Newmarket last week present ed the picture a town given over to the arts for on the even ings of Thursday Friday and Saturay the Betty Gordon ing club drew record crowds to the Waltz of the Flowers was exquisite The beauty of the ballet movements the lovely coloring and graceful groupings carried one in memory to the ballets of the stage and screen the town hall while on Friday and considering the difference in evening the Scout and Guide age and experience one felt a Mothers Auxiliary with their wonder at the beauty of what concert almost filled Trinity was presented to us United church It is surely an Russell and Robert Morrison encouraging sign of a towns their popular selections gave taste when programs of this nostalgic longing for the ture can draw such large and vaudeville days Skipping delighted to say appreciative Along was quite a masterly for what those three On Friday evening Archie and little girls did with those skip- went to Trinity church where three Newmarket artists no four for I always feel an accom panist should share the glory ping ropes was quite something We wished the Dutch Frolics had lasted longer The costumes were so quaint and the move- gave a very worthwhile that is was over entertainment First on j q and Walking My the program was a group of Baby a chance piano numbers by Good- smne fine dancing The man Mr Goodman is a talent Gladiators was pianist and proved that an beautifully staged and the artist is not always without with consumate honor in his own town In his as well as three groups some numbers gave dancing in Buttons and us more pleasure than others as Bows showed as did the cos- 1 tastes vary In the Bach group turning of every feature that thei AT A grass and bush fire at In- Beach road last Saturday almost caused the destruction of a row of cottages Sparks from a rubbish pile which was being burned on the property of Jack Clement blew across the road and set the grass on fire After the summoning of the Sutton fire department the grass continued to burn into some brush and by the time the reels arrived about a hundred square yards of land had been burned Only the timely arrival of the fire brigade and a number of volunteer help saved the row of cottages They fought over an hour and a half to beat out the flames KESWICK The May meeting of the Even ing auxiliary will be at the home of Mrs Gordon Stevenson on May at Mrs Moore- croft and Mrs Kerr will have charge of the program Roll call is A Gem of Thought Mr and Mrs Edward Alder- were at home to their many friends and relatives on Sunday May on the occasion of their wedding anniversary The United church was filled to capacity Sunday morning for the Mothers Day service A number of infants were baptized The junior choir sang also a Mr and Mrs Donald Morton and boys spent Sunday with Mrs Mortons parents Mr and Mrs Foster Vandorf The minstrel show given by Sharon Junior Farmers and dir ected by Dr Arkinstall was well attended and enjoyed by all Mrs Henry Kay is spending a few days at Royal Beach Virgin ia with her soninlaw and her daughter Mr and Mrs Stev enson Mr and Mrs Freeman Fair- barn Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geo Mr and Mrs Ross Lee and chil dren of Toronto called on Mr and Mrs Albert on Sun- day Mr and Mrs Norman Kay and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Kay and chil dren at Willow Beach A large crowd attended the Mr and Mrs Cecil Prosser Messrs Hugh Kernohan and Harold Knights of Toronto Nor mal school spent last week in practice teaching in Mr Joe Marks Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Marks Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard were Mr and Mrs Lome Denny and baby of Hamilton our choice was Chorale and Toc- Fugue Fugue always in trigues me voice and answer performers who pursuing one another through the maze of intricate harmony Its like a glorified puzzle In STdSS artists of the needle were hardly less to be congratulated than the wore the cos tumes The song and dance in which several girls joined the Morrison was a that was very charming and in the last group Claire our choice One thing this concert made clear a pianist should be on a platform for two reasons so that everyone can see his hands which fellow mus icians always wish to do and the other is that to those on a level with the piano and close at hand the effect in the heavier num bers is rather overpowering which it would not be if the piano were above the level of the audience The two groups of songs by Elizabeth Beer were well chosen to give contrast and pleasure In the first group the Ave Maria and The Nightingale gave us the most pleasure but in the sec ond group these were spirituals we felt that Mrs Beer came into her own We especially enjoy ed I Stood on de of den and On Ma Journey in deed we feel that Mrs Beer should make a specialty of spir ituals she puts something into them that brings them into the heart She looked very charm ing in her green evening gown gie in the Window performed by two very tiny artists won our hearts from the first note of the true little voice to the last of the tiny doggies tail We thought the costuming In the Mexican Hat Dance par ticularly good and the manner isms and gestures made one think one was watching a num ber of gallant Spanish and lovely having a happy time in a way peculiarly their own The piano accordian numbers played Wayne Wonch were enjoyable and the last dance number Coronation Jewels with its brilliant cos tuming and precision dancing Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Jr and family of Chesley were vis iting their parents on Sunday Mr and Mrs Perry Winch and Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Gordon and Peggy visited Mr and Mrs Robt on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Davison and Mr and Mrs Peter and son of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Goddard on Sunday The church held a lovely Mothers Day service led by the mothers of the congrega tion Mrs Jack Wright gave a fine address and Mrs Tay lor a solo Others assisting were Mrs Harry Elliott Mrs Howard Anderson Mrs Pale- thorp and Mrs Slimson Mr and Mrs Patrick and fam ily and Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto were guests of their parents Mr and Mis Mace YORK COUNTY NURSES The York County Nurses As sociation held its monthly meet ing on Tuesday May 5 in St Johns school with a good at tendance Plans were discussed for a turkey dinner the expected date being Tuesday June in the Newmarket Legion hall Mrs Rogers the treasurer re- special serviced on Sun- Ported deficit for the purchased for the nurses rest room Newmarket Era and Thirty day Mrs Mitchell Roches Point had dinner on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Emery Sir and Mrs Norman King and Floyd spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs John King Lake- shore Rd Mr and Mrs Royden and Scott spent the weekend with Mr par- A firstaid course is being planned for the fall The guest speaker of the evening was Dr Stanley Montgonjfcry psychia trist of Tronto and his topic was We our thoughts and our ac tions The lecture was educa tional in reality food for thought The meeting was clos ed refreshments were served We are sorry to report that the Soap Box Derby has had to be postponed to some date later than June 2 So it may be pos sible to hold it on the Main St yet The next general meeting Is on May Start planning now to attend It is expected that a Branch Dart Tournament will soon be under way Lets see all of the players entered Leave your name on the bulletin board at the hall Comrade Walt Groves chair man of the maintenance comm ittee has a big call out for help There are two or three very ur gent jobs to be done Phone him at These jobs have to be finished quickly and if enough turn out that can be done Arrangements for the Corona- lion Day celebrations are shap ing up well The parade will be from Dixons Pencil building south on Prospect to Water St and to Lions Park It is sched uled for pm Then is a chance that we will have the Air Force Band from Camp Bor den The parade route will be decorated and it should be quite sight It has been suggested that a town horseshoe pitching league formed and possibly use our pits on the Legion grounds What do you think of the idea Comrades Let us know For the evening of June 2 Cor- onation Day please remember for your own entertainment that we have Bobby and his orchestra at the Arena B AND P CLUB MAY i The Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket has postponed its annual meeting Monday May 25 because of the Victoria Day holiday It will be held in the King George hotel as a dinner meeting beginning at pan The installation of of ficers will be conducted TRINITY EVENING The Junior Evening auxiliary WMS Trinity United church Newmarket will meet at the home of Mrs Al Smith 24 An drew St on Tuesday May pm Mrs Harold group is in charge of the pro gram All junior ladies of the church are invited to attend proved a fitting prelude to Mothers Day God Save The Queen and so the close of the performance We the audience felt in com plete accord with Dr when he said Newmarket had good reason to be proud of such an organization When such teachers as Betty Gordon and Helen Simmons teach children for the love of it some thing really fine is bound to re sult from it and every one of and lovely corsage Here those who assisted the pianist were very beautifully played by Norman We all look forward to hearing Terry Doane and in his two groups of songs he excelled Mona Downward lighting Jack Fisher costume director Ruby treasurer Mildred Wal ker and makeup Grace ter and Alice Sheridan as well himself He has entirely lost the Dr whose slight stiffness that used to de- enthusiasm communicated its all tract from his stage presence and his facial expression has become what it should be an integral part of his singing His voice was in splendid shape and his choice of songs gave complete pleasure Our special favorites were Bless This House Kash miri Song Wandering the Kings Highway and last and best This exactly suited him and gave us a chance to hear the magnificent range of a very fine voice All in all it was an even ing of enjoyment and the aux iliary deserves a vote of thanks Dancing is there anything prettier than to see children dancing If you agree with me that there isnt then you will understand what I mean when I say that Archie and I have seldom passed a more delightful evening than that of Saturday May when we watched Betty Gordons dancing club presenta tion of its annual recital in New market town hall From first to last it gay colorful beautifully perfectly timed Each fea ture vas so gorgeously costumed and well trained that it was a joy to watch The Coronation March with its patriotic coloring and fine precisions marching gave us a taste of what was to come In Mary had a Little Lamb the tiny figures with their quaint costumes and snowy Jambs looked as if they had stepped out of a Mo ther Goose book while their dancing showed what a teacher who loves her work can do with little ones and this was also true of the little mauve maids The perfection of the dress and makeup of the children in The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers made one feel as if a box of toys had come to life The ballet audience before the re cital started it was bound to be what it a brilliant success Mr and Mrs Grant Redd it Toronto spent the weekend at home Most of the Keswick Beach cottages were opened for the weekend Among the familiar summer residents wo noted Mr and Mrs Freeman Rye and fam ily Mr and Mrs the Bud family and many others enjoying the sunny week end with its temperature of degrees Rev Robert WB who has been a permanent resi dent here for some time died at the Soldiers hospital Orillia on May in his year The funeral service was held In Shar on Anglican church Tuesday May with interment in Queensville cemetery I News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately ADD WI Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Whitfield on May There were members and four visitors present Mrs Salmon read a poem by Ed gar Guest in reply to the motto Id hate to have a million dol lars and be without friends The Institute extension services were discussed and it was de cided to have Home care of the sick to be held later in the year A donation of given to the Canadian National Insti tute for the Blind The Hospi tal Aid bulletin was read by Mrs W Mrs Ray Glass was guest speaker and chose as her topic Mans Relation to the Soil Two poems were read by Mrs W Micks A reading wa3 given by Mrs D English Please note that this is one week earlier than usual Bring your written suggestions for next years program planning and also homemade candy for the variety show on May There will also he a sale of plants Hostesses are Mrs Herb Moorby and Miss Belle Armstrong The regular meeting of the Newmarket branch will be held in the club rooms on Thursday May 21 pm As this is the first meeting of the new year members are reminded to pay their fees A full attendance is requested branch will meet at the home of Mrs Rowland on Wednesday May at or iter V PLEASANT The WI will meet on Tuesday May 10 at the home of Mrs Frank Williams Guests on Saturday from Tor onto at the home of Mrs Glover included her mother Mrs Gardner Mrs Hill and Mr and Mrs Jack Savage Mr and Mrs George Toronto and Mr and Mrs David Sharon were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs At the home of Mr and Mrs McNicol for Mothers Day were Mr and Mrs Roy and daughter of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Tom Sheridan and son of Newmarket Mr and Mrs and Glenna Keltleby attended Pine Orchard Union church on Sun day and were guests of Mrs McCIure Other guests were Mr and Mrs Moore and Robert Toronto and Mr and Mrs Mur ray and Wanda form erly of Florida now of Dorches ter Mr and Mrs Sheridan had nearly all their family home for Mothers Day Mr and Mrs Francis Starr and two children Alton were recent guests at the home of Elmer Starr Mr Cole Ravenshoe spend ing some time with his daughter Mrs Carol Greenwood and fam ily Mr and Mrs Roy Harper and three boys of London were guests at the Penrose and Harper homes for a couple of days last week IS STORE WORKING WANS Whatever Trucks r ever J I efficiently and economically in the greatest lineup built Ford Economy Trucks axe allnew from the all through to make them more drive smoother to handle than any other trucks on road I New cabs are planned with the drivers comfort in mind because a retort driver driver See your Ford Caoidai biggest and best truck value I A i 1 fit FORD I OF ALL TIME I ooo I MOOCLSi m I WTW w 5NE Track Mm 1 fS- CAS Track Hit tui a a I rfj iSi fcfl V Tnf aaw- ff It coo 1- I m mom in- C SES i r V FORD y-v- SERVICi WE i LOOK FOR THE V vuii5rf m w- SK SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED TRUCK- SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER si