TINS OX MX 39c JtSk 23c MOTHER PARKERS Orange Pekoe Tea lb 54c a eggs or IOBLAWS A- l 2 ML AT TWO ALL 4 A mucus quality LB fa A Holiday- from the kitchen for Mother WHOLE OR HALF Smoked Hams lb GLAZED AND GARNISHED Buffet Hams lb 85c SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders hock off lb 51c SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Boneless Pork Shoulders lb GRADE A lbs under lb LBS b POULTRY COSTS NO MORE NO HEAD FEET OR INSIDE WASTE IN WHAT YOU BUY ALSO A LIMITED SUPPLY OF CHOICE Predressed Chicken Ducklings ALSO THAT FAMOUS Manitoulin Turkeys SMOKED WHOLE OR EITHER END Boneless Hams lb Idea for frying or broiling smoked Boneless Ham Slices lb 89c Arrow brand smoked rindless Side Bacon 1 lb cello Countryside brand smoked Bacon 1 lb cello 53c FROSTED SEA POODS READY TO COOK Cod Fillets special lb 31c Sole Fillets special Fillets Fillets Smoked Fillers SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE and SAVE on GUARANTEED FOODS OF QUALITY Newmarket Social News A On Wednesday March Mr and Mrs Seymour Andrews celebrated their wedding anniversary Thirtythree members of their family present at a dinner held at the Fire hall auditorium Newmarket Friends and neighbors attended an Open House in the evening Mr and Mrs Andrews have been lifelong residents of East GwillJmhuvy township and Newmarket They retired from farm lite six years ago and reside on Or West They were married 50 years ago at the home of Mrs Andrews parents Mr and Mrs Ernest Giles on the fourth concession of East by the late Elder Dan Prosser lb 57c lb lb lb EASTER I MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY am pm WEDNESDAY am Noon CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY am pm of Easter Winter hats to our way of thinking are a necessity One must wear them for warmth But they certainly lack the gla mor of the gay creations of spring This year milliners have not deserted the cause The re sulting hats will add a glint to every womans eye and not a few questioning furrows to the brows of the bewildered males From the speedy disappear ance of the chocolate goodies and colored eggs from the coun ters of the local stores we would 2 OX ITU 27 dab jW fICIALt 23 22 25 EASTS mm Ai- Flakes 2 CORONATION 35 CfUAM5TH QUEEN JUNE rot IT 2 OX TIMS 25 Oaf Babbitts coupon WW Soap TOW COUPON ROlt TIM CAM 15c MO UTT1 Wool ITS A World By Caroline Ion Easter the joyful season of the Christian church Is come once again to the world In small hamlets and in the largest cities the bells will sound forth the glad tidings calling the people to worship For all who are willing to hear and to accept there is the wondrous mes sage of the resurrected Lord Once again as the churches that spring is here Pastel straw throughout the Christian world hats may top fur coats as well are filled for the beautiful as the heavy cloth ones for services clergymen will pray arc a part of the spring touch for peace and call on Christians to unite in a strong living be lief in their religion as the safe guard against Communism For those who seek a rebirth in faith and a hope resting in the symbol of the new life which is Easter will be found In Newmarket as elsewhere the churches vlll be heavy with the fragrance of Easter flowers Altars be decorated in re strained simplicity or banked in a profusion of blooms as is the custom with each individual church gathering But from them all will ring forth the sound of special Easter music Congregations will join in the celebration of Easter in song as familiar hymns are sung Through practices repeated practices which have never seemed tedious for no one could tire of singing the Joyous Eas ter anthems choirs have pre pared for this day Even the radio programs are atune to Holy Week Various re ligious plays are being present ed Shutinn who will be com pelled to miss their Easter ser vices will be able to enjoy the church services over many radio networks In Newmarket the Ministerial association la holding services tonight in Grace church and to morrow the three hour service will be held at St Pauls church Tuesday and Wednesday even ings similar services were held at Grace church with the vari ous ministers participating For us where Easter and the reawakening of nature come handinhand it is a simple mat ter to interpret the one in terms of the other The miracle of spring is ever wonderful A speaker whom we heard re cently said that if spring only happened once in every five or ten years we would run excur sion trains from the cities to the country so that ail could see and admire this rarity But be cause it is a yearly experience we accept it in Ihe some com placent manner as wo do the many other marvels of coming to life of the dor mant trees return of the birds the bursting into bloom of the tiny snowdrops and cro cuses and the many many other activities of nature which spell spring Bonnets and The bunny and bonnets come in for their shore of attention at this time Old Man Weather may Ikj up to his tricks this coming weekend but its likely that ho wont prevent the appearance of the Easier bonnets The smart now suit may have to wait for more sea sonable weather but a now is a defiant assurance Mrs George Wilkinson Mr and Mrs Harvey Miller Sharon visited last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Everett Miller Mrs Annie spent four days last week in Orangeville the guest of her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Terry Johnston and family Mr and Mrs Arthur Rich ardson spent the weekend at the home of Mr David- Webb Mr and Mrs Harvey moved to Newmarket yesterday and will make their home at 28 Prospect St Mrs is a sister of Mrs Milton Sheridan and Fines SHOWERS HELD FOR PHYLLIS CASEMENT Miss Phyllis Casement Rich mond Hill bride elect of April has boon the guest of honor at several parties recently On Rfarch a miscellaneous show er was held for Miss Casement at the homo of Mrs Hector Ed wards Toronto About guests gathered for a pleasant social evening Fol lowing the opening of the many attractive and useful gifts a salad lunch was served by the hostess Miss Casement was presented with a large hammered alumin ium tray by the guild at St Pauls Anglican church Rich mond Hill and several lovely gifts were presented to Miss Casement when about of her fellow workers in the Income Tax section Department of Na tional Revenue Toronto held a luncheon in her honor Miller is a patient at York County hospital Mr Mil- was admitted on March Oscar Watson returned home on Friday from Sunny- brook hospital Toronto where he has been a patient for the past month Mr Watson is to be up and around once again Mr and Mrs Everett Miller visited Mr and Mrs Mil ler on Sunday Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee and Marilyn visited on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Lees sister Mrs Hector Edwards and Mr Edwards Toronto Mrs Smith moved to Toronto on Wednesday Her new address Is CCS St East Mr and Mrs Frank John ston and Karen were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon Lakeview Mr and Mrs Stewart Dow and son Wayne visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred now Mr and Mrs Leslie Graves and family attended the reception of Mr Graves niece Ruby Rose at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Car man Rose Holt on March 21 Miss Rose became the bride of Lloyd I Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans have returned home after spend ing the winter in Florida Mr and Mrs Matthew Dun can will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Wednes day April and Mrs Fred Leach and John were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Armitage and family Toronto Mrs William Andrewfa the speaker at the Meeting of the Womens circle Christian church New market when it met in the Sun day school room on Thursday March Mrs William presided declples failure was the topic of Mrs Andrews talk Scripture was read by Miss Gladys and Easter hymns were sung Mrs Andrews said that it was by such small groups as the Mission circle meeting here and there that the Gospel was being kept alive today May we rise from the tomb of our dead selves to a new and better life she concluded J the most economical enamel S SCOUTGUIDE MOTHERS The Newmarket Boy Scouts under the leadership of Scout Master Horace will pro vide the program at the regular meeting of the ScoutGuide Mo thers auxiliary on Monday Ap ril pm Robert Martin chairman of the Scout Mens Group committee will address the meeting The meeting will be held In the Scout Hall and mothers of all scouts cubs guides brownies and rovers are invited to attend Light refreshments will be serv ed MARRIAGE HARDING HURST St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket was the scene of a quiet wedding on Sat urday March when Rev J Meredith officiated at the NewiMrkel Uge of Florence Viola Hurst youngsters will wear happy ex pressions on Easter morn The bunny is not likely to forget them Each family has its own cus toms governing these special oc casions These are handed on from one generation to another and are an important part of family living There Is room for Easter bunnies in any young childs life as long as the par ents keep the proper perspective of the significance of this holy season QUEENSVILLE Mo 18 flprlnx ton com time Morrisons TO OUR WAREHOUSE NO Lovely lilies bloom once more To soy that Easters here With all of its glad promise Of happiness and cheer May they be a symbol Of the faith and hope and love That God with all His wisdom Sends us from A happy Easter to all our readers You are cordially Invited to attend special Good Friday ser vices at pm and pm In Baptist church Pastor It will he at Rev and Mrs Rao in afternoon and Rev Rao in the evening Rev and Mrs Rao have served as missionaries in China and Japan The Lang staff male quartet will be sing ing Mr Frank is serv ing on Jury Mr Harry Smith is improving following his unfortunate acci dent when his foot was crushed in a hay baler Mr Fred Andrews was pre sented with pen and pencil set by neighbors prior to bin leaving Mr Fred after working there for years Master David Pilch entertain- several friends at his birthday on Saturday Mr and Mm moved ibis to farm at Mr Murray had his stolen In Toronto on Tues day night but was recovered next morning slightly dam aged Murray would advise you not to leave car koys with a parking station attendant j A party was given Mrs on Saturday night in honor of of her birthday home of Mr and Mrs Dave English The In cluded her family grand- children Mr and Mrs George Rrodorlck and Mr and Mrs George Williams Toronto Mrs presented with a daughter of Mrs Margaret Davis Main St Newmarket and Edward Cve Harding will reside in Newmarket tem porarily before taking up perm anent residence In London The bride who was attended by Mrs Downing Buf falo was dressed in a stunning sand colored gabardine suit with matching hat and wore a corsage of deep red roses Mr Ernest Downing Buffalo was best man Following the reception which was held at the Gray- stones Aurora the and groom left on a motor trip to Florida On their return they London r- t Biducheb often mm wastes remain lhat and jKt nut aoon the time ati the to normal feel belter deep better belief Get Dodda Kkwy HAVE YOU YOUR EASIER ft v iL VISIT HARRYS DRV GOODS i Vll T For mens womans childrens At prices that are reasonable THIS WEEKS V This weekend only Mens lute acetate Nylott for First quality nylons for Full line of mens dress and work clothes Overalls black and blue GjebbootS Jeans work shirts underwear A h The Friendly Store at VJ L il prCl i- J a a i I 2 fci fi iii a a a a I I a a it r i CANADIAN LIMITED Mr Ron Beckett recovering will be of of United church en EielisbiiKk iff I lV i I at you Mate t beautiful can buy Button automatic Interior end deration that keep all food at their FASHION it v gftv x I t- f flr J I W DOWN i I EASY TBRMI 3 I m Xi VI