MOUNT ALBERT nephew Mrs and Mr and Mrs Boy Carr visited Ma Geo Keswick- on Wednesday evening- Mis and Mr and Mrs- Boy Cair were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs- Alto Davison Mr and Mrs Mrs- and Mr and Mrs Roy motored to Woodstock and Kit chener on Sunday J Mr and Mrs A New market and Mr were Stmday afternoon visitors at the tome of Mr and Mrs Geo Mrs Walter Warren and Mrs John Walker attended a trous seau tea in Toronto for their niece More money was spent in mens stores in Canada in than in womens clothing stores 204 million in the million in the latter bland Grove Elects New Officers Hears Many Complaints A sparsely filled Community Church Hall at Island Grove saw Mr Clifford Fox installed as president of the Island Grove beach association at the annual meet ing for election of officers held last Friday evening Murray was elected vicepresident and Mrs Irene was returned to the office of secretary- treasurer The board of advisors is Howard Bur- Mayor of John and the immediate pastpresident Jack V Sinclair In Mr speech after constitution to read his election he told of a great number of Island Grove rate payers who could not be pres ent at the annual meetings Saturday of every year The people present heard a the last two meats he would get little oat of it If we conducted as they did we would be out business Why dont you pot them out of business You have the power Although it had never been made public at a council meet Mr Sinclair stated that assessment notices were prom ised for July a and they have not yet been received by the ratepayers Mr Sinclair urged the cottag ers to look after their interests the lists posted in former years showed many farms where the owner and husband or wife daughters and sons living on the same property were all on the lists Although I have nothing against the and my son is married to one I did notice there were entitled to vote in one polling division and I am quite sure they are not all entitled to a municipal 29 PLEASANT VILLE The summary of audit report for 1952 for the township of North is now in the cause they are held on a Friday 15 had been to the Master after sundown A motion was made and carried to amend the As of September A PIED MILL LTD Will be operated by Mr Gladstone formerly of Canada Packers Limited For about years we have enjoyed serv ing the farmers in the Newmarket area and wish to extend sincere thanks for the favors we have received We hope that Mr will enjoy this same relationship THANK YOU J A PERKS AND FAMILY financial report that showed a vote said Sinclair- balance on hand of after Councillor Frank was present and said he wished to thank Mr- Sinclair for trying to guide- We dont see eye to eye I have a mind of my own and like to use it At the Orchard Beach Association meet ing a couple of weeks ago some one made remarks against the reeve the other councillors and the assessors and didnt say any thing about me I dont know why I guess they like me A bylaw restricting a portion of Island Grove north of the Metropolitan Road from the concession east to Crescent Beach to nonbusinesses pur poses was proposed Mrs Link objected to the passing of any such bylaw The bylaws now in existence covering re strictions were not enforced so why get more she said Murray said that he was aware that restricting by- Beaches Association to the Optimist Club of Keswick to wards hiring a swimming in structor or for the beaches and to the Community Sinclair spoke at length of his trips to council meetings during the year and of his at tempts to have the assessors do their jobs properly in regard to names on the assessment roll was told the assessors would not be ascertaining who did and who did not qualify to be on the voters list Have we not the right to insist asked Sinclair Howard replied that the assessors are required to sign the roll and declare that they have abided by the rules set out by the Municipal Board or the of Municipal Affairs and if they sign and thi is not correct they are compounding a felon were not enforced and he wanted to know what he was done by them J C Sinclair went on to say wanted to know what he was paying 110 a year for If we The altitude of the Municipal have the the council and Board is not to interfere with a bylaw then it should be en- owl polices unless the minor- forced by he township and not l tv is not getting the democratic by the individual associations In rights it should I feel that if this coming year I Ice to we had a chartered accountant see that bylaws are either kept in the association and that he or taken off the hooks he sari I Mr and Mr David hands of the public Sharon were Sunday tea guests Hector the auditor of Mr and Mrs the I The amount of uncollected occasion being Mr birth- taxes going far a of this is the current years levy leaving in ar rears prior to Mr Hector states There are indications that there axe cer tain taxes Still recorded on the books which probably should be written off resulting from double assessments In prior years These matters aire being followed up and will be adjust ed in the accounts The amounts involved are not substantial in relation to the total amounts of taxes outstand ing and I felt that it was prefer able to complete my figures from the records as they stand rather than have any further delay in preparation of the fig ures which the Department of Municipal Affairs is anxious to have Later in my report I have referred to the setting up of a reserve for uncollected taxes and this reserve could be used in part to write off these taxes which are found to be incorrectly re corded The township set up a re serve for uncoUected taxes by transferring budget surpluses which have cumulated over a period of years This amount of while it remained in the surplus account could have been used by any council to re duce the tax rate However the transfer now places this in a special reserve ac count which could eventually reach the amount of the tax ar rears thus making It unnecessary to borrow from the bank to fi nance current operations Many ways other than tax sales are available to the town ship in order to collect back taxes and plus some of the is being carried by the ratepayers Mr and Mrs David Preston returned to their Toronto home on Sunday after spending most of their three week holiday at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack I Preston We welcome to our community Mr and Mrs Harper back on the farm again Misses Richardson Aurora and Glenna re turned to their homes on Monday after several days stay with Mrs Mr and Mrs Allan Forbes and Donna spent the week end at the Toole homes Mr Stuart Toole returned home with them after a few days holiday I in Mr and Mrs Frank Green wood and son George Sharon were Sunday dinner guests at the Greenwood home Mr Cole is also spending some time at the Greenwood home Mr and Mrs McClure and Earl also and Paul ine Port Perry had Sun day tea at the home of Mrs G Miss Margaret Sheridan Claremont is spending a few days at the home of her grand parents Mr and Mrs Sheri dan also with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Bob Sheri dan Pine Orchard Union church service will he at am and Sunday school at Rev is in the pulpit again af ter a months vacation HAS BIRTHDAY Mrs Seaton cele brated her birthday on Aug HOLLAND LANDING Labor income from manufac The Holland Landing United Canada Increased from church service will be held at 744 million in to pm on Sunday million in LINE DIVINE Its the PRINCESS effect line divine for any figure See the angled buttoning this is a new fashion note Elegant in faille casual In cotton tweed versatile in wool this dress will be on the go all its useful beautiful life Pattern Misses sizes 16 Size takes yards 39inch fabric and tt yard contrast This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete Illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTO In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIE NAME STYLE Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express J Newmarket SO SO Plaid or check plain is the latest fashion news Add a touch of simple embroidery or cotton and shes the girl In school Quick sew now Pattern Girls sizes 6 10 Transfer motifs and pattern parts State size Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Era and Express Household Arts Newmarket Print plain NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER and SIZE Ten complete patterns to sew embroider crochet printed light in the Alice Brook Needle- craft Book Plus many mow patterns to send for including ideas for gifts home accessories toys fashions Send 25 CHILDRENS and INFANTS DENIM JEANS to GIRLS JEANS to 14 yrs PLAID COTTON DRESSES to TRAINING PANTIES 216 lift 298 19 PATENT LEATHER SHOES CRIB BLANKETS VINYLITE PLASTIC PANTS ea PC SNOW SUIT 6x set Pigs start eating solid feed much sooner m I Pigs grow much faster weaning weight 10 lbs BLOUSES 12 to 20 CINCH BELTS RED OR BLACK SILK PANTIES DOUBLE GUSSET JEANS SIZES TO 20 DUSTER COATS 18 ea SKIRTS SIZES SLACKS OR STRIDES 20 PULLOVERS 20 89 39 279 47S COUNTER soiled BLOUSES your choice DRESSES ALL SIZES NYLON HOSE COTTON PRINT APRONS HOUSECOATS CARDIGANS 100 Botany wool BOLERO SUITS NEW MEN m BOXER SHORTS TO GABARDINE SUITS TO SANFORIZED JEANS TO 41 DENIM JEANS TO YRS PYJAMAS TO fi CARDIGANS TO 44 WORK BOOTS STURDY pr WORK PANTS CUSHIONFOOT SOCKS REG 98 BOYS SOCKS for iti rt 09 07 LOO WORK SHIRTS 15 WORK SOCKS PYJAMAS STRIPED BROADCLOTH PAINTERS OVERALLS BOYS BOW TIES em HANDKERCHIEFS WlHTiiip OXFORD SHOES BOYS pr WHITE DRESS SHIRTS jon PLAID SHIRT LINED JEANS 8 TO NYLON SO LINED WINDBREAKERS rt coating of sugar Increased payability results in pigs eating www at an earlier age when bigger gains are made on less pounds too pigs build up greater resistance to disease develop into healthier pigs that weigh up to 10 pounds more at weaning SEE YOUR r for ilfl 9 xi DEALER SMITH S FEED SEED A BATTERIES SJtHiT ZIPPERS BATH TOWELS 1 FLOWERED PLASTIC yd FLOWERED yd KLEENEX REG 22 ea for ALARM CLOCKS GUARANTEE KITCHEN KNIVES BOXED LIGHTER FLUID PICTURE BLANKETS ea 35 19 57 49 29 35 89 i WASH CLOTHS BRIEF CASES ea CIGARETTE LIGHTERS BED SHEETS pr FLASHLIGHTS mm BALL POINT PENS v- STRAND PEARL NECKLETS i4f