is By lie A mm Of Msvms life is an exacting task for those who under take Rat if who choose it have good reasons for so and do not deviate from principles it can satisfactions as well as disappointments Some in life are destroyed by forces which they Others destroy themselves of the latter prices Perhaps the could J V case of late lord held tr some their ttte British Questioned in regard to of the British in South Africa ids temper and said Darrrt the consequences expression to his public career and fee people finally lost in him- Years fotsr he confessed to a relation that he had th4 words fee used We arete taken utterly by sur prise at the vicious attack Mayor launched against our at the last meeting of council local man ever received greater support in a than that are gave to Dr Rose That fce should repay our loyalty by an unwarranted personal attack astonished us We did to deserve it In time think he will regret his trash outbreak We have never courted the reavers nor fawned on We are not made that If our bitterest enemy were doing a good job in public we say so Perhaps if we did a bit more nose-div- and used some flattery we might thought better of by some people who have abused ox That sort of thing Just isnt in oar line Perhaps if we had joined the boys at coffee at Dans cafe af ter each meeting of council wed have made a favorable hit Per haps not Thats not our way If we axe to write disinterestedly public affairs in Aurora we must remain free to do so We axe not unsociable but we hope we are tactful One councillor tote us some time back that he didnt his coffee with Mr Picking of the Banner tell ing them what they should and should not have done at the council meeting From what we have beard then say Mr pugnacious propensity for diving semipublic as well as public attain From what he and to achieve a seat at bead table of whatever organ ization be attends even when fee pays tor hi own dinner He has the same means of an swering us if he chooses as we have of saying that in such mat ters we are not nearly so pachy dermatous as Mr Picking ap pears to be Our nerves He nearer to the epidermis Inci dentally e would to know whether or not he played any part in what we suggested be a frameop attack and vote at the last meeting of the town council He is to ubiquitous that the thought has not escaped even our simple mind We have heard that life a crook ed labyrinth and daily lost In its obliquity Is the town saving money by having printing done by the Banner Publishing company We know one tradesman in town who paid for work done by that company Our charge for the same work was An- r nd said he was at our Agent For Era Classified Ads J The RexaH Drug Store News- OS Founded save money by getting competitive prices for printing work Newspapers Picking up a newspaper which we thought the Aurora Banner we found it was the Tombstone Epitaph Tomb stone is a city in Cochise coun ty USA The is its local weekly and has been in publication for years It claims to ha one the most widely circulated news- papers in America It is a four- page wellprinted and newspaper and bears no resemblance to its mournful title We note that a Canadian by name Peter has given pleasure by a letter he has written in praise of Tombstone which is described by those who know it as a very beautiful city We had never heard of Tomb stone until we saw the news paper Whoever gave it its name years ago- had we think a keen sense of sardonic humor From it we turned to a copy of The Varsity and on its forum page where some bel low others we read of what a contributor calls the supine phlegmatic insensible colorless and dispassionate men at universities today This un- appears to have what it takes to make a good town council reporter Finally we did get through to the Aurora Banner where we found that Mayor Rose had stolen show among the headlines on its front page We wonder if Dr Rose feels proud of his damned trash plastered in large type at the top of the page Ourselves we feel sorry for him The Banner made the utmost use of him for circulation purposes A Good Among those nominated tor the Aurora Floodlight board we were very pleased to see the name of John Willis Keenly interested in sport his was a good selection His father serv ed on the public school board for years Osteite We were pleased to receive an invitation from Mayor Joseph Vale on behalf of the town of Newmarket to attend the offi cial opening of the York county magistrates court on March Although we were unable to ac cept the mayors invitation nonetheless appreciated it very much We have received invitation during the past two years of our connection with the Era and Express to events in Newmarket none of which we have been able to accept The fact i Newmarket affairs are none of our business and we have scru pulously refrained from com menting on them The same scrupulous noninterference with Aurora affairs has been observ ed by the management of the Era and Express As editor Of Aurora News Page we have had unfettered freedom to control its contents as we have seen fil We have often felt we would like to look in on the Newmar ket town council while it was in session to compare it with the Aurora town council We have repressed these inclination Of curiosity because of the desire their fulfilment would have brought to comment on what we saw and heard Council Side lights on Newmarket town coun cil written by ourselves could have a certain newsvalue But we have not yielded to such ap petizing temptation So up to this time of writing the mayor and all member of the Newmarket town council are personally unknown to us AH we know of their activities it what we read in reports that appear in this newspaper Friendly Shop At MORNINGS DRUGSTORE Frank manager of the Royal theatre looked In to show us the schedule of movies for the month of We are pleased to report that some fine showings are programed be ginning with The Promoter This movie taken from the late Arnold Bennetts famous novel The Card is sure to draw large houses on April At the top of a wonderful cast is Aec Guineas one of Britains leading actors He will be sup ported by Johns Valerie and Clark In the middle of the month of will be shown Appearing in it will he such outstanding artists as James Mason Stewart Granger Kerr and Lewis Stone This is a movie packed with rom ance adventure and glorious technicolor At the end of the month the everpopular Ivan- hoe will be presented The better the pictures the better the crowds Mr reports good houses recently Royal should be to DOANKAU r r PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYSIXTH PAY OP MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND AND FIFTYTHREE IALS INGRATITUDE I hope I shall never cease to merit your continued confidence Dr C Rose Those words were written on a card which we received three months ago signed by the Mayor of Aurora Dr Crawford Rose We greatly appreciated the message We put the card in a safe place so that in the years that may remain to us we would think kindly of its sender Now we shall keep it as one more proof of the frailties of human nature and the sentiments it generates We are all assailed by frailties But ingratitude need not be one of them The sincere heart will reject ingratitude as the healthy mind will scorn duplicity From the time of his nomination in December 1951 until March with one exception we have stood loyally by Dr Rose in his office of Mayor of Aurora The exception was when he refused to allow us to defend against the unwarranted abuse of Messrs Cous ins and Underbill at a joint meeting of the council and arena board When the Aurora Banner was tearing at his mayoral intestines in the summer of during the arena de bates and on other occasions which we could name we defended and supported Dr Rose in these columns We believed he was a good mayor and said so again and again We never faltered in our loyalty to him and on more than one occasion we received thanks by tele phone from his home While we appreciated this our support was given him because of our belief in hi3 muni cipal qualifications Regretfully we have to say that the continued Dr Rose hoped would never cease on our part has been shattered As a result of the wholly un warranted attack he made on us at the meeting of council on March the mayor himself destroyed our future confidence Blow blow thou winter wind thou art not so unkind as mans ingratitude The rest we leave with Dr Roses conscience OUTLAWED When Reeve Cook and Deputyreeve Murray made their motion to cancel further printing work with the Era and Express they may have thought that that was a sure way to cut our lifeline So that our readers may realize the staggering financial loss their successful motion inflicted on us we are providing figures from the accounts From January to March this newspaper received from the town treasury the sum of For the same period the Aurora Banner was paid It should be recalled that during the years while Reeve Cook was a member of the finance com mittee the Era and Express received nothing from the town treasury So that in a period of three years and three months the Era and Express has derived from the treasury of the town of Aurora Our readers will now realize how little the MurrayCook outlawing motion means to us By their action they cheapened themselves not us Little minds will always revel in little thing3 One thing neither Cook nor Murray can do They cannot outlaw our newspaper from the homes of Aurora They might like to do so But the more they try to do it the more our circulation grows The people of Auro ra have learned that under its present editorship the Aurora Banner keeps many things from them they ought to know Aurora News Page is free and independent We write without fear or favor That may be the rea son why the reeve and his deputy do not like us THE WAY TO DO IT Cowards afraid to strike in the open find other ways to do it One way is to find a stooge or if the occasion demands it a number of stooges The poor dupes can be led on by flattery and cajolery The mas termind gets busy thinks up a plan and proceeds to coddle his victims He primes them for the coming event and when the time is opportune he gives the signal and they compliantly obey It is not their interests he is concerned with but his own A coward at heart a human creeper with no heights left climb he burrows below the surface in molelike fashion He is affable and infinitely patron izing Out of his burntout ambitions he has salvaged some knowledge of human psychology He is always a little ahead of his stooges and plays them for what they are worth Often he is planning to remove some obstacle that he finds in his way Having found the obstacle tougher than his first calculations he must find means outside himself for its removal Desiring as the poet wrote to wound but fearing to strike he falls back on un derground tactics By plausible means he worms his way into the confidence of those he proposes to use Some he will flatter others he will cajole He trades upon their own selfinterest If so and so can be removed he may tell them all our positions will be more secure Since the crime of murder is paid by hanging he does not risk such a conclusive device His methods are less obvious Always and by whatever means he uses his only interest is his own It is remarkable how easily the coward motivated by selfinterest can find stooges willing to do his dirty work It may be that they are too ignorant to under stand bis wiles Or it may be that there is a common kinship among cowards and stooges The last assump tion reasonable COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS A Reply To The Mayor Who Seems To Like The Hurrahs But Hollers At Criticism Fresh from a refresher course held under the aus pices of the Michigan State medical society the mayor of Aurora Crawford Rose did not lapse into a coma at the last meeting of council On the contrary he gave way to an emotional spasm lost his temper and became a prey to bad language For a full 20 minutes he lam- basted Aurora News Page To wards the end of his feverish harangue he became unpleasant ly personal and lectured us He told us what we should and should not do with our time longer he talked the worse the emotional spasm drove Mm on Although he did not know it his situation was sometimes It was an instance of how are the mighty fallen Dr Rose as mayor of Aurora gave us his treatment It was a full dose that he gave us to drink We swallowed all his verbal medicine without utter ing a single squawk We have lived longer than Dr Rose It is now his turn to take our medi cine and by the time we are through we hope he will be feeling better Order and Vaudeville Until the moment when the mayor blew his top it had been an orderly wellconducted meeting There was the import ant statement by Councillor J Murray that Dr had warned him as a member of the building permits committee that the proposed building of a two- door garage and warehouse at the rear of the Aurora Building Co could not be approved since it would trespass on the green- belt defined under the land use bylaw and proposed zoning by- law This is fast work The toning bylaw isnt passed yet It still has to be vivisected by council Yet apparently the planning board was prepared to issue its orders Mr Murray decided to wait the return of the mayor from Detroit before he and the other member of the permits committee acted When the mat ter came before council the Au rora Building company was granted its permit There was a little vaudeville too Quite surprisingly Coun cillor Jones on moving a motion for a second reading of a by law used the word resolve instead of moving that council dissolve itself into a commit tee of the whole Immediately Reeve Cook called out that he would like to see a dictionary Later in the evening when the mayor had blown his top the reeve said he would go home and look up a dictionary pur posely to see the difference be tween resolve and dissolve Apparently he wasnt going to submit to correction from Au rora News Page It occurred to us that if the warden of York county doesnt know the differ ence between two such simple English words as resolve and dissolve he should take up a course in the elementary native language As Mark Twain said Brother it was funny When we were young weve paid our modest shilling cents for a comedy show and not been half so amused Looked Like Business being apparently ended we were putting our notes away when we heard the mayor say he had something un pleasant to bring up For moat ot the evening the mayor had been smoking his pipe and look ing very paternal Now his pipe put away his fingers were clasped in front of him and his face wore a solemn hue Soon the pencils of Mr Pick ing and his assistant were fa action This was going to bo news for the Banner Not since the days of Cousins and bad they had such a carnival The mayors verbal show on But it wasnt one that sounded good for the impres sionable ears of kindergarten students or even Sunday school teachers He was hurling in vectives around damnation and damned trash All these words were fired at Aurora News Page and its editor That was the way the mayor of the town and its first citizen was taking criticism over a closed meeting of coun cil not a very good example from the roan who recently was lecturing on civic matters hard ly a model of cultivated find gentlemanly deportment Hav ing damned our paper and thrown it down on the council table the mayor of the town lapsed into a manner of Indignation Then came Murray deputy and Cook w deputy he their proud of their mayor Both the reeve and the deputy appeared to tremble from the effects of a longdelayed satisfaction The reeve had Banner circulation figures to prove its sales sworn by affidavit he said The thought crossed our mind thai the whole affair looked like a frameup It didnt sound spon taneous They were firing the shots But who filled the cart ridgecases Did a Mr Picking fill them Councillor J Murray put up a good case for the hundreds of Era and Express readers in Aurora He wanted equality for both papers But Mr Mur rays appeal to reason was no match for what looked like the carefullyprepared The boys had decided to deal a deathblow at Aurora News Page and the Banner reporting pencils were kept busy Good Of The Town After the mayor had charged into us with all the burning fury of an enraged bull whos got his victim at his feet Reeve Cook began his oldtime prating of pious platitudes about the good of the town This was the same Reeve Cook who wouldnt accept the assessors ruling on his properties and got an approximate reduction of Reeve Cooks patriotic speech on the good of the town of Au rora seems to be held in re serve for occasions such as these It is now worn so thin that it has a plastic look He could wear it like an apron We once heard a man well known to Reeve Cook that as long as Mr Cook ia on council there wont be much pro gress made The reeve and the deputy did the talking The reeve ticked on like a grandfathers clock only going off the beam when like it a weight goes The deputy never very certain at any time just what it Is he wants to say is up and down up and down adding a piece here and taking it off there But he knew what he wanted this time So he moved that no further town printing work be given to the Era and Express The reeve was up on his toes at once to second that one Difference During the two years while Mr Alex Bell was mayor and Mr Cook was a member of the finance committee the Era and Express received no work to do for the That made no difference at all to the this newspaper rendered to the citizens of Aurora The motion passed on Monday night March will make no difference to us Our services will be continued as hitherto While Messrs Cook and Mur ray were talking the good of the town their wa gon supporters Councillor King and Davis were warmly approv ing their municipal superiors Dale did it with a patronising smile like a mentor encourag ing a backward pupil Clarence puffed away at his pipe he spoke not a word that we hear he nodded his head sup port of the and voted to down the Era Clarence again proved himself a good democrat We had been knifed Page I Agricultural Society die wis held at the Gray stone on March Over were present at the banquet and large number stayed to enjoy the euchre and dancing which followed Mr and Mrs Keith and family Toronto were recent guests of Mrs A and Miss Mrs entertained at a shower on Monday night in honor of Miss Peggy Bull whose mar riage takes place shortly On Tuesday evening March Rev E McLellan was inducted as rector of Trinity Anglican church Following the induction a reception was held in the Par ish Hall The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Institute was held in the United church parlors on Thursday afternoon The pro gram was in the charge of Miss Mr and Mrs McGce of Hill Top Farm North St have sold their farm and bought a home on Royal Road Mrs J Knowles entertained at a shower recently in honor of Miss Elizabeth whose marriage to Mr David Tollman takes place on April in Toron to The following officers were elected at the newly formed Mission Circle of the United church president Enid vice president Hilda sec retary Edna Brown treasurer Dora Lamb Mr and Mrs David Ellis and family were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Oliver The Arena was filled to capac ity last Thursday evening and the large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the carnival put on by the Aurora Figure Skating Club The Club of the United church met on Wednesday even ing in the church parlors A panel discussion on Jury Duty for Women will be held by the Business and Professional Womens club Tuesday evening March in the Odd Fellows Hall at pm The discussion will be led by Mrs Geo Fish assisted by four of the clubs members Hie is to be an will be welcome to attend Him Jean Murray General hospital ha uncle and and Mr Artkie Murray merrily the school under the auspice of the R was well attended on Wednes day evening March prize were awarded Mr and Mr Walter returned home on March from a six week trip to Santiago Florida and Mr 41tr New br 7a aha win be ft to new reperta at PAIN YOUR WALLS with WINDOWS CLOSED no IVOR timer fit dawn and Ml MOTHERS Main A sad rtcjiaacfc tea up Mks