ZEPHYR Mr- and Mr I Jean and Keith visited friend in Na- on Sunday Mrs Pro fit who has the winter there returned to her home with The Park Board met in the community on Monday evening to discuss time and events of the annual sports day New electric lights have been installed in the United church Sunday school room Mr and Mrs Geo Parker and Peggy Weston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gal- Eva has gone to spend a few weeks with Mr Fergus and family at Mr Fred Walker had a suc cessful sale last Wednesday and disposed of some of his stock and implements The A- of the United church will hold its April meet in the Sunday school room on Thursday evening April Hostess is Mrs Geo pro gram committee Mrs Har- man Mrs Walker hostesses Annual Sports Day July Preparations for the North Sports Day started on Wednesday April at the North Mem orial arena Keswick naming practically the same committee as last year This years com mittee includes the following Finance committee represent ative of each participating or ganization and council booth games committee Optimist club food and sale goods booths chairman Mrs Alder represent ative of each Institute Sports committee North Gwil Athletic association prizes committee Percy Roy Pollock Doug Conge Clarence Mr Agar con struction committee Gavin Mor ton Jimmy Clark Bernard Rye Vernon Rye Hare ball tournament committee chairman Ken Hare Hare Ted Anderson Edwin Ma- honey Thompson Geo Jones Art King Lucky draw committee Ted John Raymond years old OH Sunday Apr Mrs Mrs John chairman dance com Mrs and Mrs John Rev Mustard of North Broadview United church To ronto will occupy the pulpit at Zephyr church on Sun day evening The Defence Research Board is developing a new type of syn thetic rubber which will retain its flexibility at temperatures as low as degrees Fahrenheit Canada has automobile dealers Gavin Morton Bernard Rye lighting committee Jimmy Clark decorating committee Joel Hopkins and representatives of various beach es Entertainment committee N Doyle chairman publicity and advertising Chairman Roy Pol lock Ted Johnson Pollock Irene Dr System Shell Oil A Pollock Tickets Mr Red- White The executive Includes Chair- year eld an Mon day Apr Danny Webster Mount Dennis years old on Monday Apr Rodney Windsor years old on Monday Apr Dennis Smith New market years old on Monday Apr Jimmy Auro ra years old on Tuesday Apr Douglas Prior years old on Tuesday Apr Janet Hendry New market 13 years old on Tuesday Apr Wallace Sheridan 10 years old on Tues day Apr George David Archibald Hol land Landing years old on Tuesday Apr Grant Taylor Cedar Brae 9 years old on Wednesday Apr MeNelly Zephyr 6 years old on Wednesday Apr Barbara Colleen Smith Newmarket years old on Wed nesday Apr Linda Rose Newmar ket years old on Wednesday Apr Charles Bruce Brandon wishes are this week to man Art Pollock vice man Ted 2nd vicehalr- man treasurer George White and secretary Irene The date for the event has been set for Saturday July and it is expected to be a great success if the same enthusiastic support is received as last year It is hoped that the various beaches will participate as well as the local organizations So far there have been cash donations as prizes for the old est person In attendance the youngest person in attendance and the largest family attending The next meeting scheduled is for Monday May at pm and any interested persons wish ing to help with this endeavour are welcome BIRTHDAY CLUB 1 fc FAREWELL RETURN j Goodbye farewell au in whatever language are never pleasant words but sometimes they have to be said and last Wednesday evening in school house they were said to a young couple whom we are very sorry to lose from our community I refer to Mr and Mrs Roy Harper who with their three boys are moving to London from where Roy will take up his duties as a member of the provin cial police force To us Roy is more than just a friendly mem ber of the community We knew him as a music pupil and mem ber of the orchestra and chorus sharing all the trials and fun of that time Now he is the head of a fam ily and leaving this neighborhood to take up a new life among strangers Doris has been for attended bridge years old on Thursday George Newmarket years old on Friday Apr 17 Audrey Sheridan Newmarket years old on Friday Apr Terry Grant Lake Wilcox yean old on Saturday Apr IB Wendy Ann Newmarket years old on Sat urday Apr Edward Charles Allen New market years old on Satur- Lloyd Sheridan New market years old on Thurs day Apr 23 Gary Franklin years old on Thurs day Apr Marion May Gibson years old on Thursday Apr Send in your name addfess age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club president and her place will be hard to About people gathered in Ridley as accompanist Nancy and Helen Ridley also pleased the audience with two songs Then came the highlights of the evening First represent the Womens Institute your colum nist presented Doris with the tra ditional cup and saucer and a few words of appreciation for her work among us Then the com munity took over Jean Williams read an address which bespoke our sorrow at losing this family from our midst and then asked to accept the gifts brought forward by Max Johnson Walker and McCullough These were a beautiful trilite lamp a large mirror and an elec tric iron also gifts for the boys The recipients thanked the do nors and with For They Are Jolly Good Fellows and God Save the Queen the event of the evening was over and the more common place functions of partaking of refreshments brought the evening to a close We wish Roy and Doris every I BACK HOE t Cellar Trenching ir rf mi ft Jifcjy Gravel Phone BY HOUR OR CONTRA the school house to wish success in their new home and God speed and express their work esteem in various pleasant ways Community singing opened the short program presided over by Mr McMillan Mrs Gordon read a delightful little tale of the past Violin and piano selections were given by Max and Elmer Johnson accompanied by Viola Johnson at the piano and by Harry West with Gladys Return On Tuesday Wednesday Thur sday Friday and Saturday the Newmarket Lions club for the fifth consecutive year staged their minstrel show Unlike other years when as members of the orchestra we were there every night but never saw the show this year we were there one night and did see it The background costumes and lighting were very fine more colorful than ever Mrs at the piano and Miss Goldsmith at the Hammond organ gave good support although I missed the uplift the strings and brass seem to give this type entertain ment Bill piloted tho chorus skilfully and Gene McCaffrey Alan Read Jack Luesby and Dick as end men while Alex Eves as interlocutor and West interrupter especially when he staged a oneman show gave good account of them selves Art Evans in the soft shoe dance and the dancers deserved more applause than they received the night we were there also the quartet Gene Mc Caffrey soloist and Jack a real comedian for no one can deny that Jack Is that The banjo solo by A belonged to minstrel show for banjo is a darkeys instrument and I think that what those who give a minstrel show should real ize is tlint it must In its music Its fun and all its aspects portray the childlike that rose above the sadness of slavery and the pathos underneath if they are to be true to the real min strel show tradition And so for another year the lights out and tho show is over A I COMPUTE PICK UP AND DELIVERY iliiiifi UNITED MOTOR couM b a ffrfMli la your bu I i v According to obtained from ub- Bribed the and considered tobe reliable truck in every single province bought more Chevrolet again In than any other make And year after year popularity proves beyond any question of doubt that Chevrolet and only Chevrolet provides the durability trouble free per- and long life that real to truck users proof of L vantage over other Such preference mm rest on a Arm foundation of sound value And of court ii does as owners of Chevrolet trucks can testify Chevrolet truck are known for their ability hold hauling emit down They known for power for economy as well Iowcom upkeep Ami on these counts you can expect Chevrolet trucks to ho even So before you buy tiny truck sec how much won Chovrotel trucks offer you Slop Jo ico in toon NEWMARKET VETERANS A A I -a- Friday April 24 is the date our next general meeting In vito your wife to part in our social activities An enjoy able evening can be had by all A change of program each month Is anticipated Our bingo chairman Jack Wright something up Ida fur our next bingo Ho decline to confide in anyone You ahouuld attend it may bo worth the effort Cur who have been in I he hospital are homo again one A good idea for any member Is to visit hospital a puck of or 11 you feci It drop a card to who shut in either at home In hospital In near future readers of thin column will bo with meaning of Fund get behind thin project collected from tho of For Is used to assist vet- their dependents and should bo kept on tho same other funds which ore advertised Aft to membership wo have no worry fool a Veteran a If honorably discharg ed Any argument contrary out of the question alt are eli gible Our committee con sisting Chairman Ted Mit chell William and Alf would appre ciate It if anyone knowing of any member or in need would any of throe Hon Ungues Minis ter of VBtorons Affairs has in troduced a hill granting for higher education for children of deceased veterans other persons A question by one of members of par liament was In connection with War Veterans Allowance The reply was that the government wholeheartedly behind rec ommendations mode by the dif ferent veterans organisations Alt of time useful way ihrou Hut like people life they be helping in your ft lo- He may have helped to build fcero through of lift then la bq Mttoa THE UK INSURANCE CO iffwt i