sin THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section of The Municipal Act 1950 Chapter 243 and THE MATTER OF an appli cation of the Corporation of the Township of East for approval of its restricted area Bylaw Number intitul ed A Bylaw to regulate the use of land and the location space character and use of buildings to he erected or altered in the Township of East TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of Section of The Municipal Act Chapter the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of the Township of East did on the Sixteenth day of June pass Bylaw number being a Bylaw to regulate the use of land and the location space character and use of build ings to be erected or altered in the Township of East AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of the said section the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of East bury has applied to the Ontario Muncipal Board for its approval of the said number AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Tuesday the Eighteenth day of August AD at the hour of oclock In the forenoon Daylight Saving Time at the Township Hail Sharon for the hearing of all parlies Interested in of or opposing the said AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a copy of the said Bylaw may be examined free of charge at the Township Office at Shar on by any interested person AND TAKE FURTHER that set out hereunder a synop sis of the said number DATED this day of July A J Smith Clerk Township of East Sharon Ontario The following Is a synopsis of Bylaw Number the of land and location space character and use of buildings In the Township of East SECTION DEFINITIONS Section defines an accessory building a dwelling house a farm a summer cottage a com mercial building and an indust rial building A farm is defined to mean an acreage of not less five acres used for the production of etc SECTION DEFINED AREA This section provides that the shall to all lands In the Township of East SECTION This section provides that no land shall be used and no dwell ing house or summer cottage erected or altered or usee ex- cent In with the pro visions of the Bylaw SECTION AP PLICABLE TO RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY a provides that no dwelling house shall bo hereaf ter erected unless It has a floor area of at least square feet and if the dwelling house is a story and a half it must have a floor area of at least square feet Section provides that sum- mm cottages shall have a floor space of not less than feet computed exclusive of porch es or verandahs within the out side wails If a summer cottage Is winterized for war round hab itation It must conform to sec tion a Section provides that no apartment or tenement with two or more family units shall bo erected with floor of lose than square per family unit provides that no part of a commercial building be used for human habita tion unless the part used has a floor space of at least square feet 1 All dwelling houses to be on walls or piers of cement cement blocks stone or brick and set at least three feet in the ground Summer cottages may he supported on foundation piers or pads resting on top of the ground providing that method is satisfactory in the locality concerned The studding in exterior walls of frame dwellings shall be not less than inches by inches and in permanent dwell ings not less that inch centres All frame buildings must be corner braced and rafters must be collar tied The chimneys are to be of brick stone or reinforced con and lined with fluelining or plastered No inflammable material such as tar paper to be used on ex terior buildings and no septic tank weeping tile toilets or to be less than 50 feet from a well Section provides that not more than one family dwelling or more than one dwelling unit be on any minimum sized building lot A multiplefamily dwelling not to units be erected on a building lot having a width of at least feet and an area of at least square feet Section provides no build ing or part of a building the floor of which below the aver age level of the building lot shall he used as a dwelling or dwell ing unit Section prohibits the use accessory buildings or tempor ary shelters as a dwelling or dwelling unit except during the construction of the main dwell ing house and on deposit of a bond SECTION AP PLICABLE IN ALL CASES Sect Inn 5 provides no auto- foe for human habitation for in any calendar Section provides no -aso- or garage to he on lot a frontage of less than feet on anv way and unless It is at least from any boundary Section 5 provides no Alary Helen Way daughter of the late Emma and Charles Way Funeral ser vice was held at St Pauls Angli can church Newmarket on Wed nesday Interment cemetery IN ARMSTRONG In loving mem- of our dear mother Mrs Vena Armstrong who passed away July 28 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Lovingly remembered by Ruth Ron and Ruth In loving memory of my dear husband Walter who passed away August 1 1951 I lost a husband with a heart of gold Who was more to me than wealth untold Without a farewell he fell asleep With only memories for me to keep have lost but God has gained One of the best the world con tained His faint last wish I should like to have heard And breathed in his ear one last parting word those who have lost are able to tell The pain of the heart of not say- In farewell T mourn him in silence no eyes see me weep But many a silent tear Is shed while others sleep Sadly missed and lovingly re membered by his wife Grace IRISH In loving memory of Oliver Irish who passed away Aug Three years have passed since the sad day The one we loved was called away Cod took him home it was His will nut in our hearts he still Sadly missed by wife daughter and soninlaw Parade Of Floats Featured In North Sports Day A bigger and better annual and Heather McPher- sports day took place at North son WEST IN loving memory of a drar husband and father George be erected Henry West who passed away on a lot having a frontage of less than feet on any high way and be at least 20 feet tram boundary Section provides no buil ding shall be erected for the pur- nose of manufacturing less than feet from any dwelling house Section 5 provides no build ing shall be used erected or al tered on any land for the purpose of a dance hall or pavilion or place of amusement without the consent of the Municipal Coun cil Section provides all sanita tion accommodation is to comply with the Public Health Act SECTION provides that the by law Is not to apply to land or buildings which on the day of the passing of the Bylaw are used or erected for any purpose prohibit ed by the Bylaw providing they continue to be so SECTION BUILDING PERMIT LIMITATIONS a This subsection provides that a building permit expires within twelve months and prohib its the erection of any building without a permit being obtained Section provides that if in the opinion of the Building In spector a building Is in a danger ous condition by reason of its dilapidated state faulty construc tion or otherwise is in an unsafe condition as regards fire or risk of accident the Building Inspec tor may order its repair or dem olition and the expense thereof charged to tho property as tuxes Section c provides that noth ing is to prevent the rebuilding or repairing of existing main buildings destroyed or damaged by fire Section provides that the site and construction of tourist camps cabins and motels shall Section provides that no permitted only when approved dwelling house shall hereafter Health be erected on a farm unless a penalty ban a floor of at least than dollars feet and shall comply iuy ft section for each offence for any Sometimes its hard to under stand Why some things have to be But in His wisdom God has plan ned Beyond our power to see God pave us strength to fight It And courage to bear the blow But what it cost to loose you No one will eer know Lovingly and remember ed by his wife Delia son Ken neth and family CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our heart- felt thanks to our friends and relations for their acts of kindness during our recent easement in the loss of a dear little niece and grandchild The Family CARD OF THANKS To all those who have helped me during my years in business in I wish to say a thank you CARD Mrs Arthur and fam ily wish to express their grati tude to friends and relatives for the many nets of kindness and sympathy during their bereave- in the loss of a grandchild and niece Cheryl CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs John Cain wish to thank their kind neighbors and friends for their kindness shown to them at the time of the death of their beloved mother also thanking Rev Mr for his consol words CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends neighbors and relatives for their kindnessshown In the passing of dear wife and mother Special thanks to Rev Mr Bull Rev Dr and nurse Mrs Trevor Then Crittenden ami family Gwillimbuxy Memorial centre July 25 Sponsored by the township the day was off a good start with a parade of floats comics decorated bicycles which wound through Keswick streets to the Memorial Centre Judging took place and the prize for the best float went to Roches Point with an Indian vil lage entry of Roches Point dian maidens and braves This outstanding float was the crea tion of two sisters Ruth and Margaret Jean Lister Roches Point and designed by Margaret Jean herself The comic entry was won by a popular Keswick couple Mr and Mrs A Hirst Beach dressed in gay go costume who were driving in a buggy drawn by old dobbin A baseball tournament ran through the afternoon into the evening with the Keswick men leading the tournament The Mount Albert team took the tugowar in final competition with Keswick Races for all children were run in the afternoon and the evenings entertainment was rounded out by the lucky draws for a tele vision set a power lawn mower and a mixmaster conducted by the wrestler John Katan Mrs Eleanor Green Finch Ave York Mills was the television winner Jack Warner of Island Grove the mower and Huntley Keswick the mixmas ter Prizes were awarded for the families with the most children the oldest person and the young est person on the grounds The first award went to Elmer Pe ters who had nine of his child ren there Oldest person was Frank and youngest was the threemonthold daughter of Mrs Geraldine Andrews Race winners included the fol lowing girls four and under Heather Linda dore and Marilyn Tombs boys four and under Leo Foy John and Kevin OConnor and Tom Bailey tied for third Girls six and under Shirley Green Carol Churchill and Su san Ritchie girls and under Carol Dove Yvonne and Eileen Taylor boys and un der Horace McPherson and Bill Booth tied for first David Ross and Jim Girls and under Daniel Barbara Pollock and Nancy Taylor boys and un der Peter John and Bob Blair and tied for third girls and under Heather McPherson Patricia McDonald and Barbara Taylor boys 14 and under Den nis Winch Tom Zolland and Paul Tower mixed 16 and un der Peter Girls six and under 3legged Judy and Helen Thomp son Dermic Jacques and mixed 10 and under Doug Haffie and Jim Joyce Scott and Bever ley Snider mixed youths Barbara and Nancy Taylor Peter Goodfellow and Glen Rye Frank Keswick Honored by Seed Growers Association Among seed growers honored by the Canadian Seed Growers association at their recent con vention at Clear Lake Manitoba was Frank Keswick who is weed inspector for York County as well as a prominent farmer in the district Mr ritt and other seed growers were elected Robertson Associ ates The class of seed grower known j and family ANSNORVELD Intended for last week Mr and Mrs A and family returned from a weeks holiday at Cochrane and points north Mr Greensville was a weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs E Blemold Mr and Mrs DeJong spent Sunday in Trenton This weeks items Mr A was able to re turn home from York County hospital Newmarket Mr and Mrs Sterling and two children Grand Rapids visited Mr P over the weekend Mr R VantierKieft Grand Rapids Mich conducted both services at the Christian Reform church here on Sunday Mr and Mrs T have taken up residence in their new home near the Dutch village Mr and Mrs A have left to spend their holidays in northern Ontario Mr and Mrs have returned home after spending a few days holidays up north Mr and Mrs George are spending the The Era and Express Thursday July w Mount Albert News as Robertson Associate was Cre ated in honor of the late Dr J Robertson cofounder of the Canadian Seed Growers Associ ation and has been in operation since 1930 Robertson Associate is recognized as the highest hon or in the power of the association to bestow on its members and is awarded to a small number of growers each year for outstanding accomplishment in seed pro duction over a long period of time Frank has produced registered cereal crops since and on occasions produced registered field peas and timothy Mr is perhaps best known as a producer of register ed wheat and for his leadership in hot water treatment of wheat for control of loose smut month of August at their cottage at Rev and Mrs will be on holidays for the next four weeks and next Sunday the Young Peoples society will have charge of the service at in the United church Thursday evening Aug will be the date of the floor show and carnival in Jas Hammetts new building under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce when the proceeds go towards the floodlight fund Remember to get extra books at the library before Aug as the library will be closed from Aug Remember the band concert in the park Sunday Aug when Citizens Band will pro vide the music The Chamber of Commerce is in charge Mr and Mrs Geo Synder Paul and Ricky the week end with relatives near Kitch ener and Paul stayed over for the holidays Mrs Geo and Robin were calling on old friends in town on Saturday last Messrs Frank and Kingston made a short visit last week at the home of their VanDyke are spending a few days at Lake Simcoe with Section provides that no dwelling shall be constructed or altered on a lot which has an average width measurement at angles of that feet If corner lot of less than feet If sewers and water pines are not liable the of the lot be at least feet If piped water available the area shall be not less than square feet Thin also provides that if the lot owned previous to the Missing of Ibis bylaw and mir for the of a building lot then the dwelling home may he erected thereon the provisions this providing the other provisions of h am compiled with and the apnrovnl of Board of Health or County Health Unit are obtained Section Provides that dwelling house Is not to be erect ed closer than to the line Dwelling on corner lots on existing dwelling can be construct- than foot a pry road Section hi provides that no dwelling house can be construct ed closer that feet to a boundary line Section I provides that no building shall be erected altered closer than feet of Section 4 provides that all boundary lino ft building shall be at rear of dwelling except a which Is not to he Mo to highway fm to a Swtlnn provides that no dwelling house to be erected on lot of a registered plan upon which an dwelling where pip ed and are not available Section out mini mum structural specifications as person convicted of a breach of the Bylaw Section revokes Bylaws and on the final passing of Ihia bylaw TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up until Monday Aug for the of Holland landing pub lic school IowcAt or any tender not neces sarily accepted Tate Holland Landing BIRTHS COWIEMr and Mrs Charles Phyllis Aur ora are happy to announce the birth of a son on Saturday July at St Josephs hospital Tor onto SINE Don and Joyce nee daughter Linda Mne Elizabeth on Saturday July Brier Bush hospital CARD OF THANKS would like to express thanks to Dr and Dr Peever the nurses and staff of York County hospital for kindness and good care given to me while In the hospital also to friends who visited me and sent cards Special thanks to Louis Sodom and Comer lor blood donation and to the friends who offered to donate blood for me Mrs It raster QUEENSV1LLE Messrs and Floyd Cunningham were blue- berrying one day last week A miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Helen Stiles and Mr Charlie was held on night at the home of Mr ami Mrs John Alleyne Tho bride and groom received many lovely gifts Miss Stevens Weston pent ten days with her aunt Mrs Miss Doris Mcintosh was given pantry shower on Friday night the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Coates The staff and employees of the Boll Telephone Co New- market held a shower for Miss Mcintosh on Thursday night The Evening Auxiliary held a farewell party for Mrs C Mll sted on Tuesday night at the of Mrs Murray During the evening Mrs Mll Was presented with a lovely wall plaque Master Billy Simpson spent two weeks at the Boys Camp at the Maples at Uxbridgc Mrs Jas is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs Bel haven News DEATHS CAIN At home of her daughter Mrs Stewart Newmarket on Saturday even ing July Sarah In her eightysixth year widow of John and dear mother of Mrs Fern lslle Cain Mrs Stewart Mrs Vene Mitchell Stanley and John Funeral was held Mount Albert on Tues day afternoon July Inter ment Mount Albert cemetery WAYAt Num ln Homo on Monday July Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard were Mr David from USA Mr and Mrs Herb Anderson Aurora Mr and Mrs John Alleyne Queen and Mr and Mr Lome and baby Hamilton Mr and Mrs Frank Chamber lain USA have been holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry Miss Donna Crydorman Tor onto spent a few days with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Thog Pollard Imperial been spend ing a few days with his brother and wife Mr and Mr Master David Toron to has been holidaying with his Mr and Mrs by and with his uncle and aunt Mr arid Mrs Kyle Keswick Mrs Ken and Marilyn had tea Satur day evening with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Sunday visitors at home of Mr and Mm Norman King were the community this Mr and Mrs Hoy Morgan Mr anil Mrs Jack Morgan and fam ily Grant Morgan re- for a few days with cousin Floyd Olive and Ethel Bark er spent a few days with their uncle and Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Frank Knight and family attended the Knights- Wight picnic at County Park from district at tended the Camp Meeting at on Sunday Mrs Henry Kay Is spending a week at Royal Virginia with Mr and Mrs Stevenson Mr and Mrs Grant and son Dean had dinner on Monday with Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Ross and visited Toronto on Sunday with Mr and Mrs and family Mr and Mrs Harold Keswick hurt ten Sunday even ing with Mr and Mrs Bruce Mr and Mrs Tom Severn Tor onto visiting relatives In Fine fame Week In Lake loop High scoring high lighted the five game week In the Lake Simcoe loop At Zephyr Lunneys surging Blues celebrated by plastering Mount Albert Ron Kcstcr turning up for the playoffs pitched sup erbly to limit Mount to three hits The Blues were off rocket style with a run spurt In the first three chapters The Blues hit masters were Clark Arnold Ron Ken Pickering and Harry Hawse Horner and Paul Mainprize divided the Mount pitching duties Joe Case Bob Badger and Jim Cupples walloped the Mount safeties QueensvUle and wound up their schedule by div iding victories in a home and home set Vandorf triumphed at on Josh Pres tons four hitter while It was over at Van- dorf In the 132 win Josh Preston got all the bat help he needed from triples by Bill King- don and Walt Pat tendon and lusty clubbing from Jack Bub Preston and Harry Laven der Doug Eves four baser and triple put the runs in the kitty At Don Glover had Vandorf eating out of his hand as he pitched a brilliant three hitter Cliff Ward and Doug Eves put the sock In the assault with a pair of hits Including a triple each Don Glover aided his own cause with two safeties Harry Laven der crossed with Vandorf s lone run Wall drive and a wild pitch rode home free with a six run nek pot In the sixth Mount Alhert beat Willow Bench in the tidiest game of the week Three runs In the third put Mount Albert In the drivers seat Benchmcn plated single runs In the third fourth and fifih Rookie Paul Main- prize bested veteran McNeil In the mound due Bob Badger homered In the fourth and Elmo Paisleys triple cleaned the sacks In Mounts big third frame spree Don was the Benchers big gun Coach Bruce sent his Keswick Comets up to tho pinto with Instructions to hit hard and often and the- Comets did to floor Bob Pol- lock and Tommy Hare bashed home rtms Jerry Pollock tripled and everybody Into the hit act to make Har old Smiths pitching Journey Pleasant Bernard Kay and Duff supplied out of park music for Duff tolled four Murray Thompson three for losers Keswick for early runs while came on with a futile near the end drive THRBE CANDIDATES Continued from page past week Mr Cathors also at tended the St Anthonys church carnival at Sutton and field day at Keswick attended a gar- don meeting at homo of Dick Edmunds Richmond Hill Other events Included a party staged at on Saturday night and a woinor roast at County Prk on Wednesday CCF candidate Donald Scott Is reported to ho making a 1 bor of speeches in ZEPHYR Miss Ada Squires Hamil ton spent the past week visiting her mother here and on Sunday Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Smith New Toronto were visiting Mr and Mrs A Smith Mr and Mrs Bruce Lockle and family were visiting Miss Jessie Lockle on Sunday Mr and Mrs John Linda and Nancy went to Was- ago Beach on Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Marr and bring Gary home who has been spending the past week visiting his grand parents Rev and Mrs and David returned home after spending a few weeks on holi days Ed and Marlon Hunt the weekend at the home of Mrs A Mr and Mrs and son spent the past week visiting at his home here Mrs A Lockle spent the week end at St Marys Everyone come to the in the room on Wednesday evening Aug at where Miss Muriel will be the guest speaker Word has been received of the safe arrival home of Mr and Mrs James Armstrong Carr ot River Mr and Mrs Armstrong accompanied by their son daughterinlaw and visited his patents Mr and Mrs Ben Armstrong In Mount Albert and his brother Allan in and Byron In Zephyr Mr and Mrs John Arnold took in the celebration at Stratford on Thursday last also visited friends at New Hamburg Miss Lily Lundy and Mrs Toronto were visitors last week at the home of their cousin Miriam Cain- Miss Mildred Dike who has a OBITUARY On Saturday July 18 Mis Sarah Cain Mount Albert died at the home of her daughter Mrs Stewart Lcpard Newmar ket at the age of years She had been in ill health for some time Mrs Cain was born in Scott township the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs She married the late John Cain Mrs Cain was a member of the Methodist church Her chief interest was in her home and family Surviving are three sons Los lie Stanley Sutton J Newmarket three daughters Mrs Fern Whitby Mrs Stewart and Mrs Vene Mitchell New market one sister Mrs Albert Cain Mount Albert grandchildren Her husband pro- deceased her In Rev conducted the service at the chapel Mount Albert on Tuesday July Pallbearers all grandsons were Stanley Motley Watson Duncan Benttle position in Toronto Is spending her holidays at her new home in town Mr and Mrs Williams of to- ronto spent the weekend with Mrs Williams parents Mr and Mrs The late Mrs Sylvester Wood cock of Toronto was brought back to Mount Albert cemetery for burial on Thursday last The funeral service of the late Harold was held in the chapel on Saturday afternoon and then to Mount Albert ceme tery Mr and Mrs Ronald Allison and Betty spent the weekend at Doe Lake near Bancroft Mr A Jewell Mrs Jewell Gail Keone and Mrs J Woodward of New were weekend visitors at the home of their cousin W Steeper Mr and Mrs and family of spent Sunday at the parsonage with Mrs Cum- parents Rev and Mrs Shapter Mrs was soloist at the United church ser vice Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Steeper attended a family reunion on Sunday at the home of their uncle Mr Geo of Pickering in honor of his birthday Mrs Oliver Sr spent last week in Toronto at the homes of her daughters Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Robertson Mrs of Parry Sound was a visitor last week with her parents Mr and Mrs B Stiver Kenneth Warren boy will be soloist at the United church next Sunday morning The Vandorf will be the guests of the at the Union church on August Mr and Mrs Fred Bruni Sara sota were Saturday night tea guests of Mrs McClure Mr and Mrs Walker and three children also and Glover enjoyed a holiday recently at Beach Mr and Mrs at tended a Sunday morning church service in Park Mr and Mrs and Marjorte also Mr and David Preston were in Lindsay on Sunday Miss Marjorle ton remaining for a few holiday Guests from Sunderland for Sunday tea at the home of Doug McClure Included Mr and Mrs Robt and four child also Mrs G Mrs Jones and children spent last week Elms Mr and Mrs M Sheridan Mary were at the home of ClM once Atkinson Bethesda on Mrs McGee Toronto Is i Charlie Interment was Ing her sister Mrs Isaac John In Mount Albert cemetery I son and family A- J I I in A of us wii i ALL OF US paying more than we should to taxes surplus budgeting waste and extravagance we nickel or a dime These hidden taxes which we all pay are the hese hidden taxes which we all pa present hopes their devices to conceal from you the real bur ma I The Sales Tax of everything you buy The mm mm taxes tonal Um ioa tern of Ottawa taxation you even price I Pr a -IS- w a v men fe A S the you that thy is if t A J hidden i it I J YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE fc ma- Ki-