mma PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE AURORA -J- -i- POULTRY FOR SALE Let us show you the HEALTHY Light Sussex pul lets weeks old also pullets weeks old Priced for 100 Gordon MacPherson Cedar Val ley phone Mount Albert 1 DAY old ducklings for the next four Fridays only Glen Farm phone Newmarket 2w22 affli j WOOD FOR SALE MIXED wood per 1 ft cord at farm- A Cedar Val ley phone 31213 Mount Albert tfl8 m bote J Hollands Mr bating practice any farm If square Jut right for dollars It to and km with toaH by or rate to youll Hod it hard to your you bow up draw to Hop ft eon kick out aquora a up to ion of boy la on And It any thing bay malt Com to end waiting to to go or with yoa point by petal yon yo buy lite Thats Hollar Wall youve an a to MW Oral you fas most at en aortal la Oparoto at U tasetor Boat ol so low now avaa farms afford tea to fattbtnafea of own on tfw ooa bow yor ha DRY slabs cut and delivered Don Blizzard phone New market at noon or after STOVE wood Mixed hardwood Delivered Phone Mount Albert tfl4 PLANTS FOR SALE DALHI roots all show blooms each or 5 for 1 C Hill Davis Dr Newmarket clw23 AT the old reliable firm Box plants at wholesale prices Pet unias asters carnations and many other varieties 515 per hundred boxes plus tax Also peppers tomato plants all var ieties Early ana late cabbage sprouts per hundred boxes Spanish onions large flats 12 flats and 14 flats Vegetable not taxable Save money and come to Prices cant be beat W Holland Landing LUMBER FOR SALE SAVE money by using rough lumber 2x4 5 per ft Boards per M and up AH standard sizes of hardwood and softwood lumber Timbers sawed to or der Taylors Sawmill Con Whitchurch miles south of Newmarket on Prospect St phone Aurora LUMBER 2x4 and 1 lumber Rough or dressed Ed Sawmill Eagle St Newmarket PETS complete line of balers for every baling requirement Tha Haw with ft blabs capacity in world No what notarial bate or yoa wort no aaQ or cotton bote Haw Holland ftwl do fc and at cost Cona Is cmd at OCT Haw today it now at your authorized NSW HOUAND dealer and rabbits phone or apply John Rest Mill ard Newmarket clw23 CANARIES Bonier Fancy Sing ers 8 baby Budgies 3 Cage supplies breeding cages African Violets colors each Mrs Agar Beet- on phone 84 MISCELLANEOUS TIRED AND LISTLESS TRY Perrys blood tablets with Iron and liver Mall your name and address with for tablets to Perrys Pharmacy City Out lor prepaid post 1123 FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital wheel and Invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge Hon of the lump In the throat and other disturbances These are the same pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with results Price The Best Drug Store phone COMB In and compare We will not knowingly undersold by tiny competitor anywhere You be the Dyers Furniture phone Newmarket Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch sunnnrta belts Best Drug Store phone New THE BEST COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket rheumntle tablets for arthritic sciatic pains Price Best Drug phono 14 GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY USED pipes steel posts beams angle Irons boll etc In all sfaes Many other Items of various sizes Phone Davis Newmarket tfl4 SALE ROSTER SATURDAY Auction of entire dishes conking trie washing chostor suite and garden at lot con township on St mills went of Aurora south the of Walter No as prop erty Ik sold Terms A Farmer Auc tion sale of residential automobile household affects tools the ipstale of the Into AHhur Urn Timothy St At time real of fl rooms ami bath will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid Terms and conditions made known at time of sale Key may be obtained from Mr Stiver Time of sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket c2w23 SATURDAY JUNE Auction sale of highclass household furniture electric stove new elec tric refrigerator new walnut diningroom suite chesterfield suite dishes cooking utensils and carpentry tools in the town of Aurora at Ave estate of the late Mrs Alfred No reserve as property sold Terms cash Sale at pm Les Mount Clerk A S Farmer auctioneer IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE complete dispersal of the 100 percent straight English Yorkshire Herd will be held on Monday June at pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time at Keimscott Farms miles north east of Milton Ontario and not at Hays Sales Arena as previously advertised AUCTION SALE of household effects The property of SLUSG 26 PARK AVE NEWMARKET Opposite Kins George School MONDAY JUNE General electric range heavy duty Cauffield electric washing machine Ice box Honey blond dinette pieces new Bedroom suites twin bed single with mattresses and cov ers with dressers highboy and night table Coffee table step end tables wheat color lamp table lamps Lawn mower electric iron elec tric kettle mantle radio short and long wave Lawn swing electric amplifier and record player powerful Pair picture window drapes lined Chesterfield 2 piece arm chair modern chair Cote leg table Assortment of fishing tackle and tools Linoleums Miscellaneous pictures mirrors china pots and pans crystal Majority of above articles are In new condition Terms cash Time pm Fred Smith Auctioneer phone Newmarket AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture the property of A Queen St Newmarket corner of Queen and Charles St FRIDAY JUNE Piano Piece dining room suite Tea wagon Davenport and chair Lamps Lamp table Small desk and chair Hall rack Red room chairs Clothes hamper Rug with pail by Rugs with pad by by Hall runner ft Several scatter rugs Small desk Card table and Odd chrome chairs Couch washer Porcelain table Power mower Lawn mower tools Verandah eh alls Simmons lied Pressor Fxtousion table Wash tubs of quart seniors Some small tools odd dishes nans fixtures Numerous other teles Time pm Terms cash N Smith Auctioneer Cecil clerk NOTICE UNION SCHOOL NO 1 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD TENDERS FOR BROWN HILL SCHOOL HILL ONTARIO ALL Trades Tenders addressed to undersigned Architect and plainly marked Tender fur Hill school will bo re until pm MONDAY JUNK 15 and specifications no obtained from the undersigned Architect A deposit of cheque for payable to toot will ho required for each set of plans ami specifications This deposit will he If and specifications TO turned In nod condition LOWEST or any tender not accepted Molenwortlb and Savage Architect Toronto Street TORONTO IN THK ftSTATK OF JOHN late of tho Township of Kant In County of York Yeoman deceased CREDITORS of above nam ed deceased who died the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or the 13th of July to the to to of claim on day of July after which date the assets of this estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims which the undersign ed will then have notice DATED this day of May Walter Carruthers Executor Ontario Violet Robinson Executrix Newmarket Ontario c4w23 TOWNSHIP OF EAST THE council meeting for the month of June will be held on Monday the at ten oclock In the forenoon BIRTHS BENNETT Mr and Mrs Roy Bennett Newmarket are happy to announce the arrival of a son at York County hospital on Sun day May a brother for Robert and Ellen York County hospi tal Thursday May to John and Erma Little John- sen a daughter Catherine Elizabeth Long hoped for sister for Wendy Mac Ian and Alan DEATHS At Newmarket on Sunday May Charles Franklin dear father of Beatrice M Toronto Mrs George Scarce Evelyn Weston Charles Edward and Louis Newmar ket Funeral service was held in Trinity United church Newmar ket on Wednesday Interment Newmarket cemetery At Deep River hospital Thursday May 21 1953 Kathleen Moore formerly of beloved wife of Gordon Foris mother of Mary Lou and Paul Fails daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Moore sister of Mrs Moore interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery Brad ford KEFFER Suddenly at her resi dence Andrew St Nowmar ket on Wednesday June Ruth Yvonne Keffer in her year beloved daughter of Mr Mrs Iorne Keffer and dear sister of Robert and Larry of Mr Ben Mann ing and Mrs William Resting at the chapel of Road- house and Rose Newmarket Service on Saturday pm Interment Newmarket cemetery MATHEWSON At Newmarket on Wednesday June Ann beloved wife of Alexand er and dear mother of Mrs Fred Marg aret Mrs William Bell Elsie Cleveland Alex of St Marie John of ville and David Newmarket Resting at her resi lience Main St Funeral ser vice on Saturday 330 pm Interment Newmarket Cemetery IN In ever loving memory of a dear dad James who passed away June Sometimes its hard to under stand Why some things have to be But in his wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see God gave us strength to fight It Ami courage to bear blow Hut what It cost to lose you dad No one will ever know Sadly missed over remem bered by daughter Doris and son- inlaw Jack In loving memory of our dear father James who passed away June 1951 He bade no one a last farewell He said goodbye to no one His spirit fled we knew And he from us had gone At night the silent slam look do On it no far from Where sleeps the one we can forget The one we love so dear Ever remembered by Floyd and daughterinlaw Lillian In mem- of a dear mother Mrs Al- who passed away May HMO Oh Lord please take a message To our dear mother up above Tell her how much we miss her And rive her all our love We do not need special day To bring her to our mind For days we do not think of her Are very hard to find If nil the world were ours to give Wed five It yes and more To see the face of mother dear Come smiling through the door Ever remembered by family In loving memory our deaf mother Mr who panned away June 1017 Wo do not forget her wo her too dearly For memory to fade from our like Our lips need not when our mourn For grief often dwells when Is neon Lovingly by torn and RICHARDSON In lovlriff of dear and father Jonathan who died June 3 Loving and kind In nil Upright and to tho end of and kind In and mind What beautiful memory he loft behind Ever by wife family OF THANKS rt Mr Gordon to nil who lent curd or flowers of any way expressed sympathy at the time of their recent bereavement The kindnesses of Rev Warr en Rev Hugh Shannon and Rev E were very much appreciated CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to our many friends relatives and neighbors during recent ber eavement Also to Rev the different organizations of the Christian Baptist church Dr Cock Dr and the nurses and staff of York County hospital Lyman and family CARD OF THANKS Miss Winn If red Myers wishes to express her appreciation to her many friends who presented her with so many beautiful gifts at a pre shower given for her and her fiancee George E Brown on Monday evening at King City United church Special thanks to the friends who arranged the shower ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs 1 Newmarket announce the en gagement of their youngest daughter Inez Mae to Mr Allen Bruce Morning son of Mr and Mrs Sidney Morning RR Newmarket The wedd ing will take place on Saturday June at oclock in Christ Church Holland Landing The engagement is announced of of Audrey Kathleen Couch only daughter of Mr and Mrs How ard Couch Zephyr to Mr Don ald George Andrews younger son of Mr Mrs Thomas Andrews Holt the wedding to take place June Mr and Mrs Frank Newmarket wish to announce tho engagement of their daugh ter Judith to Mr Toronto the wedding to take place in Trinity United church on June at pm The engagement Is announced of Miss Adeline Grace of Arle Court Cheltenham Eng land and daughter of Mrs John and the late H Lockle Zephyr to Mr Michael Scott Rogers son of Col and Mrs R Rogers of Portland Place London England and Easterland and Arun del Somersetshire England Mr and Mrs William King Kes wick announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Eliza- both Beth to Mr Robert How ard son of Mr and Mrs Robert McCall Toronto The marriage to take place In United church on Satur day June at three Mr and Mrs Ferry Winch announce the engagement of Ruth to Mr Gordon Henry Wood son of Mr ami Mrs Henry Wood Toronto The wedd ing will take place on June at oclock In Keswick United church MARRIAGE i I T- PAYNE- SMITH On Saturday May In Trinity United church Newmar ket by Rev J Aiken Gertrude daughter of Mr Mrs Smith to Mr Andrew Robertson son of Mr and Mrs A Pa Attend Coronation Commemoration Service To commemorate Corona tion of Queen Elizabeth a re ligious service attended by children of King school with their teachers parents was held school on Monduy morning scene opened with the pupils singing the famous JciMunlem by Parry read scripture lesson The students sang Iml Is My Shepherd Rev It deliver ed a beautiful Michel offered prayera The Bang Lund of Hope Glory with fino ef fect followed by Maple Leaf Trustee of flno iralnlng re ceiving under Mr Harris Then came the presentation of cash prize to three girls who hud completed historical essays In the Institute soon- gored contest Ton dollar given Mr Armstrong WI for this purpose wore given out by Mrs To Aud rey Chaplin went the first prlzo of to Nuney Mnrgnrot Kcons After singing Rulo tho in to tin grounds Amid bright sunshine nylon Union Jack to school by Mrs Gordon on of WI Coronation medals wore dis tributed to children by Mr Whnlloy who thanked and pnronts on of school board with special thanks to Institute Afterwords ftt tended picnic outing arranged for them by tonchew and school board at Park Midhurat The business men of vlllnjfo provided over Ice bars At Sacred school Sister prin cipal pupils Joined In patriotic program In audi torium Mr veteran of World dis tributed coronation modnls At Klnfthorn school teach er Miss Dotty find pu pils Miss Court- and pupils for friendly ffnmo of baseball Tito homo visitors Coronation Hook entitled of Great Britain and Common wealth of Nations which made by was on dis play Miss Courtney showed films on Journey scono from Contonnlal at King on May 18 w Newmarket If MiiWWWti BOARD HOLLAND LANDING Continued from page senior grade This grade four class she had allotted to Mr Jackson It will make it an easier load for Mr Jackson to carry the Prince Charles school as a junior school Mrs Best explained Mr Bell asked if it was worth the saving to keep one class room closed After some discussion in which George and Mr Lloyd agreed with Mr Bell that they were in favor of the addi tional room being opened Mr Lloyd again pointed out that tt wasnt the boards responsibility to plan the class arrangement It should be left with Mr Jack- son Mr agreed up to the principal to organise the schools he said Mr Jackson been su pervising principal for a year Hes only a senior principal said Mrs Best Mrs Best said that Newmarket didnt need a supervising principal Its so petty Four sixroom schools having a supervising principal Why you could put them all in one of the citys schools and not find them- Mrs Curtis suggested that the board and principals of each school meet together and discuss the matter One question in Mr Jacksons arrangement was the possible necessity of transferring a group of grade eight pupils from the Stuart Scott school to the Prince Charles In both instances plans were only tentative But the pro blem raised was whose respon sibility was it to make the class arrangement Mr Jacksons or the boards Mrs Best was un able to provide any authority un der act for the board She was supported by Mrs Curtis Mr Lloyd and Mr said it was the principals duty The Flower service will be held in the United church on Sunday evening at pin Rev will preach Every one welcome Photographic Supplies J TAYLOR WINNIK I J fflMtl raw til It Mi wttli WifWs Kqum Hint ptMlM mm mm It Wf 990 Canadian IMS a af aabra NEW EXTERIOR HOUSE ONI C dm mm j AMU MrataiHli- amNfl J Mlaad it i ii MINT IT rX WONDER ENAMEL t MUM flfiai a bard lUffoca w for cott to Aim i jo r nt j- TIRE r M Hvlhuy j