I a FLOYD CORNER MISCELLANEOUS BACKGROUND TO For Queens Robes I IVi i Joseph O Dales a Evenings By ML Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc or Plant phone phones and DOUG A General Torridoil space and Oil Furnace Alt Electrical Household PHONE 151 St MATHEWS STIVER AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries x 2 Box Ontario St Newmarket Mathews M Stiver B Lyons BA I Joseph Vale Mais St Bay St Phones Oat Toronto Oat lames J Wad PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer for Fairbanks Morse By Raymond When the Queen is crowned amid scenes of pomp and splendor in Westminster Abbey on June 2 she will be wearing- a magnificent velvet robe and a satin gown both made from silk spun by tens of thousands of silk worms at Britains only silk farm This unique enterprise is the years when was in result of a womans perseverance Britains front line the determination to revive the ing of silkworms went on Lull- art of sericulture in Britain was in the direct path Lady Hart Dyke has been followed by the German flying fascinated by silkworms since bombs in that year she was a child At an early age doodle she vowed one day to raise them Nazis on a commercial scale After many setbacks and the inevitable mistakes of the pion eer Lady Hart Dyke successfully established her silk farm nearly 20 years ago at her lovely Kent ish home Castle When she embarked on the venture she knew that earlier attempts had ended in failure that year a as one of the secret weapons was known came down not far from the house doing much damage and destroying many of the worms Lady Hart Dyke again showed her spirit The silk worms were in an indescribable mess she sq I lit a fire in the one big undamaged room that re mained and spent the night re moving trays of worms into it I lost a lot of them as the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES KING 111 PHONE AURORA James I imported thousands of mulberry trees from France when he planned to introduce cut them to pieces silkworm rearing into England I Many of the trees were planted on the very spot where now stands Buckingham Palace the great royal home from which the Queen will set forth on Cor- lection from egg to soft strand day This experiment reeled silk can be seen in ail shared the fate of so many of linages at Lullingstone Jamess schemes and proved a failure and slept in the room with them for the remainder of that week in case of accidents The whole process of silk pro s A MILLS Solicitor Notary labile 51 MAIN ST Phone Ml VIOLET MOTUK Conveyancing Insurance St JAMES OTIOH newmarket Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phone 5 Orders taken for Gravel Sand Crushed Stone and General Hauling SOLICITOR ETC MAIN ST NEWMARKET DENTAL DR 0 NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence Dr C VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone CHIROPRACTIC Marian I Hunt DOCTOR OP CHIROPRACTIC Associated Willi Edwin J Hunt 0 Newmarket 1408 barter In Newmarket and DWrirt far WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Stove Oil Fuel Oil Phpne5 timothy St Early in the century seri culture was in fact successfully established in England but the industry was killed by the re duction in import duties on raw silk Nothing daunted Lady Hart Dyke with much advice and practical help from Italian friends managed by to pro duce a considerable quantity of silk at But she had no means of reeling the cocoons so she had to send them to Italy for this process to be carried out This was too costly to make pro duction commercially worth while so she imported a modern reeling machine from Italy Her husband Sir Oliver Hart Dyke who is an engineer as sembled the machine although he had never seen one before in his life The next problem was to find staff to operate the machine This was solved by sending a friend of Lady Dyke to Italy to learn silk reeling That year tones new industry received a crippling blow Six days before spinning time the silkworms Silkworm moths which live about six or seven days each lay between and eggs These eggs are kept through the win ter and when hatching time comes in the spring or early summer they are put into an incubator for ten days When the worms hatch out they are minute creatures covered with black hairs which they lose af ter five or six days As soon as they have hatched out the worms are put to feed on mulberry leaves cut into strips Silkworms are voracious eaters In fact their life consists almost entirely of eating Each worm in its five weeks of life eats about threequarters of an ounce of mulberry leaves In the last week they have to be fed every hour and towards the end of this period they be come restless and their skins be come semitransparent This is a sign they are ready to spin During their growing period the worms have been secreting in their bodies a liquid which is the raw material of the silk This is expelled through the which is in the bot tom lip Coated with natural gum this liquid hardens on con tact with the air Relaxing from the heavy duties of a monarch at the threeday international Olympic horse trials held recently at Badminton Eng land Queen Elizabeth turns to pass a gay comment on the race to her uncle the Duke of Gloucester Behind her Princess Margaret in a solemn contrast to her smiling sister keeps a sharp eye on the eqmne field Millard I Baker Dt DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Office Municipal Building AURORA Moors PHONE AURORA for appointments St W Itoiy PHONE ACCOUNTANT THE VARIETY Of DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS fo such that wo can meet almost any require ment both a to kind and cost We also make memorials to order of every description Hod our work excellent always and our prompt and reasonably priced W and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET URANCE JOHN Confederation Life Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket 1M5 Mount Albert till to die mysteriously One First the worms rig a safety morning they were flourishing Next night about were dead Italian experts diag nosed the trouble They said that the had been hatched too rapidly and this had weak ened them Then they had con tracted some form of poisoning probably due to their haying fed on mulberry leaves which had been inadvertently sprayed with insecticide This is the kind of experience which would have been enough to deter anyone But Hart Dyke persevered until Silk Farm a going concern In the autumn of the farm was asked to produce pounds of raw silk within a fortnight The three girls doing the processing agreed that by two shifts every day of the week including Sunday they could meet the deadline They were delighted to learn later that the silk was for the Royal Coronation robes Later the silk farm supplied the raw silk for the Queens white satin Coronation dress and for the Coronation ro1es of the little princesses All through the difficult war Era and Briar A 5 Hah St raoNKincw NEWMARKET t INSURANCE a ore Arid r re A J GUARANTEED Crown life WRIGHT ALT the coop way Enquire your local coop WSyta SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by Pump Equipment THE SURE WAY Defter Sutton Phone 231 net between pieces of straw in their nest and within this net they spin their cocoons Each worm spins about two miles of silk and takes three days to complete its cocoon The cocoons are left for ten days to ensure that each worm has changed into a chrysalis About five per cent of the chrys alides are allowed to complete the cycle into moth for breeding purposes The remainder which are destined for silk production are baked in an oven for two hours at a temperature of degrees This kills and out the chrysalis The next process is reeling The cocoons arc soaked in boil ing water to soften the natural gum A revolving brush separ ates the thread- and a girl oper ator finds the leading thread each cocoon From the reeling operators the threads pass through glass guides to spindles where they arc wound The last part of the cocoon is fluffed out ami the threads re maining which are too fine for normal reeling are used for making silktweed materials The chrysalides are boiled and crushed in a large mangle the resulting pulp is sold for fishing bait feeding poultry and manu facturing fertilizers The raw silk which has been reeled in tested for broken threads examined for quality laced and packed ready for despatch to the weavers Silk from has been transformed into many beautiful cloths It was incor porated in the train of the Queens wedding dress when she was Princess Elizabeth and now will provide the silk for the Cor onation robes and gown Patience and perseverance I turn mulberry leaves into the silken of queen says an old eastern proverb The pa tience and perseverance of Hart Dyke and her staff at have translated the pro verbial metamorphosis into reality The great Spurgeon wrote the following and we re produce it here for your bless ing Christ A Physician t grim not only finds there is something to strengthen him to walk but he is borne on eagles wings Christ does not merely help him to walk but carries him and says I will bind up your wounds I will come to you myself O poor soul is not this joy for you You have been often told by your minis ter to believe In Christ but you say you cannot You have often been invited to come to Jesus but you feel you cannot come Yes but the best of the gospel is that when a sinner cannot come to Christ Christ can come to him When the poor soul feels that it cannot get near Christ Christ will be sure to draw him Christian if thou are labor ing under deep distress thy Fa ther does not give thee promises and then leave thee The prom ises he has written in the Word he will grave on your heart He will manifest his love to you and lies a poor man he blessed Spirit which has been wounded in battle In like the wind take yonder hospital there is bundle of liniment The is flowing he has lost an arm he has a leg There are plenty at the hospital who can bind up his wounds ami plenty of medi cines for all that he now suffers But what use are they He may lie forlorn on the battle- field and die unfriended unless there is someone to bring the ambulance to carry him to the place he cannot reach it him self He lifts himself up on that one remaining arm but he falls down faint the blood is flowing freely and his strength is ebbing with it Oh then it is not the lini ment he cares for it is not the ointment it is someone who can bring those things to him Ay and if the remedies were all put there by his side it may be he is so faint and sick that he can do nothing for his own relief Now in the Christian religion there is something more than prescriptions for our comfort There is one even the Spirit of truth takes of the things of Jesus and applies them to us Think not that Christ hath mere ly put joys within our reach that we may get for ourselves but He comes and puts the joys inside our hearts 3 Grease 5 Change oil filter Change to summer grade 8 Change differential Inspect mid rotaft tires Check front end Inspect and 12 Adjust clutch Clean 14 Check points and dbhtetor 15 Tune Good until May Labor only materials extra A DODGE DESOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS 131 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE I i I a complete The poor sick wayworn STAN TR0YER Garden Tractor Street North RICHMOND HILL ONT WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL Our New Location ON YONGE STREET MILES A NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL Opposite Summit View PHONE 395 FOR INSURANCE SERVICE GEORGE McCUUOUM Ave Newmarket Out HI m Life BEACH Mr and Mrs King visit- eel Mr anil Mrs King one day Inst week Mr and Mrs Harold and sons of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs and Master Dillte who had been visiting his grandparents for month re turned home with them Mr Archie McKinnon Queens ville visited at Mr and Mrs George Browns a few days Inst week and received old acquaint ances enterprises TIMOTHY ltHS BETHEL Bethel rural church Sunday school anniversary is May 17 at pm The speaker will be Rev Gordon Lapp The music will be conducted by the Baker group Reports have it that No Base Line public school to looking for extra with the attendance Somebody special coming to Trent to a Miracle Whip salad Salads and sandwiches twice with WHIP Salad Thats the and dint combine tho satiny texture of tang of oldfashioned boiled That special Home body will love And no wonder I Miracle Whip lively yet delicate flavour is irresistible Miracle Whip is from secret recipe known only to Kraft It cant bo copied And it it delirious wait a day longer to try this superb salad dressing At your grocers now Sprint Speak Of tiring park on picnics at holi day and all that outdoor living speaks of valuables left unguarded around the house and that situation whispers of burglars ami shouts reminder to rent a Safety Deposit Hot at HANK All of which leaves me a bit out of breath but with tho satisfaction of having delivered some good advice I I speak from experience too- having had my own homo broken into one unhappy springtime Thats when I resolved never to have my precious possessions at the mercy of burglar Again And rather than the risks of vahniblos with mo on my travels I put thorn in a Safety Deposit and leavo my worries in there with them I So why take a tip that you much grief Rent yourself a Safety lk at your neighborhood branch tomorrow Costs less ban two cents a day Good because the sun is shining mid Spring is in the air Youd to go for a walk bat your feet hurling you Well dont let that spoil your enjoyment of Spring Try new BLUEJAY Com Plasters with Thats now medication that gets under your com ami helps push it out from wutvrucnth lilM really new medication for corns and calluses in over seventy yearsl In actual tests went to work faster worked more surely than any other leading remedy So take my with at your counter today FOLLOWING THE TRAILBLAZERS Canadians push back the frontier ing new areas service still follows ioneer Today there are more bank branches to meet the needs of changing they are being used more they are doing more for more people than ever before Since of chattel bank have from to 31 In the put ten alone bank have been opened