J Steamship Real Estate Insurance WJ HAVE THE BEST CHEF IN TOWNI King Hotel room and snack bar Aurora Bears reached the end of their trail Friday when they dropped a decision to in the arena That loss coupled with two heartbreak losses in pre vious games set up as best of seven semifinal series winners in four straight Those two heart break set backs in which scored in the last fifteen seconds of action took the starch out of Bears for game and they couldnt find the power to stem the tide Friday the Bears saw slip into a lead in round one Only in the second period were the Bears able to interrupt the scoring outburst Trail ing Grand Edwards fielded a pass from and two min utes later Bob rifled a shot from the blue line for the Bears second counter That was all they got as completed their ousting exercise with a four goal uprising in the final period- Gary Long Roy Land and Clare Vasey scoring stars of the series sparked the victors with two goals each Thursday the Bears making their final home appearance died with their boots on as Ing scored in the final see to nail down a win To paraphrase a well worked idiom it was game down to he final whistle A misconduct stretch to Andy Bears steadiest defense performer who queried referee Andy Belimr about an icing call set the stage for to lower the boom for the game winner Roy Land was the Bears killer It was a hard knock to absorb nights play the quite easily have wearing the halo Bears Bob Grant Ed wards and Nobby Ash ri and on the Bears could finished up Centre By March March Newmarket Goderich Newmarket wins OMHA title North York March Newmarket Rich mond Hill Inter Semi Final Mar Aurora Mar Ingersoll Aurora Lake Simeoe Finals Mar 24 Vivian Mount Al- the musical Aaron Bears last Mar King City berg were Bob Senior Semifinals Mar Sutton Mar Sutton 4 Newmarket Mar Town Regents 3 Albert Aurora Town League Finals Mar Ditch Diggers Vic tory Flyers Mar 26 Ditch Diggers Victory Flyers theme for weekend as they dropped third and fourth games to in Aurora and 92 in The home game was a to lose being decided in the last few seconds of play and the Aurora cause wasnt aided by some poor whistletooting from and Booney Irwin Tired facing a finale to pro ceedings in in any event the Bruins couldnt do much before puckhungry star- spangled crew in who were cheered to the echo by j close to fans Ingersoll now will meet ollingwood Shirts who took three straight from Legion It should be a good series and very close knowing the heights to which Eddie Bush can rally a team We pick Colli to repeat They were the last games in junior for some fine performers on the Aurora roster Joey Burke who did a great job in the nets all season move he s ten count over the Flyers season and that goes for Pepper Martin speedy forward and Bill Smith who didnt have a par- J the good year with the Thursday with Bears All three will be additions to the Plans for a Intermed iate hardball year in the -Hub- were given another push along the trail at a recent playerex ecutive meeting One main item emerging from the discussions was that Newmarket will again seek membership in the South Simcoe Baseball League The local branch of the Cana dian Legion as announced pre viously has taken over the sponsorship of the team Com plete uniforms have been order ed for early May delivery Man ager Ted Robinson and Club President Geo Hudson report 28 players have announced theyll be on hand for the first spring trials of the team Club officials also completed arrangements for a draw to raise funds for the purchase of equipment The Newmarket Era April WIN SECOND Mickey Suttons Ditch Diggers rounded up victory two in the Aurora Town League finals when they scored a win over the challenging Victory Flyers Now all the Diggermen have to do tonight Thursday is beat the Flyers again to win the best of five finals in three straight and they become town league S don toll STRIKES AM SPARES Scoring pace setters over the past two weeks in the Thursday Night Ladies league have been Myrtle Marie Bessie Joyce Alice Gibson Fran Bennite Helen Helen Birrell Ruth Penrose Hall Edna McGrath Olive Hughs on 500 SHARON Mr and Welly Mrs Toronto Mrs Bell Alliance At tai spent the weekend with their sister and brothersinlaw Mr and Mrs Mrs Howard Wood Mr and Mr Harold Dixon Joan Barbara and Bobby Ham ilton spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Howard Fife Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilkin Toronto Mr ana Mrs Donald Kiteley Aurora were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Kiteley Mrs May Hopkins and daugh ter of Oshawa visited the form ers mother and brother Mrs McTagUe and Mi Ross Mitchell on Sunday Until the end of the Napol eonic wars ships of the line with siding conalBting of two feet of oak were virtually shot proof with the ineffective can used at that time- ud HEATING Deep and mm ayrtwa PHONE N are buying the Goodyear tire thats letting new everywhere for free mileage A light plane which made a forced landing north of on Sunday was fitted with a new propeller and pilot Bob Wong of Airways Toronto took off down a bumpy sideroad and flew It safely back to the Island Airport Tombs and his wife were flying Sunday and were forcedJlqTmake a precautionary landing The craft glided into a soft field and its nose was burled in the mud Above Bob and Tony Wong fit on the now propeller Below with Bob at the controls the craft speeds down the bumpy The left wing cleared roadside bushes by inches as the plane soared from the road on a cross wind Era and Express Photos too rot squad Bill the burly Pick ering College boy will be out as will be gamecock aided the Aurora cause so well late in the season Artie Barber redhead pivot star a great little playmaker and a favorite with the fans and Williams who played sparkling hockey at times will also be lost to the team What will happen to the rest remains to be seen but theres not too much likelihood of many of the boys moving elsewhere for higher hockey If the boys stay together heres a fine start for a cham pionship Goal Allan Child smart midget goalie Bob Swee ney Bradford on loan to registered to lead the Davk Lea ther keglers Other bracket marksmen were Jim Cullen Burling Wright Bill Cullen 606 Groves Team scoring roundup read Tunney Brown Jordan 2 League standing 113 Jordan Brown April and thereafter on Fridays in- Bruins Winners Of Squirt league Title Frank made it a two championship winning week when his Bruin sextet bumped off Leafs 21 Tuesday to win the Public Schools Squirt League championship Our smallest hookey brigades nut on quite show and went right down to the wire before providing a Keith Burling was the man of hour in the Bruins camp The Bruins fired eyepopping with under two minutes to piny to set the Bruins up as the new champs shot broke stalemate Norm drew the assist credit In ho early Bruins were off the mark first John Hodge belted In early second stanza score Johns helpers wore Keith Burling and Larry Malcolm mil things when he relay Into the lone marker netminders Jack Salter Leafs and Grant gained star I hey stopper down the goal pro duction whiz kids to whisper Bruins J J Watson J Tunney Edwards J Garrett J Parr- ell Burling Jnques Smith Yates Leafs J Salter K Weir P Busnoll Olson J Keffer P Watt Ion berg bantam champions Johnny Gray and possibly Rhodes Defence Andy the teams outstanding perform er sought of course by several clubs Walt Fines interested tis said once his is lifted Bob who should be headed for a big year in 54 and George Dempsey Nobby Ash is also available for the blueline or forward line we understand is not counted in the plans Up front Bobs Cook Stub Joey Gasko Bob Pall is and Bob he may be uni versity bound will qualify Warren Grant Morton Newmarket Murray Chapman rejected by the navy Ron Know and other promising youngsters will be available if the club isnt raided too badly theyll not be too bad to start Karl Lothian Is another young ster who ought to bo able to make the club Big need of the team is playmaking centre a bashing a top win ger and possibly a topflight The club has struggled on without imports in the real sense of the word Players were brought into Aurora and given a Job for the express purpose of playing hockey The munici pality might as well realize that if they want a championship and a consistent winner that has to be done for next year Theres no doubt In my mind that the loss of Walt Fines to the Aurora club in the series was the real reason for tho win First of nil there was the morale effect on the team the change of tempo by shifting from to Inst but not least presence of Fines himself Walt the type of player who would taken much of the steam out of play ers like and his rapid fire six goal effort Tracy collected the other Digger goal and Geo Keroft kicked in with a super special shot blocking effort Bill and Jack were the Flyers King City Wins Semi From One game was played in KingVaughan hockey league roundrobin semifinal series last week That one game turn ed out to be a thriller as Norm Taylors King City Maroons edged the 21 Murray flashed tho light seconds remaining to set up the King City win Ted Toledo Rogers burning up the ice lanes like a three alarm blaze sniped for a first period goal to give King City its win ning start Glen Atkinson punched home counter punch midway through the second period The other team in the round- robin sawoff semifinal winner will tackle Bolton for the league title Ice is so busy at no semifinal games this week re ports league secretary Bill don Wo hope to get going again early next week racked up a to pace the Office Specialty league Other top were Bob and Geo 205 League standing Bovair 40 Burch VandenBcrgh 35 Bennett 24 League has four nights to go Big scoring night In the Town Industrial league as the playoff fun began Heres the top score- men Sid Simmons Frank Newton Eric West Ed Orion Steve Bond John Bob Houston Walt Stick- wood Ernie John Doug Mount Clover Kickers rolled 3418 to lead the pin spillcrs in first night of play off action Office Specialty ran a close second Combines finish ed third Playoff battles con tinue this week Alice Gibson spilled the pins for to pace the Wednesday Afternoon Ladies loop Myrtle Dunn posted Isobel Mabel McIIale 522 Vi Dales League standing Vi Dales Marg Atkinson Mary Fish Helen Taylor 31 WIND UP SEMIS TONIGHT Tonight Thursday the arena will be the gathering spot for all the town league faithfuls as Newmarket Re gents and Mount Albert snare off In the fifth and de ciding game of round Regents dropped the first two tests of the semis to Mount Albert but came off the floor to win the next two and tie the series Game time is pm Series winner will meet Kettleby Combines in the league finals First game of tic finals will be played the arena next Tuesday April at pm Queens lend the Office Spec ialty Ladies league with Dubs have Pinsup 16 Mary registered to pace the individual scorers second was Fran with presentation and recognition as well as any teams in the past a custom that cant be over looked Aurora and district was well advertised throughout On tario by the hockey team Newmarket likewise was fa vorably known by Spitfires and Smoke Rings especially the kids We hope the presenta tions will not bo too long de layed in cither of Twin Towns for the memory of man la shortlived indeed The Bears thrusts from defence had a record over sea- wore of the type calculated to and while were at it how and Sheet Metal ore tied for top spot in Hoffman loop Willi points Press Shop has Machine Shop Scor ing roundup Friday rend Press Machine 2 Sheet Vorclone 2 Harold Andrews posted a nifty to lend scoring Other top notch effort men were Geo Hill Harry Fowler Grant Blight Frank Daniels Don Brown Two weeks to go to complete schedule Anna To Close April Unless something props up in extend the date New market Memorial Arena will close Its doors for the hockey- season on Saturday Apr reports arena manager Stan Smith Before the closing Ante theres a busy schedule of games to keep the hockey filberts interested as the North York Juvenile North York Midget Newmarket and District and Optimists championships have still he decided Sutton too if they can get around Mnrkhnrn will bo playing their OR HA finals here fool Land the elongated centre whs individual star of series with Land is an boy who has ployed his last year in junior and how he failed to stick with Guclph la more than I can figure Fan support of the Aurora kids in playoffa was sad to say least The figures wore never close to and for playoff hockey with long trips abend like and In- you cant run club on less Remember the OHA takes a cut of the gate the referees fes are higher and expenses all along lino mount up with distance We dont know what an swer is in Aurora half of crowd at most games from Bradford and out side of Aurora It just isnt good enough Perhaps tho civic leaders or the Board of Trade JayCees or service clubs answer Wo think the club finished on the right of ledger without allowing any thing for coaching fees or some of the charges the club may have to assume later The players on their seasons efforts deserve a about a hand for executive Dr It returned to office as president but the main burden fell on manager Andy and tho business manager The duo worked tirelessly and In with the players and fans Charlie the warm hearted rotund conch kept har mony in dressing room and usual provided a contender Charlie has a proud record as a conch which wasnt sullied this There arc bettor conches than but none more gentlemanly or likeable Ho had his mental lapses on the bench and to those who watched him closely made his of mistakes Perhaps somebody else could do bettor but for warmth of feeling and club spirit theres none bettor Lefty Phillips Thornton Browning Alf Child Gerry Barker Warden Asa Cook Cam and many more made their own sac rifices over season to keep things going No club can be successful without men like that behind the scenes Tho Spitfires Winners Of Title Stanley Cupping NHL learns featuring their long sud dendeath overtime bouts havent a thing on our School leagues Tuesday the Spitfires and mores doing dying for the School Fee- Woe title battled dramatically through minutes of sudden death overtime and out of the excitement came the Spit fires winners and league champions Spits speed hoy John Hopper automatically became of the small fry when ho lifted Jim feeder pass Into the cage In the minutes of overtimes tlra previous to his vital assist on winner the Spits with two goals Inn Dick was the Spits other Balph Bray John Burgess tallied with Bob Koffer earning a in the helper department Goalies Thornton and Bob Carson Spits gained this fans plaudits for valuable work between the pipes Bill Bono Bills Jack Spits wore opposing conch Winners received J Memorial Trophy in Spitfires B Carson J I Dick Drew Sheridan 1 Hopper Downs J Brown Ah Edwards Vale Thornton v i Western Excavators BACK HOE Fonda Cellars Trenching BULLDOZING Back Filling Driveways Grading SpPfci M T Gravel ii Fill Top Soil f BY HOUR OR CONTRACT f Phone TO ft Complete motors fl A Evlnmde We Invite and i PHONE MAIN ST i tli 3f TEPERMANS have a complete lino of LUMBER wood Come your buys more small light new chkken house 1 a i i nem Efilinton West ad is on any order 2332 ft i seaann In no give a Bray J Iho Apron a credit to old I J P- North York on all champs tot our money on