vf AWARD v Kings Kings title How mt mi sUsOrs We mt problem to Mr Mr Grant already the the Rises dote it and added his to foe flew a messages- Then be came throw offer which got as off the bonk and oar and a pleasure Send them all down players coach Manager mascot and sponsor Theyll be Rosy Theatre and at intermission well introduce the new champs he said Thank yon well do just that Its Gorman Smoke Ring at the Rosy Theatre Tuesday April to CONTINUOUS FROM FROM MATINEE SATURDAY AT pjn raws APRKI44 A Sports Editorial This issue of the paper carries several stories in connection with the Ontario championship which has been brought to town by the bantam Smoke Rings hockey teanu- There is no great need to dwell at length on the prowess of our young victors They proved that point on the ice lanes of this province carrying through to the title without a single loss as they in turn before meeting spilled 18 2 Port Hope and Parry Sound The team contains many outstanding players but even of greater importance it is made up of a group of boys who have learned to obey instructions and to work as a unit for the victory they sought Their conduct and sportsmanship on and off the ice brought credit to Newmarket In these busy times there are not too many grown ups who are willing to devote the unending time which minor sports demand from a coachs standpoint In Frank Newmarket has that rare type of individual Perhaps Francis feels that his reward is ample as the boys who play for him acknowledge with youthful enthusiasm his role in gaining for Newmarket its first OMHA crown The parents and other adult members of this community are grateful for the job he is doing for the youngsters and hope he will keep light on doing it At the same time it is also fitting that thanks should go to Peter Gorman who sponsored the team and pro vided them with transportation and sweaters for their North York League activity which set the stage for a successful bid at the title It is also fitting that Bill for words of thanks for his cooperation at the Aurora end and to that worthy and imposing list of car drivers who provided transportation for the longer jaunts in the play- downs and last but not least to Cliff Gunn who gener ously donated his refereeing services for all OMHA games previous to the final series with AMUL AM SPORTS CALENDAR Apr 8 Newmarket arena and District semifinals and fane Mount Albert X Aurora Town finals 3rd Diners Victory area York boefcer Oman 1st gnaw A- Newmarket mist Apr arena Newmarket and ho tkey league finals 1st tune Newmarket or Mount Albert Martha How close can you get to being beaten and then win Better ask Ellis and his Sutton Greenshirts Alter last Thurs days ORHA game the beat in overtime they should be experts on the subject Trailing all the way it was at the end of the second the returned to good standing with everyone north of the Aurora sidroad when they roared back to tie It with nine seconds to go Dont go away theres more of this narrow squeak business The teams went into overtime and with ID seconds remaining the Green- shirts broke the tie and won it Now you can have your choice of stars Maybe you like Johnny It was Johnny who punctured the defense for that vital seconds to go ty ing goal Perhaps you prefer to swing along with Geo Judge It was Georges goal with 19 seconds of overtime re maining that won it And of course you might make Bill Brett an honorable mention man for the goal that tied it up in the third period In the case of If born and it was their second goal of the game Rock steady de fense man Keith Dunn was the other Sutton scorer and he also furnished big league protection for goalie Bill Holder Might mention too that Skip Taylor and Ralph Griffith came in for valuable assist points Bun and Ernie kicked in with a pair of goals each to spark and Bob scored the Markies other goal Next game in this very hot series will be aired locally on Monday next April 6 at pm Beefpacking on a large scale In Eastern Canada began with establishment of an abattoir in Toronto In STRIKES AND SPARES Phyl Mclnnis pencilled games for a total to lead the Monday Night Ladies league Other top ranking scor ers were Joyce Pearl 571 Alice Gibson Alice Rose Pat Duncan Dean Flo Camp bell Scoring Monday was Speed Balls Tugs 1 Happy Gang Mlgs 1 League standing Tugs 81 Happy Gang Pecwees Speed Balls i SETTLE and Bruin will scrap for the Opti mist NHL crown at the arena tomorrow Friday night and it previous games in the set are indication tomorrow contest should be a thriller The game is scheduled to get underway at chimes lead the best of three in games while game two was M Don Warner coached Bruins hope to even matters in tomorrow nights game and fore into another game Hasketts HASH m George i CARTOONS COMEDIES mis A a A k -J- HEY KIDS All Cartoon Comedy Matinee Tuesday April 2 pm Tom and Stooges Donald Duck Laurel Hardy Casper Terry and lots more THREE CHEERS AND A TIGER WE WIN CONGRATULATIONS GORMAN SMOKE RINGS AND COACH FRANK WHAT AN EASTER PRESENT THE BANTAM B CHAMPIONSHIP Took a Ian time to do it but there you have it Doff your Easter bonneta folks to these lads They were great in that win at You tan be proud of them BRADFORD THURSDAY TO SATURDAY In Technicolor r John Marrow SECOND MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY Wave at a Wac WWW FEATURE The bantams conducted selves on and off the true champions not only created Hub hockey history but judging from the wide publicity great series With wag one of the greatest if not the greatest in annals of the Never before has a minor hockey final attract ed so much attention across province We happened to pick up London Stratford and ogham papers in our travels to and it was headline news Teams too in their skatlngshootlng duel Saturday attracted fans to the arena lasts a new attendance record for minor hockey The other games in the series drew WO and a total of cus tomers- Who said minor hockey wasnt a drawing card It re minds us that manager Nip Whetstone brought up a good point in his mike stint Weve harped on the subject ourselves Heres how he put it There here tonight Where were you during Dec Jan and Feb Kids have been playing this kind of hockey all winter but to an empty rink The same ap plies here Hope youll tuck that away in your bonnets for future reference next season to Smoke Kings beat a great The went down with their colors flying I fathered from my conversations that the Huron thought Newmarket turn in the league and this who believes ho speaks for everyone connect with the Rings can say the feeling Is mutual Never have we run across a greater band of sportsmen They treated the Smoke end their drivers royally on both visits At the conclusion of Satur days game the boys sat down to another feed of sandwiches cake and ice cream Right smack In middle of wee a Iff suitably inscribed Bantam Champa IMS Incidentally speaking WfBt you produced two Ontario champs our own Smoke Rings and Doug lions A third North York craw Walton reached the midget finals Not bad for a tint year league mentioned this fact Tory Mr Sport Western Ontario This para gathered from what Mr Gregg says Western Ontario started from Just same small beginning and now its the most powerful affiliated league in and Ontario Baseball Asso ciation on Big Series Townsfolk strong gave the Rings a royal welcome home During our trips to Wes tern Ontario we hud the pleasure of gassing with Tom and appeared on one of his night ly sports broadcasts captain Lome and team sponsor Peter Gorman also hail a mike Inning and yours truly have a date to make a return viait Thomas will have to take out insurance against losing his sponsor if we make the grade The Smoke Rings were told will branch out into the banquet presentation league this week Itll bo a trip to tonight for the St game Sponsor Fetor Gorman has al ready ordered wimibreakers and the Theatre is having the hoys in Aft April Couldnt have happened to a nicer bunch of boys Wo under stand unofficially of course the Town Fathers are going to give champ due recognition They certainly deserve lb They brought the Hub a great deal of favorable publicity across the province Contract rumps Drains Clean and Repair 1952 Very low mileage fully in ev ery respect Local car COACH This is your to buy high Wgf wtr in at a groat saving- Another equipped age throughout d V age car Perfect in way Heal excellent SED