Major Mr Puff of Tuffs Periodical Mr Theo dore of the maple tree Professor Crystal Windows planning board expert Mr Irascible Nimble of the park conversation group the editor and publisher of the Corners Clarion Blast and Capt Eavesdropper of The Searchlight A motion proposed by Reeve Rap and seconded by Deputy- Reeve Aching Slow that the spe cial meeting be closed was de feated Mayor Malcolm congra tulated council on the defeat of the closed meeting motion We dont want that sort of stuff here said his worship Lets tell the other squirrels what were up to and face the music if neces sary Parade Councillor Fergus SixbyTwo said he thought a Goose Parade would be a fine thing for the town and would give it a lot of publicity He had enjoyed a fine article in Puffs Periodical which recommended the idea al though he fancied he had read the article before he saw it in the local paper There were said the councillor plenty of geese around and there would be no trouble in getting up the parade Councillor sug gested that in place of a Goose Parade a parade of ganders would be more attractive Whats the difference asked Reeve Rap Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gan der said the reeve holding his sides as he became engulfed in one of his loud laughs The reeves humor which is of six teenth century vintage so affec ted the members of council and their visitors that order was only restored through application of his worships gavel Mayor View Dr Malcolm then invited the distinguished visitor Mayor May- of Corners to express his views His worship first ex pressing his pleasure at being in Squirrel town referred to the very successful Milk Wagon fes tival that had recently been held in his community He said there had been a great increase in the sale of milk since the Milk Par ade had taken place and of course they all owed very much to the editor and publisher of their local paper the Clarion Blast for the publicity given to the event Mayor Maynolt said an out-of- town paper had reported the event under the heading of Cat nips by Ginger That writer had mentioned another festival that corning up in the month of July when a Miss Pickled would be chosen for Corners His worship he took some exception however to the writers description of the A special meeting of the Squirrel town council- was on Saturday morning May Dr Mal colm presided over a full attendance of members- Among other visitors Dr Malcolm gave a warm welcome to Mayor of Corners who attended on be half of his council to hear a discussion on the proposed Goose Parade in Squirrel town Other visitors present were event as a promotional stunt He thought it was a good thing for the town of Corners to have a Pickled His worship said he thought a Goose Parade would be a very good thing for Squirrel town If they were short of geese for the occasion he felt sure the town of Corners would help them out Mr Puff Speaks Dr Malcolm then called on the editor and proprietor of Puffs Periodical to say a few words Bowing deeply to his worship and giving the Sign of Old Com rades in Distress Mr Puff said that although he was an extreme ly modest man who shrank from self advertisement he would do everything in the power of his paper to promote the proposed Goose Parade He get out a edition that surpass anything that had ever happened before He was no crabby old sucker no ornery killjoy but a Come Let us be Merry fellow There one thing however he did wish to emphasize added Mr Puff That was his personal modesty He wanted no front seat in this business He wanted only to be a little cog in a big wheel He work on the assembly line but wouldnt direct it Clarion Blast Publisher The publisher of the Clarion Blast said he did not agree with Mr Puffs professed modesty Lets go out for a real blast and put it over in a big way He as sured his worship Mayor Mal colm that if the Goose Parade became a reality that the Clari on Blast send a team of reporters to blazon the trail Goose goose he shouted lets all go out for Goose and no fool- The Searchlight Editor Called on by the mayor Capt Eavesdropper of The Search light said that he would need time to think the matter over He said lie vas not a modest fel low but suffered severely from slowness of thought It took him a long time to make up his mind especially on a matter of such enormous importance as the pro posed Goose Parade He liked to sit at his wayside home and brood on what he had to say At the mention of the word brood Rap went into another of his laughing spells Brood brood he called out why thats when a fowl sits on her chickens Its not chickens were talking about but a goose Im percent behind the Goose Parade he added Referred To Committee Replying to Professor Crystal Windows his worship Mayor Malcolm said that the services of the planning board would not be needed if a parade were decided Page Col J mm DIAMOND WEDDING Of Felicitation From Queen Two of the best known citizens of Aurora celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sunday May the actual wedding date June They wore the proud recipient of a telegram of congratulation from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and a shoal of other congratulations in the form of cards telegrams tele phone calls and good wishes a J- a l owe DOAN HAU AURORA PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THREE telegram from Her Maj esty read The Queen sends you warm congratulations good wishes on your diamond wedding A Greeting Cardj te Agent For Era Classified Ads WWTELAWB The recipients of nil these good things wore Mr Mrs K J of Wellington St who were at home to rein lives and friends on Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening of May In the midst of wealth of color from the bouquets receiv ed by them they warmly corned a stream of callers The Teusdalo homo presented joyous sceno with both Mr and Mrs looking in the best of health As this arrived in the company of Mr Cliff a large crowd was busy extending good wishes while others wuro having cups of tea and enjoying delicious con fectionery and anniversary cake A Proud Anion It was Indeed proud occa sion for this remarkable couple whoso enjoyment of life years have not dimmed It can be sincerely said that sixty years of happy married life is fully apparent In the bride and bridegroom of six decades ago Friends of a lifetime were ga thered lit the home Over signatures were affixed in the diamond book of mem ories Youthful ushers carried cups of tea and handed out appe aling delicacies Neighbors of Mr and Mm helped for the celebra tions Mia Charles and Mm William Davidson looked i refreshments and Mrs Clarke tea II EDITORIALS m BLUNDERS AND FAILURES the lack of arrange- of Her lamentable Apart school and a parade fact no celebration with the crowning It is our considered opinion that ments in Aurora to celebrate the Majesty Queen Elizabeth was from the religious service at the high contingent with it there were in arrangements made in connection of the Queen of Canada Even the arrangement to hold the religious service at the high school was a blunder The service should have held at the United church which is centrally situated and capable of seating several hundred wor shippers It has been suggested that the decision to hold the service at the high school was arrived at for the reason that it would be an undenominational and therefore neutral meetingplace Such an argument is specious since sincere Chris tian people do not carry their religious preferences to such an extreme Many services have been held at the United church in the past where members of various churches have gathered together with true feelings of joy and sorrow and have not allowed their religious pre ferences to obtrude on the reasons which took them there The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth was a majestic inspiring and solemn pause in the march of history Its mighty influence for good none can measure It was an occasion for long and careful planning so that June 2 1953 should have been remem bered by all who took part in it in Aurora As the rep resentative of Her Majesty the presiding mayor of the town should have made it his urgent concern that such long and careful planning was undertaken many weeks ago There was no planning and consequently there were no arrangements for a celebration that could have been worthy of Aurora a town which was founded by English pioneers and their families years ago many of whose descendants are prosperous citizens of today Sadly we have to confess that the occasion of the Coronation of Her Majesty as far as Aurora was con cerned looked like an episode sandwiched in between two other events i have received concentrated planning and publicity It is with a sense of humilia tion that we have to a the two overshadowing highlypublicized events as first the steam train cen tennial and second what is euphoniously described as the broiler festival We think we are correctly interp reting public opinion in Aurora when we say that our citizens set greater store on the Coronation of a Queen of Canada than they do on steam trains and roasted chickens The citizens were not given the opportunity of appropriately celebrating the Coronation No leader ship was given them no plans were made The historic importance of the occasion was presumably not appre ciated by certain overweening theatrical bigwigs or wouldbe bigwigs in Aurora It could have been as it should have been a childrens day so that they would have treasured for a lifetime vivid memories of the crowning of their Queen Still as the Banner pointed out there were the tele- vized recordings for the people to see And after that the broiler splurge BANNER BLAST OF TRUTH In a series of remarkable admissions the Aurora Banner tells something like a true story of Aurora in an editorial dealing with the industry problem It is in fact one of tho most realistic editorials that have appear ed in the Banner during the past two years and two months The ironical fact about it however is that if wo had published the identical editorial we would have been denounced for damning the town Banner editorial bluntly admits that local plants have a difficulty in finding workers since there is no labor pool available It proceeds to state that there is no housing for workers and their families that could perhaps be brought hi It admits that suitable sites for industry are at a premium that water pressure is insufficient and that in regard to sewage it Is doubtful if Aurora can fill the bill The editorial states that there are houses on Yongo street which cannot fill bathtubs while tho taps are turned on next door Apparently stricken with a con sciousness of tho remorseless dissection which the edi torial completes its writer asks the foregoing in dicative of a attitude answer Not by any manner of moans and claims that a possible Absence of industrial sites absence of housing and accommodation absence of potential employees of an adequate water and sowago service for prospective new industries It is a large list of major negatives with no more than speculative positives to lighten the gloom of a truly melancholy picture painted in three lengthy editorial column Some of these facta we have pointed out over the last few years with special reference to the of taxpayers money on the planning board voted by council for Banner leaf leta to publicise Aurora Will the board of trade now propose to the money on of the Banner editorial from which we have tT WHAT THEY ARE SAYIN It is apparent that in Whitchurch township there is a keener sense of history than that possessed by who ever it is that runs or tries to run the town of Aurora At the Community Centre at Vandorf a real Coronation celebration was arranged for Tuesday June Commencing at 10 am some- which was chiefly concerned thing was going on all day for with the personal events of the young and old A happy thought past year on the part of the organizers was to start the memorable Corona tion Day with the planting of trees by the school children something they will remember for the rest of their lives Noth ing at all was arranged for the children of Aurora to help them remember the day on which their Queen of Canada was crowned A sum of money was allocated from the Aurora town treasury for the purpose of Coronation decorations But as the decora tions were used for the steam train celebration they were in many instances frayed and tat tered in appearance by the date for which they were intended to be used giving a suggestion of a day of mourning rather than one of rejoicing A Rapprochement Last weeks issue of the Ban ner contains a picture of the mayor and the editor of the Ban ner in contiguity Apparently a rapprochement has taken place since the Banner gave the mayor a journalistic beating up for al leged lack of official dignity and we in foolish generosity which was soon to be repudiated in the mayors damned trash tirade rushed in to give succour to Wounded town dignitary We have lived a long have seen much and are easily amused As water its own level we may assume that the union of the mayor and the Banner will prove a happy one We hope it will continue over a long period without mis hap Bluebells The Bluebells paid another of their welcome visits Later came a pleasant surprise when a mailbag arrived con taining beautiful lettercards for each of the visitors the sender being Mrs J Gillespie Los Angeles California Then fol lowed a telegram from Mrs Williamson At pm the hostess then invited the visitors to the din ing room where the table was laid in the form of a Coronation Party with all the trimmings a Coronation Fruit Salad being Social Because of inclement weather there was not a very large turn out for the opening of lawn bowling last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Gerald Steven son Toronto visited in town on Sunday Mr and Mrs Jim Marshall have bought the grocery bust owned by the Dominion Stores and started their own business on Monday May We every success Coronation Day service was held in the various churches in the community on Sunday mom- The Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met on Monday at the home of Mrs Wellington St Congratulations are extended to Miss Esther Lubbock daugh ter of and Mrs Harold Lub bock who graduated from St Josephs school of nursing on Mondu May 25 Her parents attended the graduation exer cises held in Eaton Auditorium The United church Missionary Society held its June meeting in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon Mrs Fish conven ed the meeting and reports of the spring rally held in Rich mond Hill church were At the baptismal service in the United church on Sunday morn ing the following children were baptized Judith Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas Copland and Patricia Caroline daughter of Mr and Mrs Don Stevenson St Thomas Mr George Morrison formerly of Aurora is coming to Toronto the main attraction Grace was said by Mrs J Toronto in August to attend Emmanuel Before retiring from table Mrs J McDill proposed a toast Tae the Auld Toon and the Bonnie Lasses which was responded to by Mrs Sheldon At the end these proceed ings Mr J Jr took numerous pictures Then fol lowed a grouping of the whole party the joining of hands and the singing of Lang Syne after which the visitors perform ed the pleasant ritual of wishing their host ami hostess and each other a good and summer together with a resolution to meet again in the fall Tribute was paid to the host and hostess Mr and Mrs J Me Ghee for the excellence of the arrangements and entertain ment which contributed so much to the happiness of the event Questionnaire We hear that a queen of the broiler festival is to be chosen But the question is Who is to be King of the Broilers Or is he already enthroned and like Sol omon arrayed In nil his glory at the Head Table The queen is to be chosen ap parently not on her good looks to the home of Mr and Mrs but on highest number of Joseph McGhce where as tickets sold Seems an awfully usual they were right royally mercenary method of raffling a entertained The group jour- group of pretty girls for the first from Port prize said the girls time now finds Hamilton and Toronto and were met on arrival in Aurora by their host and hostess and Mrs J Jr and immediately afterwards sat down to enjoy a delicious dinner after which the tea cups were read by Mrs A Cook Following this a presentation was made to the hostess consist ing of a beautiful Coronation cup and saucer Paragon china the ceremony being pot formed by Mrs Burns The visitors then betook themselves to the Aurora stores on an er rand of souvenir hunting Re turning to the home of their host and hostess the visitors went into a business meeting were being used as decoys for the sale of chickens Theatre theatre manager Mr tells us that on Saturday last nearly per sons passed through the doors of his place of entertainment Re cently he has been having fine houses and above looks a record for one day An unusually outstanding presentation will bo given at the Royal near the end of tho month on which we have more to say later Beautiful Gardens Three beautiful gardens we saw last week were those of Mr Bert Mr Victor College where he will study for the ministry of the United church of Canada Mr Morri son is comptroller of the world trade office of International Business Machines in New York The Evening Auxiliary of the United church met on Monday evening in the church parlors A bale for the Fred Victor Mis sion was packed at this meeting Miss Maude Driver who is in England for the Coronation will attend the Canadian Maple Leaf ball on June and will be a guest at a number of receptions Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bud Gilbert on the birth of a daughter Mr and Mrs Anson Gilbert are now at where Mr Gilbert Is a representative for Quick and trucks Mr Herb Thompson will be staying in Aurora for sum mer Mrs Roy la social editor of Aurora New Page He telephone number Is she will be to so cial news and reports of meet- lot and his neighbor Mr Jock Willis All of them have differ ent features but all had a wealth of tulip blooms now fast fading at this writing And this Is es pecially true of A thing of beauty is a joy forever wrote tho poet Keats J I Man Youre M f CM tilt J 3 WWSi Of Will IB v ft i COUNCIL REPORT At its regular mooting held on Monday June the town council unanimously passed a Resolution on behalf of the mayor and council and citizens of tho town of Aurora expressing loyalty and devotion to arty Queen Elizabeth II and their congratula tions on the occasion of Coronation WILL tn tildrjt BRUISES DR CHASES toothing Ointment A J meat for it meat quick lineal- Among correspondence read was a latter from P J Pick ing described managing dir ector of broiler festival asking council to give its of June In connection with the festival Councillor J Murray objected and was supported by Councillor David- con who said affair was not of national importance When mayor said he hoped council would have guts enough to resolution supporting re- quest In letter from Mr Pick ing Councillor Murray said ho resented the mayors remark Withdrawal Council favorably considered a letter received from Mr in connection with over a reservation in tho plan Council lor J Murray charged that the Aurora Banner had attributed words to him which he had not and requested a correction in a gentlemanly manner time Hog Following a lengthy It was to discontinue contract with North York Human dog control bylaw to In postfix Murray Coun- alitor King strong appeals for continuance of control Mr King said clogs on tho loose were as dangerous as road speed ers Council Councillor J Murray obvi ously startled of coun cil when ho asked them if were awnro that might Boon a law suit on their hands Ho explained that editor of Sutton Reporter had received n letter from their town solicitor Mr in which it was stated that unless newspaper Withdraw word condemned which it had used in connection with Auroras old public school legal action would bo considered Mr Murray said council and the town had boon committed to court action without councils knowledge With DeputyReeve Murray in chair in absence of the mayor and asked on whoso authority the letter had been sent The question an swered by the town who contacted Mr Lee by telephone and stated that the letter was sent on the mayors Instruct This and other matters dealt with by council will bo reviewed In next weeks issue of Aurora Now Editor A J KIDNEY PILLS Meet Your Two