J INSTALL The installation of officers was conducted at the dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket on Monday May Held in the King George hotel the meeting opened with Miss Ayers in the chair Mrs Margaret CollinsArm strong Toronto the regional ad visor conducted the impressive ceremony of Upon taking office new president Miss Marg- Ward presented the retiring president Miss with a pen on behalf of the club Mrs Alex Eves has invited the News Mrs Lillian Johnston and Mrs Swanson were guests last Wednesday at the golden anni versary of Churchill Womens Institute held at the Churchill community hall- Mr Campbell assistant inspec- in memory of Mrs John Moore and Moore coronation service in the United church on Sunday was well attended The coronation music festival held in Newmarket high school Thursday May was much and delivered Coronation sou venirs to each of the school children in our area last week Miss Jean Cunningham and Miss Vera Arnold Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Floyd Cunningham- Mrs Case Newmarket spent appreciated and well attended Schools participating were those at which Miss Armstrong is music supervisor The theme of the festival was Canadas Salute to the British Isles Mr and Mrs Don Rose Mount club to her summer cottage Its annual picnic It will be held J Pinder Wednesday June The funeral of the late Mrs Andrews on Sunday A coronation service was held school on Monday Jean Ralston was held at Albert on Saturday Mrs Rals ton who was in her 101st year had lived here for many years Mr and Mrs Alfred Oliver and children were involved in an unfortunate accident Saturday afternoon Each child was given a flag by the school board and a coronation souvenir from the Department of Education Two maple trees were planted to commemorate the coronation of our Queen At the time of writing Mr and Mrs Oliver still in People made very good use of their television sets for the cor- York County hospital d ins Newmarket Their car was bad- s0 view the coronation on Tuesday ly wrecked- Deep sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Squires of There was no school in junior room school River Drive Park John with the new on the tragic drowning of their son Barney in his year Barney fell into the Holland River while fishing from the bridge on Saturday day as Miss Davidson was Miss is a patient in York County hospital Over the holiday a great many cars speeded through our Congratulations are extended village We wonder just what to Miss Margaret who happen if a tiny tot dart- won the Eckhart trophy or an elderly person Achievement Day of the wanted to cross the street club held in Newmarket on The local girls club also participated in Achievement Day Mrs I Que Mrs Cutting California and Mrs Haines Toronto are ARMITAGE AcMevenent Day Saturday May 30 saw the completion of the Project Dressing up Home Grown Veg etables for York County Girls Homemaking clubs Ten clubs with a total of girls attended the Achievement Day in the Newmarket town hall During the morning club members were occupied in judg ing classes of school lunches and menus and in building sample menus for a farm family to two adults and two children in the month of June Each girl also ex hibited her record book of the project and an individual school lunch which she then consumed for her noon meal The afternoon program open ed with comments from home economists on correct for the judging classes and was then given over to the clubs for their exhibits demonstrations and skits Pleasant ville and Union Street clubs all prepared exhibits on the topic Five Ways with One Vegetable and these were commented on by Louise Glover Evelyn English and Patsy respectively I while Victoria Square chose Vegetables for all the Family as its topic club all members participating present ed a skit entitled Give a Party followed by Eld ers Mills Club demonstrating Dressing up a Salad Maple and Clubs both gave skits on the subject Vegetables go to School At the close of the afternoon the Vandorf News FIXIT I Suio It made for loom aoy wall iurface It wont or lose color when tubed washable colors abac repel household grime Dries la 20 hold its next meeting on Wednesday afternoon June attending their mother Mrs ft the home of Mrs Jas Cross- Johnson who is very ill at land and will take the form of a her home quilting The flowers in the United- Among those who attended church on Sunday last verethe Sunday meetings at the Friends Meeting House St were Mr and Mrs Alf Lewis Mr Doane Mr and Mrs Lwis and Miss Anna Lewis Mr Frank celebrated his birthday on Monday June with a family gathering at his home on Sunday Mr and Mrs C and family spent Saturday with Mrs parents in Toronto Mrs Alf Lewis parents Mr and Mrs Brown returned from a trip to England and Ire land on Monday and Coronation Day guests included Mr LevIs Brown and Capl and Mrs wii greetings were given by Mrs The St Sewing Circle r Matching colors in the Gloss new DISTRICT 366 newly elected President of the Centre York District Womens Institutes who also then presented county honor certificates for six club completed to the following girls Greta Da hi Dorothy Catherine John son Oit Marilyn Wat son Gloria and Ruth all of Maple Club Ruth Samp son Marie Burgess Ruth Tom- and Shirley Gee and Nichols Victoria Square Certificates of achievement for two units completed were then presented to club mem bers and silver to all girls finishing this unit by Mrs Mabel home econom ist charge of the day Visiting home economists assisting throughout the clay were Miss Ruth Shaver Coronation services at Wesley United church were well attend ed last Sunday The church was beautifully decorated with crim son bunting gold crowns and emblems and very appropriate flowers The choir provided spe cial music under the direction of Mr George Richardson Rev gave a very inspir ing message Victoria Square mem bers were guests of Wesley on Monday night After their ball game a program and social time was held at the church The beautiful weather helped to make the Coronation celebra tions and the opening of the Whitchurch Community park a great success Sixteen school sec tions participated in the sports and races Our congratulations go to all the children who won silver trophies for their essays What Canada Means to Me Miss Gail won the award for the public school Special honor goes to Trevor Yake from No 6 for winning the highest award of all schools and was presented with a very beautiful trophy by Mrs Richmond Hill in memory of her late hus band who was the school inspec tor of this district Under the direction of master of ceremonies exReeve P Evans the park opening addresses were very fitting for the occa sion The program included an address of welcome by Reeve Ivan McLaughlin raising of the flag by exWarden C Toole dedication prayer by Rev C address by deputy min ister of agriculture Mr A Lash ley and the closing address by Rev Norman Rowan A splendid program In the evening brought a very success ful day to a close Mr and Mrs Bert and Jock attended the Falconer wedding on Saturday which took place at Grace church Newmarket Mr and Mrs Phillip and family of Timmins spent the hol iday weekend with the formers brother Mr Sidney and Mrs Aylett Mr and Mrs Joe Sullivan at tended the dog show at Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs A White Bob and Ruth visited on Sunday with Mrs James Ionson and daughter Miss and Mr and Mrs Smith later having tea with Mrs J Loveless Markham Mr and Mrs Harold Miss Joyce and Mr Bob motored to Sparrow Lake on Sunday Miss Jean spent last week at home with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilfred Mr and Mrs Charlie Donna and Linda Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs W J Kingdon Mr and Mrs J at tended the reunion services at Smithficld United church last Sunday Mr Bob and Mr Bob van were very success ful in their year course at the University of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Irwin Johnny and had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Don ald Scott A number from this community attended the SS convention hold at United church last Thursday Fourteen members of the Wo mens Institute were represented at the district annual meeting hold at Schomberg last Wednes day Mr and Mrs William hill and children Toronto spent the weekend holiday with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Will Newmarket Bra tad Jaws ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs Murray Harris spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Howard Harris and family I Mr and Mrs Donald Noble and Beth of had tea with Mrs Bartlett and family Mrs A Smith returned home after spending a few days with friends in Toronto I Mr and Mrs Terry and daughter Lynn and Mrs from Mon treal were visitors with Mr and Mrs Dewey Graham over the weekend The Toronto East Presbytery convention of the United church will hold their June rally on Tuesday June in the Stouff- ville United church Delegates from the WMS here will attend the convention Donald Black was at his home for the weekend also his uncle John Black of Toronto and his cousin Stanley Baird of Scot land Mr and Mrs Donald W At kins Vancouver BC visited with Miss Harriett McLachrie and Mr Harold Whetstone on Saturday Mr and Mrs T Monkman and Larry King City spent Sun day with Miss McLachrie and Mrs Whetstone being the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Monkman One of the beautiful the grows rich mist woods New Brunswick to Ontario iSont let your faucets Fall this summer Cell us well send A perfect plumber and family of Kingston There was a good representa- Ontario Counties Miss Jean tion from at the Van- Noble Durham I Peterborough and Victoria community park on Coron ation Day Congratulations to Mr and- Mrs Jack nee Shirley Faulkner who were married or Saturday Farmers interested in forage harvesting are invited to attend a demonstration of the Pollard rake and hay harvester at the farm of Morley Cook on Tuesday June at 2 pm and Miss Fiances student at Institute Ontario led all provinces in number of per capita in 1951 with 201 per per sons s SATURDAY CLOSING Effective Immediately our Business Offices will be closed all day Saturday well be on hand to serve you Monday through Friday from am to 5 pm V Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA HP OBITUARY Mrs Gordon S Farts The death of Mrs Gordon Paris Deep River hospital on May brought sadness to the members of her family and to her many friends in this com A daughter of the late Mr ami Mrs John Moore ville us Kathleen Moore attended the local school and Newmarket high school She in church choir and at many local functions also in the choir of the United church Aurora She was an organist in the Com munity church at Dug Joachims recently After finishing high she completed her course at McMas- University the Ontario College of She aught in the high schools of and Aurora later when teaching on Collegiate staff she met and married Gordon Paris about 11 years ago Mrs Paris is survived by her of formerly of Maple Scotch Settle ment and their two children Mary Lou and Paul one sister Mrs Sidney Thompson Irene and one brother J Han Moore town In their great loss the bereaved family have sin ceres sympathy of a wide m iw I unusually cu cu ft 95 I s kUW HI W Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Albert were Mr and Mrs Ross Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Ross Lee and three child ren Toronto and Mr Lloyd and family Toronto Mr and Mrs Geo visited in Toronto on Tuesday at Mr and Mis Freeman Fairbanks in order to see the Coronation on television Mr and Mrs Stevenson Virginia and Mrs Henry Kay haven had dinner Sunday with Mr mid Mrs Lloyd Kny Miss uric nurseintraining in spent Coronation Day with her par ents Mr and Mrs Mrv Winch has gone to to commence his duties as assistant manager in the there The following young people spent Coronation Day at their respective homes Miss Phyllis Newmarket Miss Davidson Queensville Mr Davidson Toronto Mr Jack Watson Toronto Miss Seyler of the Now York was visiting in the community over the week end Recent visitors the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard were Mr Howard Pollard and Donald of Weston Mr and Mrs Pollard Keswick ami Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pollard and Rickey Hamilton Mr and Mrs Douglas Lee and son Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack and daughter New market called on their grand parents Mr and Mrs Albert on Tuesday Mr John Morton Toronto who Is holidaying at Keswick on Sunday with Mr and Mrs King Mr and Mrs Perry Shirley Anne Marilyn a it David Sunday with Mr and Mrs Albert Waller Mr and Mrs Albert Burns their home on Tuesday evening on behalf of In order that anyone wish ing to see Coronation tele vised could do ho Schomberg Firemen Seek Funds For Equipment Albert Cabell volunteer fire man and secretary of Firemens club applied to King township council for a grant to fire department to aid in the proposed purchase of an equipment for vic tims or firemen who might be overcome from exposure to smoke or for other circum stances Mr Cabell said a committee has been formed to approach several community organizations to contribute funds toward the proposed project The cost was estimated at If only one life were saved the equipment would worth while said Mr Cabell who said Dr was In favor of plan One instance proved that tor from another municipality some distance away arrived too late to be of use Council will consider Sehomburgs proposal fire area extends from the sixth concession west in the township with obligations to the southern part of township in county firemens club has bought several pieces of equipment and has not asked taxpayers to help finance Firemen hop ing council will consider giving I of friends The funeral was held on Mon day afternoon May from Ilia Funeral Home and Interment was In Mount Pleasant cemetery The services eon- dueled by Rev Warren assisted by Rev Hugh Shannon and formerly of who is personal friend of Mr and Mrs Portal and by Nov Bradford pallbearers worn four Ronald William and Terry and William by Newmarket and two cousins Red ford and Sydney Toronto Please nolo that during Juno and July United church Sunday school will hold at am and Sunday morning service will commence at Susan Aylward Toronto Is spending this with grandparents Mr Mrs Mrs and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rurkholdor fir Wo report Mr Lawrence Foster la ho homo from York Count Kyle North Boy Is vlnlt daughter A community shower was holt on Monday evening for Miss Jean Curtis a of this month The Sunday service of Christ church will bo at ft30 am and continue throughout stun Mr and Mrs Kennedy Claus en and family of visited j Mrs Clausens Mr and Mrs Russell Hunter for several days KING Honor father and Hon Scout and Cub banquet hold at Inn May hold special Interest fur the fill who attended the nee- animal event Mrs Mary Hood who baa been for the past four years was honored with a pres entation on her retirement from In recognition of her faithful leadership and devotion to scouts and On behalf of C If presented honored guest with a I win sot was by a hand presentation scroll hi accepting tho present Hood expressed her grateful thanks with hope she would bo returning to work in future Following In office Thomas was as tress by Cecil Smith scout mart tor of York Central district who Have address After formal ceremonies Mr Harvey showed film of tho Tour Feted A showor was held In the rooms of King United church on Coronation for Miss Myorfl will of Brown both of King on Satur day Juno fl a ceremony In United was arranged by groom- eels Audrey and Juno Drown when attended It wan tier fourth Bra and life with provided for and the prospect of eventual retire ment on income sufficient for enjoyment of your leisure be yours through Life Let me you a share of todayf SUM CANADA PROSPECT- ST our MAKE THE and Its a Youll drive engine when yon need it longer for with tirto with gasoline is the Iiifii gives loNSlt faitlar for with KM in Out JK greater vapor rtfrM Alt the reserve power of your Now more ever YOU CAN RELY ON this This may not hue she about CO follow the trend In noma decoration by giving her walU the dramatic Windsor Blue or any of the Coronation Colours now obtainable in base palm SpctuMfaty Sating 5S r i AID or w the work carried out In CI Montreal a free to fa are of a da plant foods In the Chttf soil thai can vary great County Quebec tee will We W la fW ere el tm CANADIAN IN