Newmarket Era and Express, 7 May 1953, p. 2

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Editors Notebook The Chimney Swifts arrived in Newmarket on the evening of May reports Major P Kelley our wild life advisor who interested in the migra tion of birds The Swifts come back to nest at the spot every year and in a flock nests annually in an a unused chimney in the Alexan der school on St Par told an in teresting story about a banded Chimney Swift which was dis covered by Mr Herbert Dun ham Yonge St last July Mr found a small Swift which had descended the chim ney of a vacant house on his St farm Ire bird un able to find its way out was very weak and the dzy Mr Dunham discovered it On its leg it carried a small metal band bearing a number The band was sent to the Can adian Wildlife Service at Ot tawa but the service was un able to identify it Only recently word has been received from the United States Wildlife Service at Maryland that the band on the birds leg had been placed there by Dr and Mrs Henry Meyer Knoxville Tennessee Dr and Mrs Meyer banded the bird in September This date is interesting to those who study birds for the US Wildlife Service states that the greatest age so far recorded for a Chimney Swift is 12 years The interesting fact by the Ivxndirvs is that the small bird the i to mate the southern the twice at year In that wan thousands of miles According to the Swifts live in the Alexander will reside there if everyone is therx until the end of August And to the habits of all they will return if still alive around the first of May next year When not nesting the Swifts leave their nesting place every morning shortly after dawn For approximately one hour af ter they take flight They make great circles in the sky directly over the nest They then fly away and do not return to their place of abode until Kelley a keen natur alist Occasionally stopping us on a street corner he points out a fact about bird or plant life which is new to us He re ceives much pleasure through his into the ways of Canadian birds We have been given several pleasurable mo ments during the busy day as Kelley beckons us to stop and note some of the more beautiful things in this world which unfortunately are un noticed by so many too busy with the more drab and routine pursuits and 50 Years A 9 MAY Mrs Lush of Toronto a for mer resident of 20 years ago spent yesterday with Mrs Smith on Victoria Ave The minstrel show put on in the Bradford town hail on Fri day evening by the Newmarket band was attended by a full house and the show was a fine success It started with a big street parade Some of the Newmarket boys make great niggers All the black boys resembled the southerners very much in appearance and con duct- The singing of the Jolly Boys Quartet was of a high or der as was also the chorus solo singing Three dancers did the latest in feet shuffling and Rajah was a wonder The six came out with some funny gags The orchestra and the band pieces were real classy- Mr Albert Rogers of Toronto was a welcome visitor at Pick ering College on Wednesday af ternoon He is greatly pleased with the appearance of the premises also the increased number and activity of the stu dents Mr and Mrs Sherman Kirov Mrs Hunt and Miss Hunt mo tored down from and spent the weekend with Mr nd Mrs Chas Mr J Robertson and Miss Robertson are expected home from Florida today after an ab sence of several months- The play The Village Law yer which has been produced by the Sharon Young People in several plates with pro nounced success is to be given in the town hall Newmarket on Monday under the auspices of the Ladies AH of the Chris tian church Miss Davis has returned home after spending two months on a Mediterranean cruise MAY The North End Clothing Fac tory installed four more sew ing rnachines on Monday and increased the staff accordingly Mr Allan the manager is talk ing of building a new factory that will meet his needs better than the present premises Mr Leslie leaves this week for the to ac cept a situation Mr Grant Hughes of Buffalo was in town a couple of days this week visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Ellis Hughes Mr A Spooner of Toron to who operated an extensive sawmill at Belle Ewart years ago was in town on Wednes day calling on old friends Mrs and family also Miss Nellie McCulloch have gone to the Jailers home near this week to at tend the wedding of her sister Th twins are to be flower girls Mr Frank Glover formerly of who spent the past two years in Halifax was in town on Wednesday Mrs Meads has gone to to visit her young est daughter Mrs Workman for two or three weeks There was a splendid market last Saturday but everything was sold by oclock Price were inclined to go up Lots of sold at per doz and the best butter commanded a lb Potatoes went up to 125 a bag for the best while small seed potatoes sold at bag Good sound apples sold from 1 to a barrel and to by the basket Old hens alive sold from lo pair and live roosters from to 100 pair Fortythree dozen suckers were sold at 24c per They were from to IS inches long has taken the char- senior divi sion of King City school holidays ITS TULIP TIME IN CANADAS CAPITAL J ring NewmaHcet Aurora and rural of North York The Era The Herald fbtithd every Thursday at Mam St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription for years for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN STRUTHH5 Managing i i CAROLINE ION Womens Editor GEORGE Sport lAWRENCi RACING Printing am Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURS THE SEVENTH DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUND AND FIFTYTHREE THE PARKINS PROBLEM Friendships may be broken up as Newmarkets Main St is broken up and during the project for the reconstruction of sidewalks services and roadway there will be many shattered nerves As the municipal works department started removing old services last week there was much noise from pneumatic hammers but not too much inconvenience to pedestrians and motorists On Monday town council received a report from the chief constable with a number of suggestions to help the parking problem during the project Council accepted some of the recommendations and discarded others The report prompted the comment from the mayor that it seemed rather late for councils police committee to start thinking of the parking problem when the project was already under way Apparently the committee had been thinking but had not reached any possible solutions until now The main feature of the problem as reported to council is that there is too much allday parking being done in the municipal parking lots Chief Constable Byron Burbidge suggests the installation of parking meters in the lots The chiefs plan is to use meters to enforce a large turnover of vehicles so every motorist can have a chance at a parking space The question which has been brought up before is why should the taxpayers subsidize parking lots to be used by industrial workers Many of the allday park ing culprits are employees of industrial and commercial firms according to reports No doubt some business men arc also the culprits and possibly shoppers and others as well Two persons could start an argument which would last for hours on whether the taxpayers should be subsidizing parking for motorists who make their living at the firm near the parking lot or for the motorists who shop at the nearby stores Newmarkets parking problem has many features and there can be little agreement on all aspects of it The Main St project has intensified the problem but it is not likely to diminish after the project is completed The fact is that Newmarket is in a tight spot with narrow streets and more automobiles on them every year No scheme to solve parking problems in New market could be perfect The trend of industries and large commercial firms in modern times is to provide parking facilities for their employees It is up to the police committee to decide whether or not employees of firms allday should be barred from the municipal parking lots to favor the shortterm parkers IF HOSPITAL CLOSED DOWN A public campaign for funds to assist York County hospital at Newmarket will be carried out during the week May At this time of the year the resident of Newmarket begins to wonder when the end will come for he has been asked to reach into his pocket on numer ous occasions from the first part of February until the beginning of the summer Spring seems to be the time for campaigns The resident who made a contribution to every good cause put forward this Spring had an excellent opportunity to reduce his income very campaign held in Newmarket was worthy of a contribution Now trailing at the end of the cam paign season is the hospital Of the hospital campaign it can be said that none of the dollars contributed will go out of the district Each contribution will be used in one of the most important institutions the hospital It benefits the local community entirely the same can not bo said of other fund raising campaigns in New market York County hospital has had a difficult struggle during the past few years It has been going consis tently in the red and has been forced to plead for extra financial support from the communities it serves The future would not appear to be any brighter with a split in the County of York In the past the hospital has been favored by sizeable grants from the county and now that the municipalities with high assessments have left the county to join the metropolitan area grants t may be expected to be lower It has been too easy for individuals to criticize the operation of the hospital in its poor financial condition Patients who do not like their fried eggs turned critics who question the policy on hospital purchases others who think the rates are too high have been successful in creating a certain amount of illfeeling toward the institution but it is safe to say that the greater per centage of residents in Newmarket and district are thankful that there is a hospital closer to home than Toronto The hospital which operates in the black ex cepting those staffed by religious orders the members of which dedicate their lives to free service is a rare institution these days Costs have increased to such an extent that our hospital cannot sustain its operation alone without charging exhorbitant rates York County is the only hospital between Toronto and If its critics learned that it was to be closed for a year their attitudes might change The hospital must continue to operate and every citizen in the dis trict ought to feel that he has some share in the respon sibility of assisting it to operate in the best possible way CONTRIBUTE TO NATIONAL LIFE Most Canadians favor immigration but there is a wide diversity of opinion on numbers and methods The policy in Canada has been to admit in numbers not exceeding the absorptive capacity of our country and without altering the fundamental character of our people such persons as are likely to contribute to our national life The policy has brought nearly persons to Canada in the years since the end of the second world war roughly the equivalent of three cities the size of Ottawa Citizenship Minister Walter Harris who recently gave parliament a summary of the immigration policy said that the government is fully aware that Cauda needs more people that we cannot fulfill our destiny and develop our resources with a population of only a little more than fourteen and a half million Natural increase alone will not provide the population we must have Harris policy has been to steer a careful course between the two extremes of an excessive inflow of people on the one hand and a needlessly restrictive immigration law on the other Apart from providing the nation with the additional population which it needs to develop its resources the policy is also aimed at keeping the rate of inflow at a level that will cause a minimum of disturbance to the employment picture Nothing would prejudice the case for immigration more than to have it create or aggravate employment The best time for immigrant workers to arrive is in the spring summer and early fall when more jobs are available and the assimilation of an immigrant is both cased and speeded if he has his family around him In the Immigration department brought in a major ity of the years immigrant workers in the first six months In the latter half of the year the emphasis was on bringing their dependents- The heaviest inflow came in the months when the demand for workers on the farms in forests and factories at its highest and eased off in the months when seasonal unemploy ment occurs in basic industries Citizenship Minister Harris says Canada has been getting an exceedingly fine typo of immigrant under the program Even Canadas southern neighbors have teen showing an increasing interest in settling here There was a percent increase in US arrivals year and a percent increase in the number of return ing Canadians Another healthy factor was that one of every four new arrivals was a child under years of age a citizen with several formative years ahead of him in his new community A few Canadians would restrict immigrants to per sons from the British Isles or other English speaking people It seems an unreasonable attitude No one can argue with a policy which admits persons who are likely to contribute to our national life and the quali fications required are by no means allied with lang uage or racial background Only harm to Canada itself can come out of a few prejudicial altitudes toward immigrants who speak other languages Catnips By Ginget The boss always complaining and always on the defensive has pleaded for some space in this haloveed column Hes a touchy character this boss and when he had finished all the work on the page this week he found that he had something extra to say and no space to say it in We hemmed and hawed and thought it over for a while shined our nails a bit and said Oh well if you want it that bad go ahead and ruin the best column in your old sheet take the space And so as follows is the whin ing comment the boss makes on just a little bit of honest criti cism by a perfectly good reader who will probably cancel his or her subscription this week Here is what the boss says Newspapers have errors and we have our share Most of the errors are typographical ones but we are of the opinion that we have fewer errors per page than a number of the daily newspapers We should not boast for as surely we do the issue will more than likely appear with dozens of them There are two or three faith ful critics who usually make sure of reprimanding us on er rors in spelling or usage But it is not one of our regular critics we challenge this week We heard of a person jvho said with a laugh that last week paper reported that the Chamber of Commerce plans to crack down on transient cycl ists The reader must been referring to an item head ed New Chamber To Check On Transient Pedlars We have contacted the Cham ber and it Is true it is after pedlars It is after pedlars peddlers or depending how you want to put it There are a number of choices in the English language Sometimes it depends on where you We could go on at length on this Now that he had said his piece I hope the boss is satis fied All the time he probably didnt know whether pedlar was the right spellingti word or not and it just happen ed that it was in unused dictionaries we have hanging around the office Slim was doing a report on a ladies club annual meeting a few weeks ago on the firms typewriter here and h inadvertently asked for a dic tionary Dictionary Dictionary What are you talking about asked the boss one of them big books which you look up words in said Slim Oh one of those things said the boss So then the boss went down into the cellar and was there for 20 minutes before he came back up with a huge dustladen old Webster Here said the boss thought we had one of these around think it was used when a Mr Jackson was editor by Dairy Farmer As the pressure of spring work mounts and the days arc clicking off the calendar life gets to be complicated sometimes It is complicated enough without having to cope with of the rather extrav agant claims made for imple ments appliances and other ne cessities that we have to buy or that we should buy At times we feel that there should be such a thing as a Farmers Better Business Bu reau We heard a story the other day about some new dairy equipment that wns really a humdinger The myth of soft water increasing milk produc tion when given to cows in stead of well water was the great story of last year until Dr one of the top men in the US exploded it Day after day we hear of im plements new ones mostly that are supposed to do this and that Everything is always perfect and if we buy it nothing will stand in our way to prosperity Feed men come and claim great tilings for their feed and other feed men make claims that are even bigger The sad part of it is that our Departments of Agriculture are really the best source of infor mation and that they arc pub lishing bulletins and booklets on all phases of agriculture and their men are giving advice on request And yet so many far mers seem to think that it is just book learning and fall for the glibness of the salesman I suppose you all know what we are getting at We have been using for example a formula for mix ture that has given us good pro duction good health and that is about less expensive even when made up by a feed milt than the closest 24ft put out commercially We have mentioned it to many a Dairyman with the name of the man who gave us and they all say Isnt it wonderful and keep buying the name brands This is true for many other items Feed formulas are available for all kinds of livestock Sketches of cement forms can be had and designs for barns or barn frames can be obtained As a matter of fact our De partments both Federal and Provincial are an endless source of information and advice We would like to see some thing like the Seal of Good Housekeeping put on imple ments and gadgets after they have been tried out by impar tial investigation spe cialty feeds new implements or ideas farm hardware stable equipment and such like should come under this heading A kind of Consumers Union for Farm necessities is what we need It would save us money and time and it would benefit the manufacturer and it would help the man who sells It would bring out the weak points on new equipment and enable the man who makes it to im prove It What it would do most of all is to soil mere of the newer in ventions because if they were approved they would spread faster It would also help to de velop a distinctly Canadian type of equipment one that was meant to stand up under the rigors of our conditions It should also make the necessities of farming cheaper by discouraging the unproven frills A GIFT FOR QUEEN FROM COMMONWEALTH in for the first time since the coronation of Edward VI the sovereign is to bo invested with or among the most ancient royal emblems at the coronation of Queen in Westminster Abbey London on June T tulips the largest annual public display of in North America are being brought to the attention of Canadians this year through the citys first Canadian Tulip Festival to be held from May to 24 Visitors from far and wide expected to visit the capital to see the unmatched showing seated gifts to the Queen for coronation investment by govern ments of Southern Rhodesia and the British Commonwealth not of Oft of too fa fcilMiiuffonal cmf national It of which cfrofco will be used the ceremony cxlstiiiM which set amid the citys driveways and its public bull wore made for the coronation of Charles 16611 new ornaments are being by the crown and bo of pure gold As the design shows above plain except for two narrow decorative bands of engraving single Tudor rose which will serve as a clasp with red velvet and hallmarked with special corona includes effigy of the Queen The qui and

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