i ftliaraiY QUALITY BEEF -r- AN SHORT IRST 5 RIBS Mae 1 J J 9 Choice Removed lb- lb b IDEAL POT ROASTLEAN TEMPTING y f WEEKEND lb Plot Leon for tool lb YOUR EAsra nun J cohtw AVAIUtU IN Alt JOY THE BEST YOUR COUNTRY STYLE lack Baca Centre Cult or Slices lb FROSTED SEA FOODS TO COO Newmarket Social Mr and Mrs Frank Nelson Baldwin visited Mr and Mrs Wallace on Sunday Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee visited in on Sunday the guests of Mrs Lees sister Jones and her mother Mrs- Ross Weese Dr and Mrs Mills and family Weston were din ner guests on Saturday of Mr and Mrs Allan Mills Mr and Mrs Norman Park and family and Mrs G Cum ber visited Mr and Mrs Sidney Smith on Sunday- Donald is attending Eastern college Wollaston Mass The Central Ontario Drama League executive entertained on stage following the final per formance of the CODL festival at Hart House on Saturday As a member of the executive Mrs J Bowman was one of the hostesses Mr and Mrs Allan Mills entertained at dinner on Satur day March 21 in honor of Mr and Mrs Albert Mills on the oc casion of the latter couples wed ding anniversary Twentyone members of the Mr and Mrs Wallace Bassett Business and Professional Wo- and Mr and Mrs Frank Nelson mens club Newmarket attend ed the play I Found April starring Constance Bennett at the Royal Alex Toronto on Fri day Mr A Gray Eagle St and Mr Albert Mills attended the funeral service held for Charles Watt at Bond Head on Sunday afternoon Mrs Bud spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Cecil Woods and Mr and Mrs Bert Donald Brice plans to ar rive home on Saturday to spend his Easter holidays with his par- Baldwin attended the funeral service held at on Sunday for John Moore Members of the Newmarket Dramatic club who attended the festival of the Central Ontario Drama League held at Hart House Toronto last week in cluded Mr and Mrs Nick Mr and Mrs John Kudelka Mr and Mrs Frank Turner Mr and Mrs M H Mc- Mrs Jack Hamilton Mrs Stephens Mrs Doug las Brown Mrs George Case Alice Mrs B Sinclair Misses Joyce Both well and Aud rey and Mrs J W Bow- By Caroline Ion This week Canadians in common with the other countries in the Commonwealth of Nations are saddened by the death of the royal grandmother Queen Mary Many when hearing of her prolonged illness feared for this grand old lady that her strength would not be equal to the task of recovery The sadness is softened by the fact that death came not un timely as it did for her sons the late King George VI and the Duke of Kent A third son pre deceased her Death came after a full life of service and achieve ment Even in her eighties Queen Mary maintained a busy sched ule This sense of duty is shown in her final requests that no change be made in the Corona tion plans for her granddaugh ter Queen Elizabeth Her quiet dignity and serenity of spirit endeared her to all Tragedy the nonrespecter of class or age wag a close com panion of hers on several occa sions Her first betrothed died could be passed on to council in proper manner At the conclusion of the meeting which had been pack ed in anticipation of fireworks the association gained a number of new members and a great many people were much better informed Something that struck me forcibly was to listen to one taxpayer ask if the gen eral public was allowed to at tend town council meetings That is an example of the re grettable lack of knowledge pre valent among too great a per centage of the public The object of a ratepayers as sociation can be states as To promote the interest of the Mr and Mrs Arthur man suddenly Death came as the P tudy of his rtiioctc problems and cooperative action toward their solution I certainly stole the show the other day when I told my friend the secret of my whitest in the neighbourhood Just wish Bide through the rinse I and out of the blue cornea the whitest wash Blue little and such a big difference K News Of the WV News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately Mount Albert branch held its March meeting at the home of Mrs Rate with an attend ance of The president Mrs D Stiver was in the chair Mrs Case read several letters of ap preciation for cards sent to the sick and from the Farm Forum for use of cards at the flood re lief party The school committee was ap pointed to look after the penny roundup The nominating committee will be Mrs Ken Mitchell Mrs Mrs Dike and Mrs Snider The program committee Mrs Rolling and Mrs Ken Mit chell then took charge of the meeting Mrs Mitchell gave a I reading and conducted a ques tion box on Institute work in the Sharon hall on Wednesday April at pm Members please note the change of place Roll call current events per taining to agriculture Program committee Mrs K Evans and Mrs Weddel election of offic ers and reports of standing com mittees Refreshment committee is Mrs Ward Mrs and Mrs Walker The Newmarket branch wel comed to its March meeting the members of the Queensville Institute who provided a most enjoyable program Mrs Campbell presided In charge of the program were Mrs Warren and Mrs Irwin of the group Current events were given by Mrs Pear son and community singing was uninvited guests to the family circle But perhaps the most difficult task for her as for any mother would the family break the friction misunder standing and separation which were the byproducts of the ab dication These she met and had to meet not as a queen hot as a royal personage but as a human being as the mother and wife Never forgetting her responsi bilities Queen Mary set an ex ample of courage and loyalty which all of us would do well to copy Era and Ex Brine Speaker for the afternoon was led by Mrs Thompson Mrs our bank manager Mr G Snider Mr Snider gave an in formative talk on banking pro Mrs thanked Mr Snider for a fine talk and for all the time he had taken to pre pare if A social half hour was enjoyed by all Union branch will meet at the home of Mrs Willard Cry- derman on Thursday April at pm Motto The rose is red the violet blue your Institute fees have just come due So pay them now dont wait till when the rose and violet bloom again Roll call Suggestions for this years program Renewal of membership election of officers program committee Mrs Wil- burn Beckett Mrs Walter Rose Mrs David English hostesses Mrs Woodward Mrs Glover Mrs Lome Mahoney Mrs A Warren gave several readings Mrs Chapman demonstrated textile painting and Mrs Hough ton gave a brief talk on her work in India when she and her husband were there as mission aries Several contests were in cluded in the program The Country Women of the World will meet in Canada this year Canada Day at the Maple Leaf Gardens will be August 21 and tickets are available for the afternoon and evening sessions on that day members of the Institute are urge to attend if possible Further particulars are available from Mrs Charles Near and reservations must be made early The March meeting of the Sharon branch was held in the Sharon school house with members present Roll call was well answered with a verse from an old school reader A solo was given by Mrs Lee and David Vanstone played a piano solo The school girls rendered several songs The contest was enjoyed all Refreshments were served by the hostesses The April meeting will he held ST PAULS CHURCH PAROCHIAL GUILD With the organization of a ratepayers association being planned and the inaugural meet ing set for next Tuesday March 31 some excerpts from ad dress by Mayor J made at the annual convention of the Ontario Mu nicipal association are quoted Mr Carmichael spoke on the topic Why is a ratepayers as sociation needed and once form ed has It value An informed ratepayers as sociation which means in turn an informed public makes it easier for a council to best serve tile community as a whole If you have an informed ratepay ers association it will look after the rabble rousers a group each municipality seems to have made up of a dangerous few Whose only aim seems to be to spread false rumors dissensions and misunderstanding On a ratepayers association you will get men who cannot spare the time to serve on the communitys elective bodies but whose occasional advice should prove of value and definite worth to these bodies After all with the problems facing all municipalities today and the tremendous costs Involv ed no council made up of six councillors and a mayor should lie fearful of results or so confi dent In their ability that they cannot accept considered ad vice Referring to specific munici pal association the Ratepayers association Mr said It was a bit diffi cult to get organization The Parochial Guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket met on Tuesday March at way Now that it has been home of Mrs Ray Mrs George presided The sum of was voted to the wardens for the local church To the Chancel guild the group voted for the Eas ter flowers A report on the St Patricks tea and bake sale was given At the close of the business a social time was spent and re freshments were served by Mrs Sturgess assisted by Mrs John joint hostess formed a constitution drawn up and regular meetings held the attendance and paidup mem bership has increased steadily At one meeting the councillors and mayor were invited to at tend They are asked to give the membership soma idea of he multitude of jobs handled a municipal council An of ficial of a certain organization in town suggested through the press that all ratepayers attend the meeting and criticize the I council for the way it was deal ing with Its problems As it turned out the meeting did my heart good Those who might possibly have wrecked the association learned what it was all about At each attempt to bring up strictly political mat- tors they were Informed by the chairman that the invited guests the mayor and council were there to define their duties The chairman informed the few wouldbe trouble misers that ho would not permit these guests to he put on spot He then told meeting that if anyone wished to join association at its regular meeting they could do ho and air their problems af ter which constructive criticism mm Modem Drugs Save Your Life and Honey One of lifes thriftiest is your prescription because few purchases today represent than proscription Modern drills your physician prescribes so of fee live that pun pit live lontfor and tt well fas tor than over This mount nursing and medical costs lowered In these days of inflation wo thought that you would like to know that your prescription Is still an outstanding value would welcome opportunity to help you to better health You will find our prescription service ade quate to every need Main St Newmarket Phone PLANS UNDERWAY FOR LILAC TEA Finns were made for a Lilac ten by the Junior Evening aux iliary Trinity United church Newmarket when group met on Tuesday March of Mrs Donald Mrs Hicks pre sided Tho devotional period was con dueled by Mrs Mervyn and her group theme wan study of the church In Angola Miss Helen McCabo guest instrumentalist The sot for tea wna Friday May Don ald was named or general convener At the close of session a social halfhour follow The were Carson Robinson Mrs John Mrs Bruce mont Mm Robert Peters Mrs Robert it t J McCaffreys flowers Main St vrf mm J Why LAUNDERING Eight pound for each pound All piece est