J w 5- rS IJUtf V Write 3 LARGE i for A Charles St phone market iiaA tun m t anted fcSooHefoSuple Acme ARMY to hold want well be you- STAN TAYLOR AIRFORCES AURORA ONT in 300 Mart f Arnold Dove S3 3iU i APARTMENT FOR RENT THINKING HOME NOW FUTURE miles box BUILDING on Wert lots ideally situated Build- Consult local Aurora Newmarket hot water heating all Im mediate possession couple preferred Apply La Parte phone Newmarket clwll FURNISHED apartment in King George Hotel Newmarket Ap ply at hotel all extras walnut dressers spool bed coffee tables cedar chest basin radios mantle ana console childs crib hanging oil lamps trilight and table lamps China brass and numerous other Hirst phone clwll and 1052 AUSTIN sedan mil with air Prestonc etc Can be financed LL i haA LARGE Victor Console radio Coleman China cabinet 15 Phone if in condition medium size nig 12x9 Apply 20 Victoria Ave phone KB Newmarket duty chain in condition able Phone or Arthur St Newmarket -e- NEWMARKET apartment with sun- room Oil heated unfurnished J Abstainers Good references Immediate possession Quiet business couple Phone 1292w Newmarket J Newmarket stucco bungalow aU conveniences newoU lathe and plastered l floors quiet neighborhood close bus full price pos- DOWINewmarket apartment unfurnish ed electricity and heat supplied Abstainers only need to apply Phone Newmarket Gladiron new condition Smith Wells St Aurora phone 217 PAINT Webster cycle Sell or exchange for radio Phone King bag cart Phone Newmarket USECTRS Free from rlra firm and under 17 per ton No w CL Holland La phone Newmarket crlwll fc i fro or Newmarket or Toronto Em COME la and compare We not be by any Yon be the p N to surgical supports hosiery Tor those suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble An supports Best Drug Store phone FRIDAY MARCH sale of farm stocks Ayrshire cattle bosses sold host poultry A tractor Ken and Aae and tractor equipment hay and I tJoneers prate at lot con ys a TUESDAY APR i heater nd defrosts radio Y dak floors roughbut plus finished attic apartments oil heating ail con veniences garage Rentals will Central y extras full Bicker KM SALE kL m i VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or Made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks eta Free estimates and installations Phone or apply Harold Ont ario St Newmarket GOftDOlf YOUNG 1r FARM ITEMS WANTED We repair all make machines New JO up Singer SewiM Center market 138 St 1075 ANT quantity of good rotted manure urgently wanted High est prices Phone Baldwin 14401 Reverse charges WANTED- J MIDDLEAGED man married would like job on estate or farm maintenance- Painter and decorator by trade Experienced mechanic Good at general pairs Would like living accom modation Phone King 17p1 -j- frame modern bunga low stoker in furnace cottage stucco water and fcydtawm ROOM frame cottage new bathroom furnace lOOM stucco bungalow Mod ern as can be 97000 or best of- ROOM brick bungalow with room annex oil heated In mag- shaped Good rental proposition For quick sale WE have three of the most mod ern homes in town at to UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery AH work approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed DYERS FURNITURE Cau 1 Newmarket RUGS Save up to SO percent New nigs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless A approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market 112 AND HARRISON BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alterations and repairs Homes stores garages and cab inet work Free estimates given Phone Aurora or Newmarket white walls Very low mil age like new 1952 FORD Tudor maroon spotless 11250 miles A local car MONARCH Club coupe green air conditioning heater defroster radio direction- lights A clean car 1951 FORD Tudor Twotone overdrive A car worth the money MONARCH sports sedan air conditioning radio new set tires A good buy MERCURY sports sedan maroon clean MERCURY sedan heater and defroster A good clean car MERCURY coach black 1947 FORD coach green DODGE sedan grey air conditioning radio sunvisor backup light A clean car 1498 1950 DODGE coach grey air- conditioning CHEVROLET coach green Exceptional car 469 sedan SONS FOR SALE CASE Threshing machine 22x36 on WH binder It with power takeoff Both in good condition Aurora PONY MH tractor with plow lights hydraulic lift Phone Turner Richmond Hill MANS SALVAGE COMPANY beams angle Irons plates boil ers etc In all sizes teiny other items of various Phone Davis Newmsttat to FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert 3 mile sotrtti of Zephyr the property of Ken Armstrong No reserve as farm Terms cash Sale at one oclock Pearson cleric A Farmer auctioneer SATURDAY MARCH auction sale of grade cattle fat hogs pigs threshing machine tractor farm stock Implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 31 con Scarboro on Lawrence Ave mile west of Kennedy Road property of Martin Sale at am Terms cash No auction sale of item stock Im plements 35 head dairy herd purebred and tractor and tractor the property of on rot con mile emit of Holland Landing on Sharer Terms cash Fried Smith auctioneer rm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket SATURDAY APRIL Important extensive auction sale of dairy cattle heifers registered Yorkshire swine reg istered Suffolk sheep Ford tract or farm stock implements hay grain etc on lot wit Markham Township on way mile South of Victoria I i WTV iSSA L- K J i 2t LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Yorkshire boars regis tered weeks old from an English sire J A Campbell Newmarket phone Aur ora MILK cows Apply Percy 4th con East Gwillimbury phone TOM if I LTD if- BRODIE EXPERIENCED and mature babysitters available day or evening Weekend and weekly rates upon request Phone Newmarket PHONE 533 HOUSEWIFE A sewing ma chine suited to your budget Simply name your price We have new or used sewing ma chines for you Mrs Ross Bur gess phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market t2 Ford Sales and Service Davis Dr Newmarket Phone 740 clwll USED TRUCKS FOR bull extra well bred 1 years old Hy Hulse YOUNG Holstein heifers all bred Some young cows bred Phone Roches Point 141j MA LIVESTOCK J fik Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket MAIN NEWMARKET 5 ACRES of land Reasonable In Sharon Phone 21007 Queens viUe 3 ACRES and barn on highway in Keswick Could be bought in acre lots per acre Bank barn with water pressure 3000 Phone Roches Point BUSINESS OPfORTUNlTIEs IMPORTANT NOTICE REGIONAL director will appoint responsible men or women to own and operate a route of AUTOMATIC DISPENSERS that dispense hew type of pop ular confection item Excellent locations will be avail able and our REGIONAL DIR ECTOR will marie all necessary arrangements for your route Can be operated In as little as hours a week or you can make this your fulltime occupation THIS IS NOT A GET-RICH- QUICK BUSINESS but one that will give you a profitable Income the rest of life This op portunity will pay you exception ally high weekly Income immed iately and will rapidly increase as business expands You need no specific educational attri butes Age or physical condition is of no consequence A Investment of required to cover the cost of equipment We are only Interested In the type of person who Is capable of making a decision are a SHOPPER or the IT OVER TYPE please dont waste our time or your own We are definitely going to establish these people In this area immed iately If you are genuinely In terested or fully qualified write giving phone No to Era and Ex press box GARAGE FOR USED lumber are doing some remodelling and would like to sell some used shelving Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket crlwll LADYS spring coat light blue size 4244 In perfect condition Phone Newmarket HEAVY duty McClary combina tion electric range coal or wood annex Phone New LARGE Icebox with water pan Electric Span ish guitar like new Phone Newmarket after OIL burner space heater Al condition Apply Main St Newmarket combination electric with coal and wood annex automatic oven In per fect condition Phone Newmarket ELECTRIC washing machine Good condition Phone Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J Rundle and Son Andrew St New- WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket f i ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the week or or will make dally visits Excellent ref erences Phone Newmar ket stove table ton model excellent condition or best offer Newmarket NEEDED AT ONCE AMBITIOUS man to service established route of customers lor Nationally advertised Wat- kins products In Newmarket No experience or Investment neces sary We help yojj get started Only serious applicants will be considered Apply by writing to CITY SALES DEPTH the J R Co St Roch St Montreal USED TRUCKS FORD 12ton express 51 FORD 3ton cab and chassis low mileage FORD 2ton combination low mileage FORD 3ton cab and chassis MERCURY 2ton cab and chassis MERCURY 12ton panel 47 Studebaker 12ton express TOM BIRRED SONS Ford Sales and Service Dr Newmarket Phone crlwll Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith Queens- vllle phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmartfet or write PO box 25 POULTRY ALL kinds of live want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket- to i fc TRANSPORTATION LEAVING Newmarket 015 am Returning from downtown Tor onto Room lor 2 or 3 passengers Phone New- market FROM Newmarket to Hand dally Apply J It Main St phone Newmar ket Live poultry Any Quantity Bring them In or will re quest Highest prices paid Apnleton Oak Ridge 3 ft POULTRY FOR SALE ACCREDITED Coop chicks are offering 100 per dis count on orders of or more If you cannot accommodate get your neighbor to club in with you Phone Newmarket WOOD FOR SALE DRY slabs cut and delivered Ed Blizzard phone New- market at noon or after 5 pm r T L PIECE chesterfield suite and bookcase Phone Newmar ket KITCHEN table electric rang and other articles Apply Millard Ave Newmarket entrance on Raglan St HAVE van heard about our razor blades They arc double blades made from blue surgical YOUNG lady for general office work be single and con scientious worker and goodat figures No shorthand re quired Experience not essential but must show willingness to learn Apply Era and Express box Al MECHANIC Chrysler pro ducts preferred Apply Yeo man M A Soles Ltd Main and Queen St Newmarket V 2 CAPABLE girl or woman for housework days week rom to 2 pm No children Phone 212 Aurora- clwll PRODUCE NX aWcooking potatoes at the new low price lb bag Also turnips carrots and beets WC McCallum Holland Landing phone Newmarket STOVE wood Mixed Delivered Phone Mount Albert v- wa m T- LUMBER FOR 1 NO hard Laurcntlan turnips for wnxlng Trimmed per ton McCallum Holland Landing phone Newmar ket jrh DRY lumber mixed and npnroximntely it Mount Albert LUMBER and Rough or dressed Ed Eagle St Newmarket RELIABLE girl or woman as practical nurse or nursing assist steel and are only for ant Experience not necessary guaranteed if applicant learn Live GARAGE Immediate poises Ion Apply Church St phone 542w Newmarket clwll is N tor Dutch WlUlnitodo vldftity by Re write Era and Ex ible home to P el Tell you what well do Drop In and buy a package one or two and if they are not as good nny blade you have used bring bark the balance and we will gladlv give you back your dollar Know something the past three years wefiave only one returned Of course wed have to sell one heck of a lot of blades to nay for this ad so when you are In why not take to look voum more than likely see era things you For this GABARDINE pant at weve been telling you about really a and theyre selling too We had reorder last week Our In WORK BOOTS WORK SO and WORK SHIRTS are second to none and a good selection too If the good lady should come along shell wobablv be Interest- In ou HE PROOF CUP and SAUCER at In or our piece MIKING BOWL SET at We or our 3 niece CRYSTAL SERVING SET at Wc or our niece COL HEAT PROOF SET at By the watt we have the fir of our SMART styles new colors new fabrics a in out Phone Aurora or Tyler St Experienced single man for mix ed farm work Good wages Ap ply Clarence Oldham Canning- ton phone FULLTIME ience preferred Apply Stanleys Restaurant Newmarket INSLEYS STORE LEATHER JACKETS to man for yearly on turn Father and HUSBANDS PEP Thousand of couples weak wornout because body lack Iron get vim vitality tak ing Oittex Tonic Tablets Ihtnv W0OI mm I SUM of money Owner may by for advertise ment and Newmhrket -L- LOST rf fJTl lid be- Mount Albwrt ami New- market on Finder please phono Mount Albert or Timothy St New- market J CHILD i fr it SED C Kinjsi sen Aurora oh ill one Main St phone Newmarket watch Ken- CHEVROLET matter coach good running order winterized and license Phone MountAl- or apply Harry Bran- VafleysSfeclwU MUCOUS IN Pink now and throat for dropp ing of on tr roat sis THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt arid effective rem- for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket MEET you down at the Sports mens Show March where we will have a complete display of Ross Boats Roberts Kit Boats and motors Full in formation at Morrisons Main Street Newmarket SALE SATURDAY MAR Special soring implement sale at the Stouff Sales Arena includ ing tractors and Ford implements A tractor with hydraulic Implements Many other implements Also the usual livestock sale At 1 pm Two rings operating at the same time Sellers and Atkinson auc tioneers MONDAY MAR 16 Auction sale of springers fresh and milking Ferguson tractor front end loader cul tivator 3 furrow plow narrow bottom Laval Magnetic milk er stainless steel units portable cooler nearly new pigs hay grain etc lot 24 con Pickering 1 mile west of Claremont the property of George Timms Also farm clay loam good well mod ern house all conven iences garage and workshop bank barn driving shed One mile from Public school and school bus passes the lane Offered for sale subject to re serve bid at approximately 3 oclock if not sold before Terms on farm made known day of sale Chattels cash Sale Sickness reason for selling Turner clerk Sellers and Atkinson Auctioneers and sale managers THURSDAY MAR sale of farm stock implements dual purpose Shorthorn cattle Yorkshire hogs team mares matched 3500 lbs New Favorite threshing machine with clover combination and elevator complete Case tractor model CH on new rubber ply hay straw grain poultry and household furniture at lot con at the estate of the late William Smith No reserve farm sold Terms cash Sale at pm James Smith clerk A auctioneer FRIDAY MARCH 20 Auction sale of accredited herds of reg istered Guernseys and steins horses implements etc by the estate of the late Clarence lot Kins mltesnorth of on highway A auctioneer FRIDAY MARCH Auction sate of head cat tle fresh cows and Oliver tractor No on steel threshing machine Alison with grain thrower complete lull of farm Implements ami grata at lota and eon a North mm north property of Mrs Haw end Sow No reserve farm sold Sale at sharp A Far mer auctioneer www SATURDAY MAR sale of registered and grade Font tractor and Font Implements drUt McConnlck Decrlng ft ww flHV straw grata etc at Jot con Malvern on the property of the late No reserve- clerk Sale pm Sellers and Atkin son auctioneers and sale pew TUESDAY MARCH sale farm stock cows and milker ft cooler dairy pmerd horses tractor Implements nay Hill Top on two north of Aurora mm Roddick clork P J Smith telephone MAR We of farm stock and imple ment Including hpIHG tractor on ruhber Dominion inemaAlfwlth thrower of fltnnJmplgmtj hay nd grain nckerlntr towpllne the jtnhMR of Roy I ill SUNDAY t FREE METHODIST HOLY Sunday 1030 am Sunday School pm Divine Worship March postponed until Mar Mrs A Ball from Uxbridge speaker Spe cial singing at Zion tod Missionary church Let us have a good rally on Fri day evening at the young peoples meeting Let us worship the Lord In the beauty of holiness Hear Rev and Sunday a SPECIAL TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School Rev Koerner will Boys and Girls are invited to growing group in P and The Church with a Fries Welcome w Minister Rev Organist Norman Hurrle 11 am Morning worship he men whom Jesus made Simon the Zealot THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior school am The Nursery class Beginners and prim ary pm Evening Worship The way of the Transgres sor is hard Rev Attend Church During Lent 1 CHRISTIAN i- Main mVm Minister Rev Fred Mrs Eugene Caar Wed meeting FRIENDS Street Meeting for Worship Come and meet vHth us AU Commitment to Christ demands Christlike living SALVATION ARMY CTtApRLx Sr Major Laura Sunday am Morning service school CONN AUGHT GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH Invitee Yea School am Divine Worship Location Corner of Muriel Arthur Sts Pastor Laurence Evans PRESBYTERIAN CHVBCH Rev Meredith it pjnSundieal Miss mm welcome fi