Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Sep 1953, p. 10

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J Heres a new home you may have helped provide for one of your neighbours you are a life insurance policyholder For part of your premium money is invested by your life insurance company in ways that provide funds for building not only houses but schools roads power plants other developments Perhaps too you can take a small part of the credit for Tommys recovery from a serious illness Medical science is always learning more through research about how to combat disease And you may be providing some of the funds that life insurance com panies contribute to such vital research projects Ever help a man get a job You may have unknowingly For life insurance money invested in ways that enable an industry to expand has played an important part in providing new jobs for many workers including per haps yourself As a life insurance policy holder you do all your fellow- citizens a service For the financial security you ve provided for your family the chance of their ever becoming a burden to others The more protection you own the more that chance reduced King City And District Mrs Sherman Bart Halifax were Geo an WW guest of her sister Mrs I and Fred Harris Family friends Gordon Weill last week were present for the christening Mrs Frank is on her supper A beautiful decorated second trip this summer to Ed monton accompanied by daughter Mr Violet Chaplin They were invited to make the journey by Mrs Ken Newmarket who is Mrs I brills granddaughter Mr Mrs Broughton motored the miles to visit her parents Mr and Mrs and her sister Joan Mr and Mrs had gone west by train earlier in the summer Mr and Mis Stanley Hunter left on Monday to motor to South Carolina for a two weeks vacation They will via London where they win friends Last week Mrs Hunter bad her mother Mrs To ronto as her guest Miss Gerry McDonald flew to Winnipeg last week to take a teaching position in the nursery school In that city When she arrived she telephoned her mo- ther Mrs McDonald who learned that classes would not be held for two weeks because of polio at Winnipeg Mr George Jr and his friend Fred Harris Toronto motored to New York City to visit Miss Savory Georges cousin returning via Quebec where they visited his sister Mrs Joyce and- her husband Harold and baby bringing them to Eaton Hall Farm for the silver wedding an niversary of Mr and Mrs Geo held on Saturday Miss Ethel Thomas Maple Miss Lois her cousin Mrs Alfred and Mrs Alfred Gillham spent a day at the last Friday Mrs Bertha Fisher who is principal of a continuatjon school at Stevenyille near cake made by the babys grand mother Mrs was served Dr Bill Grant West Hill made a brief stay in the village one day last week Mr and Mrs Tate Peterbor ough district were callers with Mrs John Gillies Richmond Hill at Maple Lane Farm the home of Mr and Mrs Alfred Strange recently Mrs Tate had been principal of Strange school about years ago when the old building was used- Anxious to see the school built since her teaching days Mrs Tate made a tour of the property She had boarded with Mrs Gillies while they lived at Maple Lane the Gillies home stead which became the property in Mrs entertained a few close friends at her new home in Aurora last week Her guests were Miss Maud Cross- ley Mrs Ross Stuart Mrs A Carson and Mrs Harvey Dogs and Owl Kill Turkeys George conces sion of King took a poultry loss during the weekend when two police dogs In the vicinity killed between and turkeys and damaged about 10 others which had to be destroyed The slaughter happened on Saturday after pm while the family was at the CNE Some of the birds weighed lbs and the loss would be well over Constable Bill Davis said The for swimming claim this summer Salty Lloyds Musical Mates will provide the music On Oct the lions will sponsor the annual miction inaugurated with success last fait It will be held In the large pavilion In Memorial park Anything In good condition and will he gratefully by the Huns who will make collections on October and A district wide canvass for con tributions will be made in ad vance Visits the Maritime Miss Dorothy Armstrong has returned from a motor holiday to Halifax and Prince Edward Island where she went with her Mends Mr and Mrs Lemon and their daughter Ruth Among the interesting places they visited was Green Gables at the home of Lucy Maud Montgomery author of Anne of Green Gables which is now a provincial museum place When they were crossing by hunt from Digby to St John they saw several delegates of the Associat ed Country Women of the World who were on tour in the Man- times Mr and Mrs Ernest their son Roland and his wife were visiting in the King district and township during the weekend They had come from a trip in the United States and made their headquart ers with Mr and Mrs Pickering Vaughan who is a sister of Mrs Mr is on the staff of Samia institute Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs George Eaton Hall Farm were at home est Palmer all of Toronto were McDon ald Carole Mrs Andrew Crawford a sister of the groom and others dogs had jumped a 5 12foot en to circle of friends when closure fence to make spoil with received at the wedding In oil ihc ways of or building tot future helping to merle Ccnodo o land to in I AT YOUR SERVICE A trained life Underwriter representing one of the more end United Stoles life companies in Canada will help you plan for your and your own needs Rely on him j THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Good to own life rt T Erie has spent a great deal her vacation with her sister Mrs C She left on Monday to resume the pod- t ion which she has held for a year On Sunday afternoon Sept a christening ceremony was per formed at the home of Mr and Mrs George Eaton Hall Farm by Rev C Michel rector of All Saints Anglican church for their grandson David Harold McMain the birds terrifying them The dogs would be shot Mr Davis stated in order to prevent further marauding Mr Old Held a flock of turkeys at the beginning of the season Some of these died and month ago he lost killed by an owl which had destroyed in a single night Mr Was at a loss to know what animal was molesting the ranch until he sat a trap He caught an owl with a wing spread of feet Lions Pall Activities The first autumn activity of King City Lions Club embark ing on a full agenda of events will be a corn roast and dance in the new Lake Marie Dance the son of Mr and Mrs Harold Que The god- In King City Park Friday mother was the babys aunt Miss evening Sept Proceeds win Carole and the godfathers used to pay the balance of BUI H00L SPECIALS DENIM JEANS to 6 GIRLS JEANS to I 1 S4 a KV i 1 mi fc K5gF IS iS fe COTTON DRESSES to TRAINING PANTIES 246 ea GIRLS COTTON DRESSES GIRLS FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS 8 to 98 198 298 19 PATENT LEATHER SHOES CRIB BLANKETS ea 285 29 VINYL1TE PLASTIC PANTS ea PC GABARDINE SNOW SUITS set 289 98 CHILDRENS BLAZERS 3 ea INFANTS SLEEPERS PINK OR BLUE and 89 39 279 MISSES STRIPED WOOL JERSEY PULL- OVERS AND CARDIGANS to MENS and BOXER SHORTS 32 TO 44 ea GABARDINE SUITS TO BLOUSES 12 to 20 CINCH BELTS RED OR BLACK ea SILK PANTIES DOUBLE GUSSET JEANS SIZES TO 20 DUSTER COATS ea SKIRTS SIZES 20 SLACKS OR STRIDES 20 PULLOVERS 20 COUNTER soiled BLOUSES your choice DRESSES ALL SIZES NYLON HOSE COTTON PRINT APRONS HOUSECOATS FLOWERED ea Botany wool 8 BOLERO SUITS 89 675 97 69 SANFORIZED JEANS TO 44 pr DENIM JEANS TO pr 2PC PYJAMAS TO YRS WOOL CARDIGANS TO 44 ea WORK BOOTS STURDY WORK PANTS 30 CUSHIONFOOT SOCKS REG 98 pr 69 2495 298 67 BOYS SOCKS for 100 WORK SHIRTS 18 ALL WOOL WORK SOCKS PYJAMAS STRIPED BROADCLOTH PAINTERS OVERALLS BOYS BOW TIES ea HANDKERCHIEFS WHITE for OXFORD SHOES BOYS pr WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 14j PLAID SHIRT LINED JEANS TO set NYLON GAB PANTS to 44 LINED 28 49 289 298 89 225 297 N ft A- RAYOVAC BATTERIES 7 SKIRT ZIPPERS ea BATH TOWELS FLOWERED PLASTIC yd FLOWERED PLASTIC yd KLEENEX REG 22 2 for ALARM CIXCKS 1 YR GUARANTEE en KITCHEN KNIVESBOXED LIGHTER FLUID PICTURE BLANKETS en DISH TOWELS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 2 for 35 19 57 49 29 35 89 09 369 14 WASH CLOTHS BRIEF CASES ea CIGARETTE LIGHTERS ea BED SHEETS pr FLASHLIGHTS en BALL POINT PENS en FACTORY COTTON yd OVAL FLOOR MATS en 2 for lit it STRAND PEARL NECKLETS BOBBY COMBS en 15 44 19 39 08 WE CASH BABY BONUS CHEQUES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY When the wedding cake was cut by the bride by her husband Mr Norman proposed the toast As Gertrude Mary Moore Mr lately came Char- to Toronto became acquainted with the family who were then living on the estate of the late Sir Henry at Lake Marie Farm After the marriage the couple took their honeymoon trip to Mich They at Eaton Hall Farm where Mr has been employed for the past years Their wed ding attendants were Mary Nicol of Toronto bridesmaid who is now Mrs Bruce Kaye Nora the grooms as maid of honor who is Mrs Andrew Crawford Guelpb Both were at the wedding recep tion on Saturday The grooms man was Harold Moore the brides brother Toronto The popular couple have three child ren George Jr and Carole at home and Mrs Joyce wife of Harold who live at Que Historic Punch Bowl A punch bowl used at the wedding anniversary of Mr and George has historic significance to the Crawford family who came from Scotland It belongs to Andrew Crawford of Guelph and is a sterling silver or AtnirM Canadian Challenge Cup award- the staff of Samia Collo Ion won three times by the same exhibitor in the Canadian Horse Society of Great Britain and Ireland Mrs Win Boys On Saturday Sept 5 Mrs Wil liam Boys celebrated her birthday the occasion was marked by an afternoon tea given by her daughter Miss Win- Alfred Boys The guests includ ed her oldest neighbor Mrs Wil liam Williams Mrs Effie Bath Mrs Norman Etherldge Mrs Charles Black Mrs Airs Alfred During the afternoon Andrew and James Pat ton both over made a call On Sunday Mrs Rankin Ham ilton Mr and Mrs J Glass and Miss were visitors The birthday cake was a special feature of the party Mrs Boys is 111 excellent health and her friends always find a welcome at her home Dr Jmes his wife and three children arrived from Springfield Mass on vacation with Mrs Snelgroves parents Mr and Mrs Albert Kelley and with the senior Snelgroves In Toronto On Sunday they mo tored to Toronto for a birthday party with Mr Arthur and on Sunday evening Dr Snel flew to Chicago for a chemists convention taking place this week The family will be returning to Springfield in three weeks time Drill Hall Fairgrounds Newmarket anniversary during the afternoon and evening of Saturday Sept 5 Over enjoyed the hospitality of the bride and groom and their family who were married in St Michaels Church of All Toronto by the Rev Canon Bryan assisted by Rev P Roberts then rector of All Saints Anglican at King Mrs received in a royal blue crepe gown with pearl trim and a corsage of tiny pink as ters Her elder daughter Mrs Harold Quebec assisted in orchid nylon net over matching taffeta and corsage of mauve flowers with silver bow Carole the younger daughter wore a maize colored summer frock The reception was held in the recreation room where a large display of beautiful gifts and cards filled the large table which was tastefully centred with marigolds and garden asters The long tea table in the din ing room was centred with the wedding cake made by Mrs surrounded with silver tulle and mounted on a silver- tone holder white tapers in sil ver holders and low silver bowls of zinnias Pouring tea were Mrs Arthur Kayes Sr an aunt of Mr a sisterinlaw Mrs Louis Moore and Mrs Em- COMPLETE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNITED MOTOR SERVICE WINTERIZE i now Pine- Orchard News Mr and Mrs Frank Lloyd and Misses Toronto were recent guests of Mrs A Lloyd Mrs P Wood Congratulations to Mrs Albert Lloyd who will be years old on Tuesday Sept Mrs Lloyd enjoys fair health and makes her homo with her daughter Mrs Wood Mrs Floyd Simpson Grimsby spent several days recently as guest of Mr and Mrs James Hope Rev Mrs P Graham of Armada Mich were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Ross Mr Wilhert Widdifield New market spcr last week at the home of Miss Aleta and Mr and Mrs Allan A corn and welner roast was enjoyed by members of the Church of Christ Sunday school at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman on Tuesday evening Sept I Miss Beth Johnston entered Western hospital Toronto on Sept 8 to take a nurses train ing course In spite of the extreme heat SHARON Service at United church from now on will he held at am Sunday school will he at Everyone is wel come services Mw Mrs also Mr and Mrs Donald Kltelcy nre on a motor trip through Old Eastern provinces The Messrs Jim Stevens of and Robert Slovens of Mimico visited their homo here last week The Misses Evelyn and Violet McDonald Toronto ami Mr J McDonald guests of their uncle Mr Wright Mr and Mrs Beverley spent the holiday weekend with relatives at St Catharines Miss Elizabeth spent few days with friends In Tor onto Inst week Mr Stephen has returned from a romping trip Lake on Wednesday Sept there was a good attendance at the meeting of the Willing Workers of Union church Mrs Wood read an interesting on missionary activities Plans were discussed for Op portunity Sola at Union church on Friday afternoon Sept at oclock Childrens and adults clothing aprons homo baking plants vegetables and white elephants will be offered for sale Afternoon tea will bo served At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs and Mrs Wo welcome Mr and Mrs family of To ronto to our community Anniversary services will be held at Union church on Sun day Oct am and pm WITH REPAIR I AND INSULATING MATERIALS Tho worn spots on roof waits of your homo con real snow and go to work on thorn But you can boat man to draw with a few minor repair if you thorn right Caulking Com roof coatings and ideal for quick homo repairs lino Rock Wool In flno Bisco Product will bring now com fort Into your homo Una will pay for itsotf in a yoars with fuol savings of up to 35 Sit YOUR DtAUR TODAY J vit ASPHALT PAPERS LTD nit i A ON 1 IONOOM ONI mil I 1 C A ft ON- P zrz W H DAVIS DES mown yzSiy r

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