JACK SMITH WRITES Ottawa letter Of Ac for York North The Defence Expenditures Committee is now sit ting and due to the widespread publicity given the Cur- report is the center of much interest here and QUEENSVILLE throughout the country The committee is represent Stive of all parties and has a broad and sweeping reference to I look into all defence tures with priority given to tailed examination of the Cur rier report A similar committee function ed last session and spent many in detailed examination of all items of expenditure in the defence program- There is no item of public expenditure It was this report worded in somewhat unusual form has been the subject of so much public discussion I do not wish in any way to minimize the im portance of the report and I hope to deal with it from an objective standpoint entirely free from political bias I will deal in future letters with evidence as it is presented at the hearing and I can assure you that my attitude to the closest whole matter is that the this investigation factor ft eludes the awarding of contracts every nook and corner of the paid quality of goods 1 whole structure of defence ex disposition and This with the arm use of all materials The set- j of eliminating waste of up of this committee with and making very sure its broad terms of reference should be reassuring to the of Canada who are Again we wish a speedy re covery for our sick patients- Mrs Levi Mrs P Boag Mrs- Bob Knights and Mrs Ship- man have been confined to their homes by Gordon McKelvey is in York County hospital where she underwent an operation last week Mrs Hannah is con valescing at the Nurs ing Home Keswick We welcome Mr Fred Wilson and Mr and Mrs John and Doug who have moved into the home they purchased from the estate Mr Percy James and Mrs Lil lian Johnston and Elmer attend ed the funeral of a former neigh bor Mr Thomas at Church- hill on Saturday Mr and Mrs Ed Cole Au rora visited at the home on Sunday Everyone is cordially invited to attend the National Film Board pictures at Hillside school on Thursday night Feb at Eight ladies attended the an- meeting at St Clair United church Toronto on -k- Talks Defence J Dropping of atomic bombs on Toronto is well within the realm of a possibility said Mr Newmarket in an ad dress on civil defence before a meeting of the Newmarket Vet erans and guests last Friday evening The ef fects of the bomb will depend on the fact of our preparedness for such attacks he said In Hiroshirna they were not pre pared for the atomic attack and had they known what is known today on its results thousands of lives could have been saved from the terrifying effects of the Abomb Being appointed of the York County Civil De fence organization for this dis trict Mr Boxworth spoke in de tail on the formation of this or ganization York county is bro ken up into three areas first target area which will be those parts south of Steeles Corners second mutual aid area includ- t r in people troubled by statements made the report Your government and mem bers of ail parties here are united in the determination to leave no stone unturned in the effort to make sure as possible that the very best value is for the expenditure of our defence dollars When irregularities were dis covered at the Mili tary Camp last summer the P were notified and those found guilty of dishonesty were tried and sentenced in the courts and some are now serving jail sentences In an effort to avoid a recurrence of the irregularities the Minister of Defence appoint ed Mr a reputable Mon treal accountant to make a sur vey of the service to find any weaknesses in the system and recommend improvements Radiator Service NEWMARKET SERVICE best possible system is adopted to guarantee against dishonesty and extravagance Estimates The Finance Minister tabled the yearly estimates this week which provide for expenditures for the coming year of almost billion dollars Defence again accounts for approximately half of this amount although it shows a slight reduction from last year Our defence ex penditure will total in the coming year and while this is a staggering amount it is insurance we will gladly pay if it succeeds in the aim of j maintaining peace and sparing the people of Canada and the world the horrors of another war Thursday and Vaughan townships with Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Oliver and rccep are including Whitchurch King East and North family spent Sunday with Mr Olivers brother at Richmond Hill- Mr Doug Smith Queens Uni versity Kingston was home for the weekend Mrs A J Milne returned on Fridav after spending a week with her daughter in Peterbor ough Mr and Mrs Bill Gibney To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norm Gibney Mr Walter Wright had an ex citing experience on Saturday when he was chased by a bull Mr Wright very in getting off with only a bad scare Mr and Mrs Earl Peters of J Toronto visited Mrs Peters par- In the constructive field Mr and Mrs John Grant bury and townships with Newmarket as control centre In case of attack each centre will be in contact by phone radio or telegraph The county will be broken up into subdivisions each to have its complete organization from con troller down said Mr Eleven of the subdivisions will be in Toronto proper The purpose of the Civil De fence organization is being form ed to acquaint the population what to do in case of on atomic attack said Mr and our preparedness could prevent a great loss of life should we be blast heat and radio activity and the two sound films Mr showed on the screen clearly emphasized the devastat ing effects and what to do under such conditions Should Toronto be subjected to attack Newmarkets job be to attend to the evacuees and all suitable public buildings such as halls churches schools will be used There will be committees formed to function various activities such as admin istrative divisions in charge of all personnel and vehicles lie works division fire and police services medical and welfare services The Civil Defence or ganization is progressing slowly said Mr The execu tive expect to get the key men organized in the near future he stated We may appear to be alarmists Mr said l were not All we ask is if you are asked to do a job we hope for cooperation Canada and the USA are now in the front line of attack said Reeve Arthur Evans in in troducing Mr to the audience Though being guard ed with the radar screen in the far north it is possible many planes could get through and destroy our industrial cen tres he said Toronto Is rec ognized as a nerve centre and subject to be bombed in case of war Consequently the York County Civil Defence has been formed and Newmarket will be recognized as an evacuation centre due to its proximity to Toronto has been appointed coordinator for this district Mr Evans said and other appointments would be made in the future DeputyReeve Herb Gladman I who has been appointed as chief If cv- tl A 5 an J r -fc- A BODY ktAi T fr mm vtf2 world betterment provision is made for a contribution by on Sunday Miss Doris Case Newmarket subjected to it The three chief district spotter spoke a few results of an Abomb attack are words in regards to his duties We are equipped to handle all pairs Our modern paint shop will satisfactory paint job Free estimates See our large selection of used cars and trucks reconditioned and guaranteed M A McNeil M res A Canada next year of another 1 weekend Mr and w oi- ftn Bill Jr Mr million to the Colombo Plan an organized world effort to help unfortunate peoples in other lands Social Security Canadas social security pro gram in the coming year will cost about million a con siderable increase over last year Old Age Security payments to those over which is paid with- out a means test will cost up about million from this year The number of per sons receiving this pension in creased by over the past three months and at years end stood at In December persons received the pen sion for the first time These figures give some idea of the tremendous extent of social curity payments in Canada and their importance in our Statistics show that old age Toronto was a Sun day guest of the Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Rex Smith were Mr and Mrs- Dick Toronto The annual Valentine carnival is being held at arena on Wednesday night Feb Prizes will be given to adults and children for best costumes The evening will open with a figure skating and waltzing display by members of Newmarket Figure Skating club Time is pm sharp Doors open at pm For further details see ad elsewhere in this paper or a poster Blue Cross subscripers please notice that fees are now due These are payable to Mrs A J Milne on Feb and econj A euchre in Sharon hall on I Thursday night Feb at p m is being sponsored by the Zephyr News Main St Newmarket l Kd V l security payments in Queensville Womens Institute Township last year totalled See coming events for further Family Allowance details Children especially enjoyed the appearance of our winter wonderland with its lovely white covering of show on Monday Miss Emma Toronto spent the weekend at her home Mrs Frank Milne is spending a month in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Tom payments in the same township in 1952 amounted to Add the other municipalities of North York and all other coun ties across Canada from the At lantic to the Pacific and it is not surprising that it adds up to the figures in the estimates Old Age pensions paid to those 70 and over without a means test will cost about up from in the current year Federal contributions on pen sions paid to those between and with a means test are ex pected to increase to from Family allowances are esti mated at up from in the current year Pensions to the blind ore ex pected to increase to from and federal health grants to 30000000 from 27500000 Conservation Enabling legislation will be passed this session to provide for federal contributions and participation to water conserva tion and flood control projects The legislation will based on federal provincialmunicipal co operation in such undertakings with the responsibility for initi ating such plans resting with the municipalities Mall Contract A bill is likely to be duccd this session to provide a new system of awarding moil contracts to replace the present tender system which lias been under fire for a Jong time There are more than rural mail routes in Canada which cost an nually more than million A specified price for each route Is likely to be the plan adopted Mrs Geo Parker visited her parents Mr and Mrs Jas on Sunday Mr has been confined to his room for the past week with a heart condition Miss Murray has been confined to her room for some time was taken to the Newmarket hospital on Satur day morning where she will un dergo treatment Mr Ivan Law returned home after spending a with his sister and her husband Mr and Mrs Tom Miller at Mr Gilbert Crosby called on Miss Jeannie Murray on Friday afternoon The following ladies from the Zephyr attended the To ronto East Presbytery conven tion at Hope United church on Tuesday Mrs Albert Mrs Emm and Miss Crosby Rev and Mrs accom panied them The A of the United church held its January meeting in the S room on Thursday afternoon The president Mrs I Profit conducted the meeting Mrs Cecil Harrison read the votional leaflet Mrs House Marian Concert Mm Feb 11 by Whitchurch Conservation dub The Whitchurch Township Conservation Club is holding its I annual concert In the Commun- l Hull at on the even ing of at pm For the occasion the club has obtained the Land Re vived which was by the Waterloo County Crop improve Association In conjunction with the Ontario Agricultural College The film will be followed by a splendid variety program laid out by Ian provided the talent for the successful con cert held last year A door prize and merabem draw will also be featured sang a lovely solo The high light of the meeting was an in teresting and inspiring address by Mrs Rev Vic toria Square Mrs and her husband spent five years on the Indian Reserve at Nelson House and told of their many and varied experiences while working on this mission field The had a successful year in having raised over the money being used for the repairs on the parson age and church helping the sick and remembrances to the be reaved as well as gifts to the missionary and maintenance funds The hockey game played at Sunderland on Friday evening between Zephyr and Sandford was won by Zephyr the score being The hockey club will hold a Valentine dance in the commun ity hull on Friday evening Feb Mr and Mrs Thompson Sharon spent Friday evening with Mis Emm and Mrs lard We are glad to report that Mrs A Smith who has been ill is improving Mr and Mrs visited the home of Mrs last week The hall board will hold a eu chre party in the community hall on Tuesday evening Feb The lucky draw will be a pair of pillow cases and a centrepiece The of the United church will hold its February meeting in the Sunday school on Wednesday afternoon Feb II Mrs Ballard and Miss Cros by have charge of the program The delegates will also give the report of the convention La dies are asked to come and en joy a pleasant and profitable af ter noon j USE ERA MID EXPRESS ARTICLES YOU NO r r rt IE I The annual Valentine P Queensville on Wednesday night Feb pi PRIZES Will BE GIVEN FOR BEST VALENTINE HARD TIME YOUNGEST OLDEST SKATING COUPLE The evening will open with a Figure by nSMSf Figure Sk Waltzing Display OH skates m p Time oclock sharp Judging of costumes time pm followed skating BUT HERE IT IS C O A Hi iw isv -i-yrt5- way to greet spring- frost Ing flowers embroidery to the charm of this smoothly filled mid flared style Mandarin collar a plung ing square sleeves get 1Mb now Embroidery Included Pattern Misses SO Size take yards pattern w perfect fit Sew Chart shows you evtnr el 1 In coins for this mm fc order sen your i MARTIN cere of the MARIAN to feg Picture Mils a lomhhmHon of doited and organdy or In plaid ham and snowwhite Irs a dream dress design to turn child Into a little princess Instructions for fe4 Pattern coin for m v Si w -J- t Tfl r fO HAH W1 V i3 Yr j I NE v WA m f V A