Me not Ye call Jle Light and see Me not j Ye call Me Way and walk Ye call Me and desire Me not I Ye call Me Wise and follow not Ye call Me Fair and love not Ye call Me Rich and ask Me not Ye call Me Eternal and seek Me not Ye call Me Gracious and trust Me not Ye call Me Noble and serve Me not Ye call Me Mighty and honor me not Ye call Me Just and fear Me not IF I CONDEMN YOU BLAME ME NOT The above lines could be most searching They remind me of the words of Jesus How call ye Me Lord and do not the things I command ye Take your Bibles and read Matthew 253446 The policy on licencing taxi cabs in Newmarket was changed by the passing of a bylaw at a special meeting of council last Thursday afternoon Council has been granting each licence for a taxi business with a number of cars now each taxi cab will require a licence and the payment of a fee Present licences in town expire next February and they will not be affected by the new bylaw but any new taxis operating be fore February will fce governed by it- The bylaw passed Thursday amends the original bylaw which licences regulates and governs taxi owners and drivers of cabs The amendment states that Councillor Lome ter said The original bylaw was lax in a few points and did not give the police authority they should have in governing taxis One point under the bylaw he said was that an applicant could obtain a licence and not be required to state the number of cars in his business Now under the amendment if he wants extra cars he must ask for an additional licence for each cab he adds on Who will say whether a lic ence should be granted or not asked Mr Bowser Stiver councils solicitor said that it would be up to council It has been the policy of Era NEWMARKET VETERANS The amendment council to go by the 25 each year te Vale said Of course operates one car and council docs not have to go by licence shall be obtained for each committee additional car used or operated as such Councillor Bowser pointed out The bylaw also says that the j that applications had been licence issued to drivers owners or proprietors as provided by this bylaw shall be subject to cancellation upon a conviction of any offence under the Crim inal Code the Ontario Highway Traffic Act the Liquor Control Board of Ontario Act or town bylaws Council Responsibility brought before council on pre vious occasions He said that the police committee had intro duced a resolution on two oc casions for councils refusal to grant a licence to the applicant I want to know why said Councillor Bowser The solicitor said the tee or council is not required to I dont understand why this state publicly why it makes bylaw is before council said such a decision He said there Councillor Frank Bowser have been comparable Councillor Robert j where public have given INSURANCE FIRE A DENTAL DR O NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFPIC Office Residence New and jsco J ma MAIN ST Insure Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop said that the police commission had asked for the amendment Chairman of the police com- reasons for similar decisions that they had a law suit on their hands WILL BLOW OVER Attention Newmarket Veter ans Our general meeting and nominations will be held on Friday Sept pm in our club rooms This is a meet ing that no member can afford to miss The agenda for this meeting is one of importance consisting mainly of matters pertaining to the welfare of vet erans Our branch contemplates forming a Ladies Auxiliary in the near future The wives mo thers and sisters of our members are eligible for membership in this group The writer would appreciate it very much if those who are interested would con tact by letter or phone The possibility of an amalga mation between the Canadian Corps Association and the Army and Navy Veterans is bright However a great many details are to be worked out hope for an early solution In the past few months some of our members have been ad mitted to hospital Our welfare committee was not aware of such until too late In the fu ture if any member knows of a member who is in hospital or at home sick please contact our welfare chairman Ted Mitchell or you can phone Our policy is to visit the sick and assist those who need assistance Attention all British pension ers British pensions can be supplemented to bring them in line with Canadian pensions The writer has the latest ruling on this legislation If any ore in terested please write La- Parde or phone who will be pleased to advise anyone on such matters FOB PHOTOGRAPHS BUDD STUDIO PHONE 1 Pl ERA AND EXPRESS HAS AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION THIS SYMBOL is often called the halt mark of circulation value It is the of the Audit Bureau of Circulations And since October is being observed as A BC Month by Bureau members we should like to pause from our news gather- jig duties to explain the significance of our ABC membership to our advertisers and our readers Experience With Skunk Helps Reader Remember Celebrations VanderVoort DENTIST MIn St Newmarket JohnSyfema CHIROPRACTIC mi J of If MM W CIO INSURANCE Life Fire Ante Low east Car Financing NEWMARKET TIMOTHY PHONE lit Res Phone Auora Parkview PIANO TUNER AND TECHNICIAN HOLLANDAMERICA UNI Mi WHITE STAR LINE Junior treat pipes at toy Its ims call On of cur JEFF SMITH PLUMBING HEATING 111 MAIN ST PHONE Sit Era and Express classified bring result Be prepared for hospitality An ordeal with a skunk at her country home Newmar ket following their return from the street celebra tions will help Mrs Ross Stick- wood and her husband remem ber Newmarkets grand street opening Mrs writes After returning home from Newmarkets celebration dance and alter the usual greetings from our old dog and pup I was terrified to find following the dogs a skunk Mrs relates came from the flower gar den I ran as fast as I could into the house forgetting all about my husband who was fol lowing after putting the car away got up nerve and went to the door to warn him We were very cautious but found to our surprise that It was playing with the dogs It would run after them right to our door step and the dogs in turn would chase it around the corner of the house But it would soon come back This kept up for some time and we became quite daring and were sure that it must have been someones pet which had been descented The skunk became so bold that It was walking along our sidewalk chasing the dogs and keeping the situation well in hand I My husband did not want to j kill it at least not right at the front door the dogs kept barking and we were afraid they would keep it up all the rest of the night Finally the old dog after waiting its chance grabbed the skunk by the neck The skunk found he wasnt fooling Well leave the rest for your imagin ation The dog killed it right on the sidewalk- Now we ore hoping that It will not take too long to blow over says Mrs Stick wood The United church annivers ary services will be on Sunday Sept The morning service will be at am evening ser vice at pm with Rev John Sutton in charge Special music will be provided by Miss Joan Black and a ladies quintet from ville Just as manufacturers and merchants buy and sell mer chandise on the basis of known standards of grade weight and measure so are we prepared to tell advertisers all about our circulation Thats why we belong to the Bureau to give our ad vertisers a verified count and description of the circulation audience that they get when they buy advertising in the Era and Express There are definite standards for advertising values as well as for merchandise We believe that newspaper adver tising should be bought and sold on the basis of these stand ards The Bureau is a nonprofit cooperative association advertisers advertising agencies and publishers of news papers business publications and farm publica tions in the United States and Canada It has a staff of ex perienced circulation auditors At regular intervals these men visit all publisher members and make a thorough audit of their circulation records The information from theso audits is then issued in reports which are available to adver tisers While the major objective of the Bureaus work is to furnish advertisers with verified information about the circu lation of publisher members it also has a very real import ance in our relations with our readers Our reports serve us as editorial guides For example by knowing exactly where our circulation audience is located shown in the ABC report can arrange our circulation coverage so that we might best serve the interests of our readers There is a host other factual information contained in the ABC reports which guides us in our planning helping us to our readers the type of newspaper they want Our membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations is a protection to our advertisers and our readers For our advertisers it means verified circulation informa tion based on universally accepted standards and practices Since ABC audits only publications with paid circulation our membership assures advertisers that the Era and Express stays in by the voluntary support its renders To maintain that voluntary reader support we must demonstrate our responsiveness and responsibility to our readers The ABC audit of circulation tells both the adver tiser and the editor whether our newspaper is a service to our readers if the readers dont want it neither do the advertisers The Era and Express joins with almost other news papers and some 1600 advertiser advertising agency and periodical members In paying tribute to the Audit Bureau of Circulations this month We are proud to be a or the Bureau and to display Its instate which has svnonymoua with the words factual and integrity in the interests of both the advertiser and the reader Herbert Mils Street Newmarket RISC Alio recoaditioocd tor isle terms can be arranged new and used Grace St mi for altered Delivered or at bin Plant Phone W phone and US Newmarket Eatimatea fee r limited PHONE ft SALE The that comes from wellordered life with wife I and children provided for and the prospect of retire meet on income jfficient for enjoyment of your leisure an be your through Life Ae me you a of today AM I l COMPANY Of or sturdy attractive ornamental railings Phono BOB WILSON Newmarket i as SVs a Sanitary Contractor Cleaned j ij IKS J PLUMBING HILL v- VACUDRAFT in HKING NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY The annual Navy League Tag Day will be held in Newmarket on Saturday Sept convened by Mrs 20 Davis Drive Newmarket Special Featwe Program Arranged For A Meet At Trinity Events of outstanding import ance will take place at Newmar ket Trinity United church on Thursday afternoon Oct at a meeting of the The speaker will be Mrs Elton Arm strong wife of the reeve of King township Mr Elton Armstrong Mrs Armstrongs subject will be the Associated Country women of the World which is the international organization of the federated Womens Institutes of Ontario It is anticipated that a large gathering will be present to hear an interesting address and other special fea tures Mrs George Fish Aurora a lawyer and versatile speaker will lie present and will give a reading of the Beatitudes from the Braid Scots New Testament the author of which is Rev Wye Smith Mrs Fish will also read a poem of exceptional in terest written by William Her bert Mra Willis wellknown or ganist and pianist will by spe cial request present a piano solo entitled The Highway by Forsyth Special invita tions were given to Mrs Fish and Mrs Willis by the New market in tribute to their popular presentations at a large gathering of the held at Aurora in the early part of this year at which members of the Newmarket were present Mrs Armstrongs address will cover subjects of great Interest tn women and all who are able to attend should make a note of the meeting to be held a week from today Thursday and which to commence at pm I The lordly with a bril liant new Fireball engine Drive in standard on lloutlmnstcr Steering standard on in optional at extra cost on other strict Power Brakes arc extra coat options on and Super thrilling to V8 Fireball standing too and uuy field A The Custom in what for the price of this beauty You into Custom You get bigcar comfort ami You get the of the Million Dollar Ride All thia for only a few dollara more than many care in Towprice field avirua I