34c Mixed Pickles Sweet Mnstord Pickles supplies I JAR Block Tea 31c 5Sc LOILAWS Blie Label Ik Tea Black Tea Tea Bags OF COTTAGE BRAND white BROWN WHEAT SLICED OR OZ Arabia 95 ft BAG aSii If- FRUITS AND VEGETABLES NO 1 tAM 10 CAUMAL LOILAWS HOW M MOWN ft WAX BE IIS FOR SHCRTCAKC fl If g WITH A THtLMlAW BAKERY RAH AT 1 mm f IS n I WW A World By Caroline Ion Women have been making- the news this past week For some like Queen Elizabeth it must be trying to consistently be considered good copy Young Stewart found son and she died in herself in the limelight of golf- on Saturday at the age of i S1 ing fame Already the object of several magazine profile sketches she will continue to be front page material with the brand of golf she presents Another woman who has had her share of public attention Eleanor Roosevelt is again in the news with an interview in Hong Kong following a month- long visit to Japan Mrs Roose velt was asked to comment on Senator McCarthy Once again she maintained her reputation for clear thinking Mrs Roosevelt said that Sena tor McCarthy will cease to be a headline when the people real ize their safety lies in know ledge and not in fear McCar thys actions loom more import- ant in other countries than in the United States because in foreign nations people fail to realize he represents only a small section of American opin ion McCarthy remains powerful because people are afraid of something they do not know and believe that anything different must be communism This per iod will pass Mrs Roosevelt continued I do believe the people of the United States have common sense When Mrs Roosevelt was ask ed to comment on the book- burning issue she declared It doesnt make much difference burning or banning If people cant read freely how can they know what goes on in the world And it is essential to know The next woman who made news this week owed her fame to an action taken a halfcentury marks she listed ago She was Miss Mary Ander- 1 friendly and merry Hex name is probably un known to many but her inven tion is so familiar as to be con sidered commonplace She in- Vented the windshield wiper In she was granted a 17- year patent for a window cleaning device for electric cars and other vehicles to remove snow ice or sleet from the win dow The first models were operated by hand The idea for the original fan- type windshield wiper came Miss Anderson during a visit to New York City She noticed a street car kept his window open on a slushy winter day in order to see ahead The following news story in volves not one woman but many of them More women than ever before are buying wedding rings for their husbands Thirty per- cent more men now wear mar riage bands a public statement of their marital status than in the Diamond council of America reports That short anecdote leads to the one about the young Aus trian girl who seems anxious to follow this trend Luise Palm- sorfer Salzburg wrote to the mayor of Port Arthur in her search for a Canadian husband In her letter which begged him to read and amiability to have my letter on marriageable bachelors wider to send Mrs a war widow de scribed herself as an unmarried autofactory secretary who could cook sew and almost every thing and shall be able to lead a good household Her disting- as Newmarket Social News Mrs Harold Mann and daughter Carold Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Manns mother Mrs Arthur Winn Mr and Mrs Harry Steph ens and Susan of Detroit Mich are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Wesley Brooks Mrs J Keith Davis and family Bathurst NB are spending the summer with the formers parents Mr and Mrs W Mr and Mrs Gibbons Misses Alice and Elsie Gibbons and Master Davis Gibbons at tended the wedding at on Saturday They spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mrs Milton and daughter Mrs Fred and family returned on Monday from a motor trip to Winchester when they visited the formers brother Mr Stewart Gibson and family Masters Wayne and Jackie stayed in Winchester for a 2 month va cation on the farm Mr and Mrs S Saskatchewan ac companied by their son Warren and wife of visited at the home of Miss Clara Proctor re cently They also renewed ac quaintances with relatives and friends Mr and Mrs Charles and son Ronnie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs and Ernest Mr and Mrs Brown ami family left on Sunday to motor to Victoria BC where they plan to spend a year Miss Anne Stephenson daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephenson left on Sunday night for Banff where she will at torn the school of Fine Arts for its five weeks session Mrs A Young Toronto visited this week at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion and family Mr and Mrs J Watson and Oscar Watson left on Fri day for a weeks vacation in the district Mr and Mrs Bruce Clark- son and son Dixie vifllted on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bruce Andrews and family Mr Jan Is a patient at the hospital Tor onto Mr and Mrs Arnold Porter and family spent the at their cottage at Shadow Lake Georgian Allen is spending her summer vacation with her WILTONS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Albert Wilton Holland Landing celebrated heir wedding anniversary on Saturday June At the Wilton family home south of the village of Holland Landing over guests attended during the afternoon and evening All the attendants who took part at the Wilton wedding years ago at tended the reception on June Wilton is a prominent farmer who owns the original farm that belonged to his father At the anniversary reception Mr and Mrs two sons Vem and George presented them with a silver tea service Toast- master was Rev J minister at the Baptist church in Aurora Jack Rye reeve of East town ship also spoke Mrs Violet MacNaughton and Miss Newmarket poured tea during the afternoon and even ing Visitors who attended the Wilton anniversary came from as far as Toronto and Green River SPEAKS AT WA OF ST ANDREWS The Womens association St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket the season with a splendid meeting at the home of Mrs J Guest speaker was Miss Ayers past president of the Newmar ket and Professional Womens club Mrs Sydney presided The devotional period was con ducted by Miss Margaret Dun- and the guest speaker was introduced by Miss Margaret Gil- Miss told of her trip to Alaska last summer The meeting closet with a soc ial halfhour Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs W Allan and Mrs Paris AND The annual picnic of the Busi ness and Professional Womens club Newmarket was held at the cottage of Mr and Mrs Alex Even Orchard Bench on June About were pres ent Following a delicious turkey supper which was served buffet style a meeting was held when program for the fall and winter months was prepared Those who were to upend afternoon at the cottage played bridge the cool rainy weather discouraged the usual picnic activities There was on exchange of gifts among the members The food was rivalled only by this hospitality and the group in leaving thanked Mr and Mrs Eves for the outing NOTICE Caroline Ion womens edi tor will be on holiday next week Anyone having news for the womens pages is re quested to Bend It directly to the Era mad Express office or phone for the issue of tke Era and Express aunt Mrs Donald Beath at Town House Clearwater Flor ida Mrs Roy Gibson and daugh ter Shirley and Mr and Mrs David and sou David Toronto are spending the week at Woodland Beach Mr and Mrs Cecil visited on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Jack and Islington were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ross Mr and Mrs Walter Hall visited last week with Mr and Mrs Roy and Rodney Windsor Zephyr Sports Bay Draws Large Crowd The Zephyr sports day was a decided success The weather was perfect and there was a large crowd present Many prizes were distributed amongst the lucky winner were about entries In the baby show Cathy Case won first prize Janice Arnold second prize Cathy Case won the sweepstake prize In the one to nine months class Anne Mori- son won first prize Judith second Koch baby was presented with a silver dollar In the boll games the follow ing were the winners first game Zephyr beat Newmarket second game Willow Beach bent Keswick third game Newmar ket town team beat Pine Orch ard fourth game Newmarket town team beat Beach and In the finals Zephyr beat the Newmarket town team beat Willow Beach Newmarket won the second prize of The following won the gifts Mrs Saunders chrome kitchen set Mr Oliver Newmarket brush poli sher Mr Charles Terry lamp Mr Roger Uxbridge Presto Mr J Anderson coffee table Mr Ross Johnson electric tea kettle Mr Sutton West table lamp Master Don ald Walker won the basket of groceries DANCING CLUB HAS SUCCESSFUL PARTY The pupils of the Betty Gordon Dancing club had a successful party at the Newmarket Legion hall on Friday June 20 The event closes the season for the club After a delicious supper which was served by the mothers and the executive of the dancing club the group was entertained by Ross Bertram a professional magician His mystified and delighted his aud ience Through the courtesy of Ever ton Smith the club saw several comic cartoons Mrs Charles Simmons extended the clubs appreciation to Mr Smith for the use of his projector and screen A pleasant evening was spent by the group The mothers moved vote of thanks to Mrs Gordon and her associates for their work in the past year Wedding ANDREWS COUCH The wedding of Audrey Kath leen daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Couch Zephyr to Don ald George son of Mr and Mrs Thos Andrews Holt was solem nized at the home of Rev B Thorneloe Zephyr on June The bride chose a light rose ballerina length lace over taffeta with flared skirt wing collar and buttons waist Her shoulder length veil was caught by a headdress of orange blos soms She wore a corsage of white roses and and a gold nugget pin belonging to her grandmother Mrs David Couch Whitby Her only attendant was her cousin Olive Whitby She wore a blue crepe with chantilly lace bodice and match ing flowered halo and a corsage of pink roses Bruce Andrews brother of the groom was best man A reception followed at the home of the brides parents The brides mother received in flow ered white nylon with corsage of tiny red roses assisted by the grooms mother in flowered grey silk crepe with corsage of red roses Following a wedding trip to USA Mr and Mrs Andrews will live near Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Albert Wilton celebrated their wedding anniversary a week ago Saturday at their home south of Holland Landing Over SO guests attended their anniversary J athome during the afternoon and evening Above they are shown cutt ing the anniversary cake Visit Our AT The Newmarket Phone en or DrMMMihtfl am Jla Main St SEWING CEKIIR rT INJURED BOY IMPROVES Harold Park son of Sut tons Reeve William Park has remarkable progress in his recovery from on accident two weeks ago In which he fell from his bicycle tinder the wheel of tractor driven by Lawrence Prosser Sutton Rushed to the Sick Childrens Hospital he was on the serious list for several days and kept In an oxygen tent His condition Improved rapidly and ho was brought home last Saturday where he will stay until further examination determines whether not operation will be nec essary PIANO RECITAL The pupils of Mrs George presented an interesting piano recital in Trin ity United church Newmarket on June of peonies a gift from the garden of Mrs were used in decoration The program consisted of about numbers Thore was variety in the selections present ed with each being so well per formed that everyone enjoyed the evening Mrs James briefly before Mrs Black- well was presented with a beau tiful and a collapsible umbrella by her pupils PIMPLES rid id sua- lemtment with it Lars times ch2as we a