wv Apia victim of Hie Ides of March wafer thats As cold as starch AND HEATING MA WT- ST PAULS GUILD PRESENTS GIFT TO MRS INEZ SPENCE A presentation of a wrist watch was made to Mrs Inez Spence on Tuesday March by the Chancel Guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket when the group met in the parish haiL Mrs Spence has been the guilds president for over years Succeeding her in that office is Mrs Bert who presided at the wellattended meeting The guild met to plan the Easter decorations for the church In making the presentation Rev J Rhodes rector paid tribute to the many years of ser vice Mrs had given to her church Active not only in the Chancel Guild Mrs Spence is a member of the choir the Ladies Aid the Womens asso ciation and the Parochial Guild Her father J Fuller was present for the occasion Inscribed on the watch was Inez St Pauls Chancel Guild Easter 1953 Following the presentation a delicious lunch was served and a social halfhour enjoyed by the members UNWANTED INTO CASH USE CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING MRS WARD SPEAKS Know In Its Teaching Staff GRAND OPENING OF OUR ENLARGED STORE I 7 A mil for each lady and a chance to win a really lovely SET Squanto Deborah Kerrs pooch went to the Studio with her every day during the filming of Techni color picture Prisoner of Zenda And every time the still photographer appeared Squanto was all set with his most engaging pose The film opens for a three day run at the Theatre TUESDAY APR p KESWICK PA ONE CENT SALE APR 16 Bacon Show GwilL Wins Flood Find Your Comity Another most successful Seed and Bacon Show was staged on March by the farmers of York County under the sponsorship of the Soil and Crop Improvement Association with the of the Hog Producers As sociation A record number of entries I ilii fc THE SAFEST TIRE ON EARTH 1 TIRK and Yon if or yea buy RIBGRIPPER 00 I YEAR GUARANTEE AS LOW AS TIRE YOU PAY 16609 m SAVINGS 2285 and the usual full house of visi tors together with a well bal anced program and variety of classes made this years fair most outstanding Keen bid ding for the lots of registered oats and barley brought the top price of per bus in barley and 250 for oats Including tlie farmers show ing in the Bacon Show thex was a total of exhibitors The competing in the crop section included new exhibitors and in all had exhibits Keenest competition was in spring grain with showing early oats and in the class for a bale of first- cut hay There was a total of lots of excellent quality hay in the show The red clover class was the largest in many years The A special prizes for first year were won by Murray Bradford and Stewart Rumble Richmond Hill Included in the highest prize winners in the larger classes were Frank and Ted Marritf Keswick Farms J M Weston Eugene Lemon Stouff- Earl Edwards The judges were T Toronto Gray and Jones OAC There was a full compliment of eight township exhibits of groups of three carcasses in the Bacon Show and for a second time East Gwilllmbury won the premium honors This was per haps the first time that all spe cial prizes went to one township with the championship for Indi vidual carcass going to Mor ris the Reserve Championship to Cry derman The qual ity of the carcasses unfortunate ly was not up to last years standard The special prizes by the York County Hog Producers Association for the two best township exhibits went to East and King followed by Georgina and North In the Junior Farmers Seed Judging competition there were contestants and the top hon ors for the Eaton trophies were announced by Assistant Ag- Representative Pearson as follows Nelson Bu chanan Unionville Angus Mor ton King Duncan Watson The top award in the bushel Husking Corn club was present ed by to Har rison Slicter of In the afternoon following the discussion of the bacon carcasses and outline of the Advanced Registry Policy for Swine by Mr Stewart of Canada Livestock Production Services President Carl Boy ton of Wood- bridge called on P Watson Ontario Livestock Commissioner who gave a most comprehensive outline of the livestock outlook Prefacing his remarks with a re view of the history of recent years he gave the farmers a few glimpses of what the live stock outlook might well suggest Like studying the weather pat- tonus of the past are of assist In forecasting for the fu ture AT HOME Mr and Mrs Evans of will be at home to friends and neighbors from 3 to and from to af ternoon and evening on day April it being the anniversary of their In addressing the Newmarket Home and School association at its March 24 meeting Mrs Helen Ward spoke on the sub ject Teachers Are Your Busi ness The schools in Ontario belong to people but they only fulfill their duty if they serve the needs of the people said Mrs Ward Does the public know what demands it should make of edu cation The government is elected by the people to carry out the ideas the people want Therefore the people the teach ers the parents and the boards of education must know what it wants We complain if some thing goes wrong Our interest must go beyond that We say that we believe in equality of opportunity in educa tion for all children regardless of their race creed or social sta tus We believe that but do we carry it out in practice For the best results we must sit down in a cooperative effort the parents teachers and boards of education discuss educa tion We must have a back ground on which to build We must be familiar with the phil osophy of education and know the status the place each group must fill in this triangle of co operation Parents must know what is behind a teacher parents supply the pro duct to be educated the children At one time the schools were very close to the community Tradition entered into it and each parent could decide what his child needed He decided what the teacher should teach where she should teach it and who she would be As the country grew so did the schools As industry increased followed by the period of na tional depression the school gradually took over many of the jobs which had formerly been the homes responsibility Thinking of the people changed from a personal inter est and responsibility in the schools to the the schools do it They become con cerned only when something went wrong The pendulum had swung to the other side Now the teachers wore asked to de cide on the curriculum It wasnt long before they realized that they needed the parents in this picture of education Thats where we are today The two groups coming closer together and between them developing a unified cooperative background for the education of the child ren SHARON United church service will be held at the church on Easter Sunday at am Sunday school at am Everyone is welcome at these services The monthly meeting of St James Anglican will be held at the home of Mrs Kiteley at on Wednes day April The Womans Association of the United church will be held at the hoc of Donaldson on Apr All the ladles are welcome The lunch committee is Mm Ken neth Shaw Mrs Crone and Mrs Storey Between 1820 and more than alien immigrants landed in the UA member teachers Federation has a benefit fund to assist a teacher when she finds herself in an emergency There are the sick benefit fund a form of health insurance the goodwill fund which provides little extras for exchange teachers from other countries who are in Canada the professional services fund on which a teacher can draw if it is necessary for her to take legal action Every teacher has the right to apply for a board of reference if a board dismisses her without sufficient reason Mrs- Ward referred to a recent court case where the teacher was brought into court for hav ing strapped a boy The magis trate upheld the teachers right in that instance and said that the courtroom was no place to correct children It wasnt a court matter but one that should have been settled between the parent and teacher co-operative- ly Such situations illustrate the great need for better parent- teacher relationships The federation with the trustees council The council representing the boards of edu cation in the province and the federation speaking for the teachers meet to discuss mutual problems In further development of the in teacher Mrs Ward spoke on cooperation between teacher and board as well as the parent- teacher and federationtrustee council matters A teacher- board relations committee can discuss many more topics than salaries They can discuss mu tual affairs and education in the community as well as their prob lems The c stands for child as well For without him there need be no school system And finally c can mean criticism Everyone expects some but as long as it is constructive criti cism no teacher will complain Parents should remember that teachers are people The stands for happiness The best teachers are the happy ones The teachers who know that they have the boards and parents cooperation who are receiving good salaries in towns where reasonable pension funds have been established they will be the teachers who do the best job can also stand for the occupational hazard of teaching nerves There probably isnt one parent here who hasnt felt at sometime that if they had to handle children theyd go crazy Sometimes nerves tire and Farmers CANADA Is now cucumbers for the 1953 season J I i High prices for cucumbers this year and there are SPECIAL ARRANGEMErWifELIVEl GOOD PRICES For your contract or for more information about this PROFITABLE Phone Newmarket nerves lire ana In importance give out When that happens to and work of the Teachers Mrs Ward who is the secretary for women in Ontario said that at first these groups were volun tary Each teacher is a better one If she can consult others From this need for exchange of ideas came the organized groups There is one for the men teachers of the elementary schools another for the male secondary school teachers a fed eration for the separate school teachers as well as the Women Teachers federation within On tario In federation Mrs Word said that they like to think of teacher as meaning tteacher training efficiency equal pay for equal work and experience a- child community coopen and criticism h- and hazards Under the Mrs Ward spoke on teacher training One year of normal is what Is required to teach school but federation ex pects and encourages teachers to go on from there and to take ad ditional courses Teachers have a very strict code of ethics It is a grave er ror if teacher breaks her con tract with a board When this happens the incident is reported to the Teachers federation and an investigation is conducted If it is found that the teacher was wrong a penalty will be placed on her which could include the suspension of her licence for a certain time The federation is in a similar position to suggest investigation if a board breaks a contract with a teacher When talking of equal pay for equal work at federation said Mrs Ward We remind our teachers that It implies equal responsibility as well Although law In Ontario it Is still not ac cepted In all quarters yet Mrs Ward told us of the many forms In which the federation is able to give assistance to its your teacher be sympathetic and understanding The department of education is very concerned with the mental health of teach ers A board should be alert to its teachers state of health It should give a sick leave as a preventative rather than wait until one Is required The V in teacher stands for regard Where do you place the teaching profession From the children of today teachers build the citizens of tomorrow What wo want are the kind of men and women who can think for themselves who able and willing to take a place of leadership in our country FEATURING MUSIC ON THE aid PIAN Fun J l TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE from all Lions Club members Reserved plan now 1 A OPEN AT BESTS DRUG STORE Newmarket i Build vour summer 1 mile South of Choice lots x per ft and River and subdivision lots J All lots have boat river Apply BROS Ken or Joe Keswick Its spring top coat time at Morrisons SOI