Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Apr 1953, p. 13

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ifj to the church day mor at special music enjoyed given by Mr and Mr Jack Wright Terry Rev and Mrs Mr and Mrs Grant were at home for the Many visited the official open ing of the enlarged and attrac tively store on April Each lady at tending received a gift of per fume Master Martin Lapp Mea- is visiting Miss GOroy Other guest at the home Sunday were Rev Gordon Lapp of Meaford and Mr Don Lapp tod son Tommy of and Mrs Freeman Rye and family of Toronto with guests were at their Keswick Beach cot tage for the Easter weekend- Mr Alfred has been confined to bed with an attack of pleurisy but is improving Mr Mam of at with his mother for Easter SHARON Service in the United church cadi Sunday at am Sun day school at Trie Sharon Womens Institute is sponsoring a progressive euchre in Sharon hall on Tues day at Good prizes will be given and lunch will be served This is our last euchre for this spring St James Anglican church is putting on a Schneider supper at Sharon Hall on April 29 Mr and Mrs ft Donaldson Spent a few days in Ottawa with their son and family Mr and Mrs Torrance Toronto Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Ted Proc tor and baby were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Donald Glover and Beverley spent the weekend with relatives at St Catharines Mr and Mrs Robert Anne and Michael of Marriton were weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Ramsay Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon and children Milton spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Carl Ver non Mr Robert Vernon return ing with them to spend the hol idays Mr J McDonald the Misses Evelyn and Violet McDon ald Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Wright Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso and Cathie Aurora Mr and Mrs Art Toronto and Mr and Mrs Donald Kiteley Aurora were Sunday guests of their parents Mr and Mrs M- Kiteley The Misses and Joan Hardesty spent the weekend with their father in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Weston spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ralph Long after spend ing the winter in Florida Mr and Mrs Dan GDI Janet and Graham visited Mr and Mrs John Henderson at Dixie on Saturday King City And District to SMITH MILLARD King 1 w iV Si in f Your pullets need real growth if they are to be in tiptop shape next fall to produce LARGE EGGS EARLY during the high price season and keep on laying steadily To get real growth the pullets must be fed a good balanced ration It is not good enough to raise pullets just on pasture and grain They will not lay as many eggs during the following year nor will they produce large eggs as early as balancedfed Growing Mash is fully tested under CANADIAN farm conditions It is manufactured locally eliminating freight costs and middleman profits and sold directly to the consumer IN feed SHURGMH NEWMARKET Phone I PERKS FEED Ltd MOUNT ALBERT Phone 5620 T m More than neighbors and friends from Laskay King City Schoraberf and Toronto met at the home of Mr and Mrs Aubrey Campbell on March to enjoy games and dancing before they vacated their farm line to move to King City A cup and saucer was presented to Mrs Campbell by her neighbors and a fartwell address was read to the couple by Mrs Finch On Good Friday the Camp bells gave a supper for the Har vey family Miss Betty daughter of Mr and Mrs Chris Eaton Hall Farm is taking sev eral weeks vacation in England and on the continent She and her friend Miss Doris Atkinson saileji on the Queen Elizabeth on March Miss Betty Climpson principal of Strange school went with friends to see Easter in Wash ington Miss Carol Eversley teacher spent a couple days in Newmarket hospital last week when she suddenly became ill meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Williams on Wednesday April at 230 p m A special speaker and pro gram will be given Mr Herb E Ross won a pen at the Vellore euchre club in Vellore hall on March Wednesday May is the day of the annual meeting of section 3 Toronto West which will be hold at Maple Presbyterian church Mrs Jenkinson Niagara Falls and her daughter Miss Jessie were weekend guests of her son Rev It Jenkinson at the United church parsonage Rev D Mittell took a plane from after the morning service Easter Sunday for California his sister was gravely ill Mrs Bell of King City was bereaved by the recent death of her mother Mrs A Allan who passed away after a months illness on Monday March Mrs Bell had spent considerable time with her mo ther during her illness and was with her at the time of her death Surviving are Mrs Allans hus band daughters Mrs J New Chatham Mrs G Robinson Sault Ste Marie Mrs M Bell and a son Jack Allan at home Funeral service was held on Thursday at the residence fol lowed by a public service in Churchill United church Inter ment was made in line cemetery Mrs Allan was well known here as she had made many friends while visiting her daughter at King Miss Marie Ball who is on the teaching staff at St Josephs hos pital Toronto spent the weekend at the homo of her parents Mr and Mrs James Bali Her sister Nancy who is in St Josephs training school spent Good Friday with her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Boys Whitby Mr and Mrs Fred Boys Oak Ridges visited their mother Mrs William Boys at her home on Sunday Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Greenwood con cession were Mr Greenwoods mother Mrs Martha Greenwood and daughter Mrs Alice Keswick and a brother Fergus Greenwood and his wife Port Hope Mr and Mrs Jack Bice Tor onto were visitors at the home 1 itf I T TwinSystem RefrigeratorFood Freez er Model a new concept refrigeration Two com- units in one 1 a real food freezer a roomy no defrost refrig erator Yes no defrosting an In genious new mechanism not only gives completely automatic defrosting but also provides the lowest average cold ever developed in a cubic feet s SJ MODEL AS of their uncle Ehas Bice on Sun day Attending the opening of the drug store in the last week were Mr and Mrs William Perry Maple parent of J Perry Mr and Mrs Colin Camp- hell parents of Mrs Perry Mr Don Campbell her brother and his wife Weston and Mr and Mrs Ian Cook of Services Well Responded Diversified topics were studied during Holy Week Interchurch services held at King in prepara tion for Easter Sunday They were well attended especially the last service- on Good Friday evening Reverends and Smalley cooperated on each occasion Rev Geary Sutton at the Anglican church stressed the common denominator of the Bible as he sees it at work- He was in Cairo Egypt as secretary of the British Foreign Bible So ciety At the Baptist church Rev J Batkley of the Baptist Board of Evangelism Ontario and Quebec Convention gave an inspiring discourse on ll Burden and Ours- He told of the Order of the Yoke It is not an organization but witness to Christianity by voluntary disci pline adapted from the sugges tions by a Quaker professor El ton of the US Rev Dr Angus who was a missionary in Formosa for years commencing in 1907 told of the island of his adoption where he had preached the length of the land He left the Hebrides Islands retiring from missionary work in Des pite his years he would re turn to beautiful Formosa today to serve again as Pastor as he was known to the Formosan He and Mrs raised two native girls in their home Approve KCA Request Representing King Community Association George Harvey was assured by KC village trustees that representation would be made to King township council for its approval of an option by the KCA on a proposed com munity hall site on St as part of the Gillies subdivision Easier Celebrations Easter Sunday services conduc ted in district churches were the source of inspirational messages by clergy At and Strange Presbyterian churches Rev David spoke Communion was held at when 30 partook of the Supper Presiding elders were M Ross Arthur and Scott Spring flowers en hanced the scene in each church The minister was attired lb a handsome Geneva Gown which was the recent gift of the con gregations of Strange and St Pauls At King United church the message was Life after Death made possible by the Resurrec tion of our Lord Easter lilies were given by Mr and Mrs Har vey Foliiott Mr and Mrs John Dew Mr and Mrs Bruce Hall Mrs Arthur Mr and Mrs James gave baskets of colorful spring flowers Holy Communion was observed at the Anglican church in the morning and Cadot Terry Firth of the Church Army was at the evening service Bethel Baptist congregation heard a special message by Rev and potted Easter lilies were the decoration The interior of the church has been freshly decorated In pastel green United church held an abundance of lilies and baskets of spring flowers The choir sang Crown Him Lord On Friday evening April United and congregation wilt hold a social evening and films will be shown by Carl on Canadian Plowmen in the Old Country Nona da A meeting has been called to arrange for the north bury sports day which is to take place in July The meeting Is to be held in the memorial hall at Keswick on Wednesday evening April 15 at oclock The general public is invited to at tend and help with the plarmlng should belong to the auxiliary How about helping to talk them into it Comrades Aurora are Zone Darts Champions Newmarket came In for the runnerup trophy Our team in the finals was Jack Fisher Captain Bill Ranger Art Newman and Jim Fisher put Up a good effort We must mention our team they had not lost a game until they were beaten in the semifinals by Aur ora That team was captained by Doug Campbell and consisted of MacLeod Ron and Barry In the quarterfinals Barry threw a score of Theres nothing wrong with that Lets go felloes weve got a lot of rGom for the first trophy of this year The whole thing started with eight teams from Newmar ket five from Woodhrldge and one from Aurora Youve got to hand it to the Aurora lone entry Zone elections last night left Harold Eaton as Zone Command Chic as Zone sports officer and Harold Sanderson as Zone secretary Thats a good showing for Branch We must also mention thanks to Larry Needier for the handling of the bus on our trip Have recently acquired the skilled in all pes stone and brick fireplaces chimneys ordinary cement jobs afe Arrangements have been com pleted to bring Bobby and his orchestra in for the Corona tion Dance on June 2 Is of course well known from his experience with the Happy Gang as well as from working with his own hand Wo also hoar that there will quite a fireworks display that night Next Wednesday April Is he next Bingo Jackpot Is See tiie ad under coming events Comrade Walt Groves and his maintenance committee certain ly deserve credit for the work they have been able to accomp lish to date How about giving them hand There is a lot to do yet The Idea is to have the Interior complete for the Corona tion festivities Once speaking of Cor onation Day we are very happy to add that the town council com mittee consisting of Messrs Herb Eddie Wright man and Bob ore cer tainly pitching In on the coop eration on planning and arrang ing things for a big day said a lot about mem bership In the past but- It was mostly about membership in the branch Now we hear that the auxiliary Is making a drive on membership support When you think of have to agree that all member wives I GENTLE BALANCED BRAKE SETS tit no Ik nil Traffic Ma mm FAST Km I tM ra way with a iMfjul mm fir Till Ply Dot most Ford IS Austin Morris KITS mm Lining rivet led to for per you can easily do the rest of the Job AM j l fcAtlDE mm fc Mix Qua 7TT I n tests to BRANDS AT MM A Day wnj but Jftnr Bad Win BtircUtft iiS Job CT MllMMt unit In to quality lfH a of Open Sa evening SEE Our mm until 10 ooM

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