fs wj 14 King City And District At Donald King City left Wednesday for Osnaburgb Northern Ontario in the Up north moose have the habit of using railway lines as their personal promenades OK until they come to a bridge then Mr Moose is likely get caught between the ties break his legs and otherwise gum up So the railways lay what they call moose carpets of aluminum between the rails and over the tics at spots where His Lordship may need safe footing It just goes to show how alu minums combination of light ness strength ami resistance to weather comes in handy in he most unlikely places And to explain why in our alu minum capacity will be boosted to over a billion pounds a Aluminum Company of Canada Anglican diocese where he will spend several weeks as a teacher at an Indian residential school He has finished his second term as a theological student at Wy- College Toronto When he reaches Armstrong he expects to go on by plane Donald will have Indian children under his care and will live in a tworoom dwel ling attached to the school which has good living accommodations His shopping will be done at the Hudsons Bay trading post His salary is paid by the Ontario de partment of education He has promised to write to the Era describing his trip his sur roundings in the north and his work at the school The Indians are taught in the summer months by University students of the Anglican university He will re turn in the latter part of August Lions Do Good Tom Miss Eliza Fisher is very grateful to King City Lions for disposing of a large Manitoba maple tree that was felled in her back lawn by a recent storm It fell toward the house but fortunately did no damage to the or shed A large limb held it from crashing into the house Several citizens climbed the house and took off the large branches Nancy Ball Graduates The graduation of M Ball from St Josephs hospi tal School of Nursing was a ma jor event for her parents Mr and Mrs James Ball King R on Monday afternoon May She was among young nurses who received diplomas and me dals at Eaton Auditorium To ronto at the annual gradua tion exercises Among the large numbers of guests were Nancys parents her grandfather Mr Victor Sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association Band Parade at Races for and concert afternoon and evening by and WrestSng Bout Bingo and Midway Attractions Free Dance in Sports Pavftfon tooth Parking Bond hear sister Mrs Fred Chat- burn Betty Aurora tad a brother Fred Ball Her Marie Ball who holds a promin ent teaching position on the staff of the nursing school and who graduated with a scholar ship in presided at the pub lic address system announcing the candidates After the ceremony the Ball family and Miss Hazel Ward with Miss Marie Ball made up a dinner party to celebrate the the newly graduated nurse Mr and Mrs Frank Carl are the parents of a baby son born on Sunday morning May 31 Mr Peter Clark and daughter Kay motored to Uxbridge last week to attend the 90th birthday reception given by Mr Walter Gould a prominent native citi zen of the town Mr Gould and Mr Clark are both members of pioneer familes of the district Mrs Charles spent a week in Toronto visiting her niece Mrs Henry McDon ald She returned home in time to attend the WA Coronation tea Presbyterian CGIT will present two half hour plays dramatized by the girls on Fri day evening June in McDon ald and Wells hall King City In addition there will be musical numbers and added features given by the group The pur pose of the night is to provide funds for two or three girls to attend the CGIT 10day camp at Lake Erie Mr and Mrs Norman idge attended the graduation of the latter s niece Miss Elizabeth Todd at St Josephs hospital School of Nursing last week Mrs who is the convener of Center York WI district was unable to attend the conference held at Schomberg and her report very ably read by Miss Helen The Coronation tea by Presbyterian was highly successful at the home of Mrs Williams in spite of a downpour of rain May 28 Mrs D Ross and Mrs Eliza beth Folliott poured tea The servers were Mrs Norman Wade Mrs Murray Boys and Mrs Frank Armstrong Jr Others helping in the management were Mrs Ball Mrs John Phil lips Mrs Curtis and Mrs Shropshire Fortysix dollars was the profit from the day Come and bring your Picnic Basket and enjoy yourself Adults 50c Children under 12 free are not made of STEEL IF NERVOUS TENSION is you irritable rundown nervous upset nttd a Spring Tonic Dont long for relief get Chose NERVE FOOD large BULLDOZING Fence Moving Dirt Backfilling etc Blockwork All Jcinda GENERAL CONTRACTING EXCAVATING Basements Ponds Etc BUILDING Houses and Small jobs GRADING Roads Lanes Etc Brick laying Houses Chimneys Fireplaces etc hearty of enjoyment In Ice cream whipped cream or buttered cinnamon With plenty of Inexpensive food An your diet youll live better and feel better too J f f VO 1 tfrt mi fc- d Mrs Jim McDonald and Mr Maple attended tea at Mrs home last week Johnny Martin con of King is a carrier for the Tor onto Telegram and is seen every day after school delivering newspapers by bicycle He was ambitious enough to enter a cir culation contest which won him a trip to Buffalo May 1 and when of whom 17 were girls travelled in six buses to the big city They stayed at Hotel Buffalo where a chicken supper was awaiting them when they arriv ed at oclock that Saturday On Sunday they attended a church service at the naval air port and then had a turkey dinn er With their escorts the young people were able to see some of the city and to shop in the big stores Centre York At Schomberg Mrs Ray Holbrook President of H ami Mrs Ray was re turned for a second term as president of the Newmarket Home and School association at the annual meeting elec tion of officers on Tuesday May The meeting held in the Prince Charles school was add ressed by Mrs Mrs Nelson Ion opened the meeting with prayer following the singing of Canada Mrs Atkinson was pianist Pupils of Mrs Myrtle grades and 2 Stuart Scott school performed a square dance The accompanist was Mrs Horace Jaques The report of the nomina tions committee was presented by Samuel Jefferson in the ab sence of the chairman Horace Reports on the years activities were prepared by the secretary Mrs John Swindells and the treasurer Mrs Kenneth Bennington gave the annual financial statement The president Mrs who conducted the meeting ex plained the place of the local association council and federa tion in Home and School Mrs Edward gave a re port on the YorkSimcoe council annual meeting which was held earlier in May at the John Mad- sen Folk School The Unit Pro motion plan was outlined by Mrs William Parsons The guest sneaker Mis was introduced by Mrs At kinson Mrs Sisler who has been Interested in folklore for many is the music and arts convener for council This summer Mrs will accomp any her daughter to Europe for two years study of sculpture Before beginning her talk on Folklore Mrs congrat ulated the young dancers who had appeared earlier on the pro gram Mrs Charles moved the vote of thanks on be half of the group The installation of officers conducted by Mrs It vice president for north of Home and School council Mrs presented a bouquet of roses to Mrs on half of the retiring executive and was herself the recipient of a bouquet of tulips Jliose elected to office for ensuing year Include past pies Mrs Howard Morton pros Mis Over women representing the Womens Institutes of Centre York District attended the fourth annual convention in Presbyterian church May They were received by Mrs George Shoults president More than ever there was evidence of a wider field of activity and ah interest in world affairs Rev Dr Abbott Schom welcomed the gathering calling for prayers and loyally to Queen Elizabeth He said women are a great force in in fluencing good will and under standing Mrs Albert Kettleby responded on behalf of the non political and re ligious organization Mrs C the presi dent conducted the sessions which concluded her term of office Mrs Edward was elected president Mrs presented presi dents with ACWW pins Mrs dealt with foods and Dr Hates termed health as a men tal and physical state Miss An na P Lewis also spoke at the conference The attention and coopera tion the are receiving from the government and other prom inent organizations indicates that the organization is a great force for good said Mrs Mar- chant reporting the resolutions conference at She was impressed by the number of prominent personages in various fields who shared their Ideas with the conference A resolution must be based on fuels and sustantiated by good reasons Ik must constitute awareness of the need whether it is vital and necessary she said Hon Dana Porter Attorney General of Ontario stressed the importance of resolutions be cause good government must have public opinion Ninety percent of the resolutions are removed are cause serious to miH children The King City resolution was defeated It recommended all financial appeal to I branches from various source and organizations other than those approved by the Ontario WI board and those appeals that are directly concerned with the community or in which the branches are situated be first presented to district boards for their consideration and guidance to branches for In the project line King I won the district prize of given by Salada Tea Co for the hand hooked tug In sign link A Jirvii made the and P with ft committee the rug which will go to the area in competition i Ml A A BUYS WHY Thomas Proctor I thrown out but they are not all was soloist and Mrs Norman Grcensides an elocu tionist gave two numbers The secretarytreasurer Mrs Fred Hare was reelected for her fourth term Special Speakers I Miss Eleanor departmen tal representative a Mrs Chas federated director were speakers Miss out lined the purpose and action of the extension services offered by the WI home economics service Mrs brought greetings from the provincial board and reported on the progress of On tario Institutes Districts are asked to consider a proposal by the to launch a branch presidents con ference at McDonald hall Guelph Twenty dollars per branch would be collected to finance the plan In order to ac commodate over presidents the conference would have to ex tend to a second year Replies to the suggestion must be in the hands of Mrs 2 Weston by June Mention was made of the A conference from Aug 12 to in Toronto Afterward WI members arc asked to en tertain some of the delegates that they may see as much of the countryside possible Conference Reports Reports of district conveners attending the special conference of at for the home economics and health and resolutions department were given by Mrs Rock and Mrs Dr W child psycholo- gist warned against nagging children at meals Dr McKln- non Phillips minister of health advocated specialized home nurs ing Dr Elizabeth Chant first vice pres Mrs Held Atkinson second vice pros Dr King recording sect Mm Charles Beet Mrs Hunter Mrs Reginald Hull executive committee Mrs Fred reckon Mrs William Mrs John Mrs Robert Morrison unit Mrs Ray supervise principal II A Jackson A social half hour was held fit the of tho meeting Re freshments were served by Mrs and her com mit too Martin Patterns am bare lor for trip to town art detail war thin covered m nd to IS ami wasted because they stimulate thoughts for hotter government he stated Mrs Ross reported for the Federation of Agricul ture outlining the annual con vention of the Ontario federation last January Mrs Herb White told about the many resolutions which were proposed by tho wo mens division Uphold Two Resolutions Of the three resolutions present ed to Centre York District vot ing delegates sustained two The third created lively discussion before being thrown out The King Ridge approved res olution stated that whereas present laws do not segregate the criminal offender from the men tally ill and whereas the men tally ill having committed a crime and having served a sen tence is returned to society no better adjusted to It the resolu tion asked that the law be changed to treat these two groups separately The resolution presented by WI was approved when it asked that manufactur ers equip their stuffed animal toys with eyes that cannot be ofc for V MONTREAL- Sunday at your house fccrrf for the will enjoy leftover them in a jellied vegetable with WHIP Miracle Whip ejrnhinea the best of boiled a and lively gives any and extra goodness groeer for it one sad only Miracle Whip made from a Kraft that a illicit Sum Of Honey always get a when I in the newspaper proof of hornsly unhappily it doesnt happen very often Usually money Inst found the great Borrow of the Thats why I dont 1 any more Just lcfofe I leave on iri on a its Income for me to my funds into way of carrying money know You Travellers only when their owner them A he caches them of makes a your M Travellers Cherraes So stolen spoil your holiday and Travellers BANK OF MONTREAL you begin your trip j III The Month if youre a painful burning rtna do Do try Cora under helps it out from underneath new for corns and years As matter of faet testa work soy other leading wrpnt of four who try new Theyre the best corn remedy You will too for BlueJays with your favourite drug counter today seventy Mi J a T A i w W I of pilot the it his of tnvtipjinj th canopy iul the Today lew to Safer Jet he in the smtBm Mnm i i- S J- 1 iwl I