l ft PINE ORCHARD A rare incident this past week was the discovery of a full grown beaver near the pond at Pine Orchard Evidently it had been killed while crossing the road The game warden was notified He came and removed the beaver There is a beaver dam in the neighborhood Mrs P Wood spent Friday visiting relatives in Toronto Be sure to go to church on Easter Sunday April 5 Service at Union church will be at pm and Sunday school at pm Church of Christ service will be at am We are sorry to learn that Mr Wesley is seriously ill at the time of writing if it J- By CANADIAN SONG BIRD HP Ttf P7 I BGR BIRTi 7 FOR PHOTOGRAPHS I BUDD STUDIO PHONE j ftMJIO N S LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET THE fiREEKS HAVE A WORD FOR IT mean the magic word that teSs a mule to get going It prob ably worked better usual recently when Greek had to transport into the isolated interior roofing mate ri sk needed for the construction of refugee shelter The government purchased tons of alu minum for the purpose and incidentally licked the transporta tion Another nice thing about alu minums lightness is hat a given poundage foes two to times as fir as with other metals It often means that aluminum with all advantages actually costs leas too Aluminum Company of Canada Christians all over the world are living in retrospect through a week more packed with trag edy sorrow human frailty di vine compassion wonder terror and sublimity than was ever be fore or ever will be again com passed in so short a period Beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday one sees just how fickle is a crowd how easily moved from admiration to hatred how quick to forget the thousand deeds of kindness the wonder of I miracles and to change their cry from hosanna to crucify Looking back over the years it is easy for us to condemn those who forsook Him who betrayed Him who judged Him and sent Him to the cross But have we ever thought that we might have been just as frightened about our own safety as the disciples who fled or as Peter who denied Him It is wonderful that they were forgiving and lived to show the world their loyalty and courage j and faithfulness even to death Who are you and I to say what we would have done under simi lar circumstances and we even say we would have proved faith afterwards through the terrors of persecution To me the saddest thing in the whole sad week was the be trayal It is bard to realize that anyone who had lived so close to Jesus could have so little of His nature in them It has been said that Judas never dreamed but that Christ would declare His and seize all power from the Romans and that his remorse was so great when He said that such was not to be that he hanged himself The ugliest of all things was His treatment by the chief priest and the temple authori ties Here was the meanness of greed and avarice the terrible fear that afflicts those with power when they fear it will be taken from them They knew that Jesus fulfilled all that they looked for in a Messiah but they also knew that if He were recognized as Messiah that their power their ability to rob the people to squeeze the last coin from the poor would be gone and their wickedness exposed guilt was to me al ways greater than Pilates Caiapha knew he was sending the Son of God to death he was a Jew Pilate knew nothing of this and his guilt was in con demning an innocent man to death Here again as in the case of the priests love of power was greater than love of justice and these men go down in his tory condemned One wonders how they lived with their own hearts and con sciences There are lots of leg ends about Pilates unhappy ending but of his fellow criminal Caiaphas not so much As we stand beneath the Cross on Good Friday with Mary and John do we wonder If we would have had courage to stand on that first Good Friday But If we had had their courage what a spectacle was there the crowd composed of all nationalities some curious some filled with hatred some vaguely sorrowing Nature rebelling at the awful crime against the Divine thun dered and veiled the sun while on the tree the God man bore the burden of the sins of the world The wonders and the beauty of that troubled three hours came in the words from the Cross His comfort to the dying thief His remem brance of His Mother His for giveness of his enemies His agony of being cut off from His Father by the burden of our sins and then His surrendering of Himself into that Fathers keep ing and the final triumphal shout It is finished It seems to me that Holy Week is a mirror in which we look to see where we would have been on that Good Friday among those who skulked in the back ground or those who stood by the Cross The choice I think is still the same A Queen Passes Many women have made a mark on their times and have lived on through time the wo men of the Bible the reigning queens of history Queen Isa bella of Spain who helped Col umbus Queen Elizabeth who helped make England great And now another Queen has passed away She was not a reigning queen and yet the in fluence of a life lived with a selfless regard for duty and a love for the people over whom first her husband then her son and lastly her granddaughter reigned exerted almost as much influence as if she had held the reigns of power In a strange inexplicable way she was a part of all our lives We thought of her with affection Even her clothes came to be symbolic and I think we would have resented any major changes in what we felt was a part of the woman who wore them She lived her belief in royalty in religion and in family life She bore her griefs with the courage of a strong nature and a simple faith and though she has gone from us there will be a corner our hearts that will be forever Queen Mary CELEB Eightyyear old twins in Jas per Place Alberta Mrs E ONeill and Mrs Louise Moran who were born on Eagle St Newmarket celebrated their birthday on March 11 They were born at White Rose Cottage Eagle St Newmarket on March 11 to the late Mr and Mrs David They were believed to be the first twins bom in Newmarket- Friends and neighbors brought gifts to Mrs whose maiden name was Marie Gleeson and the first callers to see the new arrivals were Miss Emily Roe daughter of the town bank er and Miss Louise daughter of Dr the town physician So they were christen ed Emily and Louise The twins are first cousins of Doyle Newmarket K lit LI ANSNORVELD Mr Ralph Windsor is visiting Mr and Mrs A for a few days Rev C Witt Trenton conduc ted the service at the Christian Reform church here on Sunday The Good Friday evening serv ice will be held at pm Intended for last week Mr B DcJong Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs P and family Hamilton and Mr and Mrs A Klemm Toronto visi ted Mr and Mrs A on Sunday Mr Fred J Havinga Weston was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs T Rev Ark Holl and Heights Mich conducted the services at the Christian Re form church here mm 1V ft i I- BROWNHILL With the coming of spring a number of former residents have returned for short visits Mr and Mrs Michael and daughter Angela were back to the old homestead Mrs King also visited old neighbors Mr who has been seriously ill was visited by his son from Detroit Mr Harvey was home Sat urday and Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert Reynolds and Mr and Mrs Smith visit ed Brown Hill Sunday March 15 Mr and Mrs Harvey were the guests of Mr and Mrs Bour- deman last Sunday Mr and Mrs Croutel and boys visited the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Rye Sunday March 22 Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Andrew Thompson- MAPLE HILL Palm service were in Maple Hill Baptist church last Sunday A duet by Joy and Knight was enjoyed Easier services will be held next Sunday at the usual time Sunday school is at oclock and worship service at Anniversary services will be held on Sunday May The young people attended Grace church in Newmarket Friday night to see the picture Behold The Man This week the meeting will be held at Mr Gordon Kennedys home on day night Miss Margaret To ronto visited friends here on Wednesday and taught the Eas ter flannelgraph story to the school children Mrs H ONeill left and Mis Louise Moran Jasper Place Alberta celebrated their birthday on March In Jasper Place Emily and Louise they were born in Newmarket daughters of the late Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs and Bruce spent Sunday at Is lington with Mr and Mrs Em met Mr and Mrs spent Sunday at the home of Mr- and Mrs Robertson Long Branch Mr Stanley Barradell spent the weekend at where he took three of his reg istered Shorthorn heifers which were selected by the Shorthorn Breeders association to be soldi there on Monday at the Short horn auction sale HOLD SPRING TEA AND SALE APRIL A spring tea and bake sale are planned by the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary for Wednesday April The affair will be held in the Fireball Au ditorium Newmarket with tea being served from 3 to pm Besides the sale of home bak ing there will be a bazaar booth featuring childrens clothing The drew will be held for the dressed doll which is on display in the local stores Proceeds from the tea sale and draw will be used by the auxiliary for York County hospital SHARON The Good Friday service will be- held in St James church Sharon on Friday April 3 at oclock and Easter services will be conducted on Sunday at 11 oclock with holy communion EASTER FLAY Members of the Womens Mis sion Circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket have been invited to attend an Easter play sponsored by the Womens Mis Circle Aurora Baptist church It will be held on Mon day April pm in the Au rora church w News Of The WI HOLLAND LANDING The Holland Landing Home and School held its regular meet ing on Monday March 30 Miss Barnes principal of the King George school Newmarket was guest speaker and gave a very interesting talk on What the Teachers Expect of the Parents Mrs G Slugg was soloist and was accompanied by Mrs Jacques at the piano Mrs J and Mrs Goodwin gave a on Palm Sunday and the Easter story Refreshments were served Its spring top coat time at Morrisons school on Friday night when Snowball branch held Family Night The program opened with a sing song lead by Mrs C with Mrs Copson at the piano Solos were given by Mrs Clifton dancing by Linda Mrs Carson and Mrs A ac companied by Mrs Chum Black all of Kettleby entertained the group with several iove songs Mrs Bob Cain conducted two contests and also read a num ber of humorous want ads Mr Cockburn agricultural repre sentative was then introduced by Mrs Reddlck He showed films that delighted everyone Several of his pictures were tak en In King township and sur rounding districts After the president Mrs Pat rick thanked Mr and all those taking part the Mit chell family supplied music for a real square dance Lunch was served during Intermission A bean guessing contest was won by Mrs A consolation by Dale News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately A good number braved the write a poem Twentynine rain to be present at Snowball members were present and seven During the business period Mrs Weltho and Mrs Har per were appointed a committee to go to hall to talk over plans for the celebration of Coronation day Money was given towards the York scholar ship Program was in charge of the convener of agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Roger Caldwell gave a paper on herbs Most of the herbs originally came from the Balkans but many can be grown in the kit chen garden such as parsley mint sage rosemary garlic dill etc Herbs may be frozen and used at any time Pick in the cool of the morning when the dew is on the ground Thirtythree competed in the homemade paper hat project Mrs Earle Toole won the prize Judges were Mrs A J Carson Mrs Trevor Mr Robert Stephenson Mrs Couse Mrs Ridley read Mrs at the Telephone Mm Albert Ridley and Nancy played a lovely duet The branch met at the home of Mrs on Wednesday evening March An interesting paper on Friend ship was given by Mrs War- low and a solo by Mrs A The district president Mrs Baycroft spoke on the A W Gifts were sent to needy families Hostesses were Mrs Mrs Jones Mrs P Mrs The next meeting will be held on the evening of April at the home of Mrs J 249 Value famine walnut veneers plate glass mirrors Solid ends and plank tops made by such skilled craftsmen as Mea- Kaufman and Montmagny Wo simply must have space or such values possible Also included at the same low price is springfilled and ribbon steel bed spring a really superlative value for those who want something i free As this offer is only made to room for more new merchandise which to withdraw as sufficient space becomes available Snowball branch held their meeting Wednesday March 25 the home of Mrs Owen Meting opened with the presi dent Mrs Patrick in the chair Roll call was My favorite cold remedy Donations were voted to Aurora rest room New market rest room Expenses for school first aid kit were paid Six tickets were to the branch for the Aug at Leaf Gardens Centre York district directors report informed the members the district annual will be on May branch will take two pieces of old china for a display Two min utes silence was observed in re spect to Dowager Queen Mary who passed away on March The Lords Prayer was repeated The program was in charge of the health convener Mrs a skit by Mrs and Mrs Cain paper on how td avoid colds Mrs and a St Patricks contest conducted by Mrs Cain was won by Mrs Col lins Miss Margaret gave a delightful solo Mrs Browne gave a study of the Health Unit Mrs Clifton sang a nolo Refreshments were served April meet ing will bo at the homo of Frank Williams The branch met at the home of Mr Albert Ridley on Tuesday March with president Mr Roy Harper in the chair Motto It much difnlty to till the loll a to The March meeting of Zephyr branch was held on Tuesday March 17 The meeting was opened by the president Sev eral you notes were reed from sick members Twenty members answered the roll call There were visitors present It was decided to buy and present a clock for the new school Last years directors were appointed as a nominating committee Mr Pickering wel comed ladies and Mrs took charge of the program opening with several Irish tunes Mrs gave a reading entitled The Oy- Mrs Kennedy read a pa per on Unity in the Commun ity which was theme of their program Mrs Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Oliver favored the group with a piano trio follow by a reading by Mrs A humorous poem was given by Mrs Smalloy Tho program closed with another se lection from the trio and a con test Zephyr ladles served a lovely St Patricks tea Fine Orchard branch will meet at the homo of Roe on Wednesday afternoon April fl Committee conveners re minded to have their annual re ports prepared There will bo election of officers and annual reports will be presented meeting will bo in charge of Agriculture and Ca nadian Industries committee with Mrs Rao McCluro convener Roll call A Canadian made article paper on Mechanized Farming The Mount Albert branch will meet at the home of Mrs Ben Heigh Hostesses are Mrs Mrs Walsh and Mrs Snyder Roll call is Pay your Fee The program com mittee is Mrs Harrison A report of the standing committee and election of officer will place at this meeting TRIPLE FULL LENGTH SOLES VALUE i r can find The Top Calf Udmt Stock for Canadian feet full torn calf shoes are 6ood Value at How know youll come to the best value on Price