jr Aurora ami rural not in our office fflHiSfteek There comes a everyone should holiday and that is what doing now At this while writing these We are miles from our office We are in the exs office of the Kin- News The publishers is G and the editors name MacLeod Since childhood we have summer vacations a few north of here along the shores of Lake Huron the water is blue clear cool Kincardine is a pleasant town much the same of town as Newmarket It probably best known for the Circle Bar mill which manu factures womens hosiery At time Kincardine had a driving fishing industry but I ttelast fishing tug ceased to operate on the lake a few years ago Lake Huron few fish compared to the largest producer of the Great Lakes Lake trout been badly molested the lamprey Along the which empty into Lake and Georgian Bay pro- lands and forests and and fisheries officers are and killing the lam- curing spawning periods interesting method of SJbtpying the lamprey is by in the streams when science has the means of PC back a plentiful stock of to Lake Huron Kincardine regain its lost commercial Industry town is much like New- but it is a smaller corn- It has an uptodate hospital serves a area as does York fcospital in Newmarket Hie population here is prc- fcitinantJy of Scottish origin the same can be said of whole of Bruce county i Our own paternal ancestors from Scotland settled in this county many years ago We would venture to say that of every ten of the natives we meet here only one has not a name that starts with or Mac We have been impressed by the number of abandoned in Bruce county par ticularly along the lake shore It is certainly a contrast when we come from York county the price of farm land is going up all the time Many of the old family farms are va- cant and the land is now used for pasture Many of the de- PAGE TWO scendants of the Scottish lies took to other occupations and no sons were left to carry on the farm- Many of the Bruce families moved westward and it is sometimes said that Bruce county settled the west It also might be said that many of the best lands in this area were farmed to death Nothing was put back into the land and it is admitted that much of the land is not nearly as pro ductive as it once was But land farther south is be coming more and more expen sive so some day the area in Bruce may again be restored to highly productive farm lands We are certainly enjoying the holiday here and we have been reminded that one is never really far from home At Beach where we are staying not more than yards down the shore at an other cottage is Dr Margaret and her daughter from Newmarket A friend in Kincardine us that a Kin cardine native Harold Camp bell works at the Office Spe cialty A half mile up the shore is Donald Graham a teacher at Forest Hill high school who visits Pickering College frequently And Wal ter editor of the George town paper is another weekend neighbor North York The Express Herald Published every Thursday Main Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription tor two 50 for one year in advance Single copies arm 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department JOHN Managing CAROLINE ION ftlffer GEORGE HA5KETT LAWRENCE RACINE Job and Production THE EDIT OR I At PAGE THURSDAY THE TWENTYTHIRD DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE NEED HELP FOR DISPOSAL PLANT Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer the few bright things far this year is the hay crop It isnt really high in quality Some of the earlier cuttings are more weathered than we to see it but the later tings in most cases came in without being touched by rain arid there is a lot of it We expect that the average field will run well over two tons to the acre and we think that some will run well over three tons We have averaged around bales to the acre this year This brings up of course the very important fact that year- there is no more important crop on the farm than the hay There is no other crop which will im prove the soil more than hay There is no other crop which t will provide as much feed if good quality it has j all the other cash crops beaten f as well There is a good mar ket for hay and we think that this year it will spring and fall grain for actual cash return After all a man getting three tons of hay can expect about cash for it This corres ponds at present prices to al most bushels of oats It Is almost as much as bushels of wheat Yet the cost of seeding can be spread over four years The fertilizer used is less and if there Is a second cutting to it the yield of the hay field is ahead of anything else on the farm If the same effort was made to equip the farm to grow good quality hay that there is to grow grain there would he even larger return There is a ready export market for good quality hay Dairymen in the eastern USA have to buy A lot of It and they are willing to pay well for It There is quite an outlet for hay In On- particularly in this part of the country Good quality horse hay will self for as much a ton in the spring By feeding the hay fields properly and by doing the most element- practices recommended so often like clipping and har rowing hay crops could be greatly improved The one great objection to all this is that when the hay is at its best the weather is very uncertain when the real hay ing weather comes the hay is usually too old to be good quality Well that is- true But there are ways of getting around this One practice that we heard suggested besides drying loose or in bales arti ficially is to clip the hayfield early and simply leave the clippings in the field and cut it for hay when the weather Is good The tender young hay clipped early will not inter fere with later cutting There are few bright spots in farming these days The price of livestock or livestock products with the exception of hogs is not very bright Neither is that of cash crops Ontario oats is quoted at cents in cor lots FOB shipping point That is less than cents a bushel By the time wheat harvest gets here we will be lucky if we get for wheat in the field Malting barley is cents less a bushel than last year and we understand that they are go ing to be very tough on mois ture content But the price of haled hay has varied very little over the years There are al ways some areas where it is In short supply This guarantees a market Necessity is a good teacher The often neglected hay crop may become the salvation of many a hardpressed farmer The provincial department of health keeps a con stant vigil on Newmarket council and at almost regular intervals reminds council of a need for a sewage disposal plant A sewage disposal plant has been discussed for a number of years and it is safe to say that members of council realize that the municipality has a moral ob ligation to communities north of Newmarket Property owners and residents along the Holland River from here to Lake Simcoe suffer from Newmarkets lack of a sew age disposal plant There are several good reasons why Newmarket should not construct a sewage disposal plant immediate ly without certain other provisions which should go along with it The first reason is its cost A plant would cost at least a quarter million dollars Secondly it would seem to some extent a wasted expenditure unless provision could be made that no other raw sewage b emptied into the same river We do not know defin itely whether Auroras small plant has the capacity to handle all sewage from the community whether or not some raw sewage is emptied into the same river at Auro ra We do not know whether sewage from Holland Landing empties into the same river Holland Landing residents complain bitterly about the river pollution yet sewage from their own homes may be the cause of part of that pollution As for the cost the taxpayer in Newmarket will have no tangible benefit from the thousands of dollars of public money that would be spent to build the plant The homeowner would not know whether this commun ity had a disposal plant or not unless he was told The persons receiving the benefit are the ones who live out side the limits of the municipality While Newmarket has a moral responsibility in the matter it would seem that some larger agency should also share in the cost because the problem affects more than one municipality The entire cost is too great for the relatively small muni cipality Newmarket is We do not know whether the provincial government is prepared to make a sizeable contribution toward the cost or not Nor do we know that the provincial govern ment can force the municipality to make such an expen diture as a quarter million dollars or more It would be reasonable to suppose that if it makes regulations to provide for sewage disposal then it must provide grants for the same measures At least the department of health should back up its urging and pressure with promises of funds of equal proportion to the strength of its urgings FAREWELL TO FRIENDS At- f i i UN WORLD GOVERNMENT A few months ago we received a letter from an organization called the World Federalists of Canada It is a branch of an international organization devoted to the formation of a world government and although its hopes may seem to be for more than we may expect of the world we would say that its efforts are worth while And it depends on the strength of the efforts of such people as the World Federalists whether we will have any kind of a lasting peace or not The age we live in has seen the world brought close together by technical progress that has become indivisible the letter says Ileal this the nations have set up the United Nations Organization which is the boldest attempt yet made by man to struggle out of international anarchy into world order and peace As such it must command our fullest support But some thing even beyond the present structure of the United Nations is needed The world has become in fact a single community and a firm basis for lasting and stable can only bo found in the partial fusion of national sovereignties in some form of world government con trolling at least the use of Armed force This is often thought to be a distant prospect almost irrelevant to our immediate problems We believe this view to be mistaken It is true that we can hardly hope to achieve an actual world government within tho next few years Nevertheless its achievement Is a task not for some vague future epoch but for a timo which is historically considered the present Indeed the is not what is commonly sup posed Unless civilization completely destroys Itself by war the world government is inevitable us Arnold famous historian has The choice is only what kind of government and it shall come by persuasion or by conquest With these considerations hi mind there has been formed in Canada a national organization World Fed eralists of Canada whose formal object is To obtain support for the establishment of a competent world fed eral government with limited functions but real powers adequate for the maintenance of Membership in this organization is ope to all who support this object World Federalists of Canada will seek to attain its object by stimulating public discussion of the ideas for which it stands and by supporting all practical meas ures which are steps towards the ultimate establishment of world government While supporting to the full therefore the efforts of the United Nations to bring about conditions favorable to peace it feels that serious consideration should be given to the possibility of amen ding the UN Charter so as to improve its efficiency and give it more authority and power especially since this question must under the Charter be raised in the Assembly of 1955 Regional Federations such as Euro pean or Atlantic Union may also be supported as steps towards world government provided they are so set up that other nations can subsequently join on equal terms World Federalists of Canada is a member organization of the World Movement for World Federal Government a worldwide federation of similar movements whose present President is General Larsen of Norway The future of humanity may very well depend on the speed with which public opinion everywhere can be brought to appreciate the need for an effective world government and its essential characteristics INSULT TO CITIZENS A lot of the current election speeches are appalling says the Financial Post Men who normally are pass able citizens and who dont beat their wives too often become silly on the hustings Probably all elections pro duce a considerable amount of twaddle and irresponsi bility of statement and argument but this campaign has already reached a desperately low level Too much of what is being said is merely an affront to the Canadian people It is positively alarming that some of these talk ers might sometime have a part in handling public affairs But in the welter of nonsense comes this which is worse Albert Sylvain is running in one of the Quebec ridings He is quoted as saying Ottawa is bringing into the country immigrants filled with revolutionary ideas that immigrants are filling our jails He com plains of immigrants taking jobs here while our boys are in Korea or are in that military hospital without arms and without legs There is of course room for legitimate difference of opinion about immigration policy but stuff like vain talked is reprehensible in the extreme It takes courage and guts to be an immigrant First it takes money and the capacity and willingness to save It takes a lot of moral fortitude to make the decision to pull up stakes leave ones job and friends and accustomed sur roundings It takes real character to face the uncer tainties and problems of a new land IMMIGRANTS NO WEAKLINGS The very of the decision to migrate and the realities of the problems that decision creates mean that the character and self reliance of the immigrant are likely to be average Aro immigrants filling our jails facts are interesting Some say Poles am given to misbehaviour Well they dont perform fair share of crime Polos born in Poland now resident in Canada represent of the population but only of convictions for crime were against Poles The Italians WolUlwhaved they have of and only of iudietmonta What about Germans Those born abroad and now liv ing in Canada comprise M of countrys popula tion but they account for only of total convic tions hiat half as bad an Hi Ay should Finns IPs sumo story Canadas population of For Mulch for away low Imvo of total population and of the convictioim Mm tho Orientals all or it I limat hot ter limn Canadians born will popu lation do Mm fair Tho only who mum than tho urn Irtaltninii in now resident horn Thoy or population unit of tint tint of war million from other lamia Joined in groat Canadian Thin In mi important imtlonnl sBy Ginger cigar Why should the boss is Dear Boss Seeing that you are away on holidays I just thought I had better make a general report on how things are doing back here at the works I dont know where you have gone to escape so I am writing this as a sort of open letter To be perfectly frank boss conditions are not so good here mainly because of who has been doing his best to cause a breakdown He causing boss and I dont like it one bit He started the first Monday you were away Now I dont like being a stool boss but that man is noth ing but a rabble in my opinion He came in to our of fice sat down at your desk put his feet on it and lit an El Said Bliggens we work when away probably lounging on some beach drink- in iced tea and enjoying the cool lake breezes He causes pandemonium all the time When the phone rings he answers it with Lo cal Trombone editor on holi days this is the janitor speak in He went out into competing room and told everybody to break off for the afternoon and go fishing He said that the boss could do it and so could the He with his dazzling oratory launched on an imaginative de scription of you yourself boss Said Hes probably away in some swank resort let- tin on hes the big executive type on holidays while we slave here the work Yas thats the boss Slim yapped on always being the big business typhoon type You and me the underdogs is mere hirelings what do the From the Files of work Doesnt he know therea been an industrial revolution I tell labor has got to rise up on its hind feet and as sert itself What we need to do is strike By this time Slim had found an old soap box from the wash room and was standing on it in front of linotype Some of the younger appren tices were being swayed Young Lome mouth hung open he was hyp notized by Slims eloquence Young Seagram came up from the press room with basement mould on his forehead and was nodding in agreement We is but slaves continued Slim Right slaves echoed Sea gram Slaves said ro botlike Now I tell you boss if it had not been for a few of the old stalwarts like Kusterd the Billiam the printer and Hans the stereo type the old faithfuls Slim might just have turned this whole shop Things got smoothed out a bit but I still sense unrest I would hate to see our organ ization crumble just on account of an old bum like Bliggens Why has been try ing to form a white collar union among the front office girls all two of them And if you dont come home soon boss we are going to be losing subscribers Slim has been selling copies of Flush that scandal sheet over our counter in competition with our own paper and hes pocket ing the commissions himself I think better come back soon boss and restore or der and decorum in this office Your faithful stooge Ginger and 50 YecmAgo at in Tommy has returned home after spending a week with his aunt Mrs Griffith Weston where he had a jolly time and went in swimming in river every day Son left for same place on Tuesday of this week to spend his holidays Mr and Mrs Wm and their Mrs Paul and little Helen all of spent a couple of days this week with Mr and Mrs Emerson Sanderson has ar rived home after a two weeks holiday in the north country some of the time being at the Elgin School at Mr and Mrs son and daughter of Winnipeg have been spending the past week with his mother Mrs Jane Clarkson after an absence of years Mr and Mrs C Mr Cliffords and Miss Cliffords motored to Niagara for weekend Mrs James of Cedar Brae visited her cousin Mrs of this town on Tuesday afternoon Mrs C Clark and daughter Isabel have returned home from their summer cot tage near Island Grove Lake Simcoe Mr and Mrs Oilman accompanied by Dr and Mrs J Boyd left on Monday to spend few weeks with friends in New Brunswick Mr and Mrs Burrows JULY IMS Mr Manning played with Bradford against the Eng lish lacrosse team on Thursday of last week Bradford won by a score of to It was beautiful exhibition game no roughness whatever The Eng lish visitors are thorough gen tlemen On Thursday of last weefc Mr Lloyd son of Wm Lloyd of Pine On who has been working at United Factories for a couple of years met wittvjm accident while running a planing ma chine The end of his right thumb was taken off and part of the first finger Mr Henderson of Pitts burg Pa son of the late An drew Henderson formerly of Newmarket accompanied by his wife spent Monday with friends in town on their way to Muskoka for a holiday trip Mr and Mrs George Smith of spent Tuesday night in town and were friends Wednesday morning They were on their way to visit friends at Maple and Toronto Junction Mr wife and daughter of Cleveland Ohio were the guests of Mr Bolt Hewitt on Wednesday night Mrs Harry Willis and two children of Toronto are visit ing with Mrs Manning for a few days Miss Lottie Jones had the pleasure of a visit her Miss Eunice of London on Miss Porter gradate of Newmarket high school now teaching at the Canadian Soo is spending part of the vaeftV and children of Detroit spent the weekend with friend in town Mrs Will Robinson the horned of Mr them home Currey RCMP MOTIF FOR CANAAN i ik j it j n J fnwf to of in and It Or ffV tea lw 0I ttiioiv flf m-