rt- pint phones and Oil All Electrical St PLUMBING HEATING Contractor ft OAK RIDGES raoNc Ul ATOOBA i AJjrff COALJCOKEW 1 Phone Orders taken for Gravel Sand tod Stone and General Hauling Dordrecht Holland March Sir Maybe you are somewhat surprised to receive tiiis letter from Holland I will clear up the matter I am a reader of your news paper which I get at times from my best friend Mr King St Mount Albert In the edi tion of Feb 1953 my attention was caught by Dutch rubric and it was very interesting to read a pretty good Dutch in paper You asked your Dutch readers if they are interested in this weekly rubric in the Dutch lan guage and in connection to this I am convinced of the fact that it is very pleasant for you even to hear an enthusiastic sound from Holland Notwithstanding I am of opinion that for all DutchCanadians the best will be to participate in Canadian life in every respect I can imagine and I also experienced that they are extra pleased to get some messages in the wellknown language of their mother coun try In order to help you in your sympathetic efforts to create a lively Dutch rubric I will write from time to time some lines for this rubric about things and events which might be interest ing for your Dutch readers If you accept my proposition you can place the following article in Dutch This article gives some further details about the terrible disaster in Holland and it pays our thanks for all sympathy and enormous help we got Please will you be so kind to let me know what you think about this Gert Louis Dordrecht Holland fee Newmarket WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS Gasoline Motor Oil Oil Fuel Oil ML i rt i Although it had been de cided to abandon the idea of a Dutch language column in the Era and Express because some Canadians thought it would not help newcomers to adjust them selves to a new way of Die we publish here what has been sent by a reader in Hol land The reader in Hol land has taken the trouble to prepare this article and we feel that this bit of news in Dutch will not discourage new Canadians from learn ing Editor I die tijd over over- stromingsramp in Holland wereld is in hoe by in Holland is begrijpen dat velen van tyd tussen en vooral by het van die hoe la nog is Artn vrodrt- land met in- warden ruim reeds te en of riet van reeds reeds vele en in we de ramp ik self van verachrikkingen ben Contrary to some opinions of residents and others around lake I maintain that on plan and the amended plan the Salvation Army camp on the that the only consent given was for semiprivate roads in that the adjoining farm had been granted a right of way to Lake Simcoe even before the first plan was registered- This farm owner helped make and maintain Sim Street for a number of years and it was agreed that the south end of Simcoe Street was always to be left open The township council passed a special resolution that these roads should be opened as private roads and the Judges order opened them as private roads as Street and Albert Street were the nearest exits to a public high way for the owners who refused consent to a private road and there was no alternate road right of way The judges order the south end of and Albert Streets adjoining the Blvd and omitted ft road north of the Road as this part was never dedicated On the amended registered plan there appears the affidavit of two owners stating that they repre sent all the owners According to this affidavit the amended plan is very much ille gal and should never have been registered when some owners re fused their consent Providing the judges order is legally applied in all respects I want the status of these roads just that way and opened adjoin ing the Blvd No public road can be closed or given away to private interests to the centre line unless an alter nate road is given for the better ment or advantage of the Public Regarding the signs posted on the These do not read to SEE ON VISIT IN APRIL The board of will be hosts to between bd representatives from institutions from all over Ontario on April when they visit the new girls residence in Newmar ket Two special buses will bring welfare workers and interested citizens to Newmarket from To ronto where they will be at tending the conference and an nual meeting of the Ontario as sociation of institutions for children and youth Miss Isabel Allen director of Sunnyside childrens home in Kingston and president of the association said that each year the conference committee ar ranges visits to outstanding in stitutions Last year they visit ed Sacred Heart childrens vil lage in Scarboro and the Sal vation Army childrens home in East York In addition to this year the group will visit York Cottage in Private however they should to correspond with the large private road sign on the south side of the road My policy is and always has been free access to Lake Simcoe for all the public however when owners join together to conspire to defeat the general public of their free right to drive through these roads to the lake they in turn deserve to be restricted Regarding signs fences and hedges and all obstruction for ft on the road these should be removed in conform ity with the Smalley Survey providing it is held legal by some high court order The most difficult title to dis pute is the deeded owners Im provement expense and care es pecially trees planted on the These owners get title or part title the same as the township by doing or making improvements to the road Stanley Property On Marsh Toronto of land which they already own Master of Titles recently decided by virtue of the records of the that a controversial piece of land at Roches Point legally be longed to the owner of a sum mer estate who had purchased it with the rest of his property According to Mr he could find no evidence that the owners acquiring of legal title to his land could be affected by the existence of a public high way Objections were raised by residents of North Gwillimbury several weeks ago when a pro perty owner at Roches sought to obtain legal title to part of his land The reasons for objections were based on the assumption that the land involved was a legal rightofway for an old road which was said to have been laid out in the early part of the nineteenth century fol lowing the Smalley survey W Marsh master of titles at Toronto de cided that Mr Smith who owns the property at Roches Point should be granted to bring his land into the Land Titles Office Township residents had thought that a precedent might have been set on policy concern ing the road Some interests believed that the old Smalley road should be made public again In a statement to the Era and Express the master of Mr said The investi gation which I conducted into the title of Mr and Mrs Smith satisfied me that they were the owners of the land in question and subject to the publication of the notice I was prepared to ac cept their application objection which was re ceived claimed that the grant ing of an Absolute Title to Mr and Mrs Smith In Land Titles registry office would depriv ing the residents of North limbury of the right of access to the shores of Lake Simcoe The rules to which I have al ready referred provide that where an objection is made it is my duty to fix an appointment to hear such objection and make a decision accordingly An ap peal from my decision would fie to the Supreme Court You may recall that at the hearing it was not denied that Mr and Mr Smith owned the property but that the substance of the objection was based upon what is known as the Survey No evi dence was produced to show the exact position of the road laid out by such survey but it was proved that so far as Lot Concession Township of North I was concerned the road did not give access to the shores of Lake Simcoe Fur ther evidence was produced which showed that at some time in the past parts of the said road had been regularly closed and are arranging a other had been opened in Coronation Pilgrimage parade This is really a standout Try to No doubt all our celved their monthly letters We hope each one remember the contents We also they act the date March time at the Dugout We hope our readers will accept one apology for the ab sence of our column last week was overcrowded with work forgot Its all right this time dont let such important matter slip again Our bingo chairman Jack Wright was very pleated with the attendance at our last binge although it was on Friday the Seeing black walk ing under ladders mean a thing Ask Jack If your dues are in arrears Win Blight will be glad to ac cept or you can pay As a matter of fact any member will issue you your yearly card Arrangements are under way for our Memorial Day parade on Sunday June Another date to remember is June Niagara Falls and Niagara lieu thereof In addition there was produced an Order of the High Court of Justice made in which declared that the land lying immediately to the west of the land in this applica tion was not subject to any pub lic highway In view of this evidence and of the fact that no objection was made thereto it was clear that the objection to the application could not be sustained and ac cordingly I have made an order that Mr and Mrs Smiths appli cation be granted In view of the publicity which has been given this mat ter I have felt compelled to ex plain the position in some de tail be there Remember June Is our day GIBBONS i i LOCAL LONG MOVING AND CRAVING UN J I MODftt to from In ft treat for Laurestiiw tad Mm MEAT mod NIW aura iodiiMual than lOMOfft Cakftalaa yon that bit li of PonihKa rOOTACl la as flMicb as of the Vf fL a j u CCiOtXim with fabrics la the ear color M striae greet T 51 111 v ii i4 Ufa vj sis3es ft a VT tit- an Cawialty j au I nt By is net en like reeds het van het water weer By in Holland tot dankbear- en in Canada door fami ne vriendschaps verbbonden en werkelijke steun verleend die was HIervoor van har- dank en mllde En vol- hoop U lets kunnen vertellen over telplannen en vorderlngen Contractor Tanks ftnCTACMAR on jam better than ever you the power ye want want It where you want it ftretly reduces unpleasant beet car Key sul petition for It lag- cuostcoumAt lock aad 1 A ctMibUity HILL With Automatic reduces revolutions la for more go on A ha aalaaarad Into MM far coaafdrt all way I MAUI for a Druma afajf MW v W- A a f- 2H rfS J ttjcr 3i HV fe si lis i l f a