Pages from the Editors Notebook 4- For a long time we have bad the impression that get a lot of fun out of life Having spent some time there we found that although they eem to be easygoing happy people most westerners are also hard working and was the only centre in the community now known as Jasper Place Some easterners do not un derstand westerners We must admit we are a bit puzzled about some of these reported goingson in Jasper place We have been reading a re cent copy of a small weekly newspaper the Citizen of Jasper Place Alberta We were amused at the touches of west ern humor in the articles in the Citizen and a feature col umn about local personalities caught our eye column headed I Saw This Week left us wondering what was meant to be between the lines- Here are a few items Trevor Self prominent Jas per Place member of the Lions club entering his car loaded with a quart of milk and two bottles of pop Jack Trace on the water wagon going eastward on Stony Plain Road Dr planning a large acreage of hops for his district estate Gordon the Citizen Cat pursuing a dog four times his size at a rapid pace eastward on the north sidewalk of Browne in conversa tion with a customer and re calling the days when his From the Files of Elected representatives become involved in embarrass ing difficulties before the pub lic eye through no fault of their own Although innocent they may be accused of making some personal gain through office In one distant small a reeve was the lunate victim of such criticism PAGE TWO A few electors even indicated that they would start an un seating procedure The reeve in question recently elected had been deputy fire chief of the municipalitys voluntary brigade and at the towns re quest supplied storage for the fire truck and equipment in his garage for a small rental The few electors interpreted this as political gain It appears that an elected representative must be careful whether he is holding insur ance on public buildings as one elected person did in Newmar ket or renting his garage to the fire department It seems that an elected man must be very careful about his personal business at by fro Subscription for on- azotic Singh or- of Cfajs A of Canada Canadian Association end tba Audit of Circulations Authorlzad as Second Class Mail Post Ottawa JOHN Worn W Catnips By Ginger Era Published OH lAWRENCl and THE EDIT OR I PM THURSDAY THE SECOND DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE MOURN DEATH OF QUEEN Queen Mary death is mourned throughout Canada and the British Commonwealth won the respect of her people by her dignity and devotion to duty Des cribed as the last royal link with the Victorian Era the granddaughter of King George III was brought up in the traditions of royalty There is a generation now grown up which scarce ly remembers Queen Mary as Queen Consort Older generations hold a closer affection for her There are many living Canadians who will recall seeing her on a royal tour of Canada and the Empire by the Duke and Duchess of York in 1901 and 50 Years Ago MARCH Miss Clifford of who sang so beautifully in the United church last Sunday ev ening spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs Ed She was accompanied by her mo ther Miss Hope Morgan and Miss Fannie Morgan daughters of the late Judge Morgan former ly of Newmarket who have been spending the winter in Bermuda expect to return to Toronto in April Fred Murray one of the high school boys who played with the junior hockey team which won such distinction the past season was presented with a beautiful fountain pen by the students as a mark of their ap preciation of Jus efforts Miss Mary repre sented Newmarket high school in the Star oratorical contest at Richmond Hill last week but lost out in the last round to a Port Credit girl by a small margin We will look for bet ter success next time Mr and Mrs Manning entertained a few gentlemen at dinner on Saturday in honor of Rev J Cochrane who was their guest while in town over the weekend Dr J Boyd motored a par ty of friends to Toronto last Saturday afternoon to hear Harry Lauder the great Scotch vocalist Mr and Mrs Mickle of Gra- spent the weekend with their Mrs Howard Cane Miss Morning of Toronto was calling on friends in town last Friday Mrs Traviss left on Thursday to spend a month with friends in the city Rev J Cochrane was en tertained at dinner with a few friends at the King George ho tel on Sunday evening Mrs McCIymont spent days in Toronto with her daughter APRIL Mr Foster of having rented the store vacated by Mr A will open on April a first class boot and shoe store together with a complete line of school supplies and stationery Mr Foster is a Newmarket boy and should do well A good deal of complaint is made by our citizens about the quality of lumber that is being used for sidewalk repairs and not without reason Some of the lumber appears to have had a severe attack of dry rot The price is high enough dear knows for firstclass material and our town fathers investigate the matter Mrs Melvin Jones of Toronto is in town this week owing to the serious illness of her mo ther Mrs Irwin who is over years of age Mr and Mrs Foster of Bar rie will move to town about May and reside on Victoria Ave Mrs Fosters mother Mrs Wilkin will also return to town Mr formerly with the Sovereign Bank has leased the editors summer cot tage at the lake for the coming season and also the residence now occupied by him on the return of the family after the holidays Mr Joseph of left with his family on Tuesday for T Mrs Garrett of Bradford is spending a couple of days at the home Mr Jack son Mr Frank Kavanagh who is attending college in Toronto spent Friday night with cousin Mr J Cane Mr Herbert- Wright of visited the editor and at the Bowery while in town a couple of lays last week Prof of Berlin was the guest of Mr Isaac Rose for tea last Saturday They were school boys together in Mount Albert A YOUNG VOICE HAILS AN OLD EVENT itet lilies this boy presents a It bo duplicated all oyer Canada on Easter Sunday be united as one to hail the But those of every generation were aware of the example she set as Queen Mother She inspired the love of every member of the Royal family The consort of a king the mother of two kings and the grandmother of the reigning Queen she set an example not only for royalty but for her people as well The last wish of Dowager Queen Mary was that death should not delay the Coronation of her grand daughter Queen Elizabeth The mourning peoples of the Commonwealth were prepared to heed her com mand A proclamation was made that there would be one month of mourning for the Queen Mary NEED TO CLEAN HOUSE The Newmarket council will set the 1953 mill rate at a special meeting this afternoon It might well be expected that there will be an increase in taxes- as a result Last years rate was 61 mills Committees have been working away to cut down their years es timates in every possible way It was rumored that when committees started the job this year of cutting down estimates the mill rate would have been over Newmarkets mill rate will not be affected this year by the formation of a metropolitan area but it is reasonable to expect that next years county levy will be higher Unless changes are made in proposed fin ancial arrangements for the reduced county of York levies on municipalities will be considerably higher to boost Newmarkets local tax rate It has been a number of years since Newmarket has had a complete reassessment There has been no discussion about a reassessment of the town in the regular meetings of town council The future indicates that municipal costs will swing upwards Eventually there will be a new sewage disposal plant built here There have been warnings from the department of health for years and council itself has admitted to the necessity of its construction The Main St project must be paid fon County costs will go up rather than down It would seem that the time has come for New market to clean house again and put its assessment in order on an equalized efficient basis LAKE SIMCOE POLICE The problem of policing the districts around the south east shores of take has been a difficult one for more than one lake shore municipality The village of Sutton and townships of North and Georgia have been discussing the possibilities of a threemunicipality police commission Changes in the Ontario police act which would provide grants to such a police commission would en able the three municipalities to operate a more effi cient police force together at little or no extra cost The reeves of the municipalities recently agreed to the idea that the desirable arrangement would be a six- man permanent force with four extra men in sum mer During the summer months the area contains people North has a permanent population of about 1500 but a summer population almost five times that figure It would seem obvious that two men under the present system could not look after all troubles in the crowded holiday areas where human behavior is not always at its best Members of North council have turned against the idea of a police commission for throe municipalities Whether this is a final deci sion on the part of council or not it is not known It is hoped that the three municipalities will come to agreement and ensure the best protection for the porm- residents and the summer residents of the lake area EASTER As Easter comes again we find the world still busy beating its ploughshares into guns tanks airplanes and other weapons of war Eight years after World War It the world is still restless there is no peace nor in the foreseeable future can we hope to find the peace which Christ hoped two thousand years ago would per meate the hearts of His people The Cross which Christ found heavy has not lightened with the years Jesus faced the Cross with a faith that made the symbol of defeat a symbol of triumph This is the faith that challenged a civilization in disintegration to build up a newer and finer civilization and to make that faith dominant from the new day which dawned with the Resurrection of our Lord men through faith became aware of forces working towards the creation of a better world a deeper instinct to spir itual needs and a newer conception of their relation ship to God and to their fellow men This is the faith which challenges the world today The faith that we can do away with war and poverty and disease must take possession of us before we can move into a world set free from these ancient scourges says an eminent divine Quite unlike our feverish feats and restless anxieties and shortsighted plans is the calm expectation the confident hope the coura geous adventure inspired by such a Christian faith It is evident in a rapidly changing world that racial hatreds industrial strifes international wars religions controversies cannot go on much further Nor can we much longer survive conditions brought about by fear and greed We must either rise above them or be submerged Wherein has man failed over the two thousand years since the light of the Resurrection morn flooded the world We know his eyes have strayed from the light Instead of haying the shadows fall behind him lie has turned and mingled with the shadows and through the powers of darkness the world is becoming a perilous place and all because man has not kept faith The remedy is so simple just intelligence and fidelity to the teachings of Jesus Nothing stands in the way except the obstacles we have either put in the way or permitted to remain there Few of us appre ciate the possible splendor of the human life at its best and few of us seem to believe that the best is within the reach of the ordinary At this Eastertide let us rcdedicate ourselves to the cause of Christ let us turn again towards the light that will lead the world from the dangerous path it is travelling that a long and lasting peace may again return to the world NATIONAL PLAN Swift Current Sun Eventually some system of national health insur ance will doubtless be inaugurated it doesnt much matter which political side is in power in Canada At present opposition forces in Ottawa have been pressing maybe with election aforethought on the govern ment to get cracking Rut anyone with common sense will realize that any scheme of such vast magnitude cannot be initiated without a tremendous amount of research and exploration The natural resources of this country are appar ently unlimited but the active resources for immediate use have their limitations as has the ability of the people themselves to make it possible There lias never yet been discovered a formula for any gov ernment providing sendees which are not in the final analysis paid for by the people themselves This must be borne in mind when assessing any governmental commitments on so vast a scale The health and hospital in Saskatchewan are a good example Undeniably social advances theso plans were conceived to do moet good for the least money but in actual practice it was discovered through trial and error that theory is not always backed up by the economic results The health and hospital cost mora to operate anticipated and costs have been rising The people naturally have to pay the in crease So it might bo with a national health plan only the effects one way or another would bo on the greatly enlarged scale The federal government would bo unwise to jump into this national health insurance demand without a great deal of exploratory research political pressure being exerted But the government would be wiao to initiate the groundwork to properly assess the kind of scheme which will bo in the best interests of Canada The boss gave Slim BUggtaj an assignment last week and am telling you relation be the boss and Slim have never been so close to the breaking point they were this time It all cam about when the womens editor was at a meet ing of the My Kitchen and My Country First association An urgent call came from a very important subscriber and oc casional contributor that th0 annual meeting of the Womens Literary and Community Bet terment society was in progress and there was no on there representing the press It seems to me said Mrs Kay secretary that you never miss the head line stories but dont care at all about our organization This is the second occasion this has happened The same thing oc curred in was listen ing over the extension line to the desk phone Oh but we do care about your organization Mrs words and I am sure It is im portant to our readers yes very important the boss gushed Weil theres no reporter here and I consider it a per effrontery Mrs Kay words Hows that I didnt quite hear said the boss Effrontery cried Mrs Kay No said the boss Theres one thing this news paper doesnt stand for Its strictly against our policy Ill send someone out in the of fice car right away he said Unfortunately for our estab lishment was the only person who was not madly busy with most important work He was sprawled over the perforating machine in the back shop sound asleep So it that Slim attended the annual meeting of the Wo mens Literary and Commun ity Betterment nan porter apy back at the office next morning ft half hour before the womens page was to be locked up and aent to press Hurry up give copy the boss Ha clutched at writing and started to pencil through copy He stiffened Then froze in horror Then be gan chewing the paper into bits He seized a ruler and shouted to throw in the pic ture of that champion Jersey twiceaday milking which drawled a com positor Its marked on the back Suzette But- Pinemist the Third a pure bred Oh yas I know the one Sue said the compositor Yes yes Sue Sue Put Sue in place of the annual report the boss breathed And the press rolled Later without being seen I pulled the of Slims shredded copy from the waste- basket and pieced together part of the first page it There was lots of spring hats in the ring for the Wo mens Literary and Community Betterment society elections yesterday Yes sir where you finds politics in the rough it began long strong arm of the Civic Aware ness committee took a severe beating balloting by Miss who has always controlled society votes through her being agent for Beauty ProduU Ltd hands down Yes sir the weakness of democracy is unhappily in this example of political string pulling when you see this sort of I couldnt piece the rest to gether Six Inches by Dairy Farmer Every once in a while some thing happens in town or around town that makes us feel warm and happy about the neighborhood We will frank ly admit that we have been critical about people happen ings and organizations We have felt that it is our duty to be this way as long as we are sure that our criticism is warranted and we suppose every person writing a column seedier or later will consider himself a sort of unsolicited conscience of the community We have too much pomp ous hypocrisy too many awards for services not rendered and too much selfseeking publicity and selfappointed guidance to We said what we hoped that it make people less smug and satisfied and more thought ful Our motto was that it is better to show up a hundred false pretenses than let one slip we were impressed with Monday nights skating carni val by an Of interested people in town It made us think what a good place Newmarket is and it kept us thinking of all the other groups of people doing their daily jobs and having time to spare to work for the com munity and for the happiness of others The service clubs work and raise money to make this town a better place for young and old and of the bantam hockey team many started skating and playing hockey under the spon sorship of one of these The town band resplendent in their uniform add to the color and the sound of all town fes tivities The newly organized nursery school just beginning to render the service that is so important to many a parent Our fire department an or ganization to he proud of with their devotion to duty con tributes to the safety of every one Our dramatic club has brought fame and entertain ment to this town The hospi tal rnaks us feel secure and toward it we feel a personal Our newspaper is a winner of awards and a source of information with an edi torial page is known well beyond the limits of the town We mention only the agricultural zinc the enumeration of ail the farm ac tivities centered around the of fice of the Rep would take a separate column Let us just say that the Newmarket Agri cultural office is the model of all other offices in the province and its meetings and seed fair and bacon show are events of the year Sometimes we wish that those who are keeping to themselves and turn thumb down on anything homegrown would see what life can be in part of the world where the almighty interference of the all powerful state casts a shadow over everybodys life the sour isolation people live in the lack of initiative for improve ments of the lot of the com munity and the rigid system of social casts that stifle them This part of the country is nice to live in because some people made it that way We hope that it will continue to bo like this The car nival certainly is a very en couraging sign MANITOBA REMEMBERS WITH Him not of tfofo infrinanmnt an their right In not function of fho to effraction of on stopover Coulter of Winnipeg presented a cheque for fe honorary secretary of the Canadian Flood Relief fund to Manitobas whtrftutloni Iff remembers said Manitoba division Thei hat she has boon given y coming in every day reolallnn by the people of Manitoba for when their province floodedii l