A f7 rf J 1 V STi j as y iff ft i a I iiiii i VI i ilh i rfi HOUS6 FOR SALE lTitfT NEW house Pleasant View Aye Newmarket all garage- Immediate possession Terms Mount Albert DOWN New bungalow living room picture window large bedrooms rubber tiled bath large bright kit chen dinette many cupboards Private drive with garage Phone Newmarket HOUSE WANTH jir- wishes to buy a small home in Newmarket can pay 1000 down and monthly pay ments of Write Era and Ex press box APARTMENT FOR RENT MODERN apartment Conven iences with electric stove show er etc Phone Newmar ket days evenings 136w2 crlw23 ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY carriage almost new Sunshine grey l seat Double window Venetian blind aluminum Mans bicycle unfurnished apartment Smunonds bed FARM FOR 20 ACRE farm 5 room bunga low with city conveniences garage also 2 small buildings flowing Landing Phone COTTAGE FOR 5ROOM furnished cottage Phone Newmarket continuous central lo cation Immediate possession Wells St Aurora 2ROOM apartment unfurnish ed with bath suitable for business couple or teacher Immediate possession Phone Aurora between and pm ARTIC FOR SALE ELECTRIC in good condition suitable for apartment or cottage Phone 164wl2 New market BEACH refrigerator in good condition 100 Phone New TAPE recorder in perfect condi tion GO cycle Bargain for quick sale Record cutter to go with it if desired These machines to gether cut your own records of anything desired Phone Newmarket Murray Baker Eagle St ATTRACTIVE large cottage hydro inside convenience priv ate beach Holiday Lodge Con nor Drive Lake miles from Newmarket Inspect this weekend FOR RENT FURNISHED cabin on large lake front lot near plus hydro June 15 to Septem ber Fishing and bathing Phone Aurora c3w23 LOTS FOR SALE r CHOICE building lot subdivision For in formation call Newmarket 579w2 c2w22 CHOICE lots on Bolton and Ave Newmarket F Willis phone or apply Millard Ave Newmarket EVANSLEA subdivision Lots for sale High elevation frontage excellent view and drainage controlled roads hydro telephone bus and milk service Situated on west side of Sharon highway Terms No interest Elgin Evans phone 297J2 Newmarket Automatic record player and radio combined cabinet like new 130 Phone Newmar ket SOLID steel single bed springs mattress chest of drawers Tudhope good con dition 15 Phone New market DA VIES racer year old Planet racer CCM bicycle boys sizes Ken Sharon or phone Queensville AT Why do more men hoys purchase their suits and ton coats and odd pants Because quality gar ments are low for quick sales Yes its the best value In town AT Mens plastic raincoats Ideal to carry in compartment of car Sale price AT We have over 500 pairs of mens and boys pants The best selection in town Properly priced for quick sale AT Small boys long pants English flannels gabar dines glen checks corduroys covert cloths Age to 10 yrs VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and THINKING ABOUT BUILDING pin hooks etc Free estimates A NEW HOME NOW OR IN land Installations Phone or THE FUTURE apply Harold Protect your Investment by St W Newmarket tfl4 eating on West Millard Avenue RUGS Save up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market Newmarket LIVING ROOM SPECIAL living room group consisting of Chesterfield Arm chair Solid walnut coffee table 1 Chrome trilamp TriIite shade Modern table lamp Table lamp shade Chrome smoker Plastic covered hassock Silk cushion pieces complete Easy Terms FREE DELIVERY DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket 161 Main St Newmarket clw23 Advertising Rates Two cents a word minimum of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement is paid within week of publication Coming Events costs two a word minim 50 USED CARS Sale Registers for the first week 50 cents for each success ive Card of Thanks Wedding Engagement Birth and Death an cents for each announcement less cents if paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion pins cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phone into or left at The En and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at Gift Store St Aurora or Aurora office phone Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name sender and address is clearly todieated Tour advertisement gets into nearly homes in North MERCURY sedan like new original owner Best offer May be financed Phone 354w convertible cylinder Phone New market rlw23 FORD coupe paint In good shape car has been housed two new tires For particulars ap ply Rear St Aur ora CHEVROLET luxe coach light green Has had only one driver and one owner Low mileage Phone New market Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE phone tin ELECTRIC white en amel in good condition Phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE AWNINGS Canvass or aluminum 10 day delivery in Newmarket and dis trict Call AND AWNING CO for an estimate Phone Barrle WORK WANTED CUSTOM tractor work Weed spraying of all kinds cultivating ploughing etc Geo Vernon Newmarket or phone Newmarket Shop FARM MACHINERY hay loader used years Apply Mel Ley Keswick phone 147r21 Roches Point TRANSPORTATION new sound restric Terms arranged Build- lots ideally situated Consult your local real estate broker or phone CROSSLAND FARMS NO BUSINESS OPPORTUN TRUCKING business one of the finest in King and Harry phone King w c2w23 REAL FOR SALE DOWN rooms modern ized kitchen bath hard wood and tile floors Forced oil find air condition Situated on Main St with great possibilities for future store or duplex Phone or Main St New market WANTED TO RENT ORBUY APPROXIMATELY r house or farm in vicinity New market Write PO box or phone Newmarket HOUSEWIFE A sewing ma chine suited to your budget Simply name your price We have new or used sewing ma chines for you Mrs Ross Bur gess phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery All approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed DYERS FURNITURE Call 1 250 Newmarket v- AT Its new Men boys hobby jeans Boys Mens They are cool comfortable sanforized Boxer clastic waist hand AT western Jeans wide clastic Boxer top Zipper fly triple stretch seams Age to years UPRIGHT piano Gourley and and excellent condition 150 260r Newmarket SMALL icebox 50 lb capacity Cheap Apply Ontario St Newmarket THREE boys used bicycles Phone Newmarket Sport and Cycle Shop REFRIGERATOR ft elec tric stove and washing machine all like new Vacuum cleaner 3 piece chester field suite bedroom suite kit chen suite and miscellaneous articles Mrs Bill Gardner 113 Andrew St Newmarket NEW tongue and grove silo 24 Sid Morning phone Newmarket FINDLAY Condor coal and wood stove completely enameled with hotwater front only used a few years 1 ton of coal Included Phone King 54j bed chesterfield suite taupe In fair condition Phone 242 Newmarket TUDHOPE suitable for cottage in good condition Phone Newmarket WHITE porcelain ton kitchen table Brownie uniform and white crepe dress like new size Phone Newmarket equipped for oil hunter Will sell cheap Phone or apply at Eagle St Newmarket MANS bicycle In good condition Apply St- Newmarket BEDROOM SPECIALS SAVE 3PIECE bedroom suite double dresser chest and bed walnut finish large Venetian type mirr or Reg 129 Sale price SAVE GENUINE blonde mahogany suite with double dress er chest arid bed large Venetian plate mirror Reg Sale price Two suites only SAVE GENUINE limed oak bedroom suite double dresser chest and large Venetian plate mirror Reg Sale price 189 SAVE AT INSLEYS Mens chauffeur caps Regular value up to Sale price Are you interest ed CUSTOM forage harvesting of grass silage dry hay combined straw and corn Self unloading wagons no manual labor Lloyd Ph PASSENGERS wanted to Tor- TO downtown Toronto Newmarket am Returning Phone Newmarket Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Mala St Phone v Jit J- SUNDAY f AT Mens all wool English gabardine top coats All shades Regular value up to S5500 Sale price 387 c4w21 AT Ready made suits Special purchase up l to Sale prico 4475 Extra pants where available Best value i Canada AT INSLEYS Bonds tailored to measure mens all wool English varn dyed worsted suits Extra pants AT Mens gabardine Bond madetomeasure suits Extra pants AT Small boys wool dress tweed and flannel knee pants Regular value up to sale price Age 4 to years c4w21 TNSLErS STORE IS THE WORKING MANS FRIEND 9 suite double dresser chest and bed light walnut fin ish 119 Sale price SAVE WANTED TO RENT IN Aurora furnished apart- or small house for summ er or longer adult Rest ref erences Write Era and Express LADY would like unfurnished room In quiet home In Newmar ket Marie Barker phone Newmarket ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED housekeeping room Phone 224r Newmarket NISHED room suit bus- person Phone New fcVK I UNFURNISHED room In Newmarket newly decorated central oh June Phone unfurnished rooms for business couple No children Apply Joseph St phone New AT Boys Zipper Sanforized western Jeans with plaid trim sale price Shirts to match Age to years AT Sanfor ized Junior Boxer Jeans for and girls Plaid trim bottom shirts to match Ago to years c4w22 AT Buckeye boys rivettcd Joans Sanforized zipper front wear like a pigs nose Age to yrs AT Boys and mens big Jack wearmore denim Sanforized zipper fly triple stitched rivettcd overall pants Boys Mens SALE of reconditioned treadles electric sewing machines a include with each purchase limited time only Singer Sew ing Center Main St New market SJw22 oil burners never used with controls Write Era and Express box WITH FREEZER Large cu ft capacity Large frozen food storage Door shelves all chrome Sealed unit bedroom suite dresser yr Unit guarantee chest and bed medium walnut I finish drum gables Reg Sale price MORE BARGAINS SPILLEHES APPLIANCES LOOK AT THESE RANGES BEATTY TABLE TOP Fast heat burners Illuminated oven Oven time clock Full length lamp All deluxe equipment Reg SAVE 5000 NOW 32995 BEACH TABLE TOP 4 Fast heat burners Large oven Storage drawer Warming oven Special size Beg SAVE 3000 NOW 24995 REFRIGERATORS CUSTOM baling Prompt and efficient service Allan Zephyr phone Mount Albert MIDDLE- AGED woman wants light housekeeping Phone 2402 Mount Albert HAVE your lawn mower sharp ened by precision grinding the modern way Results guaran teed Bill Watson St phone Aurora 419r LARGE septic tanks installed anywhere Workmanship guar anteed Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket tflfi Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J Bundle and Son Andrew St New market HAND and power lawn mowers machine ground at Repair Shop Yonge and Eagle St phone 20213 Newmarket Pickup and deliver UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone 382 New- market ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or day or will make dally visits Excellent ref erences Phone Newmar ket HELP WANTED onto east end Leave Queens ville mornings am Arrive Toronto am Leave Toronto pm Monday to Friday Write box 53 FROM Newmarket to Bay and St 5 days a week Leave am returning 5 pm Phone Newmarket FARM ITEMS FRIENDS MEETING Street 11 for Worship Come and worship with us All welcome June 8 pm Monthly Meeting COMING June Canada Yearly Meeting Our business for the Father is to win others to love and serve Christ TREE METHODIST REV- S BULU Church of the Hour every Sunday 10 am Sunday school Miss Clara Divine 7J -fi- JOHN DEERE wire tie pickup baler model in good condi tion Also building lots Phone 51w5 Stouffvllle 2w23 Ensign No purebred Clydesdale Stal lion Grade A enrolment No old Will stand at his own stable on highway 88 1 mile west of Bradford Gwill- for season of All mares bred at owners risk Fee when mares proven to be i foal Milton Ritchie lw23 DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect or Toronto Em GORDON YOUNG LIMITED and furnished If desired NEW air conditioning forc ed air furnace with oil burner all controls cycle Write Era and Express box 336 EXTRA SPECIAL SAVE M GENUINE red mahogany bed room suite double dresser with large plate mirror drawer chest double Latest design In modem mabogany Reg Sale CLEAR OUT SPECIALS WE have about bedroom suites that are fire damaged and slightly scratched These seta will be sold as is From to Some have double dressers and bookcase beds These suites are ideal for cottage or spare bedrooms First come serv ed Free delivery anywhere DYERS Call Reg 5119 SAVE NOW HOUSEMAID with driving lie- Live In or out Phone Kingsdalc Toronto MEN wanted for rolling and loading sod an hour Apply IDS St Newmarket 1w23 CARPENTERS and Apply Aurora Building Co St Aurora FEMALE clerk for general groc ery store Exfcrlenee preferred but not necessary Write Era and Express box EXPERIENCED shorthand whole or part time for office In Newmarket Good sal aiy experience ami age Write a and Express box SHORTHAND stenographer 5 day week commencing June Apply Bank of Toronto New market 100 General years no cooking or washing live in miles from Toronto on bus line Apply Mrs Stephens Rich mond I fill Ontario STANDING for service Belgian Dan at time of service Evenings only Enrolled grade A under the Stallions AcO Jos Hall lot East Phone MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST Lawrence Evans Pastor Invites you to attend evening worship at Fireside service pm Special music at all services ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Rev Meredith Airs Andrew 11 am Divine worship pm Sunday school pm Evening service SALVATION ARMY Queen St Newmarket Major Laura Collins Sunday 11 am Morning service pm Sunday school pm Evening service pm EVANGELISTIC RALLY Meeting pm Speaker Rev A Collins pm Junior Meeting A Warm Welcome For METHODIST HOLT Sunday Sunday School Murray Varney pm Divine Worship Wednesday June pm Prayer Sunday June jpiiB Special Service in the est of children STRAYED r- Main Newmarket QUANTITY of good used furni ture antique parlor suite chaise lounge spool bed fireside bench mantle radios walnut dining room suite kit- walnut oval table coffee table kitchen tables china cabinets clocks computing scale electric motor hp electric pop cool er electric water heaters WANTED TO FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions Highest prices paid Write Queen City Feather Co Baldwin St Toronto tf20 PRODUCE NO firm potatoes for cooking C McCallum Holland Land- ing phone Newmarket WORK WANTED j pram skis included Phone or apply W Andrew St other article F Hint Newmarket lwket i iSi5i CUSTOM baling by a New Holland Baler We aim to sat our customers for your needs phone Mount Albert or Murray Ktrto Mount Alb machines repaired All work guaranteed for days Pickup and delivery William Holland Landing phone Newmarket WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Newmarket ITS EASY ITS FUN IT PAYS IT pays an average of com mission per afternoon and even No canvassing no Invest ment or experience accessary Start earning while we train you to display our selfselling house hold products Era and Express YOUNG MAN 1 8 20 YEARS OLD CATTLE strayed on lot con North Black and rod Owner may have by Identi fying and paying for advertise ment Phone LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone 1912 collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or write PO box LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOU NO sows due in June Hob Calves Morvyn Sum- phone REGISTERED Hereford bull calf months 1st class blood lines Can bo soon anytime 250 Farms Ltd Queens- ville PIGS weeks old and Jersey cow coming due beginn ing of June Howard con King phono King POULTRY WANTED TO LEARN TRADE GOOD FOR RIGHT MAN GOOD WORKING Era and Express box 321 stating ace education and pre- vlous employment U any Only Who Interested In S kinds of live poultry want- Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone 657 Newmarket GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY Millard Ave Pastor Holly am Morning Worship pm Evangelistic Musical Talent Wed pnv03ible study Questions and answers GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH OF THE Corner Main and Queen Rev A Miss June Haines Miss BIBLE- SCHOOL SZi am JOHN THE BAPTIST AND HIS WONDER- ESCAPE FROM PRISON Special singing at services pm Radio Broadcast CFOR final program for the season COLLEGE SERVICE THURSDAY JUNE at pjn EASTERN LEGE An evening of music and singing Hear these College boys sing 10 am Sunday School Divine Worship Location Corner of Muriel am Arthur Pastor Rev TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev M J Aiken Minister Mr am Morning Worship WHAT A CONFERENCE DOES The Sunday School am The Senior School The Nursery Class am Beginners and Prim ary pm- Evening worship THE MAN WHO MADE GOOD You wilt be welcome at Trinity THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Minister Rev Fred Breckon Organist Mrs Eugene Can6 am Communion Subject The Firm Heart pm Sunday School pmEvening gospel service Wed pm Midweek service AU Welcome r- Come the GOSPEL MEETINGS on Soiitvliiqlttir Main St Landing Evangelist Rev from Holland Service week nights Sundays 10 am and You are Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on re quest prices paid- Oak phone KInt j tw-A- ST Associated Gospel Churches Pastor REV A- BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES am The Pastor Communion and Reception of members pm The Pastor Special musical numbers Special conversational Bible Class every FRIDAY at This weeks subject THE SECOND BLESSING FACT OR FICTION J ALWAYS A WELCOME a POULTRY FOR SALE j BARGAIN sale of day old and starlet pullets Egg breeds and dual purpose at rock bott om prices made possible by big demand for cockerels Standard quality heavy breeds nil popu lar breeds per hundred Assorted heavy per pullets two weeks old add I three weeks old per hundred Bronze Turkey Toms special price 59c CHI HATCHERIES -T- TT FOR CHRIST Park services commence SUI V t 3Sl-Koin- Rev Reuben iaa mKJSBSf