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Wafers 29c 20c Silver Ribbon FANCY Tomato Juice OX TIN Coronation Plain Queen Olives ALWAYS TENDER FRESH GRADE A cost WASTE IN UP TO NO MORE NO FEET OR IN3t WHAT YOU BUY I QiMimr FRESH Legs Breasts 89c lacks a Necks IDtAfOR soup CUTS 1U LB lb 31c By Caroune Ion Recently we were privileged to be among those who heard Dr Ralph E Turner professor of history Yale university when he spoke on the topic Know the People Mr Turner is the chairman of the editorial committee International commission for a Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind UNESCO Dr Turner who has returned from an month tour of China India and Egypt referred to his recent contacts with these Asia tic peoples in his talk Dr Tur ner said it was comparatively easy to be a Canadian or an Am erican It was the most diffi cult thing on earth to be a hu man being in other words to think and accept others as hu mans and not as members of cer tain races or nations In enlarging on thisidea Dr Turner explained how impos sible it is for us to understand the Asiatic peoples if we judge them by our own standards If a comparison is to be made Dr Turner suggested that our level of development at about would equal present day condi tions in the majority of Asiatic countries In the past years we in the western world have experienced an intense growth of an indus trial urbanized working class Asiatic peoples live in small villages carrying on the simple crafts and with usually no per sonal knowledge of a 30 mile radius of the place of their birth Ancient beliefs superstitions and practices are still to be found in China He gave many illustrations of this and went on to explain how in the normal development of the children through conditioning they would continue to exist The shoulder pole the tradi tional Chinese method of carry ing loads is to be found in China today And little boys when they play pretend carry shoulder poles and imitate their elders even to employing their characteristic jog of a walk In Siam Dr Turner saw youngsters playing at being grownups just as they do the world over But there the boys were pretending to push a boat up the canal by a pole just as their fathers did Dr Turner through his many illustrations pointed out that al though the differences in devel opment and standard of thinking were great the ultimate purpose and wants were similar If you were to ask these peoples what they want theyd say schools for their children better health services and better economic conditions said Dr Turner NEIL LOTHIAN ORDAINED AS ANGLICAN DEACON Neil Lothian was ordained as a Deacon at St James Cathedral Toronto on Sunday May In all were ordained by the Right Rev A Beverley MA DD Bishop of Toronto the morning service Mr Lothian was principal of the King George school New market prior to accepting the the section school Oak Ridges All winter he has been doing the Sunday duties at as well as car rying on his fulltime profession of teaching at Oak Ridges While in Newmarket Mr Lo thian was Scout Master of the Newmarket Scout pack super intendent of the Sunday school St Pauls Anglican church and both he and Mrs Lothian were active in the community He will assume his duties at the parish of at the end of June That is precisely what we want He suggested that just the knowledge of their needs was not enough The Asiatic peo ples needed help and not alone Science is the great solvent They dont know its science that they want But they do know there is something which if they they could get rid of the ignorance disease want and suffering a new level of common humanity This uni versal aspiration and achieve ment represents a great dynamic force We are all refugees from the same sort of past We are common human beings who have found our way from that past Humanity in the midtwen tieth century is on the march The peoples of Asia are on the same path moving in the same direction Knowledge of this fact gives true conception to the phrase and ideal brotherhood of man which is almost too old to be significant Human beings serving one another in the search for knowledge is the heart and meaning the 20th century concluded Dr Turner If you though you were see ing double last week when you met up with two tall brown haired young women accomp anied by a pair of tall blonde young men you were probably right The girls were identical twin sisters and Lola aged ID who are the brides of identical twin brothers Abe and Henry aged They were married on Saturday April in their home town Saskatoon The motored to King township to spend their honeymoon at the home of the brides uncle Mr Stanley Chambers concession The chambers could hardly believe their eyes when the young couple arrived unexpectedly early last week They had not seen their nieces for six years and their husbands were strangers to them Everything has been in a wonderful flurry since the arrived declared Mrs Chambers When they vis ited the Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce to apply for the honeymoon certificate the at tendant was baffled At Toron to clerks in a large department store became confused as to who purchased what It was the same at Peterborough on Saturday At the Stone Pente costal church Toronto on Sun day the couples were given a warm welcome by a rather dis mayed congregation Graeme Betty Lorn Alfred Graeme Port Dal- Brown and John Armstrong arrived on Tuesday to spend two weeks with Mr and Mrs Mrs Lyons and Miss Marie returned this week after spending the past three months in Florida Mr and Mrs James Lewis Blind River are visiting this week at the home of Mrs Lewis parents Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller Woman Initiated For New Responsibility Jury Duty There has been much discus sion and speculation as to the recently acquired rcspon for women of serving jury duty A Newmarket woman Mrs El man Campbell has had her in itiation Into jury duty and its responsibilities although she act ually did not have the opportun ity to serve on a jury Mrs Campbell in response to a request to serve appeared In the No Criminal Court Toron to City Hall for the first week of the spring assizes of the Supreme Court of Ontario In all men and three women were called during the first week On the first day the prospect ive jurors appeared in court It was just like a bingo game said Mrs Campbell Each per son who is called for jury duty has a can which lists his or her name address and a number The cards are placed in a cage similar to the ones used at a bingo game and the numbers tossed about A deputy sheriff reaches Into the cage and draws out a number If It Is yours you re- stand in line and when the numbers have been pro vided the time for selecting the jury is at hand The prisoner has been in the prisoners box during the draw ing Now the judge directs the prisoner to look at the juror and the juror to look at the prisoner The defense attorney has the first choice He can either chal lenge the jurora in which case he steps down or he consents and the man is sworn in for jury duty The crown attorney can challenge a juror who has been selected by the defence After the Jury Is filled for a case those who have been call ed for the assizes but whose names have not been drawn are Informed when they should re appear in court In Mrs Camp bells case she made a daily ap pearance in court for a full week On the last day her name was drawn In the selection of the jury for a case of attempt ed rape She was challenged by the defence attorney and so did not serve on the jury -Mrs- Arthur Is spend ing the week in Chatham the guest of Mr and Mrs Gordon and family Mr and Mrs Val man spent the weekend in Hunts ville and while there attended the wedding of Ivan and Miss Vera on Saturday Mrs Austin Hunt and son Steven spent last week in town with her parents Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons Miss Joyce Both well return ed home on Sunday after spend ing three weeks vacation at Florida Mrs Charles and Mrs Gordon Cook attended the Cen tral Ontario Regional conference which was held at the Salvation Army camp Lake Sim over the weekend Mrs and Mrs Cook represented the Newmarket ScoutGuide Mo thers auxiliary Mr Mrs William Don aldson spent the weekend in Rev S Bull and son Carl attended the Youth Rally held over the weekend at Lome Park College Port Credit Guests this week at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomp son include Misses June AUXILIARY Illustrated slides on the study will highlight the meeting of the book Along African Trails Evangeline auxiliary Trinity United church Newmar ket on Tuesday May At this meeting which has been ar ranged by the supply secretary Mrs Chester Best and her group contributions will be received for the bale of new and good used clothing Plans will be made for members to attend the Rural Rally at Richmond Hill on May 21 Everyone Is welcome AT SCOUT CONFERENCE Leaders of the Newmarket Scout and Cub groups attended the Central Ontario Regional Scolders conference which was held over the weekend at the Salvation Army camp Lake Simcoe Kirk Everett and Roy Craig attended the conference on Sunday Present for both the Saturday and Sunday sessions were Miss Thomasina Stevens Horace Jaques Charles Jim and Lome Fort Erie Kenneth left week for Claxkson where he will spend his summer holidays with the oil company Mr and Mrs Gordon Mrs Norman Burling Mr and Mrs Charles Wass and Cook visited In Toronto on Mon day night Ira Leedcr Perth and Mr spent Monday with their parents Mr and Mrs Geo Leeder DODDS KIDNEY PILLS r-i- Old at Man Youre Crazy Hi COST tot tack Hi- re Wc t j errs 1 A We know one bellicose dog who welcome ihc latest thing in 1 aluminum an electric dogprod Next time rushes into battle you can nonchalantly produce this twofoot aluminum rod and apply it to the handiest part of the dogs anatomy resulting shock Is quite harmless but they say a few treatment cure the pugnacity of even the toughest tyke Speaking of electricity can take pride that largest stranded electrical ever made for an overhead mission line has been by Shawinigan Falls plant to the West Coast to carry power to our new smelter bow at Aluminum of Canada Ltd ParentTeacher Association Holds Successful Family Night GUIDE COOKIES Girl Guide cookies will he de livered in Newmarket May to inclusive who ordered cookies ore reminded of the delivery dates and asked to he ready for the Brownie or Guide who placed the order The first Family Night to be held by the ParentTeacher as sociation St Johns Chrysostom school proved very successful It is estimated that about per cent of the children in attend ance the school were present for the evening and were accom panied by both parents In all was raised This is the only moneyraising project which the is permit- tod under their charter for only once a year can the group at tempt to make money General convener of the Family Night was Sister Mary Timothy who was assisted by Mrs Joseph Tunncy and Mrs Leo The program provided enter tainment for both children and adults While the parents enjoy ed bingo in the basement the youngsters watched up stairs Other attractions included fish which was supplied with toys and games contributed by the children from their homes A mystery featur ing white elephants were don ated by the parents Both booths as well as the table of religious articles were sold out A birthday cake suitably dec orated which had been donated by Mrs Samuel was of fered in a draw It was won by Mrs Donald Tudhope Refreshments were served at the close of the evening by the grade mothers In reporting on the venture t association thanked those who had support ed the project and commented on the wonderful atmosphere which had present for this evening of family fun only Hah as loiv per month King Institute The yearend meeting of King City branch was held at the home of Mrs Stan Hunter Mrs Fred Hare York Centre district secretary conducted elections resulting lis follows Mrs Austin Rumble first and second vicepros Mrs Gordon Wells and Mrs G Jackson sec Mrs Colin Stewart treasurer Mrs Geo Billings direr Mrs Howard board of di rectors Mrs Gordon Mrs Arnold Peter Mrs Archie Campbell and Mrs Norman Wade Conveners of standing com mittees and auditors are being chosen by the executive the home of the new president on April fe familiar faces Bing Crosby Bob Hope and Dorothy are back together again flit Paramount brand new Tech nicolor laugh riot Road to Bali today at the Theat re Road to Bali is the sixth Complete showing now outboard motors rude 15 Many We invite your Nfwmartrt and Aurora mm ft for 26500 Aa Even the lowest price a modern fullwidth Freezing And lull ft capacity than foot refrigerators at this price StnwwKrwg color styling Double Utility Trays Meat Compartment or Vegetable Crisper or may separate trays for various foods Self- Closing Door Latch Strong rigid Steel Shelves M en ft Mi a ft t Kmyl